blob: 07f24bdc3e6bc093aa36bab7fc9dba57620fa5aa [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
declare_args() {
# Location where code has been pre-generated
chip_code_pre_generated_directory = ""
# Code generation that will happen at build time.
# uses `scripts/` for code generation.
template("_chip_build_time_codegen") {
_name = target_name
_generator = invoker.generator
config("${_name}_config") {
include_dirs = [ target_gen_dir ]
pw_python_action("${_name}_generate") {
script = "${chip_root}/scripts/"
# TODO: this seems to touch internals. Is this ok? speeds up builds!
_pw_internal_run_in_venv = false
_idl_file = invoker.input
_expected_outputs = "${target_gen_dir}/${_name}.expected.outputs"
write_file(_expected_outputs, invoker.outputs, "list lines")
args = [
rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_expected_outputs, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.options)) {
foreach(option, invoker.options) {
args += [
args += [ rebase_path(_idl_file, root_build_dir) ]
inputs = [
# ensure any change in codegen files will result in a rebuild
inputs += matter_idl_generator_files
sources = [ _idl_file ]
outputs = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
outputs += [ "${target_gen_dir}/${name}" ]
source_set(_name) {
sources = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
sources += [ "${target_gen_dir}/${name}" ]
public_configs = [ ":${_name}_config" ]
if (defined(invoker.public_configs)) {
public_configs += invoker.public_configs
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":${_name}_generate" ]
# Code generation that will happen at build time.
# variables:
# input
# The ".zap" file to use to start the code generation
# generator
# Name of the generator to use. Supported variants:
# - "app-templates"
# deps, public_configs
# Forwarded to the resulting source set
# uses `zap` for code generation.
template("_chip_build_time_zapgen") {
_name = target_name
_generator = invoker.generator
config("${_name}_config") {
include_dirs = [ "${target_gen_dir}/zapgen/" ]
assert(_generator == "app-templates")
if (_generator == "app-templates") {
_template_path =
_partials_dir = "${chip_root}/src/app/zap-templates/partials"
_template_dir = "${chip_root}/src/app/zap-templates/templates/app"
# TODO: unclear how to maintain these: there is no parser that can figure
# out links of template files and zap files and such
_extra_dependencies = [
# Application templates, actually generating files
_output_subdir = "zap-generated"
pw_python_action("${_name}_generate") {
script = "${chip_root}/scripts/tools/zap/"
# TODO: this seems to touch internals. Is this ok? speeds up builds!
_pw_internal_run_in_venv = false
_idl_file = invoker.input
args = [
rebase_path(target_gen_dir) + "/zapgen/" + _output_subdir,
# TODO: lock file support should be removed as this serializes zap
# (slower), however this is currently done because on Darwin zap startup
# may conflict and error out with:
# Error: EEXIST: file already exists, mkdir '/var/folders/24/8k48jl6d249_n_qfxwsl6xvm0000gn/T/pkg/465fcc8a6282e28dc7a166859d5814d34e2fb94249a72fa9229033b5b32dff1a'
inputs = [
inputs += _extra_dependencies
# ensure any change in codegen files will result in a rebuild
inputs += matter_idl_generator_files
sources = [ _idl_file ]
outputs = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
outputs += [ "${target_gen_dir}/zapgen/${name}" ]
source_set(_name) {
sources = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
sources += [ "${target_gen_dir}/zapgen/${name}" ]
public_configs = [ ":${_name}_config" ]
if (defined(invoker.public_configs)) {
public_configs += invoker.public_configs
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
public_deps += [ ":${_name}_generate" ]
# Defines a target that runs code generation based on
# scripts/
# Arguments:
# input
# The ".matter" file to use to start the code generation
# generator
# Name of the generator to use (e.g. java-jni, java-class, cpp-app)
# outputs
# Explicit names of the expected outputs. Enforced to validate that
# expected outputs are generated when processing input files.
# deps, public_configs
# Forwarded to the resulting source set
# Command line parameters:
# chip_code_pre_generated_directory:
# - If this is set, generation will NOT happen at compile time but rather
# the code generation is assumed to have already happened and reside in
# the given location.
# - The TOP LEVEL directory is assumed to be given. Actual location for
# individual generators is expected to be of the form
# <top_dir>/<matter_path>/<generator>
# NOTE: content of "outputs" is verified to match the output of
# exactly. It is not inferred on purpose, to make build-rules explicit
# and verifiable (even though can at runtime report its outputs)
# To find the list of generated files, you can run with the
# "--name-only" argument
# the result of the target_name WILL BE a `source_set`. Treat it as such.
# Example usage:
# chip_codegen("java-jni-generate") {
# input = "controller-clusters.matter"
# generator = "java-jni"
# outputs = [
# "jni/IdentifyClient-ReadImpl.cpp",
# "jni/IdentifyClient-InvokeSubscribeImpl.cpp",
# # ... more to follow
# ]
# }
template("chip_codegen") {
if (chip_code_pre_generated_directory == "") {
_chip_build_time_codegen(target_name) {
} else {
_name = target_name
not_needed(invoker, [ "options" ])
# This constructs a path like:
# FROM all-clusters-app.matter (inside examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/)
# USING "cpp-app" for generator:
# => ${pregen_dir}/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app/codegen/cpp-app
_generation_dir =
chip_code_pre_generated_directory + "/" +
string_replace(rebase_path(invoker.input, chip_root), ".matter", "") +
"/codegen/" + invoker.generator
config("${_name}_config") {
include_dirs = [ "${_generation_dir}" ]
source_set(_name) {
public_configs = [ ":${_name}_config" ]
if (defined(invoker.public_configs)) {
public_configs += invoker.public_configs
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
sources = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
sources += [ "${_generation_dir}/${name}" ]
# Defines a target that runs code generation based on
# scripts/
# Arguments:
# input
# The ".matter" file to use to start the code generation
# generator
# Name of the generator to use (e.g. java-jni, java-class, cpp-app)
# outputs
# Explicit names of the expected outputs. Enforced to validate that
# expected outputs are generated when processing input files.
# deps, public_configs
# Forwarded to the resulting source set
# Command line parameters:
# chip_code_pre_generated_directory:
# - If this is set, generation will NOT happen at compile time but rather
# the code generation is assumed to have already happened and reside in
# the given location.
# - The TOP LEVEL directory is assumed to be given. Actual location for
# individual generators is expected to be of the form
# <top_dir>/<matter_path>/<generator>
# NOTE: content of "outputs" is verified to match the output of
# exactly. It is not inferred on purpose, to make build-rules explicit
# and verifiable (even though can at runtime report its outputs)
# To find the list of generated files, you can run with the
# "--name-only" argument
# the result of the target_name WILL BE a `source_set`. Treat it as such.
# Example usage:
# chip_codegen("java-jni-generate") {
# input = "controller-clusters.matter"
# generator = "java-jni"
# outputs = [
# "jni/IdentifyClient-ReadImpl.cpp",
# "jni/IdentifyClient-InvokeSubscribeImpl.cpp",
# # ... more to follow
# ]
# }
template("chip_zapgen") {
if (chip_code_pre_generated_directory == "") {
_chip_build_time_zapgen(target_name) {
} else {
_name = target_name
# This contstructs a path like:
# FROM all-clusters-app.zap (inside examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/)
# USING "cpp-app" for generator:
# => ${pregen_dir}/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app/codegen/cpp-app
_generation_dir =
chip_code_pre_generated_directory + "/" +
string_replace(rebase_path(invoker.input, chip_root), ".zap", "") +
"/zap/" + invoker.generator
config("${_name}_config") {
include_dirs = [ "${_generation_dir}" ]
# Pick up only the headers and mark them available to use
# Specifically controller seems to require header files but NOT cpp (does)
# not want to include cpp compilation of IM command handler data
source_set("${_name}_headers") {
sources = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
if (get_path_info(name, "extension") == "h") {
sources += [ "${_generation_dir}/${name}" ]
# Ugly, but references WILL reference back into main code.
check_includes = false
# need to have consistent naming. Make sure "files" exists
action("${_name}_files") {
script = "${chip_root}/scripts/tools/zap/"
_output_name = "${target_gen_dir}/${_name}_files_checked.stamp"
args = [
outputs = [ _output_name ]
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
args += [
# Depending on the files gets access to the headers
public_deps = [ ":${_name}_headers" ]
source_set(_name) {
if (!defined(public_configs)) {
public_configs = []
public_configs += [ ":${_name}_config" ]
sources = []
foreach(name, invoker.outputs) {
sources += [ "${_generation_dir}/${name}" ]
# Ugly, but references WILL reference back into main code.
check_includes = false