blob: 16bf529e8d4e4357e1d1e1f77ab95da7b433cddb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
name: 3.3.3. [TC-DD-3.3] User Directed Commissioning [DUT - Commissionee]
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic"
endpoint: 0
- label:
"DUT start scanning for available commissioners using Commissioner
verification: |
DUT should make 4 retries with 100ms timeout
disabled: true
- label: "TH is instructed to advertise Commissioner Discovery service"
verification: |
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/may23_DUT/connectedhomeip/examples/tv-app/linux/out/tv-app$ sudo ./chip-tv-app
Verify in tv-app side
CHIP:DL: Using wifi MAC for hostname
CHIP:DIS: Advertise operational node DFC28FF9FE811EF2-FFFFFFEFFFFFFFFF
CHIP:DIS: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as "Operational device".
CHIP:DIS: Broadcasting mDns reply for query from
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT start scanning for available commissioners using Commissioner
verification: |
connectedhomeip/examples/tv-casting-app/linux/out/tv-casting-app$ sudo ./chip-tv-casting-app
Verify in tv-casting-app side
CHIP:SVR: Discovered Commissioner #0
[1653478433.097515][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Hostname: E45F010F19FF0000 [1653478433.097546][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: IP Address #1: fe80::d83a:21ff:fe24:b6d6
[1653478433.097570][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Port: 5540
[1653478433.097593][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Mrp Interval idle: 5000 ms
[1653478433.097615][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Mrp Interval active: 300 ms
[1653478433.097641][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Rotating ID: 0000406E4D7073744BF234AD391DAE869837
[1653478433.097664][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Device Name: Test TV casting app
[1653478433.097686][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Vendor ID: 65521
[1653478433.097709][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Product ID: 32769
[1653478433.097731][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Device Type: 35
[1653478433.097753][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Pairing Hint: 33
[1653478433.097775][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Instance Name: C1E39719B158802A
[1653478433.097797][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Commissioning Mode: 0
[1653478433.097821][3785:3785] CHIP:SVR: Discovered Commissioner #1
[1653478433.097841][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Hostname: E45F010F27530000 [1653478433.097867][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: IP Address #1: fe80::e65f:1ff:fe0f:2755
[1653478433.097890][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Port: 5650
[1653478433.097912][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Mrp Interval idle: 5000 ms
[1653478433.097934][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Mrp Interval active: 300 ms
[1653478433.097956][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Device Name: Test TV
[1653478433.097979][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Vendor ID: 65521
[1653478433.098001][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Product ID: 32769
[1653478433.098023][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Device Type: 35
[1653478433.098056][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Instance Name: 02DEC0D7B8A76577
[1653478433.098076][3785:3785] CHIP:DIS: Commissioning Mode: 0
[1653478433.098103][3785:3785] CHIP:SVR: 2 commissioner(s) discovered. Select one (by number# above) to request commissioning from:
[1653478433.098124][3785:3785] CHIP:SVR: Example: cast request 0
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT is instructed to start the commissioning procedure with the TH
found at Step 3"
verification: |
Out of scope for V1.0
disabled: true
- label: "TH verifies the Identification Declaration message"
verification: |
Out of scope for V1.0
disabled: true
- label: "TH start the commissioning procedure with DUT"
verification: |
./chip-tool pairing ethernet 1 20202021 3840 fe80::e65f:1ff:fe0f:2755 5640
Verify in TH log:
[1653559159.021348][4240:4246] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0005
[1653559159.021432][4240:4246] CHIP:CTL: Received CommissioningComplete response, errorCode=0
[1653559159.021499][4240:4246] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step "SendComplete"
[1653559159.021554][4240:4246] CHIP:CTL: Commissioning stage next step: "SendComplete" -> "Cleanup"
[1653559159.021611][4240:4246] CHIP:CTL: Performing next commissioning step "Cleanup"
[1653559159.021725][4240:4246] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step "Cleanup"
[1653559159.021790][4240:4246] CHIP:TOO: Device commissioning completed with success
disabled: true