blob: 0b5d45f1dc447b36169586f6152dbdc5bf0ee98f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/Optional.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
#include <lib/support/CommonIterator.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
namespace ElectricalPowerMeasurement {
using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ElectricalPowerMeasurement::Attributes;
using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ElectricalPowerMeasurement::Structs;
using chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
class Delegate
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
void SetEndpointId(EndpointId aEndpoint) { mEndpointId = aEndpoint; }
using HarmonicMeasurementIterator = CommonIterator<Structs::HarmonicMeasurementStruct::Type>;
virtual PowerModeEnum GetPowerMode() = 0;
virtual uint8_t GetNumberOfMeasurementTypes() = 0;
/* These functions are called by the ReadAttribute handler to iterate through lists
* The cluster server will call Start<Type>Read to allow the delegate to create a temporary
* lock on the data.
* The delegate is expected to not change these values once Start<Type>Read has been called
* until the End<Type>Read() has been called (e.g. releasing a lock on the data)
virtual CHIP_ERROR StartAccuracyRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetAccuracyByIndex(uint8_t, Structs::MeasurementAccuracyStruct::Type &) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR EndAccuracyRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR StartRangesRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetRangeByIndex(uint8_t, Structs::MeasurementRangeStruct::Type &) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR EndRangesRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR StartHarmonicCurrentsRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetHarmonicCurrentsByIndex(uint8_t, Structs::HarmonicMeasurementStruct::Type &) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR EndHarmonicCurrentsRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR StartHarmonicPhasesRead() = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetHarmonicPhasesByIndex(uint8_t, Structs::HarmonicMeasurementStruct::Type &) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR EndHarmonicPhasesRead() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetVoltage() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetActiveCurrent() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetReactiveCurrent() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetApparentCurrent() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetActivePower() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetReactivePower() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetApparentPower() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetRMSVoltage() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetRMSCurrent() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetRMSPower() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetFrequency() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetPowerFactor() = 0;
virtual DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetNeutralCurrent() = 0;
EndpointId mEndpointId = 0;
enum class OptionalAttributes : uint32_t
kOptionalAttributeRanges = 0x1,
kOptionalAttributeVoltage = 0x2,
kOptionalAttributeActiveCurrent = 0x4,
kOptionalAttributeReactiveCurrent = 0x8,
kOptionalAttributeApparentCurrent = 0x10,
kOptionalAttributeReactivePower = 0x20,
kOptionalAttributeApparentPower = 0x40,
kOptionalAttributeRMSVoltage = 0x80,
kOptionalAttributeRMSCurrent = 0x100,
kOptionalAttributeRMSPower = 0x200,
kOptionalAttributeFrequency = 0x400,
kOptionalAttributePowerFactor = 0x800,
kOptionalAttributeNeutralCurrent = 0x1000,
class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface
Instance(EndpointId aEndpointId, Delegate & aDelegate, BitMask<Feature> aFeature,
BitMask<OptionalAttributes> aOptionalAttributes) :
AttributeAccessInterface(MakeOptional(aEndpointId), Id),
mDelegate(aDelegate), mFeature(aFeature), mOptionalAttrs(aOptionalAttributes)
/* set the base class delegates endpointId */
~Instance() { Shutdown(); }
void Shutdown();
bool HasFeature(Feature aFeature) const;
bool SupportsOptAttr(OptionalAttributes aOptionalAttrs) const;
Delegate & mDelegate;
BitMask<Feature> mFeature;
BitMask<OptionalAttributes> mOptionalAttrs;
// AttributeAccessInterface
CHIP_ERROR Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder) override;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeAccuracy(const AttributeValueEncoder::ListEncodeHelper & aEncoder);
CHIP_ERROR EncodeRanges(const AttributeValueEncoder::ListEncodeHelper & aEncoder);
CHIP_ERROR EncodeHarmonicCurrents(const AttributeValueEncoder::ListEncodeHelper & aEncoder);
CHIP_ERROR EncodeHarmonicPhases(const AttributeValueEncoder::ListEncodeHelper & aEncoder);
} // namespace ElectricalPowerMeasurement
} // namespace Clusters
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip