blob: 329d17cf1248564fcd7d02bfe7336d748e5021c7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
import yaml
from enum import Enum
from .constraints import get_constraints
from . import fixes
class PostProcessCheckStatus(Enum):
'''Indicates the post processing check step status.'''
SUCCESS = 'success',
WARNING = 'warning',
ERROR = 'error'
class PostProcessCheckType(Enum):
'''Indicates the post processing check step type.'''
IM_STATUS = 'IMStatus',
CLUSTER_STATUS = 'ClusterStatus',
class PostProcessCheck:
'''Information about a single post processing operation that was performed.
Each check has a helpful message, indicating what the post processing operation did and whether
it was successful or not.
def __init__(self, state: PostProcessCheckStatus, category: PostProcessCheckType, message: str):
self.state = state
self.category = category
self.message = message
def is_success(self) -> bool:
return self.state == PostProcessCheckStatus.SUCCESS
def is_warning(self) -> bool:
return self.state == PostProcessCheckStatus.WARNING
def is_error(self) -> bool:
return self.state == PostProcessCheckStatus.ERROR
class PostProcessResponseResult:
'''Post processing response result information.
There are multiple operations that occur when post processing a response. This contains all the
results for each operation performed. Note that the number and types of steps performed is
dependant on test step itself.
def __init__(self):
self.entries = []
self.successes = 0
self.warnings = 0
self.errors = 0
def success(self, category: PostProcessCheckType, message: str):
'''Adds a success entry that occured when post processing response to results.'''
self._insert(PostProcessCheckStatus.SUCCESS, category, message)
self.successes += 1
def warning(self, category: PostProcessCheckType, message: str):
'''Adds a warning entry that occured when post processing response to results.'''
self._insert(PostProcessCheckStatus.WARNING, category, message)
self.warnings += 1
def error(self, category: PostProcessCheckType, message: str):
'''Adds an error entry that occured when post processing response to results.'''
self._insert(PostProcessCheckStatus.ERROR, category, message)
self.errors += 1
def is_success(self):
# It is possible that post processing a response doesn't have any success entires added
# that is why we explicitly only search for if an error occurred.
return self.errors == 0
def is_failure(self):
return self.errors != 0
def _insert(self, state: PostProcessCheckStatus, category: PostProcessCheckType, message: str):
log = PostProcessCheck(state, category, message)
def _check_valid_keys(section, valid_keys_dict):
if section:
for key in section:
if key not in valid_keys_dict:
print(f'Unknown key: {key}')
raise KeyError
def _value_or_none(data, key):
return data[key] if key in data else None
def _value_or_config(data, key, config):
return data[key] if key in data else config[key]
class _TestStepWithPlaceholders:
'''A single YAML test parsed, as is, from YAML.
Some YAML test steps contain placeholders for variable subsitution. The value of the variable
is only known after an earlier test step's has executed and the result successfully post
def __init__(self, test: dict, config: dict, definitions):
# Disabled tests are not parsed in order to allow the test to be added to the test
# suite even if the feature is not implemented yet.
self.is_enabled = not ('disabled' in test and test['disabled'])
if not self.is_enabled:
self._parsing_config_variable_storage = config
_check_valid_keys(test, _TEST_SECTION)
self.label = _value_or_none(test, 'label')
self.optional = _value_or_none(test, 'optional')
self.node_id = _value_or_config(test, 'nodeId', config)
self.cluster = _value_or_config(test, 'cluster', config)
self.command = _value_or_config(test, 'command', config)
self.attribute = _value_or_none(test, 'attribute')
self.endpoint = _value_or_config(test, 'endpoint', config)
self.identity = _value_or_none(test, 'identity')
self.fabric_filtered = _value_or_none(test, 'fabricFiltered')
self.min_interval = _value_or_none(test, 'minInterval')
self.max_interval = _value_or_none(test, 'maxInterval')
self.timed_interaction_timeout_ms = _value_or_none(test, 'timedInteractionTimeoutMs')
self.busy_wait_ms = _value_or_none(test, 'busyWaitMs')
self.is_attribute = self.command in _ATTRIBUTE_COMMANDS
self.is_event = self.command in _EVENT_COMMANDS
self.arguments_with_placeholders = _value_or_none(test, 'arguments')
self.response_with_placeholders = _value_or_none(test, 'response')
_check_valid_keys(self.arguments_with_placeholders, _TEST_ARGUMENTS_SECTION)
_check_valid_keys(self.response_with_placeholders, _TEST_RESPONSE_SECTION)
argument_mapping = None
response_mapping = None
if self.is_attribute:
attribute = definitions.get_attribute_by_name(self.cluster, self.attribute)
if attribute:
attribute_mapping = self._as_mapping(definitions, self.cluster,
argument_mapping = attribute_mapping
response_mapping = attribute_mapping
command = definitions.get_command_by_name(self.cluster, self.command)
if command:
argument_mapping = self._as_mapping(definitions, self.cluster, command.input_param)
response_mapping = self._as_mapping(definitions, self.cluster, command.output_param)
self._update_with_definition(self.arguments_with_placeholders, argument_mapping)
self._update_with_definition(self.response_with_placeholders, response_mapping)
# This performs a very basic sanity parse time check of constrains. This parsing happens
# again inside post processing response since at that time we will have required variables
# to substitute in. This parsing check here has value since some test can take a really
# long time to run so knowing earlier on that the test step would have failed at parsing
# time before the test step run occurs save developer time that building yaml tests.
if self.response_with_placeholders:
for value in self.response_with_placeholders['values']:
if 'constraints' not in value:
def _convert_single_value_to_values(self, container):
if container is None or 'values' in container:
# Attribute tests pass a single value argument that does not carry a name but
# instead uses a generic 'value' keyword. Convert to keyword to be the single
# members of the 'values' array which is what is used for other tests.
value = {}
known_keys_to_copy = ['value', 'constraints', 'saveAs']
known_keys_to_allow = ['error', 'clusterError']
for key, item in list(container.items()):
if key in known_keys_to_copy:
value[key] = item
del container[key]
elif key in known_keys_to_allow:
# Nothing to do for those keys.
raise KeyError(f'Unknown key: {key}')
container['values'] = [value]
def _as_mapping(self, definitions, cluster_name, target_name):
element = definitions.get_type_by_name(cluster_name, target_name)
if hasattr(element, 'base_type'):
target_name = element.base_type.lower()
elif hasattr(element, 'fields'):
target_name = { self._as_mapping(definitions, cluster_name, for f in element.fields}
elif target_name:
target_name = target_name.lower()
return target_name
def _update_with_definition(self, container: dict, mapping_type):
if not container or not mapping_type:
for value in list(container['values']):
for key, item_value in list(value.items()):
mapping = mapping_type if self.is_attribute else mapping_type[value['name']]
if key == 'value':
value[key] = self._update_value_with_definition(item_value, mapping)
elif key == 'saveAs' and type(item_value) is str and item_value not in self._parsing_config_variable_storage:
self._parsing_config_variable_storage[item_value] = None
elif key == 'constraints':
for constraint, constraint_value in item_value.items():
value[key][constraint] = self._update_value_with_definition(
constraint_value, mapping_type)
# This key, value pair does not rely on cluster specifications.
def _update_value_with_definition(self, value, mapping_type):
if not mapping_type:
return value
if type(value) is dict:
rv = {}
for key in value:
# FabricIndex is a special case where the framework requires it to be passed even
# if it is not part of the requested arguments per spec and not part of the XML
# definition.
if key == 'FabricIndex' or key == 'fabricIndex':
rv[key] = value[key] # int64u
mapping = mapping_type[key]
rv[key] = self._update_value_with_definition(value[key], mapping)
return rv
if type(value) is list:
return [self._update_value_with_definition(entry, mapping_type) for entry in value]
# TODO currently unsure if the check of `value not in config` is sufficant. For
# example let's say value = 'foo + 1' and map type is 'int64u', we would arguably do
# the wrong thing below.
if value is not None and value not in self._parsing_config_variable_storage:
if mapping_type == 'int64u' or mapping_type == 'int64s' or mapping_type == 'bitmap64' or mapping_type == 'epoch_us':
value = fixes.try_apply_yaml_cpp_longlong_limitation_fix(value)
value = fixes.try_apply_yaml_unrepresentable_integer_for_javascript_fixes(value)
elif mapping_type == 'single' or mapping_type == 'double':
value = fixes.try_apply_yaml_float_written_as_strings(value)
elif mapping_type == 'octet_string' or mapping_type == 'long_octet_string':
value = fixes.convert_yaml_octet_string_to_bytes(value)
elif mapping_type == 'boolean':
value = bool(value)
return value
class TestStep:
'''A single YAML test action parsed from YAML.
This object contains all the information required for a test runner to execute the test step.
It also provide a function that is expected to be called by the test runner to post process
the recieved response from the accessory. Post processing both validates recieved response
and saves any variables that might be required but test step that have yet to be executed.
def __init__(self, test: _TestStepWithPlaceholders, runtime_config_variable_storage: dict):
self._test = test
self._runtime_config_variable_storage = runtime_config_variable_storage
self.arguments = copy.deepcopy(test.arguments_with_placeholders)
self.response = copy.deepcopy(test.response_with_placeholders)
def is_enabled(self):
return self._test.is_enabled
def is_attribute(self):
return self._test.is_attribute
def is_event(self):
return self._test.is_event
def label(self):
return self._test.label
def optional(self):
return self._test.optional
def node_id(self):
return self._test.node_id
def cluster(self):
return self._test.cluster
def command(self):
return self._test.command
def attribute(self):
return self._test.attribute
def endpoint(self):
return self._test.endpoint
def identity(self):
return self._test.identity
def fabric_filtered(self):
return self._test.fabric_filtered
def min_interval(self):
return self._test.min_interval
def max_interval(self):
return self._test.max_interval
def timed_interaction_timeout_ms(self):
return self._test.timed_interaction_timeout_ms
def busy_wait_ms(self):
return self._test.busy_wait_ms
def post_process_response(self, response: dict):
result = PostProcessResponseResult()
if self._skip_post_processing(response, result):
return result
self._response_error_validation(response, result)
if self.response:
self._response_cluster_error_validation(response, result)
self._response_values_validation(response, result)
self._response_constraints_validation(response, result)
self._maybe_save_as(response, result)
return result
def _skip_post_processing(self, response: dict, result) -> bool:
'''Should we skip perform post processing.
Currently we only skip post processing if the test step indicates that sent test step
invokation was expected to be optionally supported. We confirm that it is optional
supported by either validating we got the expected error only then indicate that all
other post processing should be skipped.
if not self.optional:
return False
received_error = response.get('error', None)
if received_error is None:
return False
if received_error == 'UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE' or received_error == 'UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND':
# result.warning(PostProcessCheckType.Optional, f'The response contains the error: "{error}".')
return True
return False
def _response_error_validation(self, response, result):
check_type = PostProcessCheckType.IM_STATUS
error_success = 'The test expects the "{error}" error which occured successfully.'
error_success_no_error = 'The test expects no error and no error occurred.'
error_wrong_error = 'The test expects the "{error}" error but the "{value}" error occured.'
error_unexpected_error = 'The test expects no error but the "{value}" error occured.'
error_unexpected_success = 'The test expects the "{error}" error but no error occured.'
expected_error = self.response.get('error') if self.response else None
# Handle generic success/error
if type(response) is str and response == 'failure':
received_error = response
elif type(response) is str and response == 'success':
received_error = None
received_error = response.get('error')
if expected_error and received_error and expected_error == received_error:
result.success(check_type, error_success.format(error=expected_error))
elif expected_error and received_error:
result.error(check_type, error_wrong_error.format(
error=expected_error, value=received_error))
elif expected_error and not received_error:
result.error(check_type, error_unexpected_success.format(error=expected_error))
elif not expected_error and received_error:
result.error(check_type, error_unexpected_error.format(error=received_error))
elif not expected_error and not received_error:
result.success(check_type, error_success_no_error)
# This should not happens
raise AssertionError('This should not happens.')
def _response_cluster_error_validation(self, response, result):
check_type = PostProcessCheckType.CLUSTER_STATUS
error_success = 'The test expects the "{error}" error which occured successfully.'
error_unexpected_success = 'The test expects the "{error}" error but no error occured.'
error_wrong_error = 'The test expects the "{error}" error but the "{value}" error occured.'
expected_error = self.response.get('clusterError')
received_error = response.get('clusterError')
if expected_error:
if received_error and expected_error == received_error:
result.success(check_type, error_success.format(error=expected_error))
elif received_error:
result.error(check_type, error_wrong_error.format(
error=expected_error, value=received_error))
result.error(check_type, error_unexpected_success.format(error=expected_error))
# Nothing is logged here to not be redundant with the generic error checking code.
def _response_values_validation(self, response, result):
check_type = PostProcessCheckType.RESPONSE_VALIDATION
error_success = 'The test expectation "{name} == {value}" is true'
error_failure = 'The test expectation "{name} == {value}" is false'
error_name_does_not_exist = 'The test expects a value named "{name}" but it does not exists in the response."'
for value in self.response['values']:
if 'value' not in value:
expected_name = 'value'
received_value = response.get('value')
if not self.is_attribute:
expected_name = value.get('name')
if expected_name not in received_value:
result.error(check_type, error_name_does_not_exist.format(name=expected_name))
received_value = received_value.get(expected_name) if received_value else None
# TODO Supports Array/List. See an exemple of failure in TestArmFailSafe.yaml
expected_value = value.get('value')
if expected_value == received_value:
check_type, error_success.format(name=expected_name, value=received_value))
check_type, error_failure.format(name=expected_name, value=expected_value))
def _response_constraints_validation(self, response, result):
check_type = PostProcessCheckType.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION
error_success = 'Constraints check passed'
error_failure = 'Constraints check failed'
error_name_does_not_exist = 'The test expects a value named "{name}" but it does not exists in the response."'
for value in self.response['values']:
if 'constraints' not in value:
expected_name = 'value'
received_value = response.get('value')
if not self.is_attribute:
expected_name = value.get('name')
if expected_name not in received_value:
result.error(check_type, error_name_does_not_exist.format(name=expected_name))
received_value = received_value.get(expected_name) if received_value else None
constraints = get_constraints(value['constraints'])
if all([constraint.is_met(received_value) for constraint in constraints]):
result.success(check_type, error_success)
# TODO would be helpful to be more verbose here
result.error(check_type, error_failure)
def _maybe_save_as(self, response, result):
check_type = PostProcessCheckType.SAVE_AS_VARIABLE
error_success = 'The test save the value "{value}" as {name}.'
error_name_does_not_exist = 'The test expects a value named "{name}" but it does not exists in the response."'
for value in self.response['values']:
if 'saveAs' not in value:
expected_name = 'value'
received_value = response.get('value')
if not self.is_attribute:
expected_name = value.get('name')
if expected_name not in received_value:
result.error(check_type, error_name_does_not_exist.format(name=expected_name))
received_value = received_value.get(expected_name) if received_value else None
save_as = value.get('saveAs')
self._runtime_config_variable_storage[save_as] = received_value
result.success(check_type, error_success.format(value=received_value, name=save_as))
def _update_placeholder_values(self, container):
if not container:
values = container['values']
for idx, item in enumerate(values):
if 'value' in item:
values[idx]['value'] = self._config_variable_substitution(item['value'])
if 'constraints' in item:
for constraint, constraint_value in item['constraints'].items():
values[idx]['constraints'][constraint] = self._config_variable_substitution(
container['values'] = values
def _config_variable_substitution(self, value):
if type(value) is list:
return [self._config_variable_substitution(entry) for entry in value]
elif type(value) is dict:
mapped_value = {}
for key in value:
mapped_value[key] = self._config_variable_substitution(value[key])
return mapped_value
elif type(value) is str:
# For most tests, a single config variable is used and it can be replaced as in.
# But some other tests were relying on the fact that the expression was put 'as if' in
# the generated code and was resolved before being sent over the wire. For such
# expressions (e.g 'myVar + 1') we need to compute it before sending it over the wire.
tokens = value.split()
if len(tokens) == 0:
return value
substitution_occured = False
for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
if token in self._runtime_config_variable_storage:
variable_info = self._runtime_config_variable_storage[token]
if type(variable_info) is dict and 'defaultValue' in variable_info:
variable_info = variable_info['defaultValue']
tokens[idx] = variable_info
substitution_occured = True
if len(tokens) == 1:
return tokens[0]
tokens = [str(token) for token in tokens]
value = ' '.join(tokens)
# TODO we should move away from eval. That will mean that we will need to do extra
# parsing, but it would be safer then just blindly running eval.
return value if not substitution_occured else eval(value)
return value
class YamlTests:
'''Parses YAML tests and becomes an iterator to provide 'TestStep's
The provided TestStep is expected to be used by a runner/adapter to run the test step and
provide the response from the device to the TestStep object.
Currently this is a one time use object. Eventually this should be refactored to take a
runner/adapter as an argument and run through all test steps and should be reusable for
multiple runs.
def __init__(self, parsing_config_variable_storage: dict, definitions, tests: dict):
self._parsing_config_variable_storage = parsing_config_variable_storage
enabled_tests = []
for test in tests:
test_with_placeholders = _TestStepWithPlaceholders(
test, self._parsing_config_variable_storage, definitions)
if test_with_placeholders.is_enabled:
enabled_tests, self._parsing_config_variable_storage)
self._runtime_config_variable_storage = copy.deepcopy(parsing_config_variable_storage)
self._tests = enabled_tests
self._index = 0
self.count = len(self._tests)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self) -> TestStep:
if self._index < self.count:
test = self._tests[self._index]
test_step = TestStep(test, self._runtime_config_variable_storage)
self._index += 1
return test_step
raise StopIteration
class TestParser:
def __init__(self, test_file, pics_file, definitions):
# TODO Needs supports for PICS file
with open(test_file) as f:
loader = yaml.FullLoader
loader = fixes.try_add_yaml_support_for_scientific_notation_without_dot(loader)
data = yaml.load(f, Loader=loader)
_check_valid_keys(data, _TESTS_SECTION) = _value_or_none(data, 'name')
self.PICS = _value_or_none(data, 'PICS')
self._parsing_config_variable_storage = _value_or_none(data, 'config')
tests = _value_or_none(data, 'tests')
self.tests = YamlTests(self._parsing_config_variable_storage, definitions, tests)
def update_config(self, key, value):
self._parsing_config_variable_storage[key] = value