blob: 3cb2ddc6a4da4185b2a25b85b8abb4552b8128ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Google LLC.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Provides an generic implementation of ConfigurationManager features
* for use on various platforms.
#pragma once
#include <lib/support/BitFlags.h>
#include <platform/ConfigurationManager.h>
#include <lib/support/LifetimePersistedCounter.h>
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
class ProvisioningDataSet;
namespace Internal {
* Provides a generic implementation of ConfigurationManager features that works on multiple platforms.
* This template contains implementations of select features from the ConfigurationManager abstract
* interface that are suitable for use on all platforms. It is intended to be inherited (directly
* or indirectly) by the ConfigurationManagerImpl class.
template <class ConfigClass>
class GenericConfigurationManagerImpl : public ConfigurationManager
// ===== Methods that implement the ConfigurationManager abstract interface.
CHIP_ERROR Init() override;
CHIP_ERROR GetVendorName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetVendorId(uint16_t & vendorId) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetProductName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetProductId(uint16_t & productId) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetHardwareVersionString(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetHardwareVersion(uint16_t & hardwareVer) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreHardwareVersion(uint16_t hardwareVer) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSoftwareVersionString(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSoftwareVersion(uint16_t & softwareVer) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSerialNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreSerialNumber(const char * serialNum, size_t serialNumLen) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetPrimaryMACAddress(MutableByteSpan buf) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetPrimaryWiFiMACAddress(uint8_t * buf) override;
CHIP_ERROR StorePrimaryWiFiMACAddress(const uint8_t * buf) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetPrimary802154MACAddress(uint8_t * buf) override;
CHIP_ERROR StorePrimary802154MACAddress(const uint8_t * buf) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetManufacturingDate(uint16_t & year, uint8_t & month, uint8_t & dayOfMonth) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreManufacturingDate(const char * mfgDate, size_t mfgDateLen) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSetupPinCode(uint32_t & setupPinCode) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreSetupPinCode(uint32_t setupPinCode) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t & setupDiscriminator) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t setupDiscriminator) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetLifetimeCounter(uint16_t & lifetimeCounter) override;
CHIP_ERROR IncrementLifetimeCounter() override;
CHIP_ERROR GetFailSafeArmed(bool & val) override;
CHIP_ERROR SetFailSafeArmed(bool val) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetBLEDeviceIdentificationInfo(Ble::ChipBLEDeviceIdentificationInfo & deviceIdInfo) override;
bool IsCommissionableDeviceTypeEnabled() override;
CHIP_ERROR GetDeviceTypeId(uint16_t & deviceType) override;
bool IsCommissionableDeviceNameEnabled() override;
CHIP_ERROR GetCommissionableDeviceName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetInitialPairingHint(uint16_t & pairingHint) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetInitialPairingInstruction(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSecondaryPairingHint(uint16_t & pairingHint) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSecondaryPairingInstruction(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetRegulatoryLocation(uint8_t & location) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreRegulatoryLocation(uint8_t location) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetCountryCode(char * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & codeLen) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreCountryCode(const char * code, size_t codeLen) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetBreadcrumb(uint64_t & breadcrumb) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreBreadcrumb(uint64_t breadcrumb) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetRebootCount(uint32_t & rebootCount) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreRebootCount(uint32_t rebootCount) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetTotalOperationalHours(uint32_t & totalOperationalHours) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreTotalOperationalHours(uint32_t totalOperationalHours) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetBootReason(uint32_t & bootReason) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreBootReason(uint32_t bootReason) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetNodeLabel(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR StoreNodeLabel(const char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetPartNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetProductURL(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetProductLabel(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetLocalConfigDisabled(bool & disabled) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetReachable(bool & reachable) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetUniqueId(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
CHIP_ERROR RunUnitTests(void) override;
bool IsFullyProvisioned() override;
void InitiateFactoryReset() override;
void NotifyOfAdvertisementStart() override;
void NotifyOfAdvertisementStart();
void LogDeviceConfig() override;
virtual ~GenericConfigurationManagerImpl() = default;
chip::LifetimePersistedCounter mLifetimePersistedCounter;
CHIP_ERROR PersistProvisioningData(ProvisioningDataSet & provData);
// Methods to read and write configuration values, as well as run the configuration unit test.
typedef typename ConfigClass::Key Key;
virtual CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValue(Key key, bool & val) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint32_t & val) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint64_t & val) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValueStr(Key key, char * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValueBin(Key key, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValue(Key key, bool val) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValue(Key key, uint32_t val) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValue(Key key, uint64_t val) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueStr(Key key, const char * str) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueStr(Key key, const char * str, size_t strLen) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueBin(Key key, const uint8_t * data, size_t dataLen) = 0;
virtual void RunConfigUnitTest(void) = 0;
template <class ConfigClass>
inline CHIP_ERROR GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigClass>::GetVendorId(uint16_t & vendorId)
vendorId = static_cast<uint16_t>(CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID);
template <class ConfigClass>
inline CHIP_ERROR GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigClass>::GetProductId(uint16_t & productId)
productId = static_cast<uint16_t>(CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_PRODUCT_ID);
template <class ConfigClass>
inline CHIP_ERROR GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigClass>::GetSoftwareVersion(uint16_t & softwareVer)
softwareVer = static_cast<uint32_t>(CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION);
template <class ConfigClass>
inline CHIP_ERROR GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigClass>::GetDeviceTypeId(uint16_t & deviceType)
deviceType = static_cast<uint16_t>(CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_TYPE);
template <class ConfigClass>
inline CHIP_ERROR GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigClass>::GetInitialPairingHint(uint16_t & pairingHint)
pairingHint = static_cast<uint16_t>(CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_PAIRING_INITIAL_HINT);
template <class ConfigClass>
inline CHIP_ERROR GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigClass>::GetSecondaryPairingHint(uint16_t & pairingHint)
pairingHint = static_cast<uint16_t>(CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_PAIRING_SECONDARY_HINT);
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip