blob: d4f0aedf3fc69a1521525ca61539d0caaf5638df [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
4.1.8. [TC-CADMIN-1.8] Commissioning window handling timeout and revocation
using BCM [DUT - Commissioner]
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic"
endpoint: 0
- label: "DUT_CR1 starts a commissioning process with TH_CE"
verification: |
1. Provision the device using DUT_CR1 controller on the raspi.
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT_CR1 sends command to TH_CE to open a commissioning window with a
commissioning timeout of PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration seconds using BCM"
verification: |
On your DUT controller open commissioning widow using BCM.
Below is the example while using chip tool as controller,
./chip-tool administratorcommissioning open-basic-commissioning-window 500 2 0 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000
CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage =
[1650278416.248379][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248436][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1650278416.248495][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs =
[1650278416.248570][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: [
[1650278416.248630][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB =
[1650278416.248718][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248783][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB =
[1650278416.248860][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248931][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB =
[1650278416.249011][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249100][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0,
[1650278416.249186][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3c,
[1650278416.249268][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x1,
[1650278416.249347][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249430][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249501][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1650278416.249581][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249664][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1650278416.249738][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249823][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249889][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249969][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250035][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250113][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250169][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1650278416.250241][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250298][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1650278416.250355][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250535][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
[1650278416.250634][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
disabled: true
- label:
"A User Consent screen pops up asking for Users permission to allow
second commissioner to control TH_CE"
PICS: CADMIN.UserInterfaceDisplay
verification: |
Verify the User Consent pop up screen. Verify that the pop up closes after user gives permission
disabled: true
- label:
"11 digit Manual Code is displayed on the screen in textual format for
User to see"
PICS: CADMIN.UserInterfaceDisplay
verification: |
Verify that the displayed Manual Code is 11 digits long and doesn’t contain Vendor_ID or Product_ID.
disabled: true
- label: "A voice prompt of the Manual Code format should be heard"
PICS: CADMIN.AudioInterface
verification: |
Verify voice prompt saying the manual code. Verify the voice prompt repeats if user asks.
disabled: true
- label:
"TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with TH_CE after
PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration (that was given in step 2) + 10 seconds"
verification: |
On the 2nd controller using chip-tool , connect to the accessory
./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
verify you got the following message in the TH log
CHIP:SC: PASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33
CHIP:TOO: Secure Pairing Failed
CHIP:TOO: Pairing Failure: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.cpp:324: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT_CR1 sends command to TH_CE to open a new commissioning window
with a commissioning timeout of PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration seconds using
verification: |
On your first controller open commissioning widow using BCM.
Below is the example while using chip tool as controller,
./chip-tool administratorcommissioning open-basic-commissioning-window 500 1 0 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000
CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage =
[1650278416.248379][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248436][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1650278416.248495][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs =
[1650278416.248570][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: [
[1650278416.248630][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB =
[1650278416.248718][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248783][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB =
[1650278416.248860][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248931][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB =
[1650278416.249011][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249100][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0,
[1650278416.249186][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3c,
[1650278416.249268][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x1,
[1650278416.249347][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249430][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249501][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1650278416.249581][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249664][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1650278416.249738][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249823][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249889][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249969][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250035][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250113][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250169][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1650278416.250241][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250298][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1650278416.250355][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250535][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
[1650278416.250634][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
disabled: true
- label: "DUT_CR1 sends command to TH_CE to revoke the commissioning window"
verification: |
On your DUT controller revoke commissioning
Below is the example while using chip tool as controller,
/chip-tool administratorcommissioning revoke-commissioning 1 0 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000
CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage =
[1650278416.248379][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248436][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1650278416.248495][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs =
[1650278416.248570][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: [
[1650278416.248630][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB =
[1650278416.248718][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248783][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB =
[1650278416.248860][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248931][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB =
[1650278416.249011][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249100][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0,
[1650278416.249186][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3c,
[1650278416.249268][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x1,
[1650278416.249347][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249430][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249501][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1650278416.249581][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249664][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1650278416.249738][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249823][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249889][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249969][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250035][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250113][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250169][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1650278416.250241][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250298][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1650278416.250355][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250535][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
[1650278416.250634][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
disabled: true
- label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with TH_CE"
verification: |
On the 2nd controller using chip-tool , connect to the accessory
./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
verify you got the following message in the TH log
CHIP:SC: PASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33
CHIP:TOO: Secure Pairing Failed
CHIP:TOO: Pairing Failure: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.cpp:324: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
disabled: true
- label: "DUT_CR1 sends command to TH_CE to revoke the commissioning window"
verification: |
On your DUT controller revoke commissioning
Below is the example while using chip tool as controller,
/chip-tool administratorcommissioning revoke-commissioning 2 0 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000
CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage =
[1650524034.111241][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650524034.111316][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1650524034.111383][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs =
[1650524034.111464][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: [
[1650524034.111531][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB =
[1650524034.111643][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650524034.111714][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB =
[1650524034.111803][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650524034.111886][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB =
[1650524034.111979][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650524034.112072][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0,
[1650524034.112167][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3c,
[1650524034.112257][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x2,
[1650524034.112345][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650524034.112456][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG:
[1650524034.112543][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1650524034.112632][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650524034.112727][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x01 (FAILURE),
[1650524034.112825][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: cluster-status = 0x3,
[1650524034.112914][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650524034.113005][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG:
[1650524034.113084][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650524034.113176][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG:
[1650524034.113245][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650524034.113328][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG:
[1650524034.113392][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1650524034.113477][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG:
[1650524034.113545][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1650524034.113610][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650524034.113780][15422:15427] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0002 Status=0x1
[1650524034.113892][15422:15427] CHIP:TOO: Error: IM Error 0x00000603: Cluster-specific error: 0x03
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT_CR1 sends commands to TH_CE to write and read the Basic
Information Clusters NodeLabel mandatory attribute"
verification: |
Using your DUT controller, write attribute and read attribute to and from TH_CE
Below is the example while using chip tool on second controller,
./chip-tool basic write node-label te5new 2 0
CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1649245940.788522][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: {
[1649245940.788577][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1649245940.788653][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: [
[1649245940.788713][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1649245940.788787][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: {
[1649245940.788852][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1649245940.788931][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: {
[1649245940.789009][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1649245940.789143][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1649245940.789228][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0005,
[1649245940.789313][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: }
[1649245940.789388][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG:
[1649245940.789454][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1649245940.789519][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: {
[1649245940.789588][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1649245940.789654][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: },
[1649245940.789719][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG:
[1649245940.789778][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: },
[1649245940.789841][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG:
[1649245940.789885][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1649245940.789941][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG:
[1649245940.789984][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1649245940.790033][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: }
[1649245940.790167][10110:10115] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
Verify read attribute returns the updated value written
./chip-tool basic read node-label 2 0
CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0028 Attribute 0x0000_0005 DataVersion: 3061847068
[1649245950.006849][10116:10121] CHIP:TOO: NodeLabel: te5new
[1649245950.007024][10116:10121] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:12495101 on exchange 24816i
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT_CR1 sends command to TH_CE to open a new commissioning window
with a commissioning timeout of PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration seconds using
verification: |
On your DUT controller open commissioning widow using BCM.
Below is the example while using chip tool as controller,
./chip-tool administratorcommissioning open-basic-commissioning-window 500 2 0 --timedInteractionTimeoutMs 1000
CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage =
[1650278416.248379][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248436][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1650278416.248495][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs =
[1650278416.248570][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: [
[1650278416.248630][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB =
[1650278416.248718][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248783][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandStatusIB =
[1650278416.248860][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.248931][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB =
[1650278416.249011][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249100][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0,
[1650278416.249186][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3c,
[1650278416.249268][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x1,
[1650278416.249347][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249430][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249501][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1650278416.249581][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650278416.249664][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1650278416.249738][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249823][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.249889][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.249969][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250035][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250113][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250169][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1650278416.250241][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG:
[1650278416.250298][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1650278416.250355][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650278416.250535][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003C Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
[1650278416.250634][11064:11069] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
disabled: true
- label: "TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with TH_CE"
verification: |
On the 2nd controller using chip-tool , connect to the accessory
./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
Verify you got below message
Device commissioning completed with success
disabled: true
- label: "TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with TH_CE"
verification: |
On the 3rd controller using chip-tool , connect to the accessory
./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
verify you got the following message in the TH log
CHIP:SC: PASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33
CHIP:TOO: Secure Pairing Failed
CHIP:TOO: Pairing Failure: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.cpp:324: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
disabled: true