blob: cc2bf491f250451e2e335359ac46009eda7f44ac [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<domain name="CHIP" />
<name>Door Lock</name>
<description>An interface to a generic way to secure a door</description>
<!-- Abbreviations used in descriptions -->
<tag name="PIN" description="PIN Credential" />
<tag name="RID" description="RFID Credential" />
<tag name="FGP" description="Finger Credentials" />
<tag name="LOG" description="Logging" />
<tag name="WDSCH" description="Week Day Access Schedules" />
<tag name="DPS" description="Door Position Sensor" />
<tag name="FACE" description="Face Credentials" />
<tag name="COTA" description="Credential Over-the-Air Access" />
<tag name="USR" description="User" />
<tag name="NOT" description="Notification" />
<tag name="YDSCH" description="Year Day Access Schedules" />
<tag name="HDSCH" description="Holiday Schedules" />
<tag name="UBOLT" description="Unbolting" />
<tag name="ALIRO" description="Aliro Credential Provisioning" />
<client tick="false" init="false">true</client>
<server tick="false" init="false">true</server>
<!-- Current cluster version -->
<globalAttribute side="either" code="0xFFFD" value="7" />
<!-- Cluster feature map -->
<globalAttribute side="server" code="0xFFFC" value="0x0001">
<featureBit tag="PIN" bit="0">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="RID" bit="1">false</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="FGP" bit="2">false</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="LOG" bit="3">false</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="WDSCH" bit="4">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="DPS" bit="5">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="FACE" bit="6">false</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="COTA" bit="7">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="USR" bit="8">true</featureBit> <!-- TODO: Depends on ALIRO, [ PIN | RID | FGP | FACE ]-->
<featureBit tag="NOT" bit="9">false</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="YDSCH" bit="10">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="HDSCH" bit="11">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="UBOLT" bit="12">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="ALIRO" bit="13">true</featureBit>
<featureBit tag="ALBU" bit="14">true</featureBit> <!-- TODO: Depends on ALIRO -->
<feature bit="0" code="PIN" name="PIN Credential" summary="Lock supports PIN credentials (via keypad, or over-the-air)">
<feature bit="1" code="RID" name="RFID Credential" summary="Lock supports RFID credentials">
<feature bit="2" code="FGP" name="FingerCredentials" summary="Lock supports finger related credentials (fingerprint, finger vein)">
<feature bit="3" code="LOG" name="Logging" summary="Lock supports local/on-lock logging when Events are not supported">
<feature bit="4" code="WDSCH" name="WeekDayAccessSchedules" summary="Lock supports week day user access schedules">
<feature bit="5" code="DPS" name="DoorPositionSensor" summary="Lock supports a door position sensor that indicates door's state">
<feature bit="6" code="FACE" name="FaceCredentials" summary="Lock supports face related credentials (face, iris, retina)">
<feature bit="7" code="COTA" name="CredentialsOverTheAirAccess" summary="PIN codes over-the-air supported for lock/unlock operations">
<feature bit="8" code="USR" name="User" summary="Lock supports the user commands and database">
<feature name="PIN"/>
<feature name="RID"/>
<feature name="FGP"/>
<feature name="FACE"/>
<feature bit="9" code="NOT" name="Notification" summary="Operation and Programming Notifications">
<feature bit="10" code="YDSCH" name="YearDayAccessSchedules" summary="Lock supports year day user access schedules">
<feature bit="11" code="HDSCH" name="HolidaySchedules" summary="Lock supports holiday schedules">
<feature bit="12" code="UBOLT" name="Unbolt" summary="Lock supports unbolting">
<feature bit="13" code="ALIRO" name="AliroProvisioning" summary="AliroProvisioning">
<feature bit="14" code="ALBU" name="AliroBLEUWB" summary="AliroBLEUWB">
<!-- The principle behind mandatory/optional is the following:
1. If attribute/command is marked as mandatory it should be mandatory here.
2. If attribute/command is marked as optional it should be optional here.
3. Everything that depends on a certain feature is optional because we have no way
of setting up the dependencies here. Dependencies would be probably resolved in the
cluster itself. Those attributes/commands are marked with a special comment. -->
<!-- Attributes -->
<attribute side="server" code="0" define="LOCK_STATE" type="DlLockState" min="0" max="3" isNullable="true" reportable="true" writable="false">LockState</attribute>
<attribute side="server" code="1" define="LOCK_TYPE" type="DlLockType" min="0" max="11" writable="false">LockType</attribute>
<attribute side="server" code="2" define="ACTUATOR_ENABLED" type="boolean" writable="false">ActuatorEnabled</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature DPS - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="3" define="DOOR_STATE" type="DoorStateEnum" min="0" max="5" isNullable="true" reportable="true" optional="true">DoorState</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature [DPS] - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="4" define="DOOR_OPEN_EVENTS" type="int32u" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<!-- Conformance feature [DPS] - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="5" define="DOOR_CLOSED_EVENTS" type="int32u" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<!-- Conformance feature [DPS] - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="6" define="OPEN_PERIOD" type="int16u" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="17" define="NUM_TOTAL_USERS_SUPPORTED" type="int16u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfTotalUsersSupported</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature PIN - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="18" define="NUM_PIN_USERS_SUPPORTED" type="int16u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfPINUsersSupported</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature RFID - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="19" define="NUM_RFID_USERS_SUPPORTED" type="int16u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature WDSCH - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="20" define="NUM_WEEKDAY_SCHEDULES_SUPPORTED_PER_USER" type="int8u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature YDSCH - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="21" define="NUM_YEARDAY_SCHEDULES_SUPPORTED_PER_USER" type="int8u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature HDSCH - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="22" define="NUM_HOLIDAY_SCHEDULES_SUPPORTED" type="int8u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature PIN - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="23" define="MAX_PIN_LENGTH" type="int8u" writable="false" optional="true">MaxPINCodeLength</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature PIN - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="24" define="MIN_PIN_LENGTH" type="int8u" writable="false" optional="true">MinPINCodeLength</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature RID - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="25" define="MAX_RFID_CODE_LENGTH" type="int8u" writable="false" optional="true">MaxRFIDCodeLength</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature RID - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="26" define="MIN_RFID_CODE_LENGTH" type="int8u" writable="false" optional="true">MinRFIDCodeLength</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="27" define="CREDENTIAL_RULES_SUPPORT" type="DlCredentialRuleMask" min="0x00" max="0xFF" default="1" writable="false" optional="true">CredentialRulesSupport</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="28" define="NUM_CREDENTIALS_SUPPORTED_PER_USER" type="int8u" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser</attribute>
<attribute side="server" code="33" define="LANGUAGE" type="char_string" length="3" reportable="true" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="34" define="LED_SETTINGS" type="int8u" min="0" max="2" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="35" define="AUTO_RELOCK_TIME" type="int32u" reportable="true" writable="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="36" define="SOUND_VOLUME" type="int8u" min="0" max="3" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="37" define="OPERATING_MODE" type="OperatingModeEnum" min="0" max="4" reportable="true" writable="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="38" define="SUPPORTED_OPERATING_MODES" type="DlSupportedOperatingModes" min="0x0000" max="0xFFFF" default="0xFFF6" writable="false">SupportedOperatingModes</attribute>
<attribute side="server" code="39" define="DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER" type="DlDefaultConfigurationRegister" min="0x0000" max="0xFFFF" reportable="true" default="0" writable="false" optional="true">DefaultConfigurationRegister</attribute>
<attribute side="server" code="40" define="ENABLE_LOCAL_PROGRAMMING" type="boolean" reportable="true" default="1" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<attribute side="server" code="41" define="ENABLE_ONE_TOUCH_LOCKING" type="boolean" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="42" define="ENABLE_INSIDE_STATUS_LED" type="boolean" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="43" define="ENABLE_PRIVACY_MODE_BUTTON" type="boolean" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="manage" />
<attribute side="server" code="44" define="LOCAL_PROGRAMMING_FEATURES" type="DlLocalProgrammingFeatures" min="0x0" max="0x0F" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature PIN | RID - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="48" define="WRONG_CODE_ENTRY_LIMIT" type="int8u" min="1" max="255" reportable="true" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature PIN | RID - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="49" define="USER_CODE_TEMPORARY_DISABLE_TIME" type="int8u" min="1" max="255" reportable="true" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [PIN] - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="50" define="SEND_PIN_OVER_THE_AIR" type="boolean" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature COTA & PIN - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="51" define="REQUIRE_PIN_FOR_REMOTE_OPERATION" type="boolean" reportable="true" default="0" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<!-- Attribute SecurityLevel with code 52 is deprecated -->
<!-- Conformance feature [USR] - for now optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="53" define="EXPIRING_USER_TIMEOUT" type="int16u" min="1" max="2880" reportable="true" writable="true" optional="true">
<access op="read" role="view" />
<access op="write" role="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALIRO] - optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="128" define="ALIRO_READER_VERIFICATION_KEY" type="octet_string" length="65" writable="false" optional="true" isNullable="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALIRO] - optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="129" define="ALIRO_READER_GROUP_IDENTIFIER" type="octet_string" length="16" writable="false" optional="true" isNullable="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALIRO] - optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="130" define="ALIRO_READER_GROUP_SUBIDENTIFIER" type="octet_string" length="16" writable="false" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALIRO] - optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="131" define="ALIRO_EXPEDITED_TRANSACTION_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS" type="array" entryType="octet_string" length="16" writable="false" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALBU] - optional if ALIRO is supported -->
<attribute side="server" code="132" define="ALIRO_GROUP_RESOLVING_KEY" type="octet_string" length="16" writable="false" optional="true" isNullable="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALBU] - optional if ALIRO is supported -->
<attribute side="server" code="133" define="ALIRO_SUPPORTED_BLE_UWB_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS" type="array" entryType="octet_string" length="16" writable="false" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALBU] - optional if ALIRO is supported -->
<attribute side="server" code="134" define="ALIRO_BLE_ADVERTISING_VERSION" type="int8u" writable="false" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<access op="read" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Conformance feature [ALIRO] - optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="135" define="NUMBER_OF_ALIRO_CREDENTIAL_ISSUER_KEYS_SUPPORTED" type="int16u" writable="false" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">NumberOfAliroCredentialIssuerKeysSupported</attribute>
<!-- Conformance feature [ALIRO] - optional -->
<attribute side="server" code="136" define="NUMBER_OF_ALIRO_ENDPOINT_KEYS_SUPPORTED" type="int16u" writable="false" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">NumberOfAliroEndpointKeysSupported</attribute>
<!-- Commands -->
<command source="client" code="0" name="LockDoor" mustUseTimedInvoke="true">
<description>This command causes the lock device to lock the door.</description>
<!-- Conformance feature [COTA & PIN] - for now optional -->
<arg name="PINCode" type="octet_string" optional="true" />
<command source="client" code="1" name="UnlockDoor" mustUseTimedInvoke="true">
<description>This command causes the lock device to unlock the door.</description>
<!-- Conformance feature [COTA & PIN] - for now optional -->
<arg name="PINCode" type="octet_string" optional="true" />
<!-- Command Toggle with ID 2 is deprecated/disallowed -->
<command source="client" code="3" name="UnlockWithTimeout" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true">
<description>This command causes the lock device to unlock the door with a timeout parameter.</description>
<arg name="Timeout" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature [COTA & PIN] - for now optional -->
<arg name="PINCode" type="octet_string" optional="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature WDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="11" name="SetWeekDaySchedule" optional="true">
<description>Set a weekly repeating schedule for a specified user.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="WeekDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<arg name="DaysMask" type="DaysMaskMap" />
<arg name="StartHour" type="int8u" />
<arg name="StartMinute" type="int8u" />
<arg name="EndHour" type="int8u" />
<arg name="EndMinute" type="int8u" />
<!-- Conformance feature WDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="12" name="GetWeekDaySchedule" response="GetWeekDayScheduleResponse" optional="true">
<description>Retrieve the specific weekly schedule for the specific user.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="WeekDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature WDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="server" code="12" name="GetWeekDayScheduleResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
<description>Returns the weekly repeating schedule data for the specified schedule index.</description>
<arg name="WeekDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<arg name="Status" type="DlStatus" />
<arg name="DaysMask" type="DaysMaskMap" optional="true" />
<arg name="StartHour" type="int8u" optional="true" />
<arg name="StartMinute" type="int8u" optional="true" />
<arg name="EndHour" type="int8u" optional="true" />
<arg name="EndMinute" type="int8u" optional="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature WDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="13" name="ClearWeekDaySchedule" optional="true">
<description>Clear the specific weekly schedule or all weekly schedules for the specific user.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="WeekDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature YDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="14" name="SetYearDaySchedule" optional="true">
<description>Set a time-specific schedule ID for a specified user.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="YearDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<arg name="LocalStartTime" type="epoch_s" />
<arg name="LocalEndTime" type="epoch_s" />
<!-- Conformance feature YDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="15" name="GetYearDaySchedule" response="GetYearDayScheduleResponse" optional="true">
<description>Returns the year day schedule data for the specified schedule and user indexes.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="YearDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature YDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="server" code="15" name="GetYearDayScheduleResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
<description>Returns the year day schedule data for the specified schedule and user indexes.</description>
<arg name="YearDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<arg name="Status" type="DlStatus" />
<arg name="LocalStartTime" type="epoch_s" optional="true" />
<arg name="LocalEndTime" type="epoch_s" optional="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature YDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="16" name="ClearYearDaySchedule" optional="true">
<description>Clears the specific year day schedule or all year day schedules for the specific user.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="YearDayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature HDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="17" name="SetHolidaySchedule" optional="true">
<description>Set the holiday Schedule by specifying local start time and local end time with respect to any Lock Operating Mode.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="HolidayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="LocalStartTime" type="epoch_s" />
<arg name="LocalEndTime" type="epoch_s" />
<arg name="OperatingMode" type="OperatingModeEnum" />
<!-- Conformance feature HDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="18" name="GetHolidaySchedule" response="GetHolidayScheduleResponse" optional="true">
<description>Get the holiday schedule for the specified index.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="HolidayIndex" type="int8u" />
<!-- Conformance feature HDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="server" code="18" name="GetHolidayScheduleResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
<description>Returns the Holiday Schedule Entry for the specified Holiday ID.</description>
<arg name="HolidayIndex" type="int8u" />
<arg name="Status" type="DlStatus" />
<arg name="LocalStartTime" type="epoch_s" optional="true" />
<arg name="LocalEndTime" type="epoch_s" optional="true" />
<arg name="OperatingMode" type="OperatingModeEnum" optional="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature HDSCH - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="19" name="ClearHolidaySchedule" optional="true">
<description>Clears the holiday schedule or all holiday schedules.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="HolidayIndex" type="int8u" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="26" name="SetUser" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true">
<description>Set User into the lock.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="OperationType" type="DataOperationTypeEnum" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<arg name="UserName" type="char_string" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserUniqueID" type="int32u" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserStatus" type="UserStatusEnum" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserType" type="UserTypeEnum" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="CredentialRule" type="CredentialRuleEnum" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="27" name="GetUser" response="GetUserResponse" optional="true">
<description>Retrieve User.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="server" code="28" name="GetUserResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
<description>Returns the User for the specified UserIndex.</description>
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<arg name="UserName" type="char_string" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserUniqueID" type="int32u" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserStatus" type="UserStatusEnum" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserType" type="UserTypeEnum" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="CredentialRule" type="CredentialRuleEnum" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="Credentials" type="CredentialStruct" array="true" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="CreatorFabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="LastModifiedFabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="NextUserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="29" name="ClearUser" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true">
<description>Clears a User or all Users.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="34" name="SetCredential" response="SetCredentialResponse" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true">
<description>Set a credential (e.g. PIN, RFID, Fingerprint, etc.) into the lock for a new user, existing user, or ProgrammingUser.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="OperationType" type="DataOperationTypeEnum" />
<arg name="Credential" type="CredentialStruct" />
<arg name="CredentialData" type="long_octet_string" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserStatus" type="UserStatusEnum" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="UserType" type="UserTypeEnum" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="server" code="35" name="SetCredentialResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
<description>Returns the status for setting the specified credential.</description>
<arg name="Status" type="DlStatus" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="NextCredentialIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="36" name="GetCredentialStatus" response="GetCredentialStatusResponse" optional="true">
<description>Retrieve the status of a particular credential (e.g. PIN, RFID, Fingerprint, etc.) by index.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="Credential" type="CredentialStruct" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="server" code="37" name="GetCredentialStatusResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
<description>Returns the status for the specified credential.</description>
<arg name="CredentialExists" type="boolean" />
<arg name="UserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="CreatorFabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="LastModifiedFabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<arg name="NextCredentialIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature USR - for now optional -->
<command source="client" code="38" name="ClearCredential" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true">
<description>Clear one, one type, or all credentials except ProgrammingPIN credential.</description>
<access op="invoke" role="administer" />
<arg name="Credential" type="CredentialStruct" isNullable="true"/>
<command source="client" code="39" name="UnboltDoor" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true">
<description>This command causes the lock device to unlock the door without pulling the latch.</description>
<!-- Conformance feature [COTA & PIN] - for now optional -->
<arg name="PINCode" type="octet_string" optional="true" />
<command source="client" code="40" name="SetAliroReaderConfig" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<description>This command communicates an Aliro Reader configuration to the lock.</description>
<access op="invoke" privilege="administer" />
<arg name="SigningKey" type="octet_string" length="32" />
<arg name="VerificationKey" type="octet_string" length="65" />
<arg name="GroupIdentifier" type="octet_string" length="16" />
<arg name="GroupResolvingKey" type="octet_string" length="16" optional="true" />
<command source="client" code="41" name="ClearAliroReaderConfig" mustUseTimedInvoke="true" optional="true" apiMaturity="provisional">
<description>This command clears an existing Aliro Reader configuration for the lock.</description>
<access op="invoke" privilege="administer" />
<!-- Events -->
<event side="server" code="0" name="DoorLockAlarm" priority="critical">
<description>The door lock cluster provides several alarms which can be sent when there is a critical state on the door lock.</description>
<field id="0" name="AlarmCode" type="AlarmCodeEnum" />
<!-- Conformance feature DPS - for now optional -->
<event side="server" code="1" name="DoorStateChange" priority="critical" optional="true">
<description>The door lock server sends out a DoorStateChange event when the door lock door state changes.</description>
<field id="0" name="DoorState" type="DoorStateEnum" />
<event side="server" code="2" name="LockOperation" priority="critical">
<description>The door lock server sends out a LockOperation event when the event is triggered by the various lock operation sources.</description>
<field id="0" name="LockOperationType" type="LockOperationTypeEnum" />
<field id="1" name="OperationSource" type="OperationSourceEnum" />
<field id="2" name="UserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<field id="3" name="FabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<field id="4" name="SourceNode" type="node_id" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature [USR] - for now optional -->
<field id="5" name="Credentials" type="CredentialStruct" array="true" isNullable="true" optional="true" />
<event side="server" code="3" name="LockOperationError" priority="critical">
<description>The door lock server sends out a LockOperationError event when a lock operation fails for various reasons.</description>
<field id="0" name="LockOperationType" type="LockOperationTypeEnum" />
<field id="1" name="OperationSource" type="OperationSourceEnum" />
<field id="2" name="OperationError" type="OperationErrorEnum" />
<field id="3" name="UserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<field id="4" name="FabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<field id="5" name="SourceNode" type="node_id" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Conformance feature [USR] - for now optional -->
<field id="6" name="Credentials" type="CredentialStruct" array="true" isNullable="true" optional="true" />
<event side="server" code="4" name="LockUserChange" priority="info">
<description>The door lock server sends out a LockUserChange event when a lock user, schedule, or credential change has occurred.</description>
<field id="0" name="LockDataType" type="LockDataTypeEnum" />
<field id="1" name="DataOperationType" type="DataOperationTypeEnum" />
<field id="2" name="OperationSource" type="OperationSourceEnum" />
<field id="3" name="UserIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<field id="4" name="FabricIndex" type="fabric_idx" isNullable="true" />
<field id="5" name="SourceNode" type="node_id" isNullable="true" />
<field id="6" name="DataIndex" type="int16u" isNullable="true" />
<!-- Cluster data types -->
<enum name="AlarmCodeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="LockJammed" />
<item value="1" name="LockFactoryReset" />
<item value="3" name="LockRadioPowerCycled" />
<item value="4" name="WrongCodeEntryLimit" />
<item value="5" name="FrontEsceutcheonRemoved" />
<item value="6" name="DoorForcedOpen" />
<item value="7" name="DoorAjar" />
<item value="8" name="ForcedUser" />
<enum name="CredentialRuleEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Single" />
<item value="1" name="Dual" />
<item value="2" name="Tri" />
<bitmap name="DlCredentialRuleMask" type="bitmap8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Single" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Dual" />
<field mask="0x04" name="Tri" />
<struct name="CredentialStruct">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item name="CredentialType" type="CredentialTypeEnum" />
<item name="CredentialIndex" type="int16u" />
<enum name="CredentialTypeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="ProgrammingPIN" />
<item value="1" name="PIN" />
<item value="2" name="RFID" />
<item value="3" name="Fingerprint" />
<item value="4" name="FingerVein" />
<item value="5" name="Face" />
<item value="6" name="AliroCredentialIssuerKey" />
<item value="7" name="AliroEvictableEndpointKey" />
<item value="8" name="AliroNonEvictableEndpointKey" />
<enum name="DataOperationTypeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Add" />
<item value="1" name="Clear" />
<item value="2" name="Modify" />
<bitmap name="DaysMaskMap" type="bitmap8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Sunday" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Monday" />
<field mask="0x04" name="Tuesday" />
<field mask="0x08" name="Wednesday" />
<field mask="0x10" name="Thursday" />
<field mask="0x20" name="Friday" />
<field mask="0x40" name="Saturday" />
<enum name="DoorStateEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="DoorOpen" />
<item value="1" name="DoorClosed" />
<item value="2" name="DoorJammed" />
<item value="3" name="DoorForcedOpen" />
<item value="4" name="DoorUnspecifiedError" />
<item value="5" name="DoorAjar" />
<enum name="LockDataTypeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Unspecified" />
<item value="1" name="ProgrammingCode" />
<item value="2" name="UserIndex" />
<item value="3" name="WeekDaySchedule" />
<item value="4" name="YearDaySchedule" />
<item value="5" name="HolidaySchedule" />
<item value="6" name="PIN" />
<item value="7" name="RFID" />
<item value="8" name="Fingerprint" />
<item value="9" name="FingerVein" />
<item value="10" name="Face" />
<item value="11" name="AliroCredentialIssuerKey" />
<item value="12" name="AliroEvictableEndpointKey" />
<item value="13" name="AliroNonEvictableEndpointKey" />
<enum name="LockOperationTypeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Lock" />
<item value="1" name="Unlock" />
<item value="2" name="NonAccessUserEvent" />
<item value="3" name="ForcedUserEvent" />
<item value="4" name="Unlatch" />
<enum name="OperationErrorEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Unspecified" />
<item value="1" name="InvalidCredential" />
<item value="2" name="DisabledUserDenied" />
<item value="3" name="Restricted" />
<item value="4" name="InsufficientBattery" />
<enum name="OperatingModeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Normal" />
<item value="1" name="Vacation" />
<item value="2" name="Privacy" />
<item value="3" name="NoRemoteLockUnlock" />
<item value="4" name="Passage" />
<enum name="OperationSourceEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Unspecified" />
<item value="1" name="Manual" />
<item value="2" name="ProprietaryRemote" />
<item value="3" name="Keypad" />
<item value="4" name="Auto" />
<item value="5" name="Button" />
<item value="6" name="Schedule" />
<item value="7" name="Remote" />
<item value="8" name="RFID" />
<item value="9" name="Biometric" />
<item value="10" name="Aliro" />
<enum name="UserStatusEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Available" />
<item value="1" name="OccupiedEnabled" />
<item value="3" name="OccupiedDisabled" />
<enum name="UserTypeEnum" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="UnrestrictedUser" />
<item value="1" name="YearDayScheduleUser" />
<item value="2" name="WeekDayScheduleUser" />
<item value="3" name="ProgrammingUser" />
<item value="4" name="NonAccessUser" />
<item value="5" name="ForcedUser" />
<item value="6" name="DisposableUser" />
<item value="7" name="ExpiringUser" />
<item value="8" name="ScheduleRestrictedUser" />
<item value="9" name="RemoteOnlyUser" />
<!-- Auxiliary data types -->
<!-- LockState Attribute Values -->
<enum name="DlLockState" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Not Fully Locked" />
<item value="1" name="Locked" />
<item value="2" name="Unlocked" />
<item value="3" name="Unlatched" />
<!-- LockType Attribute Values -->
<enum name="DlLockType" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0" name="Dead bolt" />
<item value="1" name="Magnetic" />
<item value="2" name="Other" />
<item value="3" name="Mortise" />
<item value="4" name="Rim" />
<item value="5" name="Latch Bolt" />
<item value="6" name="Cylindrical Lock" />
<item value="7" name="Tubular Lock" />
<item value="8" name="Interconnected Lock" />
<item value="9" name="Dead Latch" />
<item value="10" name="Door Furniture" />
<item value="11" name="Eurocylinder" />
<!-- CredentialRulesSupport attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlCredentialRulesSupport" type="bitmap8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Single" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Dual" />
<field mask="0x04" name="Tri" />
<!-- SupportedOperatingModes attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlSupportedOperatingModes" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Normal" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Vacation" /> <!-- Could be optional -->
<field mask="0x04" name="Privacy" /> <!-- Could be optional -->
<field mask="0x08" name="NoRemoteLockUnlock" />
<field mask="0x10" name="Passage" /> <!-- Could be optional -->
<!-- DefaultConfigurationRegister attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlDefaultConfigurationRegister" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="EnableLocalProgrammingEnabled" />
<field mask="0x02" name="KeypadInterfaceDefaultAccessEnabled" />
<field mask="0x04" name="RemoteInterfaceDefaultAccessIsEnabled" />
<field mask="0x20" name="SoundEnabled" />
<field mask="0x40" name="AutoRelockTimeSet" />
<field mask="0x80" name="LEDSettingsSet" />
<!-- LocalProgrammingFeatures attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlLocalProgrammingFeatures" type="bitmap8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="AddUsersCredentialsSchedulesLocally" />
<field mask="0x02" name="ModifyUsersCredentialsSchedulesLocally" />
<field mask="0x04" name="ClearUsersCredentialsSchedulesLocally" />
<field mask="0x08" name="AdjustLockSettingsLocally" />
<!-- KeypadOperationEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlKeypadOperationEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Lock" />
<field mask="0x04" name="Unlock" />
<field mask="0x08" name="LockInvalidPIN" />
<field mask="0x10" name="LockInvalidSchedule" />
<field mask="0x20" name="UnlockInvalidCode" />
<field mask="0x40" name="UnlockInvalidSchedule" />
<field mask="0x80" name="NonAccessUserOpEvent" />
<!-- RemoteOperationEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlRemoteOperationEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Lock" />
<field mask="0x04" name="Unlock" />
<field mask="0x08" name="LockInvalidCode" />
<field mask="0x10" name="LockInvalidSchedule" />
<field mask="0x20" name="UnlockInvalidCode" />
<field mask="0x40" name="UnlockInvalidSchedule" />
<!-- ManualOperationEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlManualOperationEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x001" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x002" name="ThumbturnLock" />
<field mask="0x004" name="ThumbturnUnlock" />
<field mask="0x008" name="OneTouchLock" />
<field mask="0x010" name="KeyLock" />
<field mask="0x020" name="KeyUnlock" />
<field mask="0x040" name="AutoLock" />
<field mask="0x080" name="ScheduleLock" />
<field mask="0x100" name="ScheduleUnlock" />
<field mask="0x200" name="ManualLock" />
<field mask="0x400" name="ManualUnlock" />
<!-- RFIDOperationEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlRFIDOperationEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x02" name="Lock" />
<field mask="0x04" name="Unlock" />
<field mask="0x08" name="LockInvalidRFID" />
<field mask="0x10" name="LockInvalidSchedule" />
<field mask="0x20" name="UnlockInvalidRFID" />
<field mask="0x40" name="UnlockInvalidSchedule" />
<!-- KeypadProgrammingEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlKeypadProgrammingEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x02" name="ProgrammingPINChanged" />
<field mask="0x04" name="PINAdded" />
<field mask="0x08" name="PINCleared" />
<field mask="0x10" name="PINChanged" />
<!-- RemoteProgrammingEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlRemoteProgrammingEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x02" name="ProgrammingPINChanged" />
<field mask="0x04" name="PINAdded" />
<field mask="0x08" name="PINCleared" />
<field mask="0x10" name="PINChanged" />
<field mask="0x20" name="RFIDCodeAdded" />
<field mask="0x40" name="RFIDCodeCleared" />
<!-- RFIDProgrammingEventMask attribute bit meaning set -->
<bitmap name="DlRFIDProgrammingEventMask" type="bitmap16">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<field mask="0x01" name="Unknown" />
<field mask="0x20" name="RFIDCodeAdded" />
<field mask="0x40" name="RFIDCodeCleared" />
<enum name="DlStatus" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101" />
<item value="0x00" name="Success" />
<item value="0x01" name="Failure" />
<item value="0x02" name="Duplicate" />
<item value="0x03" name="Occupied" />
<item value="0x85" name="InvalidField" />
<item value="0x89" name="ResourceExhausted" />
<item value="0x8B" name="NotFound" />
<enum name="DoorLockSetPinOrIdStatus" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101"/>
<item name="Success" value="0x00"/>
<item name="GeneralFailure" value="0x01"/>
<item name="MemoryFull" value="0x02"/>
<item name="DuplicateCodeError" value="0x03"/>
<enum name="DoorLockOperationEventCode" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101"/>
<item name="UnknownOrMfgSpecific" value="0x00"/>
<item name="Lock" value="0x01"/>
<item name="Unlock" value="0x02"/>
<item name="LockInvalidPinOrId" value="0x03"/>
<item name="LockInvalidSchedule" value="0x04"/>
<item name="UnlockInvalidPinOrId" value="0x05"/>
<item name="UnlockInvalidSchedule" value="0x06"/>
<item name="OneTouchLock" value="0x07"/>
<item name="KeyLock" value="0x08"/>
<item name="KeyUnlock" value="0x09"/>
<item name="AutoLock" value="0x0A"/>
<item name="ScheduleLock" value="0x0B"/>
<item name="ScheduleUnlock" value="0x0C"/>
<item name="ManualLock" value="0x0D"/>
<item name="ManualUnlock" value="0x0E"/>
<enum name="DoorLockProgrammingEventCode" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101"/>
<item name="UnknownOrMfgSpecific" value="0x00"/>
<item name="MasterCodeChanged" value="0x01"/>
<item name="PinAdded" value="0x02"/>
<item name="PinDeleted" value="0x03"/>
<item name="PinChanged" value="0x04"/>
<item name="IdAdded" value="0x05"/>
<item name="IdDeleted" value="0x06"/>
<enum name="DoorLockUserStatus" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101"/>
<item name="Available" value="0x00"/>
<item name="OccupiedEnabled" value="0x01"/>
<item name="OccupiedDisabled" value="0x03"/>
<item name="NotSupported" value="0xFF"/>
<enum name="DoorLockUserType" type="enum8">
<cluster code="0x0101"/>
<item name="Unrestricted" value="0x00"/>
<item name="YearDayScheduleUser" value="0x01"/>
<item name="WeekDayScheduleUser" value="0x02"/>
<item name="MasterUser" value="0x03"/>
<item name="NonAccessUser" value="0x04"/>
<item name="NotSupported" value="0xFF"/>
<bitmap name="DoorLockDayOfWeek" type="bitmap8">
<cluster code="0x0101"/>
<field name="Sunday" mask="0x01"/>
<field name="Monday" mask="0x02"/>
<field name="Tuesday" mask="0x04"/>
<field name="Wednesday" mask="0x08"/>
<field name="Thursday" mask="0x10"/>
<field name="Friday" mask="0x20"/>
<field name="Saturday" mask="0x40"/>