blob: 590965b9a1d86af7213884704f96a04b7fe2011a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
3.4.8. [TC-SC-4.8] Compressed Fabric ID remains the same for Nodes
commissioned to the same fabric [DUT - Commissioner]
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic"
endpoint: 0
- label: "Commission TH1 to DUTs Fabric"
verification: |
1. Provision the device using 1st controller chip-tool (as example commissioner) on the raspi (use above instructions)
./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 2 20202021
avahi-browse _matter._tcp -rt
Verify on the TH Log:
eth0 IPv6 8840D142C33AB653-0000000000000001 _matter._tcp local
disabled: true
- label: "Commission TH2 to DUTs Fabric"
verification: |
Using your DUT Controller connect to the accessory.
Below is the example when using chip tool as controller
./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1 chipsetup4 matter123 20202021 3841
Verify you got below message
Device commissioning completed with success
avahi-browse _matter._tcp -rt
Verify on the TH Log:
+ eth0 IPv6 8840D142C33AB653-0000000000000001 _matter._tcp local
disabled: true
- label: "Send RemoveFabric from DUT to TH1 and comission DUT to TH1 again"
verification: |
./chip-tool operationalcredentials remove-fabric 1 1 0
Verify in TH all-clusters-app log
CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008
[1651571274.154864][10562:10567] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0008
[1651571274.155030][10562:10567] CHIP:TOO: NOCResponse: {
[1651571274.155102][10562:10567] CHIP:TOO: statusCode: 0
[1651571274.155159][10562:10567] CHIP:TOO: fabricIndex: 1
[1651571274.155215][10562:10567] CHIP:TOO: }
./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1 chipsetup4 matter123 20202021 3841
avahi-browse _matter._tcp -rt
Verify on the TH Log:
+ eth0 IPv6 8840D142C33AB653-0000000000000001 _matter._tcp local
disabled: true
- label: "Send RemoveFabric from DUT to TH2 and comission DUT to TH2 again"
verification: |
./chip-tool operationalcredentials remove-fabric 1 2 0
Verify in TH all-clusters-app log
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0008
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [TOO] NOCResponse: {
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [TOO] statusCode: 0
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [TOO] fabricIndex: 1
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [TOO] }
[1657628679275] [78509:912135] CHIP: [DMG] ICR mov
./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1 chipsetup4 matter123 20202021 3841
./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 2 20202021
avahi-browse _matter._tcp -rt
Verify on the TH Log:
+ eth0 IPv6 8840D142C33AB653-0000000000000002
disabled: true