blob: d7fd36f4392edd3ad5194de1bcb3f49f154274d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/CommandHandlerInterface.h>
#include <app/util/util.h>
#include <utility>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
namespace ConcentrationMeasurement {
static constexpr std::array<ClusterId, 10> AliasedClusters = { CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement::Id,
FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement::Id };
enum class LevelValueEnum : uint8_t
kUnknown = 0x00,
kLow = 0x01,
kMedium = 0x02,
kHigh = 0x03,
kCritical = 0x04,
// All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
// to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
// be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
// enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
kUnknownEnumValue = 5,
enum class MeasurementMediumEnum : uint8_t
kAir = 0x00,
kWater = 0x01,
kSoil = 0x02,
// All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
// to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
// be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
// enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
kUnknownEnumValue = 3,
enum class MeasurementUnitEnum : uint8_t
kPpm = 0x00,
kPpb = 0x01,
kPpt = 0x02,
kMgm3 = 0x03,
kUgm3 = 0x04,
kNgm3 = 0x05,
kPm3 = 0x06,
kBqm3 = 0x07,
// All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
// to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
// be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
// enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
kUnknownEnumValue = 8,
enum class Feature : uint32_t
kNumericMeasurement = 0x1,
kLevelIndication = 0x2,
kMediumLevel = 0x4,
kCriticalLevel = 0x8,
kPeakMeasurement = 0x10,
kAverageMeasurement = 0x20,
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasuredValue {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000000;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableType = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::Nullable<float> &;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace MeasuredValue
namespace MinMeasuredValue {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000001;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableType = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::Nullable<float> &;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace MinMeasuredValue
namespace MaxMeasuredValue {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000002;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableType = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::Nullable<float> &;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace MaxMeasuredValue
namespace PeakMeasuredValue {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000003;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableType = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::Nullable<float> &;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace PeakMeasuredValue
namespace PeakMeasuredValueWindow {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000004;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = uint32_t;
// using DecodableType = uint32_t;
// using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace PeakMeasuredValueWindow
namespace AverageMeasuredValue {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000005;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableType = DataModel::Nullable<float>;
// using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::Nullable<float> &;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace AverageMeasuredValue
namespace AverageMeasuredValueWindow {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000006;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = uint32_t;
// using DecodableType = uint32_t;
// using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace AverageMeasuredValueWindow
namespace Uncertainty {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000007;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = float;
// using DecodableType = float;
// using DecodableArgType = float;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace Uncertainty
namespace MeasurementUnit {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000008;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = MeasurementUnitEnum;
// using DecodableType = MeasurementUnitEnum;
// using DecodableArgType = MeasurementUnitEnum;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace MeasurementUnit
namespace MeasurementMedium {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000009;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = MeasurementMediumEnum;
// using DecodableType = MeasurementMediumEnum;
// using DecodableArgType = MeasurementMediumEnum;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace MeasurementMedium
namespace LevelValue {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x0000000A;
// struct TypeInfo
// {
// using Type = LevelValueEnum;
// using DecodableType = LevelValueEnum;
// using DecodableArgType = LevelValueEnum;
// static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Id; }
// static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
// };
} // namespace LevelValue
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id;
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id;
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace EventList {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::EventList::Id;
} // namespace EventList
namespace AttributeList {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::Id;
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::Id;
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id;
} // namespace ClusterRevision
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ConcentrationMeasurement
} // namespace Clusters
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip