blob: d1bd649c26ed198a06cb9f8349abe5ecfd904e0d [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import 'pw_protobuf_protos/common.proto';
package chip.rpc;
message LightingColor {
// Values are between 0x00 and 0xFE inclusive
uint32 hue = 1;
uint32 saturation = 2;
message LightingState {
bool on = 1;
// level is between 0 and 255 inclusively.
optional uint32 level = 2;
optional LightingColor color = 3;
service Lighting {
// Set will return OK if all supported fields are successfully applied, any
// unsupported fields will be ignored.
// Get can be used to determine which fields are supported.
rpc Set(LightingState) returns (pw.protobuf.Empty){}
// Get will populate all of the supported lighting state fields with the
// current values. This can be used to discover the devices supported
// lighting features.
rpc Get(pw.protobuf.Empty) returns (LightingState){}