blob: 04d463d8558d38988d9c4668a28284c765d71551 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import random
import shlex
import re
import ctypes
import asyncio
from time import sleep
from chip.setup_payload import SetupPayload
from chip import exceptions
from chip.clusters import Objects as GeneratedObjects
from chip import discovery
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_setup_payload(device):
Get device setup payload from logs
:param device: serial device instance
:return: setup payload or None
ret = device.wait_for_output("SetupQRCode")
if ret == None or len(ret) < 2:
return None
qr_code = re.sub(
r"[\[\]]", "", ret[-1].partition("SetupQRCode:")[2]).strip()
setup_payload = SetupPayload().ParseQrCode(
except exceptions.ChipStackError as ex:
log.error("SetupPayload failed {}".format(str(ex)))
return None
return setup_payload
def discover_device(devCtrl, setupPayload):
Discover specific device in network.
Search by device discriminator from setup payload
:param devCtrl: device controller instance
:param setupPayload: device setup payload
:return: CommissionableNode object if node device discovered or None if failed
""""Attempting to find device on network")
longDiscriminator = int(setupPayload.attributes['Long discriminator'])
res = devCtrl.DiscoverCommissionableNodes(
discovery.FilterType.LONG_DISCRIMINATOR, longDiscriminator, stopOnFirst=True, timeoutSecond=5)
except exceptions.ChipStackError as ex:
log.error("DiscoverCommissionableNodes failed {}".format(str(ex)))
return None
if not res:"Device not found")
return None
return res[0]
def connect_device(setupPayload, commissionableDevice, nodeId=None):
Connect to Matter discovered device on network
:param setupPayload: device setup payload
:param commissionableDevice: CommissionableNode object with discovered device
:param nodeId: device node ID
:return: node ID if connection successful or None if failed
if nodeId == None:
nodeId = random.randint(1, 1000000)
pincode = int(setupPayload.attributes['SetUpPINCode'])
commissionableDevice.Commission(nodeId, pincode)
except exceptions.ChipStackError as ex:
log.error("Commission discovered device failed {}".format(str(ex)))
return None
return nodeId
def disconnect_device(devCtrl, nodeId):
Disconnect Matter device
:param devCtrl: device controller instance
:param nodeId: device node ID
:return: node ID if connection successful or None if failed
except exceptions.ChipStackException as ex:
log.error("CloseSession failed {}".format(str(ex)))
return False
return True
class ParsingError(exceptions.ChipStackException):
def __init__(self, msg=None):
self.msg = "Parsing Error: " + msg
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
def ParseEncodedString(value):
if value.find(":") < 0:
raise ParsingError(
"Value should be encoded in encoding:encodedvalue format")
enc, encValue = value.split(":", 1)
if enc == "str":
return encValue.encode("utf-8") + b'\x00'
elif enc == "hex":
return bytes.fromhex(encValue)
raise ParsingError("Only str and hex encoding is supported")
def ParseValueWithType(value, type):
if type == 'int':
return int(value)
elif type == 'str':
return value
elif type == 'bytes':
return ParseEncodedString(value)
elif type == 'bool':
return (value.upper() not in ['F', 'FALSE', '0'])
raise ParsingError('Cannot recognize type: {}'.format(type))
def ParseValueWithStruct(value, cluster):
return eval(f"GeneratedObjects.{cluster}.Structs.{value}")
def ParseValue(value, valueType, cluster):
if valueType:
return ParseValueWithType(value, valueType)
elif value.find(":") > 0 and value.split(":", 1)[0] == "struct":
return ParseValueWithStruct(value.split(":", 1)[1], cluster)
raise ParsingError('Cannot parse value: {}'.format(value))
def FormatZCLArguments(cluster, args, cmdArgsWithType):
cmdArgsDict = {}
for kvPair in args:
if kvPair.find("=") < 0:
raise ParsingError("Argument should in key=value format")
key, value = kvPair.split("=", 1)
valueType = cmdArgsWithType.get(key, None)
cmdArgsDict[key] = ParseValue(value, valueType, cluster)
return cmdArgsDict
def send_zcl_command(devCtrl, line, requestTimeoutMs: int = None):
Format and send ZCL message to device.
:param devCtrl: device controller instance
:param line: command line
:param requestTimeoutMs: command request timeout in ms
:return: error code and command response
res = None
err = 0
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) < 4:
raise exceptions.InvalidArgumentCount(4, len(args))
cluster, command, nodeId, endpoint = args[0:4]
cmdArgsLine = args[4:]
allCommands = devCtrl.ZCLCommandList()
if cluster not in allCommands:
raise exceptions.UnknownCluster(cluster)
cmdArgsWithType = allCommands.get(cluster).get(command, None)
# When command takes no arguments, (not command) is True
if command == None:
raise exceptions.UnknownCommand(cluster, command)
args = FormatZCLArguments(cluster, cmdArgsLine, cmdArgsWithType)
clusterObj = getattr(GeneratedObjects, cluster)
commandObj = getattr(clusterObj.Commands, command)
req = commandObj(**args)
res =, int(endpoint), req, timedRequestTimeoutMs=requestTimeoutMs))
except exceptions.ChipStackException as ex:
log.error("An exception occurred during processing ZCL command: {}".format(str(ex)))
err = -1
except Exception as ex:
log.error("An exception occurred during processing input: {}".format(str(ex)))
err = -1
return (err, res)
def read_zcl_attribute(devCtrl, line):
Read ZCL attribute from device:
<cluster> <attribute> <nodeid> <endpoint>
:param devCtrl: device controller instance
:param line: command line
:return: error code and attribute response
res = None
err = 0
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) < 4:
raise exceptions.InvalidArgumentCount(4, len(args))
cluster, attribute, nodeId, endpoint = args[0:4]
allAttrs = devCtrl.ZCLAttributeList()
if cluster not in allAttrs:
raise exceptions.UnknownCluster(cluster)
attrDetails = allAttrs.get(cluster).get(attribute, None)
if attrDetails == None:
raise exceptions.UnknownAttribute(cluster, attribute)
res = devCtrl.ZCLReadAttribute(cluster, attribute, int(
nodeId), int(endpoint), 0)
except exceptions.ChipStackException as ex:
log.error("An exception occurred during processing ZCL attribute: {}".format(str(ex)))
err = -1
except Exception as ex:
log.error("An exception occurred during processing input: {}".format(str(ex)))
err = -1
return (err, res)