blob: 32fe3310990e49312243bed034eb898211bb920f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines the CHIP Secure Session object that provides
* APIs for encrypting/decryting data using cryptographic keys.
#include <core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
#include <transport/MessageHeader.h>
namespace chip {
class DLL_EXPORT SecureSession
SecureSession(SecureSession &&) = default;
SecureSession(const SecureSession &) = default;
SecureSession & operator=(const SecureSession &) = default;
SecureSession & operator=(SecureSession &&) = default;
* @brief
* Derive a shared key. The derived key will be used for encryting/decrypting
* data exchanged on the secure channel.
* @param local_keypair A pointer to local ECP keypair
* @param remote_public_key A pointer to peer's public key
* @param salt A pointer to the initial salt used for deriving the keys
* @param salt_length Length of the initial salt
* @param info A pointer to the initial info
* @param info_length Length of the initial info
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of key derivation
CHIP_ERROR Init(const Crypto::P256Keypair & local_keypair, const Crypto::P256PublicKey & remote_public_key,
const uint8_t * salt, const size_t salt_length, const uint8_t * info, const size_t info_length);
* @brief
* Derive a shared key. The derived key will be used for encryting/decrypting
* data exchanged on the secure channel.
* @param secret A pointer to the shared secret
* @param secret_length Length of the shared secret
* @param salt A pointer to the initial salt used for deriving the keys
* @param salt_length Length of the initial salt
* @param info A pointer to the initial info
* @param info_length Length of the initial info
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of key derivation
CHIP_ERROR InitFromSecret(const uint8_t * secret, const size_t secret_length, const uint8_t * salt, const size_t salt_length,
const uint8_t * info, const size_t info_length);
* @brief
* Encrypt the input data using keys established in the secure channel
* @param input Unencrypted input data
* @param input_length Length of the input data
* @param output Output buffer for encrypted data
* @param header message header structure. Encryption type will be set on the header.
* @param payloadFlags extra flags for packet header encryption
* @param mac - output the resulting mac
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of encryption
CHIP_ERROR Encrypt(const uint8_t * input, size_t input_length, uint8_t * output, PacketHeader & header,
Header::Flags payloadFlags, MessageAuthenticationCode & mac);
* @brief
* Decrypt the input data using keys established in the secure channel
* @param input Encrypted input data
* @param input_length Length of the input data
* @param output Output buffer for decrypted data
* @param header message header structure
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of decryption
CHIP_ERROR Decrypt(const uint8_t * input, size_t input_length, uint8_t * output, const PacketHeader & header,
Header::Flags payloadFlags, const MessageAuthenticationCode & mac);
* @brief
* Memory overhead of encrypting data. The overhead is indepedent of size of
* the data being encrypted. The extra space is used for storing the common header.
* @return number of bytes.
size_t EncryptionOverhead();
* Clears the internal state of secure session back to the state of a new object.
void Reset();
static constexpr size_t kAES_CCM128_Key_Length = 16;
bool mKeyAvailable;
uint8_t mKey[kAES_CCM128_Key_Length];
static CHIP_ERROR GetIV(const PacketHeader & header, uint8_t * iv, size_t len);
// Use unencrypted header as additional authenticated data (AAD) during encryption and decryption.
// The encryption operations includes AAD when message authentication tag is generated. This tag
// is used at the time of decryption to integrity check the received data.
static CHIP_ERROR GetAdditionalAuthData(const PacketHeader & header, const Header::Flags payloadEncodeFlags, uint8_t * aad,
size_t & len);
} // namespace chip
#endif // __SECURESESSION_H__