blob: ddd32fdd958b4d1fcefd0cf5fc28a21ae3b252a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
declare_args() {
# Enable logging. Shorthand for chip_error_logging, etc.
chip_logging = true
declare_args() {
# Configure target tyle: unix, embedded.
chip_target_style = ""
# Enable error logging.
chip_error_logging = chip_logging
# Enable progress logging.
chip_progress_logging = chip_logging
# Enable detail logging.
chip_detail_logging = chip_logging
# Enable automation logging.
chip_automation_logging = chip_logging
# Configure the maximum size for logged messages
if (current_os == "linux" || current_os == "mac" || current_os == "ios") {
# Allow base64 encoding of 1 MTU (4 * (1280 / 3) + padding
chip_log_message_max_size = 1708
} else {
chip_log_message_max_size = 256
# Enable pigweed tokenizer logging.
chip_pw_tokenizer_logging = false
# Configure chip logging to output through pigweed logging.
chip_use_pw_logging = false
# Configure chip logging to output through external logging implementation.
# External code will need to provide implementation for CHIP log output
# function (LogV), which is defined in "src/platform/logging/LogV.h".
chip_use_external_logging = false
# Enable short error strings.
chip_config_short_error_str = false
# Enable argument parser.
chip_config_enable_arg_parser = true
# Memory management style: malloc, simple, platform.
chip_config_memory_management = "malloc"
# Memory management debug option: enable additional checks.
chip_config_memory_debug_checks = false
# Memory management debug option: use dmalloc
chip_config_memory_debug_dmalloc = false
# When enabled trace messages using tansport trace hook.
chip_enable_transport_trace = current_os == "linux" || current_os == "mac"
# When this is enabled trace messages will be sent to pw_trace.
chip_enable_transport_pw_trace = false
# Enables using dynamic memory for minmdns tracking of operational
# responders.
# When not set, CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS is used for static allocation
# of tracking information for operational advertisement.
chip_config_minmdns_dynamic_operational_responder_list =
current_os == "linux" || current_os == "android" || current_os == "darwin"
# When using minmdns, set the number of parallel resolves
chip_config_minmdns_max_parallel_resolves = 2
if (chip_target_style == "") {
if (current_os != "freertos" && current_os != "zephyr" &&
current_os != "mbed" && current_os != "cmsis-rtos") {
chip_target_style = "unix"
} else {
chip_target_style = "embedded"
assert(chip_target_style == "unix" || chip_target_style == "embedded",
"Please select a valid target style: unix, embedded")
chip_config_memory_management == "malloc" ||
chip_config_memory_management == "simple" ||
chip_config_memory_management == "platform",
"Please select a valid memory management style: malloc, simple, platform")