blob: ebbc8dadd077d02c825bf045d80ee67071e4f24d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
tizen_dev_certificate = get_path_info("", "abspath")
tizen_manifest_parser = get_path_info("", "abspath")
tizen_qemu = get_path_info("", "abspath")
# Run Tizen Studio CLI as a project builder.
# Parameters:
# project_build_dir: Directory to build the project in.
# project_app_name: Name of the application within the project.
# args: List of arguments to pass to the CLI.
# outputs: List of created output files.
# deps: List of dependencies.
template("tizen_sdk") {
if (!defined(project_app_name)) {
project_app_name = "tizen-app"
# Create a dummy project definition file, so the Tizen Studio CLI
# will recognize our build directory as a Tizen project.
"# Generated by the GN script. DO NOT EDIT!",
"APPNAME = " + project_app_name,
"type = app",
# Create a dummy project file, so the Tizen Studio CLI will not
# complain about invalid XPath (this file is not used anyway...)
"<!-- Generated by the build script. DO NOT EDIT! -->",
action(target_name) {
script = "${build_root}/"
args = [ "${tizen_sdk_root}/tools/ide/bin/tizen" ] + invoker.args
# Generate author certificate and security profile.
# Parameters:
# author_certificate_name: Author certificate name field.
# author_certificate_email: Author certificate email field.
# author_certificate_password: Password for the author certificate.
# sign_security_profile: Name of the security profile to add.
template("tizen_sdk_certificate") {
"It is required to specify `author_certificate_password`.")
"It is required to specify a `sign_security_profile` which " +
"should be added to Tizen security profiles.")
stamp_file = "${root_out_dir}/.tizen_sdk_dev_certificate_stamp"
action(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
script = tizen_dev_certificate
args = [
"--author-certificate-name=" + invoker.author_certificate_name,
"--author-certificate-email=" + invoker.author_certificate_email,
"--author-certificate-password=" + invoker.author_certificate_password,
"--sign-security-profile=" + invoker.sign_security_profile,
"--stamp-file=" + rebase_path(stamp_file),
outputs = [ stamp_file ]
# Package Tizen application as a TPK bundle.
# Parameters:
# manifest: The path to Tizen XML manifest file to use.
# sign_security_profile: Name of the security profile to use for signing.
# deps: List of dependencies.
template("tizen_sdk_package") {
"It is required to specify Tizen `manifest` XML file.")
"It is required to specify a `sign_security_profile` which " +
"should be used for signing TPK package.")
# Extract data from Tizen XML manifest.
manifest = exec_script(tizen_manifest_parser,
[ rebase_path(invoker.manifest) ],
manifest_package = manifest["package"]
manifest_package_name = manifest_package["name"]
manifest_package_version = manifest_package["version"]
manifest_apps = manifest["apps"]
# Output directory where packaging will occur. We need a separate directory
# for this, because Tizen Studio CLI scans "res" (resources), "shared" and
# "lib" directories for items to pack. In our case it could include in the
# TPK package libraries available in ${root_out_dir}/lib directory.
tizen_package_dir = "${root_out_dir}/${manifest_package_name}"
tizen_package_out_dir = "${tizen_package_dir}/out"
# Copy Tizen manifest from the source directory.
copy("${target_name}:manifest") {
sources = [ invoker.manifest ]
outputs = [ "${tizen_package_dir}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
deps = invoker.deps
# List of dependencies for Tizen Studio CLI packager.
dependencies = [ ":${target_name}:manifest" ]
# Copy executable(s) to temporary output directory. This action is required,
# because Tizen Studio CLI expects particular directory layout - it is not
# possible to specify input files manually.
if (manifest_apps["service"] != "") {
dependencies += [ ":${target_name}:app:service" ]
copy("${target_name}:app:service") {
sources = [ root_out_dir + "/" + manifest_apps["service"] ]
outputs = [ "${tizen_package_out_dir}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
deps = invoker.deps
tpk = "${manifest_package_name}-${manifest_package_version}.tpk"
tizen_sdk(target_name) {
deps = invoker.deps + dependencies
outputs = [ "${tizen_package_out_dir}/${tpk}" ]
project_build_dir = tizen_package_dir
args = [
# Create ISO image for Tizen QEMU.
# Parameters:
# runner: Path to the Tizen QEMU runner script.
# assets: List of assets to copy to the ISO image.
template("tizen_qemu_mkisofs") {
# This target shall only be used for testing purposes.
testonly = true
assert(defined(invoker.runner), "It is required to specify runner script.")
assert(get_path_info(invoker.runner, "file") == "",
"Runner script must be named ''")
image_file = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.iso"
action(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
inputs = [ invoker.runner ]
outputs = [ image_file ]
args = [
"-VCHIP", # Volume ID = CHIP
"-JRU", # Joliet + Rock Ridge with untranslated filenames
# Exclude files from the ISO image which might otherwise be included
# by non-tracked assets in case of adding entire directory. This will
# not exclude files added explicitly.
if (defined(invoker.assets_non_tracked_exclude_globs)) {
foreach(glob, invoker.assets_non_tracked_exclude_globs) {
args += [
args += [
if (defined(invoker.assets)) {
args += invoker.assets
inputs += invoker.assets
if (defined(invoker.assets_non_tracked)) {
args += invoker.assets_non_tracked
script = "${build_root}/"
# Run Tizen in QEMU.
# Parameters:
# iso_image: The path to ISO image with the runner script.
# virtio_net: Enable external network access.
template("tizen_qemu_run") {
# This target shall only be used for testing purposes.
testonly = true
"It is required to specify ISO runner image.")
# Store QEMU output in a dedicated log file.
output_log_file = "${root_out_dir}/tizen-qemu-" + target_name + ".log"
action(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
inputs = [ invoker.iso_image ]
outputs = [ output_log_file ]
args = [
"--image-iso=" + invoker.iso_image,
"--output=" + rebase_path(output_log_file),
if (defined(invoker.virtio_net) && invoker.virtio_net) {
args += [ "--virtio-net" ]
script = tizen_qemu