blob: 161ea2f77c07508d326dc5ef4a8b9dc28e76c585 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "DeviceEnergyManagementDelegateImpl.h"
#include "DEMManufacturerDelegate.h"
#include "EnergyTimeUtils.h"
#include <app/EventLogging.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/StatusCode.h>
using namespace chip;
using namespace chip::app;
using namespace chip::app::Clusters;
using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DeviceEnergyManagement;
using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DeviceEnergyManagement::Attributes;
using chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
using chip::Optional;
using CostsList = DataModel::List<const Structs::CostStruct::Type>;
DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate() :
mpDEMManufacturerDelegate(nullptr), mEsaType(ESATypeEnum::kEvse), mEsaCanGenerate(false), mEsaState(ESAStateEnum::kOffline),
mAbsMinPowerMw(0), mAbsMaxPowerMw(0), mOptOutState(OptOutStateEnum::kNoOptOut), mPowerAdjustmentInProgress(false),
mPowerAdjustmentStartTimeUtc(0), mPauseRequestInProgress(false)
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetDeviceEnergyManagementInstance(DeviceEnergyManagement::Instance & instance)
mpDEMInstance = &instance;
uint32_t DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::HasFeature(Feature feature) const
bool hasFeature = false;
if (mpDEMInstance != nullptr)
hasFeature = mpDEMInstance->HasFeature(feature);
return hasFeature;
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetDEMManufacturerDelegate(
DEMManufacturerDelegate & deviceEnergyManagementManufacturerDelegate)
mpDEMManufacturerDelegate = &deviceEnergyManagementManufacturerDelegate;
* @brief Delegate handler for PowerAdjustRequest
* Note: checking of the validity of the PowerAdjustRequest has been done by the lower layer
* This function needs to notify the appliance that it should apply a new power setting.
* It should:
* 1) notify the appliance - if the appliance hardware cannot be adjusted, then return Failure
* 2) start a timer (or restart the existing PowerAdjust timer) for duration seconds
* 3) generate a PowerAdjustStart event (if there is not an existing PowerAdjustRequest running)
* 4) if appropriate, update the forecast with the new expected end time
* and when the timer expires:
* 5) notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
* 6) generate a PowerAdjustEnd event with cause NormalCompletion
* 7) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::PowerAdjustRequest(const int64_t powerMw, const uint32_t durationS,
AdjustmentCauseEnum cause)
bool generateEvent = false;
// If a timer is running, cancel it so we can start it with the new duration
if (mPowerAdjustmentInProgress)
DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().CancelTimer(PowerAdjustTimerExpiry, this);
// Going to start a new power adjustment so will need to generate an event
generateEvent = true;
// Record when this PowerAdjustment starts. Note if we do not set this value if a PowerAdjustment is in progress
CHIP_ERROR err = GetEpochTS(mPowerAdjustmentStartTimeUtc);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to get time: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return Status::Failure;
// Update the forecast with the new expected end time
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
CHIP_ERROR err = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleDeviceEnergyManagementPowerAdjustRequest(powerMw, durationS, cause);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return Status::Failure;
// mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct is guaranteed to have a value as validated in Instance::HandlePowerAdjustRequest.
// If it did not have a value, this method would not have been called.
switch (cause)
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kLocalOptimization:
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause = PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kLocalOptimizationAdjustment;
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kGridOptimization:
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause = PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kGridOptimizationAdjustment;
return Status::Failure;
// Remember we have a timer running so we don't generate a PowerAdjustStart event should another request come
// in before this timer expires
mPowerAdjustmentInProgress = true;
CHIP_ERROR err = DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().StartTimer(System::Clock::Seconds32(durationS), PowerAdjustTimerExpiry, this);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
// TODO: Note: should the PowerAdjust just initiated be cancelled because an Event could not be logged?
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to start a PowerAdjustStart timer: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return Status::Failure;
if (generateEvent)
Events::PowerAdjustStart::Type event;
EventNumber eventNumber;
err = LogEvent(event, mEndpointId, eventNumber);
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err)
// TODO: Note: should the PowerAdjust just initiated be cancelled because an Event could not be logged?
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to generate PowerAdjustStart event: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return Status::Failure;
return Status::Success;
* @brief Handle a PowerAdjustRequest failing
* Cleans up the PowerAdjust state should the request fail
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::HandlePowerAdjustRequestFailure()
DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().CancelTimer(PowerAdjustTimerExpiry, this);
mPowerAdjustmentInProgress = false;
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause = PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kNoAdjustment;
// Should we inform the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate that PowerAdjustRequest has failed?
* @brief Timer for handling the PowerAdjustRequest
* This static function calls the non-static HandlePowerAdjustTimerExpiry method.
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::PowerAdjustTimerExpiry(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * delegate)
DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate * dg = reinterpret_cast<DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate *>(delegate);
* @brief Timer for handling the completion of a PowerAdjustRequest
* When the timer expires:
* 1) notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
* 2) generate a PowerAdjustEnd event with cause NormalCompletion
* 3) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::HandlePowerAdjustTimerExpiry()
ChipLogError(AppServer, "DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::HandlePowerAdjustTimerExpiry");
// The PowerAdjustment is no longer in progress
mPowerAdjustmentInProgress = false;
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause = PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kNoAdjustment;
// Generate a PowerAdjustEnd event
// Update the forecast with new expected end time
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
* @brief Delegate handler for CancelPowerAdjustRequest
* Note: checking of the validity of the CancelPowerAdjustRequest has been done by the lower layer
* This function needs to notify the appliance that it should resume its intended power setting (or go idle).
* It should:
* 1) notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
* 2) generate a PowerAdjustEnd event with cause code Cancelled
* 3) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::CancelPowerAdjustRequest()
Status status = Status::Success;
CHIP_ERROR err = CancelPowerAdjustRequestAndGenerateEvent(DeviceEnergyManagement::CauseEnum::kCancelled);
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err)
status = Status::Failure;
return status;
* @brief Handles the cancelation of a PowerAdjust operation
* This function needs to notify the appliance that it should resume its intended power setting (or go idle).
* It should:
* 1) notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
* 2) generate a PowerAdjustEnd event with cause code Cancelled
* 3) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::CancelPowerAdjustRequestAndGenerateEvent(CauseEnum cause)
DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().CancelTimer(PowerAdjustTimerExpiry, this);
mPowerAdjustmentInProgress = false;
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause = PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kNoAdjustment;
CHIP_ERROR err = GeneratePowerAdjustEndEvent(cause);
// Notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
// It is expected the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate will update the forecast with new expected end time
// as a consequence of the cancel request.
err = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleDeviceEnergyManagementCancelPowerAdjustRequest(cause);
return err;
* @brief Generate a PowerAdjustEvent
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GeneratePowerAdjustEndEvent(CauseEnum cause)
Events::PowerAdjustEnd::Type event;
EventNumber eventNumber;
event.cause = cause;
uint32_t timeNowUtc;
CHIP_ERROR err = GetEpochTS(timeNowUtc);
if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
event.duration = timeNowUtc - mPowerAdjustmentStartTimeUtc;
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to get time: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return err;
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
event.energyUse = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->GetApproxEnergyDuringSession();
event.energyUse = 0;
err = LogEvent(event, mEndpointId, eventNumber);
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err)
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to generate PowerAdjustEnd event: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return err;
return err;
* @brief Delegate handler for StartTimeAdjustRequest
* Note: checking of the validity of the StartTimeAdjustRequest has been done by the lower layer
* This function needs to notify the appliance that the forecast has been updated by a client.
* It should:
* 1) update the forecast attribute with the revised start time
* 2) send a callback notification to the appliance so it can refresh its internal schedule
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::StartTimeAdjustRequest(const uint32_t requestedStartTimeUtc, AdjustmentCauseEnum cause)
if (mForecast.IsNull())
return Status::Failure;
switch (cause)
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kLocalOptimization:
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kLocalOptimization;
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kGridOptimization:
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kGridOptimization;
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Bad cause %d", to_underlying(cause));
return Status::Failure;
uint32_t durationS = mForecast.Value().endTime - mForecast.Value().startTime; // the current entire forecast duration
// Save the start and end time in case there is an issue with the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate handling this
// startTimeAdjustment request
uint32_t savedStartTime = mForecast.Value().startTime;
uint32_t savedEndTime = mForecast.Value().endTime;
/* Modify start time and end time */
mForecast.Value().startTime = requestedStartTimeUtc;
mForecast.Value().endTime = requestedStartTimeUtc + durationS;
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleDeviceEnergyManagementStartTimeAdjustRequest(requestedStartTimeUtc, cause);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
// Reset state
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kInternalOptimization;
mForecast.Value().startTime = savedStartTime;
mForecast.Value().endTime = savedEndTime;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
return Status::Failure;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
return Status::Success;
* @brief Delegate handler for Pause Request
* Note: checking of the validity of the Pause Request has been done by the lower layer
* This function needs to notify the appliance that it should now pause.
* It should:
* 1) pause the appliance - if the appliance hardware cannot be paused, then return Failure
* 2) start a timer for duration seconds
* 3) generate a Paused event
* 4) update the forecast with the new expected end time
* and when the timer expires:
* 5) restore the appliance's operational state
* 6) generate a Resumed event
* 7) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::PauseRequest(const uint32_t durationS, AdjustmentCauseEnum cause)
bool generateEvent = false;
// If a timer is running, cancel it so we can start it with the new duration
if (mPauseRequestInProgress)
DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().CancelTimer(PauseRequestTimerExpiry, this);
generateEvent = true;
// Remember we have a timer running so we don't generate a Paused event should another request come
// in before this timer expires
mPauseRequestInProgress = true;
CHIP_ERROR err = DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().StartTimer(System::Clock::Seconds32(durationS), PauseRequestTimerExpiry, this);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return Status::Failure;
// Pause the appliance
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
// It is expected that the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate will update the forecast with the new expected end time
err = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleDeviceEnergyManagementPauseRequest(durationS, cause);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return Status::Failure;
if (generateEvent)
Events::Paused::Type event;
EventNumber eventNumber;
err = LogEvent(event, mEndpointId, eventNumber);
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err)
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to generate Paused event: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return Status::Failure;
// Update the forecaseUpdateReason based on the AdjustmentCause
if (cause == AdjustmentCauseEnum::kLocalOptimization)
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kLocalOptimization;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
else if (cause == AdjustmentCauseEnum::kGridOptimization)
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kGridOptimization;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
return Status::Success;
* @brief Handle a PauseRequest failing
* Cleans up the state should the PauseRequest fail
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::HandlePauseRequestFailure()
DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().CancelTimer(PowerAdjustTimerExpiry, this);
mPauseRequestInProgress = false;
// Should we inform the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate that PauseRequest has failed?
* @brief Timer for handling the PauseRequest
* This static function calls the non-static HandlePauseRequestTimerExpiry method.
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::PauseRequestTimerExpiry(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * delegate)
DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate * dg = reinterpret_cast<DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate *>(delegate);
* @brief Timer for handling the completion of a PauseRequest
* When the timer expires:
* 1) restore the appliance's operational state
* 2) generate a Resumed event
* 3) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
void DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::HandlePauseRequestTimerExpiry()
// The PauseRequestment is no longer in progress
mPauseRequestInProgress = false;
// Generate a Resumed event
// It is expected the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate will update the forecast with new expected end time
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
* @brief Handles the cancelation of a pause operation
* This function needs to notify the appliance that it should resume its intended power setting (or go idle).
* It should:
* 1) notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
* 2) generate a PowerAdjustEnd event with cause code Cancelled
* 3) if necessary, update the forecast with new expected end time
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::CancelPauseRequestAndGenerateEvent(CauseEnum cause)
mPauseRequestInProgress = false;
DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().CancelTimer(PauseRequestTimerExpiry, this);
CHIP_ERROR err = GenerateResumedEvent(cause);
// Notify the appliance's that it can resume its intended power setting (or go idle)
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
// It is expected that the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate will update the forecast with new expected end time
err2 = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleDeviceEnergyManagementCancelPauseRequest(cause);
// Need to pick one of the error codes two return...
if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR && err2 == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
if (err2 != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return err2;
return err;
* @brief Generate a Resumed event
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GenerateResumedEvent(CauseEnum cause)
Events::Resumed::Type event;
EventNumber eventNumber;
event.cause = cause;
CHIP_ERROR err = LogEvent(event, mEndpointId, eventNumber);
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err)
ChipLogError(AppServer, "Unable to generate Resumed event: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return err;
* @brief Delegate handler for ResumeRequest
* Note: checking of the validity of the ResumeRequest has been done by the lower layer
* This function needs to notify the appliance that it should now resume operation
* It should:
* 1) restore the appliance's operational state
* 2) generate a Resumed event
* 3) update the forecast with new expected end time (given that the pause duration was shorter than originally requested)
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::ResumeRequest()
Status status = Status::Failure;
if (mPauseRequestInProgress)
// Guard against mForecast being null
if (!mForecast.IsNull())
// The PauseRequest has effectively been cancelled so as a result the device should
// go back to InternalOptimisation
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kInternalOptimization;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
CHIP_ERROR err = CancelPauseRequestAndGenerateEvent(CauseEnum::kCancelled);
if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
status = Status::Success;
return status;
* @brief Delegate handler for ModifyForecastRequest
* Note: Only basic checking of the validity of the ModifyForecastRequest has been
* done by the lower layer. This is a more complex use-case and requires higher-level
* work by the delegate.
* It should:
* 1) determine if the new forecast adjustments are acceptable to the appliance
* - if not return Failure. For example, if it may cause the home to be too hot
* or too cold, or a battery to be insufficiently charged
* 2) if the slot adjustments are acceptable, then update the forecast
* 3) notify the appliance to follow the revised schedule
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::ModifyForecastRequest(
const uint32_t forecastID, const DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SlotAdjustmentStruct::DecodableType> & slotAdjustments,
AdjustmentCauseEnum cause)
Status status = Status::Success;
if (mForecast.IsNull())
status = Status::Failure;
else if (mForecast.Value().forecastID != forecastID)
status = Status::Failure;
else if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
// Determine if the new forecast adjustments are acceptable to the appliance
CHIP_ERROR err = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleModifyForecastRequest(forecastID, slotAdjustments, cause);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
status = Status::Failure;
if (status == Status::Success)
switch (cause)
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kLocalOptimization:
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kLocalOptimization;
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kGridOptimization:
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kGridOptimization;
// Already checked in chip::app::Clusters::DeviceEnergyManagement::Instance::HandleModifyForecastRequest
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
return status;
* @brief Delegate handler for RequestConstraintBasedForecast
* Note: Only basic checking of the validity of the RequestConstraintBasedForecast has been
* done by the lower layer. This is a more complex use-case and requires higher-level
* work by the delegate.
* It should:
* 1) perform a higher level optimization (e.g. using tariff information, and user preferences)
* 2) if a solution can be found, then update the forecast, else return Failure
* 3) notify the appliance to follow the revised schedule
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::RequestConstraintBasedForecast(
const DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ConstraintsStruct::DecodableType> & constraints, AdjustmentCauseEnum cause)
Status status = Status::Success;
if (mForecast.IsNull())
status = Status::Failure;
else if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
// Determine if the new forecast adjustments are acceptable to the appliance
CHIP_ERROR err = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->RequestConstraintBasedForecast(constraints, cause);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
status = Status::Failure;
if (status == Status::Success)
switch (cause)
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kLocalOptimization:
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kLocalOptimization;
case AdjustmentCauseEnum::kGridOptimization:
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kGridOptimization;
// Already checked in chip::app::Clusters::DeviceEnergyManagement::Instance::HandleModifyForecastRequest
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
status = Status::Success;
return status;
* @brief Delegate handler for CancelRequest
* Note: This is a more complex use-case and requires higher-level work by the delegate.
* 1) Check if the forecastUpdateReason was already InternalOptimization (and reject the command)
* 2) Update its forecast (based on its optimization strategy) ignoring previous requests
* 3) Update its Forecast attribute to match its new intended operation, and update the
* ForecastStruct.ForecastUpdateReason to `Internal Optimization`.
Status DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::CancelRequest()
Status status = Status::Success;
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kInternalOptimization;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
/* It is expected the mpDEMManufacturerDelegate will cancel the effects of any previous adjustment
* request commands, and re-evaluate its forecast for intended operation ignoring those previous
* requests.
if (mpDEMManufacturerDelegate != nullptr)
CHIP_ERROR error = mpDEMManufacturerDelegate->HandleDeviceEnergyManagementCancelRequest();
if (error != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
status = Status::Failure;
return status;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get attribute methods
ESATypeEnum DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetESAType()
return mEsaType;
bool DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetESACanGenerate()
return mEsaCanGenerate;
ESAStateEnum DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetESAState()
return mEsaState;
int64_t DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetAbsMinPower()
return mAbsMinPowerMw;
int64_t DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetAbsMaxPower()
return mAbsMaxPowerMw;
const DataModel::Nullable<Structs::PowerAdjustCapabilityStruct::Type> &
return mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct;
const DataModel::Nullable<Structs::ForecastStruct::Type> & DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetForecast()
ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetForecast");
return mForecast;
OptOutStateEnum DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::GetOptOutState()
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mOptOutState %d", to_underlying(mOptOutState));
return mOptOutState;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set attribute methods
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetESAType(ESATypeEnum newValue)
ESATypeEnum oldValue = mEsaType;
if (newValue >= ESATypeEnum::kUnknownEnumValue)
return CHIP_IM_GLOBAL_STATUS(ConstraintError);
mEsaType = newValue;
if (oldValue != newValue)
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mEsaType updated to %d", static_cast<int>(mEsaType));
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, ESAType::Id);
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetESACanGenerate(bool newValue)
bool oldValue = mEsaCanGenerate;
mEsaCanGenerate = newValue;
if (oldValue != newValue)
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mEsaCanGenerate updated to %d", static_cast<int>(mEsaCanGenerate));
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, ESACanGenerate::Id);
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetESAState(ESAStateEnum newValue)
ESAStateEnum oldValue = mEsaState;
if (newValue >= ESAStateEnum::kUnknownEnumValue)
return CHIP_IM_GLOBAL_STATUS(ConstraintError);
mEsaState = newValue;
if (oldValue != newValue)
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mEsaState updated to %d", static_cast<int>(mEsaState));
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, ESAState::Id);
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetAbsMinPower(int64_t newValueMw)
int64_t oldValueMw = mAbsMinPowerMw;
mAbsMinPowerMw = newValueMw;
if (oldValueMw != newValueMw)
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mAbsMinPower updated to " ChipLogFormatX64, ChipLogValueX64(mAbsMinPowerMw));
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, AbsMinPower::Id);
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetAbsMaxPower(int64_t newValueMw)
int64_t oldValueMw = mAbsMaxPowerMw;
mAbsMaxPowerMw = newValueMw;
if (oldValueMw != newValueMw)
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mAbsMaxPower updated to " ChipLogFormatX64, ChipLogValueX64(mAbsMaxPowerMw));
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, AbsMaxPower::Id);
const DataModel::Nullable<Structs::PowerAdjustCapabilityStruct::Type> & powerAdjustCapabilityStruct)
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct = powerAdjustCapabilityStruct;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, PowerAdjustmentCapability::Id);
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetForecast(const DataModel::Nullable<Structs::ForecastStruct::Type> & forecast)
// TODO see Issue #31147
mForecast = forecast;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
CHIP_ERROR DeviceEnergyManagementDelegate::SetOptOutState(OptOutStateEnum newValue)
OptOutStateEnum oldValue = mOptOutState;
// The OptOutState is cumulative
if ((oldValue == OptOutStateEnum::kGridOptOut && newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kLocalOptOut) ||
(oldValue == OptOutStateEnum::kLocalOptOut && newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kGridOptOut))
mOptOutState = OptOutStateEnum::kOptOut;
mOptOutState = newValue;
if (oldValue != newValue)
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "mOptOutState updated to %d mPowerAdjustmentInProgress %d", to_underlying(mOptOutState),
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, OptOutState::Id);
// Cancel any outstanding PowerAdjustment if necessary
if (mPowerAdjustmentInProgress)
if ((newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kLocalOptOut &&
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause == PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kLocalOptimizationAdjustment) ||
(newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kGridOptOut &&
mPowerAdjustCapabilityStruct.Value().cause == PowerAdjustReasonEnum::kGridOptimizationAdjustment) ||
newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kOptOut)
err = CancelPowerAdjustRequestAndGenerateEvent(DeviceEnergyManagement::CauseEnum::kUserOptOut);
// Cancel any outstanding PauseRequest if necessary
if (mPauseRequestInProgress)
// Cancel any outstanding PauseRequest
if ((newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kLocalOptOut &&
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason == ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kLocalOptimization) ||
(newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kGridOptOut &&
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason == ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kGridOptimization) ||
newValue == OptOutStateEnum::kOptOut)
err = CancelPauseRequestAndGenerateEvent(DeviceEnergyManagement::CauseEnum::kUserOptOut);
if (!mForecast.IsNull())
switch (mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason)
case ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kInternalOptimization:
// We don't need to redo a forecast since its internal already
case ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kLocalOptimization:
if ((mOptOutState == OptOutStateEnum::kOptOut) || (mOptOutState == OptOutStateEnum::kLocalOptOut))
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kInternalOptimization;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
// Generate a new forecast with Internal Optimization
case ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kGridOptimization:
if ((mOptOutState == OptOutStateEnum::kOptOut) || (mOptOutState == OptOutStateEnum::kGridOptOut))
mForecast.Value().forecastUpdateReason = ForecastUpdateReasonEnum::kInternalOptimization;
MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, DeviceEnergyManagement::Id, Forecast::Id);
// Generate a new forecast with Internal Optimization
ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Bad ForecastUpdateReasonEnum value of %d",
return err;