blob: 29942b0a2e2ac4378aa115e66ade62940cac328a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, Set
from . import linux, runner
from .test_definition import ApplicationPaths, TestDefinition, TestTag, TestTarget
_DEFAULT_CHIP_ROOT = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", ".."))
_YAML_TEST_SUITE_PATH = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(_DEFAULT_CHIP_ROOT, "src/app/tests/suites"))
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class ManualTest:
yaml: str
reason: str
"tests.yaml", # certification/tests.yaml is not a real test
"PICS.yaml", # certification/PICS.yaml is not a real test
# The items below are examples and will never work (likely)
# completely exclude them
def _IsValidYamlTest(name: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the given file name is a valid YAML test.
This returns invalid for examples, simulated and other specific tests.
# Simulated tests are not runnable by repl tests, need
# separate infrastructure. Exclude them completely (they are
# not even manual)
if name.endswith('_Simulated.yaml'):
return False
return name not in INVALID_TESTS
def _LoadManualTestsJson(json_file_path: str) -> Iterator[str]:
with open(json_file_path, 'rt') as f:
data = json.load(f)
for c in data["collection"]:
for name in data[c]:
yield f"{name}.yaml"
def _GetManualTests() -> Set[str]:
manualtests = set()
# Flagged as manual from: src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
for item in _LoadManualTestsJson(os.path.join(_YAML_TEST_SUITE_PATH, "manualTests.json")):
return manualtests
def _GetFlakyTests() -> Set[str]:
"""List of flaky tests.
While this list is empty, it remains here in case we need to quickly add a new test
that is flaky.
return set()
def _GetSlowTests() -> Set[str]:
"""Generally tests using sleep() a bit too freely.
10s seems like a good threshold to consider something slow
return {
"DL_LockUnlock.yaml", # ~ 10 seconds
"TestSubscribe_AdministratorCommissioning.yaml", # ~ 15 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_5_1.yaml", # ~ 30 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_5_2.yaml", # ~ 30 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_5_3.yaml", # ~ 25 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_6_1.yaml", # ~ 35 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_6_2.yaml", # ~ 60 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_6_3.yaml", # ~ 50 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_7_2.yaml", # ~ 65 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_7_3.yaml", # ~ 70 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_7_4.yaml", # ~ 25 seconds
"Test_TC_CC_8_1.yaml", # ~ 60 seconds
"Test_TC_DRLK_2_4.yaml", # ~ 60 seconds
"Test_TC_I_2_2.yaml", # ~ 15 seconds
"Test_TC_LVL_3_1.yaml", # ~ 35 seconds
"Test_TC_LVL_4_1.yaml", # ~ 55 seconds
"Test_TC_LVL_5_1.yaml", # ~ 35 seconds
"Test_TC_LVL_6_1.yaml", # ~ 10 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_3_1.yaml", # ~ 20 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_3_2.yaml", # ~ 20 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_3_3.yaml", # ~ 15 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_3_4.yaml", # ~ 10 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_3_5.yaml", # ~ 10 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_4_1.yaml", # ~ 20 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_4_2.yaml", # ~ 20 seconds
"Test_TC_WNCV_4_5.yaml", # ~ 12 seconds
def _GetInDevelopmentTests() -> Set[str]:
"""Tests that fail in YAML for some reason."""
return {
"Test_TC_TIMESYNC_1_1.yaml", # Time sync SDK is not yet ready
"Test_TC_TIMESYNC_2_3.yaml", # Time sync SDK is not yet ready
"Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1.yaml", # Power source configuration cluster is deprecated and removed from all-clusters
"Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1.yaml", # Power source configuration cluster is deprecated and removed from all-clusters
"Test_TC_PSCFG_2_2.yaml", # Power source configuration cluster is deprecated and removed from all-clusters
"Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_6.yaml", # chip-repl does not support local timeout (07/20/2023) and test assumes
# TestEventTriggersEnabled is true, which it's not in CI. Also, test
# has wrong key for eventNumber: because using the right key leads to
# codegen that does not compile.
"Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_2.yaml", # chip-repl does not support local timeout (07/20/2023) and test assumes
# TestEventTriggersEnabled is true, which it's not in CI. Also, test
# has wrong key for eventNumber: because using the right key leads to
# codegen that does not compile.
"Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_3.yaml", # chip-repl does not support local timeout (07/20/2023) and test assumes
# TestEventTriggersEnabled is true, which it's not in CI. Also, test
# has wrong key for eventNumber: because using the right key leads to
# codegen that does not compile.
"Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_4.yaml", # chip-repl does not support local timeout (07/20/2023) and test assumes
# TestEventTriggersEnabled is true, which it's not in CI. Also, test
# has wrong key for eventNumber: because using the right key leads to
# codegen that does not compile.
"Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_5.yaml", # chip-repl does not support local timeout (07/20/2023) and test uses unknown
# keepSubscriptions key in the YAML. Also, test has wrong key for eventNumber:
# because using the right key leads to codegen that does not compile.
def _GetChipReplUnsupportedTests() -> Set[str]:
"""Tests that fail in chip-repl for some reason"""
return {
"Test_AddNewFabricFromExistingFabric.yaml", # chip-repl does not support GetCommissionerRootCertificate and IssueNocChain command
"TestEqualities.yaml", # chip-repl does not support pseudo-cluster commands that return a value
"TestExampleCluster.yaml", # chip-repl does not load custom pseudo clusters
"TestAttributesById.yaml", # chip-repl does not support AnyCommands (06/06/2023)
"TestCommandsById.yaml", # chip-repl does not support AnyCommands (06/06/2023)
"TestEventsById.yaml", # chip-repl does not support AnyCommands (06/06/2023)
"TestReadNoneSubscribeNone.yaml", # chip-repl does not support AnyCommands (07/27/2023)
"Test_TC_DRLK_2_8.yaml", # Test fails only in chip-repl: Refer-->
"Test_TC_ACE_1_6.yaml", # Test fails only in chip-repl: Refer-->
"Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml", # chip-repl does not support AnyCommands (19/07/2023)
"Test_TC_DRLK_2_2.yaml", # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster (08/04/2023)
"Test_TC_DRLK_2_3.yaml", # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster (08/04/2023)
"Test_TC_DRLK_2_12.yaml", # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster (08/04/2023)
"TestGroupKeyManagementCluster.yaml", # chip-repl does not support EqualityCommands (2023-08-04)
"Test_TC_S_2_2.yaml", # chip-repl does not support scenes cluster commands
"Test_TC_S_2_3.yaml", # chip-repl does not support scenes cluster commands
"Test_TC_S_2_4.yaml", # chip-repl does not support scenes cluster commands
def _AllYamlTests():
yaml_test_suite_path = Path(_YAML_TEST_SUITE_PATH)
if not yaml_test_suite_path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Expected directory {_YAML_TEST_SUITE_PATH} to exist")
for path in yaml_test_suite_path.rglob("*.yaml"):
if not path.is_file():
yield path
def target_for_name(name: str):
if (name.startswith("TV_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_MC_") or
name.startswith("Test_TC_LOWPOWER_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_KEYPADINPUT_") or
name.startswith("Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_MEDIAINPUT_") or
name.startswith("Test_TC_WAKEONLAN_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_CHANNEL_") or
name.startswith("Test_TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_") or
name.startswith("Test_TC_TGTNAV_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_APBSC_") or
name.startswith("Test_TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_ALOGIN_")):
return TestTarget.TV
if name.startswith("DL_") or name.startswith("Test_TC_DRLK_"):
return TestTarget.LOCK
if name.startswith("OTA_"):
return TestTarget.OTA
if name.startswith("Test_TC_BRBINFO_"):
return TestTarget.BRIDGE
return TestTarget.ALL_CLUSTERS
def tests_with_command(chip_tool: str, is_manual: bool, is_chip_tool_python_only: bool = False):
"""Executes `chip_tool` binary to see what tests are available, using cmd
to get the list.
cmd = "list"
if is_manual:
cmd += "-manual"
elif is_chip_tool_python_only:
cmd += "-python-runner-only"
result =[chip_tool, "tests", cmd], capture_output=True)
test_tags = set()
if is_manual:
if is_chip_tool_python_only:
in_development_tests = [s.replace(".yaml", "") for s in _GetInDevelopmentTests()]
for name in result.stdout.decode("utf8").split("\n"):
if not name:
target = target_for_name(name)
tags = test_tags.copy()
if name in in_development_tests:
yield TestDefinition(
run_name=name, name=name, target=target, tags=tags
# TODO We will move away from hardcoded list of yamltests to run all file when yamltests
# parser/runner reaches parity with the code gen version.
def _hardcoded_python_yaml_tests():
manual_tests = _GetManualTests()
flaky_tests = _GetFlakyTests()
slow_tests = _GetSlowTests()
in_development_tests = _GetInDevelopmentTests()
chip_repl_unsupported_tests = _GetChipReplUnsupportedTests()
for path in _AllYamlTests():
if not _IsValidYamlTest(
tags = set()
if in manual_tests:
if in flaky_tests:
if in slow_tests:
if in in_development_tests:
if in chip_repl_unsupported_tests:
yield TestDefinition(
name=path.stem, # `path.stem` converts "some/path/Test_ABC_1.2.yaml" to "Test_ABC.1.2"
def AllYamlTests():
for test in _hardcoded_python_yaml_tests():
yield test
def AllChipToolTests(chip_tool: str):
for test in tests_with_command(chip_tool, is_manual=False):
yield test
for test in tests_with_command(chip_tool, is_manual=True):
yield test
for test in tests_with_command(chip_tool, is_manual=False, is_chip_tool_python_only=True):
yield test
__all__ = [