blob: 922605f3f91da72a5e98b4ed4fc8ef97e75895f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/util/config.h>
#include <app/util/endpoint-config-api.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <app/util/att-storage.h>
#include <app/util/attribute-metadata.h>
#include <zap-generated/endpoint_config.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/StatusCode.h>
extern uint8_t attributeData[]; // main storage bucket for all attributes
void emAfCallInits();
chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status emAfReadOrWriteAttribute(const EmberAfAttributeSearchRecord * attRecord,
const EmberAfAttributeMetadata ** metadata, uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t readLength, bool write);
// Given a cluster ID, endpoint ID and a cluster mask, finds a matching cluster within that endpoint
// with a matching mask. If one is found, the relative index of that cluster within the list of clusters on that
// endpoint is returned. Otherwise, 0xFF is returned.
uint8_t emberAfClusterIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfClusterMask mask);
// Returns the clusterId of Nth server or client cluster,
// depending on server toggle.
// Returns Optional<ClusterId>::Missing if cluster does not exist.
chip::Optional<chip::ClusterId> emberAfGetNthClusterId(chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint8_t n, bool server);
// Returns cluster within the endpoint; Does not ignore disabled endpoints
const EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterIncludingDisabledEndpoints(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfClusterMask mask);
// Function mask must contain one of the CLUSTER_MASK function macros,
// then this method either returns the function pointer or null if
// function doesn't exist. Before you call the function, you must
// cast it.
EmberAfGenericClusterFunction emberAfFindClusterFunction(const EmberAfCluster * cluster, EmberAfClusterMask functionMask);
// After the RAM value has changed, code should call this function. If this
// attribute has been tagged as non-volatile, its value will be stored.
void emAfSaveAttributeToStorageIfNeeded(uint8_t * data, chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
const EmberAfAttributeMetadata * metadata);
// Calls the attribute changed callback
void emAfClusterAttributeChangedCallback(const chip::app::ConcreteAttributePath & attributePath);
// Calls the attribute changed callback for a specific cluster.
emAfClusterPreAttributeChangedCallback(const chip::app::ConcreteAttributePath & attributePath, EmberAfAttributeType attributeType,
uint16_t size, uint8_t * value);
// Get the number of attributes of the specific cluster under the endpoint.
// Returns 0 if the cluster does not exist.
uint16_t emberAfGetServerAttributeCount(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster);
// Get the index of the given attribute of the specific cluster under the endpoint.
// Returns UINT16_MAX if the attribute does not exist.
uint16_t emberAfGetServerAttributeIndexByAttributeId(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
chip::AttributeId attributeId);
// Get the attribute id at the attributeIndex of the cluster under the endpoint. This function is useful for iterating over the
// attributes.
// Returns Optional<chip::AttributeId>::Missing() if the attribute does not exist.
chip::Optional<chip::AttributeId> emberAfGetServerAttributeIdByIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
uint16_t attributeIndex);