blob: 2542c4952fc072978d33c1a235bd580482b8ad0c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Declaration of CHIP Device Controller, a common class
* that implements connecting and messaging and will later
* be expanded to support discovery, pairing and
* provisioning of CHIP devices.
#pragma once
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceController.h>
#include <core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <core/CHIPTLV.h>
#include <support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <transport/RendezvousSession.h>
#include <transport/RendezvousSessionDelegate.h>
#include <transport/SecureSessionMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceController {
constexpr uint16_t kPacketCacheMaxSize = 16;
class ChipDeviceController;
typedef void (*NewConnectionHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, const Transport::PeerConnectionState * state,
void * appReqState);
typedef void (*CompleteHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, void * appReqState);
typedef void (*ErrorHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, void * appReqState, CHIP_ERROR err,
const Inet::IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
typedef void (*MessageReceiveHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, void * appReqState,
System::PacketBufferHandle payload);
class DLL_EXPORT ChipDeviceController : public Controller::DeviceStatusDelegate
friend class ChipDeviceControllerCallback;
void * AppState;
* Init function to be used when there exists a device layer that takes care of initializing
* System::Layer and InetLayer.
CHIP_ERROR Init(NodeId localDeviceId, Controller::DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr,
PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr);
* Init function to be used when already-initialized System::Layer and InetLayer are available.
CHIP_ERROR Init(NodeId localDeviceId, System::Layer * systemLayer, Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer,
Controller::DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr,
PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr);
CHIP_ERROR Shutdown();
CHIP_ERROR SetUdpListenPort(uint16_t listenPort);
chip::Controller::DeviceController * GetDeviceController() { return &mCommissioner; }
// ----- Connection Management -----
* @brief
* Connect to a CHIP device with the provided Rendezvous connection parameters
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] params The Rendezvous connection parameters
* @param[in] appReqState Application specific context to be passed back when a message is received or on error
* @param[in] onConnected Callback for when the connection is established
* @param[in] onMessageReceived Callback for when a message is received
* @param[in] onError Callback for when an error occurs
* @return CHIP_ERROR The connection status
[[deprecated("Available until controller apps move to DeviceController/DeviceCommissioner API")]] CHIP_ERROR
ConnectDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & params, void * appReqState, NewConnectionHandler onConnected,
MessageReceiveHandler onMessageReceived, ErrorHandler onError);
* @brief
* Connect to a CHIP device at a given address and an optional port. This is a test only API
* that bypasses Rendezvous and Secure Pairing process.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] deviceAddr The address of the requested Device
* @param[in] appReqState Application specific context to be passed back when a message is received or on error
* @param[in] onConnected Callback for when the connection is established
* @param[in] onMessageReceived Callback for when a message is received
* @param[in] onError Callback for when an error occurs
* @return CHIP_ERROR The connection status
[[deprecated("Available until Rendezvous is implemented")]] CHIP_ERROR
ConnectDeviceWithoutSecurePairing(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const Transport::PeerAddress & deviceAddr, void * appReqState,
NewConnectionHandler onConnected, MessageReceiveHandler onMessageReceived,
ErrorHandler onError);
* @brief
* Disconnect from a connected device
* @return CHIP_ERROR If the device was disconnected successfully
CHIP_ERROR DisconnectDevice();
* @brief
* Check if there's an active connection
* @return bool If there is an active connection
bool IsConnected() const;
* @brief
* Get IP Address of the peer if the connection is active
* @return bool If IP Address was returned
bool GetIpAddress(Inet::IPAddress & addr);
// ----- Messaging -----
* @brief
* Send a message to a connected CHIP device
* @param[in] appReqState Application specific context to be passed back when a message is received or on error
* @param[in] buffer The Data Buffer to trasmit to the device
* @param[in] peerDevice Device ID of the peer device
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR SendMessage(void * appReqState, System::PacketBufferHandle buffer, NodeId peerDevice = kUndefinedNodeId);
// ----- IO -----
* @brief
* Start the event loop task within the CHIP stack
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR ServiceEvents();
* @brief
* Allow the CHIP Stack to process any pending events
* This can be called in an event handler loop to tigger callbacks within the CHIP stack
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR ServiceEventSignal();
// ----- Pairing -----
* @brief
* Set device pairing delegate after init, pass nullptr remove device delegate.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR SetDevicePairingDelegate(Controller::DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate);
//////////// DeviceStatusDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnMessage(System::PacketBufferHandle msg) override;
CHIP_ERROR InitDevice();
kState_NotInitialized = 0,
kState_Initialized = 1
} mState;
Controller::DeviceCommissioner mCommissioner;
Controller::Device * mDevice;
void * mAppReqState;
CompleteHandler General;
MessageReceiveHandler Response;
} mOnComplete;
ErrorHandler mOnError;
NewConnectionHandler mOnNewConnection;
System::PacketBuffer * mCurReqMsg;
NodeId mLocalDeviceId;
NodeId mRemoteDeviceId;
uint16_t mListenPort;
Controller::SerializedDevice mSerializedTestDevice;
bool mPairingWithoutSecurity;
void ClearRequestState();
void ClearOpState();
} // namespace DeviceController
} // namespace chip