blob: dc6fb34ba61261552dd1e3005f80649dbd89abfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public interface UserPrompter {
* Called to prompt the user for consent to allow the given commissioneeName/vendorId/productId to be commissioned.
* For example "[commissioneeName] is requesting permission to cast to this TV, approve?"
* If user responds with OK then implementor calls UserPrompterResolver.OnPromptAccepted;
* If user responds with Cancel then implementor calls calls UserPrompterResolver.OnPromptDeclined();
void promptForCommissionOkPermission(int vendorId, int productId, String commissioneeName);
* Called to prompt the user to enter the setup pincode displayed by the given commissioneeName/vendorId/productId to be
* commissioned. For example "Please enter pin displayed in casting app."
* If user responds with OK then implementor calls UserPrompterResolver.OnPinCodeEntered();
* If user responds with Cancel then implementor calls UserPrompterResolver.OnPinCodeDeclined();
void promptForCommissionPinCode(int vendorId, int productId, String commissioneeName);
* Called to when CancelCommissioning is received via UDC. Indicates that commissioner can stop
* showing the passcode entry or display dialog. For example, can show text such as "Commissioning
* cancelled by client" before hiding dialog.
void hidePromptsOnCancel(int vendorId, int productId, String commissioneeName);
* Called to display the given setup passcode to the user, for commissioning the given
* commissioneeName with the given vendorId and productId, and provide instructions for where to
* enter it in the commissionee (when pairingHint and pairingInstruction are provided). For
* example "Casting Passcode: [passcode]. For more instructions, click here."
void promptWithCommissionerPasscode(
int vendorId,
int productId,
String commissioneeName,
long passcode,
int pairingHint,
String pairingInstruction);
* Called to notify the user that commissioning succeeded. It can be in form of UI Notification.
void promptCommissioningStarted(int vendorId, int productId, String commissioneeName);
* Called to notify the user that commissioning succeeded. It can be in form of UI Notification.
void promptCommissioningSucceeded(int vendorId, int productId, String commissioneeName);
* Called to notify the user that commissioning succeeded. It can be in form of UI Notification.
void promptCommissioningFailed(String commissioneeName, String error);
* Called to display a message on the screen
void promptWithMessage(Message message);