blob: f4e8e6711d710594818aa64de9fad7808a644a69 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import json
import os
import re
import sys
'*': {
'commands': {
'CommandById': {
'alias': 'command-by-id',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-id',
'CommandId': 'command-id',
'ReadById': {
'alias': 'read-by-id',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-ids',
'AttributeId': 'attribute-ids',
'WriteById': {
'alias': 'write-by-id',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-ids',
'AttributeId': 'attribute-ids',
'Value': 'attribute-values'
'SubscribeById': {
'alias': 'subscribe-by-id',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-ids',
'AttributeId': 'attribute-ids',
'ReadEventById': {
'alias': 'read-event-by-id',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-id',
'EventId': 'event-id',
'SubscribeEventById': {
'alias': 'subscribe-event-by-id',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-id',
'EventId': 'event-id',
'ReadNone': {
'alias': 'read-none',
'ReadAll': {
'alias': 'read-all',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-ids',
'AttributeId': 'attribute-ids',
'EventId': 'event-ids',
'SubscribeNone': {
'alias': 'subscribe-none',
'SubscribeAll': {
'alias': 'subscribe-all',
'arguments': {
'ClusterId': 'cluster-ids',
'AttributeId': 'attribute-ids',
'EventId': 'event-ids',
'AnyCommands': {
'alias': 'any',
'commands': {
'ReadNone': {
'has_endpoint': False,
'SubscribeNone': {
'has_endpoint': False,
'CommissionerCommands': {
'alias': 'pairing',
'commands': {
'PairWithCode': {
'alias': 'code',
'arguments': {
'nodeId': 'node-id',
'discoverOnce': 'discover-once',
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'GetCommissionerNodeId': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'GetCommissionerRootCertificate': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'IssueNocChain': {
'arguments': {
'nodeId': 'node-id',
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'Bdx': {
'commands': {
'Download': {
'arguments': {
'LogType': 'log-type',
'has_endpoint': False,
'DelayCommands': {
'alias': 'delay',
'commands': {
'WaitForCommissionee': {
'arguments': {
'expireExistingSession': 'expire-existing-session',
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'DiscoveryCommands': {
'alias': 'discover',
'commands': {
'FindCommissionable': {
'alias': 'commissionables',
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'FindCommissionableByShortDiscriminator': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'FindCommissionableByLongDiscriminator': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'FindCommissionableByVendorId': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'FindCommissionableByDeviceType': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'FindCommissionableByCommissioningMode': {
'has_destination': False,
'has_endpoint': False,
'readAttribute': 'read',
'writeAttribute': 'write',
'subscribeAttribute': 'subscribe',
'readEvent': 'read-event',
'subscribeEvent': 'subscribe-event',
class Encoder:
This class converts the names from the YAML tests to the chip-tool equivalent.
def __init__(self, specifications):
self.__specs = specifications
# This is not the best way to toggle this flag. But for now it prevents having
# to build a new adapter for the very small differences that exists...
is_darwin_framework_tool = os.path.basename(
sys.argv[0]) == ''
self.__is_darwin_framework_tool = is_darwin_framework_tool
def encode(self, request):
cluster = self.__get_cluster_name(request)
command, command_specifier = self.__get_command_name(request)
if command == 'wait-for-report':
return str(request.timeout) if request.timeout is not None else ''
arguments = self.__get_arguments(request)
base64_arguments = base64.b64encode(
(f'{{ {arguments} }}').encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
payload = f'"cluster": "{cluster}", "command": "{command}", "arguments" : "base64:{base64_arguments}"'
if command_specifier:
payload += f', "command_specifier": "{command_specifier}"'
return f'json:{{ {payload} }}'
def __get_cluster_name(self, request):
return self.__get_alias(request.cluster) or self.__format_cluster_name(request.cluster)
def __get_command_name(self, request):
command_name = self.__get_alias(
request.cluster, request.command) or self.__format_command_name(request.command)
# 'readAttribute' is converted to 'read attr-name', 'writeAttribute' is converted to 'write attr-name',
# 'readEvent' is converted to 'read event-name', etc.
if request.is_attribute:
command_specifier = self.__format_command_name(request.attribute)
# chip-tool exposes writable attribute under the "write" command, but for non-writable
# attributes, those appear under the "force-write" command.
if command_name == 'write':
attribute = self.__specs.get_attribute_by_name(
request.cluster, request.attribute)
if attribute and not attribute.is_writable:
command_name = 'force-write'
elif request.is_event:
command_specifier = self.__format_command_name(request.event)
command_specifier = None
return command_name, command_specifier
def __get_arguments(self, request):
# chip-tool expects a json encoded string that contains both mandatory and optional arguments for the target command.
# Those arguments are either top level properties of the request object or under the 'arguments' property.
# Usually if an argument is used by multiple commands (e.g: 'endpoint', 'min-interval', 'commissioner-name') it is represented as
# a top level property of the request.
# Otherwise if the argument is a command specific argument, it can be retrieved as a member of the 'arguments' property.
# As an example, the following test step:
# - label: "Send Test Add Arguments Command"
# nodeId: 0x12344321
# endpoint: 1
# cluster: Unit Testing
# command: TestAddArguments
# identity: beta
# arguments:
# values:
# - name: arg1
# value: 3
# - name: arg2
# value: 4
# Will be translated to:
# destination-id": "0x12344321", "endpoint-id-ignored-for-group-commands": "1", "arg1":"3", "arg2":"17", "commissioner-name": "beta"
arguments = ''
arguments = self.__maybe_add_destination(arguments, request)
arguments = self.__maybe_add_endpoint(arguments, request)
arguments = self.__maybe_add_command_arguments(arguments, request)
arguments = self.__maybe_add_data_version(arguments, request)
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.min_interval, "min-interval")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.max_interval, "max-interval")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.keep_subscriptions, "keepSubscriptions")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(arguments, request.timed_interaction_timeout_ms,
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.timeout, "timeout")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.event_number, "event-min")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.busy_wait_ms, "busyWaitForMs")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(
arguments, request.identity, "commissioner-name")
arguments = self.__maybe_add(arguments, request.fabric_filtered,
return arguments
def __maybe_add_destination(self, rv, request):
if not self._supports_destination(request):
return rv
if self.__is_darwin_framework_tool:
destination_argument_name = 'node-id'
destination_argument_name = 'destination-id'
destination_argument_value = None
if request.group_id:
destination_argument_value = hex(
0xffffffffffff0000 | int(request.group_id))
elif request.node_id:
destination_argument_value = hex(request.node_id)
destination_argument_value = None
if rv:
rv += ', '
rv += f'"{destination_argument_name}": "{destination_argument_value}"'
return rv
def __maybe_add_endpoint(self, rv, request):
if not self._supports_endpoint(request):
return rv
endpoint_argument_name = 'endpoint-id-ignored-for-group-commands'
endpoint_argument_value = request.endpoint
if endpoint_argument_value == '*':
endpoint_argument_value = 0xFFFF
if (request.is_attribute and not request.command == "writeAttribute") or request.is_event or (request.command in _ANY_COMMANDS_LIST and not request.command == "WriteById"):
endpoint_argument_name = 'endpoint-ids'
if self.__is_darwin_framework_tool:
endpoint_argument_name = 'endpoint-id'
if rv:
rv += ', '
rv += f'"{endpoint_argument_name}": "{endpoint_argument_value}"'
return rv
def __maybe_add_command_arguments(self, rv, request):
if request.arguments is None:
return rv
for entry in request.arguments['values']:
name = self.__get_argument_name(request, entry)
value = self.__encode_value(
request.command, entry.get('name'), entry['value'])
if rv:
rv += ', '
rv += f'"{name}":{value}'
return rv
def __maybe_add_data_version(self, rv, request):
if request.data_version is None:
return rv
value = ''
if type(request.data_version) is list:
for index, version in enumerate(request.data_version):
value += str(version)
if index != len(request.data_version) - 1:
value += ','
value = request.data_version
if rv:
rv += ', '
rv += f'"data-version":"{value}"'
return rv
def __get_argument_name(self, request, entry):
cluster_name = request.cluster
command_name = request.command
argument_name = entry.get('name')
if request.is_attribute:
if command_name == 'writeAttribute':
if self.__is_darwin_framework_tool:
argument_name = 'attr-value'
argument_name = 'attribute-values'
argument_name = 'value'
return self.__get_alias('*', command_name, argument_name) or self.__get_alias(cluster_name, command_name, argument_name) or argument_name
def __maybe_add(self, rv, value, name):
if value is None:
return rv
if rv:
rv += ', '
rv += f'"{name}":"{value}"'
return rv
def __encode_value(self, command_name, argument_name, value):
value = self.__encode_wildcards(command_name, argument_name, value)
value = self.__encode_octet_strings(value)
value = self.__lower_camel_case_member_fields(value)
return self.__convert_to_json_string(value)
def __encode_wildcards(self, command_name, argument_name, value):
if value != '*':
return value
# maybe a wildcard
# translate * to wildcard constant
return 0xFFFFFFFF
# return actual '*' as value ... not a wildcard-compatible argument
return value
def __encode_octet_strings(self, value):
if isinstance(value, list):
value = [self.__encode_octet_strings(entry) for entry in value]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
value = {key: self.__encode_octet_strings(
value[key]) for key in value}
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
value = 'hex:' + ''.join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in value)
return value
def __lower_camel_case_member_fields(self, value):
if isinstance(value, list):
value = [self.__lower_camel_case_member_fields(
entry) for entry in value]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
value = {self.__to_lower_camel_case(
key): self.__lower_camel_case_member_fields(value[key]) for key in value}
return value
def __convert_to_json_string(self, value):
is_str = isinstance(value, str)
value = json.dumps(value)
if not is_str:
value = value.replace("\"", "\\\"")
value = f'"{value}"'
return value
def __to_lower_camel_case(self, name):
return name[:1].lower() + name[1:]
def __format_cluster_name(self, name):
return name.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('/', '').replace('.', '').lower()
def __format_command_name(self, name):
if name is None:
return name
return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1-\2', name).replace(' ', '-').replace(':', '-').replace('/', '').replace('_', '-').lower()
def __get_alias(self, cluster_name: str, command_name: str = None, argument_name: str = None):
if argument_name is None and command_name in _GLOBAL_ALIASES:
return _GLOBAL_ALIASES.get(command_name)
aliases = _ALIASES.get(cluster_name)
if aliases is None:
return None
if command_name is None:
return aliases.get('alias')
aliases = aliases.get('commands')
if aliases is None or aliases.get(command_name) is None:
return None
aliases = aliases.get(command_name)
if argument_name is None:
return aliases.get('alias')
aliases = aliases.get('arguments')
if aliases is None or aliases.get(argument_name) is None:
return None
return aliases.get(argument_name)
def _supports_endpoint(self, request):
return self._has_support(request, 'has_endpoint')
def _supports_destination(self, request):
return self._has_support(request, 'has_destination')
def _has_support(self, request, feature_name):
aliases = _ALIASES.get(request.cluster)
if aliases is None:
return True
aliases = aliases.get('commands')
if aliases is None:
return True
aliases = aliases.get(request.command)
if aliases is None:
return True
return aliases.get(feature_name, True)