blob: 0bb760685297eff1dd03c91db68ca9a7506f6767 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
name: 263.1.2. [TC-DISHM-1.2] Cluster attributes with DUT as Server
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label:
"Step 1: Commission DUT to TH (can be skipped if done in a preceding
verification: |
disabled: true
- label: "Step 2: TH reads from the DUT the SupportedModes attribute."
verification: |
./chip-tool dishwashermode read supported-modes 1 1
Verify that the DUT response contains list of ModeOptionsStruct entries.
- Verify that the list has at least 2 and at most 255 entries
- Verify that each ModeOptionsStruct entry has a unique Mode field value and Label field value.
- If ModeOptionsStruct entry’s ModeTags field is not empty, then Verify the values of the Value fields that are not larger than 16 bits, for each Value field: Is the mode tag value a defined common tag value (Auto(0x0000), Quick(0x0001), Quiet(0x0002), LowNoise(0x0003), LowEnergy(0x0004), Vacation(0x0005), Min(0x0006), Max(0x0007), Night(0x0008), Day(0x0009)) or a defined cluster-derived tag value (Normal, Heavy, Light) or in the MfgTags (0x8000 to 0xBFFF) range.
- If the Value field is in the MfgTags (0x8000 to 0xBFFF) range, the TagName field is a string with a length between 1 and 64
- Verify that at least one ModeOptionsStruct entry includes the Normal mode tag
- Save the Mode field values as supported_modes_dut on the TH (Chip-tool) and below is the sample log provided for the raspi platform:
[1689997453.610123][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0059 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 1427220838
[1689997453.610169][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: SupportedModes: 3 entries
[1689997453.610483][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1689997453.610503][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Label: Normal
[1689997453.610530][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Mode: 0
[1689997453.610536][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: ModeTags: 1 entries
[1689997453.610540][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1689997453.610542][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Value: 16384
[1689997453.610551][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610553][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610559][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [2]: {
[1689997453.610571][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Label: Heavy
[1689997453.610574][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Mode: 1
[1689997453.610577][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: ModeTags: 2 entries
[1689997453.610580][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1689997453.610582][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Value: 7
[1689997453.610583][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610585][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [2]: {
[1689997453.610587][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Value: 16385
[1689997453.610588][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610590][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610594][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [3]: {
[1689997453.610595][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Label: Light
[1689997453.610597][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Mode: 2
[1689997453.610600][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: ModeTags: 3 entries
[1689997453.610602][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1689997453.610604][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Value: 16386
[1689997453.610605][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610607][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [2]: {
[1689997453.610609][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Value: 8
[1689997453.610610][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610612][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: [3]: {
[1689997453.610614][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: Value: 2
[1689997453.610615][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
[1689997453.610617][360094:360096] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label: "Step 3: TH reads from the DUT the CurrentMode attribute."
verification: |
./chip-tool dishwashermode read current-mode 1 1
Verify on TH(chip-tool) logs, CurrentMode attribute is an integer value from supported_modes_dut, below is the sample log provided for the raspi platform, Here CurrentMode attribute value is 0
[1689997642.999367][360160:360162] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0059 Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 1994417976
[1689997642.999395][360160:360162] CHIP:TOO: CurrentMode: 0
disabled: true