blob: 6df7e41de4433a34c7bd1378cce32240311d93b6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
# Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @file
# Python interface for Chip Stack
"""Chip Stack interface
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import builtins
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
from ctypes import (CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, Structure, c_bool, c_char_p, c_int64, c_uint8, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_ulong, c_void_p,
py_object, pythonapi)
from threading import Condition, Event, Lock
import chip.native
from chip.native import PyChipError
from .ChipUtility import ChipUtility
from .clusters import Attribute as ClusterAttribute
from .clusters import Command as ClusterCommand
from .exceptions import ChipStackError, ChipStackException, DeviceError
from .interaction_model import delegate as im
from .storage import PersistentStorage
__all__ = [
ChipStackDLLBaseName = ""
def _singleton(cls):
instance = [None]
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if instance[0] is None:
instance[0] = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return instance[0]
return wrapper
class DeviceStatusStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("ProfileId", c_uint32),
("StatusCode", c_uint16),
("SysErrorCode", c_uint32),
class LogCategory(object):
"""Debug logging categories used by chip."""
# NOTE: These values must correspond to those used in the chip C++ code.
Disabled = 0
Error = 1
Progress = 2
Detail = 3
Retain = 4
def categoryToLogLevel(cat):
if cat == LogCategory.Error:
return logging.ERROR
elif cat == LogCategory.Progress:
return logging.INFO
elif cat == LogCategory.Detail:
return logging.DEBUG
elif cat == LogCategory.Retain:
return logging.CRITICAL
return logging.NOTSET
class ChipLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""A custom logging.Formatter for logging chip library messages."""
def __init__(
fmt = "%(message)s"
if logModulePrefix:
fmt = "CHIP:%(chip-module)s: " + fmt
if logLevel:
fmt = "%(levelname)s:" + fmt
if datefmt is not None or logTimestamp:
fmt = "%(asctime)s " + fmt
super(ChipLogFormatter, self).__init__(fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt)
self.logMSecs = logMSecs
def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
if datefmt is None:
timestampStr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z")
if self.logMSecs:
timestampUS = record.__dict__.get("timestamp-usec", 0)
timestampStr = "%s.%03ld" % (timestampStr, timestampUS / 1000)
return timestampStr
class AsyncCallableHandle:
def __init__(self, callback):
self._callback = callback
self._res = None
self._exc = None
self._finish = False
self._cv_lock = Lock()
self._cv = Condition(self._cv_lock)
def __call__(self):
with self._cv_lock:
self._res = self._callback()
except Exception as ex:
self._exc = ex
self._finish = True
def Wait(self, timeoutMs: int = None):
timeout = None
if timeoutMs is not None:
timeout = float(timeoutMs) / 1000
with self._cv:
while self._finish is False:
res = self._cv.wait(timeout)
if res is False:
raise TimeoutError("Timed out waiting for task to finish executing on the Matter thread")
if self._exc is not None:
raise self._exc
return self._res
_CompleteFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p)
_ErrorFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p,
c_ulong, POINTER(DeviceStatusStruct))
_LogMessageFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, c_int64, c_int64, c_char_p, c_uint8, c_char_p)
_ChipThreadTaskRunnerFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, py_object)
class ChipStack(object):
def __init__(self, persistentStoragePath: str, installDefaultLogHandler=True,
bluetoothAdapter=None, enableServerInteractions=True):
builtins.enableDebugMode = False
self.networkLock = Lock()
self.completeEvent = Event()
self.commissioningCompleteEvent = Event()
self._ChipStackLib = None
self._chipDLLPath = None
self.devMgr = None
self.callbackRes = None
self.commissioningEventRes = None
self.openCommissioningWindowPincode = {}
self._activeLogFunct = None
self.addModulePrefixToLogMessage = True
self._enableServerInteractions = enableServerInteractions
# Locate and load the chip shared library.
# This also implictly does a minimal stack initialization (i.e call MemoryInit).
# Arrange to log output from the chip library to a python logger object with the
# name 'chip.ChipStack'. If desired, applications can override this behavior by
# setting self.logger to a different python logger object, or by calling setLogFunct()
# with their own logging function.
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Determine if there are already handlers installed for the logger. Python 3.5+
# has a method for this; on older versions the check has to be done manually.
if hasattr(self.logger, "hasHandlers"):
hasHandlers = self.logger.hasHandlers()
hasHandlers = False
logger = self.logger
while logger is not None:
if len(logger.handlers) > 0:
hasHandlers = True
if not logger.propagate:
logger = logger.parent
# If a logging handler has not already been initialized for 'chip.ChipStack',
# or any one of its parent loggers, automatically configure a handler to log to
# stdout. This maintains compatibility with a number of applications which expect
# chip log output to go to stdout by default.
# This behavior can be overridden in a variety of ways:
# - Initialize a different log handler before ChipStack is initialized.
# - Pass installDefaultLogHandler=False when initializing ChipStack.
# - Replace the StreamHandler on self.logger with a different handler object.
# - Set a different Formatter object on the existing StreamHandler object.
# - Reconfigure the existing ChipLogFormatter object.
# - Configure chip to call an application-specific logging function by
# calling self.setLogFunct().
# - Call self.setLogFunct(None), which will configure the chip library
# to log directly to stdout, bypassing python altogether.
if installDefaultLogHandler and not hasHandlers:
logHandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
def HandleComplete(appState, reqState):
self.callbackRes = True
def HandleError(appState, reqState, err, devStatusPtr):
self.callbackRes = self.ErrorToException(err, devStatusPtr)
def HandleChipThreadRun(callback):
self.cbHandleChipThreadRun = HandleChipThreadRun
self.cbHandleComplete = _CompleteFunct(HandleComplete)
self.cbHandleError = _ErrorFunct(HandleError)
# set by other modules(BLE) that require service by thread while thread blocks.
self.blockingCB = None
# Storage has to be initialized BEFORE initializing the stack, since the latter
# requires a PersistentStorageDelegate to be provided to DeviceControllerFactory.
self._persistentStorage = PersistentStorage(persistentStoragePath)
# Initialize the chip stack.
res = self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_StackInit(
self._persistentStorage.GetSdkStorageObject(), enableServerInteractions)
builtins.chipStack = self
def GetStorageManager(self):
return self._persistentStorage
def enableServerInteractions(self):
return self._enableServerInteractions
def defaultLogFunct(self):
"""Returns a python callable which, when called, logs a message to the python logger object
currently associated with the ChipStack object.
The returned function is suitable for passing to the setLogFunct() method."""
def logFunct(timestamp, timestampUSec, moduleName, logCat, message):
moduleName = ChipUtility.CStringToString(moduleName)
message = ChipUtility.CStringToString(message)
if self.addModulePrefixToLogMessage:
message = "CHIP:%s: %s" % (moduleName, message)
logLevel = LogCategory.categoryToLogLevel(logCat)
msgAttrs = {
"chip-module": moduleName,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"timestamp-usec": timestampUSec,
self.logger.log(logLevel, message, extra=msgAttrs)
return logFunct
def setLogFunct(self, logFunct):
"""Set the function used by the chip library to log messages.
The supplied object must be a python callable that accepts the following
timestamp (integer)
timestampUS (integer)
module name (encoded UTF-8 string)
log category (integer)
message (encoded UTF-8 string)
Specifying None configures the chip library to log directly to stdout."""
if logFunct is None:
logFunct = 0
if not isinstance(logFunct, _LogMessageFunct):
logFunct = _LogMessageFunct(logFunct)
with self.networkLock:
# NOTE: ChipStack must hold a reference to the CFUNCTYPE object while it is
# set. Otherwise it may get garbage collected, and logging calls from the
# chip library will fail.
self._activeLogFunct = logFunct
def Shutdown(self):
# Terminate Matter thread and shutdown the stack.
# We only shutdown the persistent storage layer AFTER we've shut down the stack,
# since there is a possibility of interactions with the storage layer during shutdown.
self._persistentStorage = None
# Stack init happens in native, but shutdown happens here unfortunately.
# #20437 tracks consolidating these.
self.networkLock = None
self.completeEvent = None
self._ChipStackLib = None
self._chipDLLPath = None
self.devMgr = None
self.callbackRes = None
delattr(builtins, "chipStack")
def Call(self, callFunct, timeoutMs: int = None):
'''Run a Python function on CHIP stack, and wait for the response.
This function is a wrapper of PostTaskOnChipThread, which includes some handling of application specific logics.
Calling this function on CHIP on CHIP mainloop thread will cause deadlock.
# throw error if op in progress
self.callbackRes = None
with self.networkLock:
res = self.PostTaskOnChipThread(callFunct).Wait(timeoutMs)
if res == 0 and self.callbackRes is not None:
return self.callbackRes
return res
def CallAsync(self, callFunct):
'''Run a Python function on CHIP stack, and wait for the application specific response.
This function is a wrapper of PostTaskOnChipThread, which includes some handling of application specific logics.
Calling this function on CHIP on CHIP mainloop thread will cause deadlock.
# throw error if op in progress
self.callbackRes = None
with self.networkLock:
res = self.PostTaskOnChipThread(callFunct).Wait()
if not res.is_success:
raise res.to_exception()
while not self.completeEvent.isSet():
if self.blockingCB:
if isinstance(self.callbackRes, ChipStackException):
raise self.callbackRes
return self.callbackRes
def PostTaskOnChipThread(self, callFunct) -> AsyncCallableHandle:
'''Run a Python function on CHIP stack, and wait for the response.
This function will post a task on CHIP mainloop, and return an object with Wait() method for getting the result.
Calling Wait inside main loop will cause deadlock.
callObj = AsyncCallableHandle(callFunct)
res = self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_PostTaskOnChipThread(
self.cbHandleChipThreadRun, py_object(callObj))
if not res.is_success:
raise res.to_exception()
return callObj
def ErrorToException(self, err, devStatusPtr=None):
if err == 0x2C and devStatusPtr:
devStatus = devStatusPtr.contents
msg = ChipUtility.CStringToString(
devStatus.ProfileId, devStatus.StatusCode
sysErrorCode = (
devStatus.SysErrorCode if (
devStatus.SysErrorCode != 0) else None
if sysErrorCode is not None:
msg = msg + " (system err %d)" % (sysErrorCode)
return DeviceError(
devStatus.ProfileId, devStatus.StatusCode, sysErrorCode, msg
return ChipStackError(
def LocateChipDLL(self):
return self._chipDLLPath
# ----- Private Members -----
def _AllDirsToRoot(self, dir):
dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
while True:
yield dir
parent = os.path.dirname(dir)
if parent == "" or parent == dir:
dir = parent
def _loadLib(self):
if self._ChipStackLib is None:
self._ChipStackLib = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
self._chipDLLPath = chip.native.FindNativeLibraryPath(chip.native.Library.CONTROLLER)
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_StackInit.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_bool]
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_StackInit.restype = PyChipError
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_StackShutdown.argtypes = []
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_StackShutdown.restype = PyChipError
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_Stack_StatusReportToString.argtypes = [
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_Stack_StatusReportToString.restype = c_char_p
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_Stack_ErrorToString.argtypes = [c_uint32]
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_Stack_ErrorToString.restype = c_char_p
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_Stack_SetLogFunct.argtypes = [
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_Stack_SetLogFunct.restype = PyChipError
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_PostTaskOnChipThread.argtypes = [
_ChipThreadTaskRunnerFunct, py_object]
self._ChipStackLib.pychip_DeviceController_PostTaskOnChipThread.restype = PyChipError