blob: 36a995b0cfd699041cbb4f59e843253ed9015202 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This header file defines the <tt>Inet::TCPEndPoint</tt>
* class, where the CHIP Inet Layer encapsulates methods for
* interacting with TCP transport endpoints (SOCK_DGRAM sockets
* on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP TCP protocol
* control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
* This file declares an implementation of Inet::TCPEndPoint using LwIP.
#pragma once
#include <inet/EndPointStateLwIP.h>
#include <inet/TCPEndPoint.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Inet {
class TCPEndPointImplLwIP : public TCPEndPoint, public EndPointStateLwIP
TCPEndPointImplLwIP(EndPointManager<TCPEndPoint> & endPointManager) : TCPEndPoint(endPointManager), mUnackedLength(0) {}
// TCPEndPoint overrides.
CHIP_ERROR GetPeerInfo(IPAddress * retAddr, uint16_t * retPort) const override;
CHIP_ERROR GetLocalInfo(IPAddress * retAddr, uint16_t * retPort) const override;
CHIP_ERROR GetInterfaceId(InterfaceId * retInterface) override;
CHIP_ERROR EnableNoDelay() override;
CHIP_ERROR EnableKeepAlive(uint16_t interval, uint16_t timeoutCount) override;
CHIP_ERROR DisableKeepAlive() override;
CHIP_ERROR AckReceive(uint16_t len) override;
void TCPUserTimeoutHandler() override;
// TCPEndPoint overrides.
CHIP_ERROR BindImpl(IPAddressType addrType, const IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port, bool reuseAddr) override;
CHIP_ERROR ListenImpl(uint16_t backlog) override;
CHIP_ERROR ConnectImpl(const IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port, InterfaceId intfId) override;
CHIP_ERROR SendQueuedImpl(bool queueWasEmpty) override;
CHIP_ERROR SetUserTimeoutImpl(uint32_t userTimeoutMillis) override;
CHIP_ERROR DriveSendingImpl() override;
void HandleConnectCompleteImpl() override;
void DoCloseImpl(CHIP_ERROR err, State oldState) override;
struct BufferOffset
BufferOffset(System::PacketBufferHandle && aBuffer) : buffer(std::move(aBuffer)), offset(0) {}
BufferOffset(BufferOffset && aOther)
buffer = std::move(aOther.buffer);
offset = aOther.offset;
chip::System::PacketBufferHandle buffer;
uint16_t offset;
uint16_t mUnackedLength; // Amount sent but awaiting ACK. Used as a form of reference count
// to hang-on to backing packet buffers until they are no longer needed.
uint16_t RemainingToSend();
BufferOffset FindStartOfUnsent();
CHIP_ERROR GetPCB(IPAddressType addrType);
void HandleDataSent(uint16_t len);
void HandleDataReceived(chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && buf);
void HandleIncomingConnection(TCPEndPoint * pcb);
void HandleError(CHIP_ERROR err);
static err_t LwIPHandleConnectComplete(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * tpcb, err_t lwipErr);
static err_t LwIPHandleIncomingConnection(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * tcpConPCB, err_t lwipErr);
static err_t LwIPHandleDataReceived(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * tpcb, struct pbuf * p, err_t err);
static err_t LwIPHandleDataSent(void * arg, struct tcp_pcb * tpcb, u16_t len);
static void LwIPHandleError(void * arg, err_t err);
using TCPEndPointImpl = TCPEndPointImplLwIP;
} // namespace Inet
} // namespace chip