blob: a595e7803aa63383de40c00604cdecb76d3806d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/TLV.h>
#include <messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h>
namespace chip {
// TODO We should get part of this from constexpr that is in ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h
class SessionParameters
SessionParameters(ReliableMessageProtocolConfig mrpConfig = GetDefaultMRPConfig()) : mMRPConfig(mrpConfig) {}
// This estimated TLV size calc is here instead of messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h
// because we would need to add `include <lib/core/TLV.h>`. While we could make it all work
// from a build standpoint, if any new MRP config gets added accessors will still need to be
// added here so having this calc done here isn't problematic.
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfSessionIdleInterval = sizeof(uint32_t);
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfSessionActiveInterval = sizeof(uint32_t);
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfSessionActiveThreshold = sizeof(uint16_t);
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfDataModelRevision = sizeof(uint16_t);
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfInteractionModelRevision = sizeof(uint16_t);
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfSpecificationVersion = sizeof(uint32_t);
static constexpr size_t kSizeOfMaxPathsPerInvoke = sizeof(uint16_t);
static constexpr size_t kEstimatedTLVSize = TLV::EstimateStructOverhead(
kSizeOfSessionIdleInterval, kSizeOfSessionActiveInterval, kSizeOfSessionActiveThreshold, kSizeOfDataModelRevision,
kSizeOfInteractionModelRevision, kSizeOfSpecificationVersion, kSizeOfMaxPathsPerInvoke);
// From Section 4.12.8 "Parameters and Constants" in chapter "Secure Channel".
enum Tag : uint32_t
kSessionIdleInterval = 1,
kSessionActiveInterval = 2,
kSessionActiveThreshold = 3,
kDataModelRevision = 4,
kInteractionModelRevision = 5,
kSpecificationVersion = 6,
kMaxPathsPerInvoke = 7,
const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig & GetMRPConfig() const { return mMRPConfig; }
void SetMRPConfig(const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig & config) { mMRPConfig = config; }
void SetMRPIdleRetransTimeout(const System::Clock::Milliseconds32 idleRetransTimeout)
mMRPConfig.mIdleRetransTimeout = idleRetransTimeout;
void SetMRPActiveRetransTimeout(const System::Clock::Milliseconds32 activeRetransTimeout)
mMRPConfig.mActiveRetransTimeout = activeRetransTimeout;
void SetMRPActiveThresholdTime(const System::Clock::Milliseconds16 activeThresholdTime)
mMRPConfig.mActiveThresholdTime = activeThresholdTime;
const Optional<uint16_t> & GetDataModelRevision() const { return mDataModelRevision; }
void SetDataModelRevision(const uint16_t dataModelRevision) { mDataModelRevision = MakeOptional(dataModelRevision); }
const Optional<uint16_t> & GetInteractionModelRevision() const { return mInteractionModelRevision; }
void SetInteractionModelRevision(const uint16_t interactionModelRevision)
mInteractionModelRevision = MakeOptional(interactionModelRevision);
const Optional<uint32_t> & GetSpecificationVersion() const { return mSpecificationVersion; }
void SetSpecificationVersion(const uint32_t specificationVersion)
mSpecificationVersion = MakeOptional(specificationVersion);
uint16_t GetMaxPathsPerInvoke() const { return mMaxPathsPerInvoke; }
void SetMaxPathsPerInvoke(const uint16_t maxPathsPerInvoke) { mMaxPathsPerInvoke = maxPathsPerInvoke; }
ReliableMessageProtocolConfig mMRPConfig;
// For legacy reasons if we do not get DataModelRevision it means either 16 or 17. But there isn't
// a way to know for certain.
Optional<uint16_t> mDataModelRevision;
// For legacy reasons if we do not get InteractionModelRevision it means either 10 or 11. But there
// isn't a way to know for certain.
Optional<uint16_t> mInteractionModelRevision;
// For legacy reasons if we do not get SpecificationVersion it means that version is less than
// 0x01030000. But there isn't a way to know for certain.
Optional<uint32_t> mSpecificationVersion;
// When maxPathsPerInvoke is not provided legacy is always 1
uint16_t mMaxPathsPerInvoke = 1;
} // namespace chip