blob: 6668bdd216f0ca45d6344c948bfd6f4412785d20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/Optional.h>
#include <lib/support/TimeUtils.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceConfig.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
// Forward declaration of ICDManager to allow it to be friend with ICDConfigurationData.
class ICDManager;
// Forward declaration of TestICDManager to allow it to be friend with the ICDConfigurationData.
// Used in unit tests
class TestICDManager;
} // namespace app
* @brief ICDConfigurationData manages and stores ICD related configurations for the ICDManager.
* Goal of the class is to expose ICD information to all consummers without creating circular dependencies
* since the ICDManager is appart of the App layer
* Anyone can read the ICD configurations but only the ICDManager can changes those configurations.
class ICDConfigurationData
static constexpr uint32_t ICD_CHECK_IN_COUNTER_MIN_INCREMENT = 100;
enum class ICDMode : uint8_t
SIT, // Short Interval Time ICD
LIT, // Long Interval Time ICD
static ICDConfigurationData & GetInstance() { return instance; };
uint32_t GetIdleModeDurationSec() { return mIdleModeDuration_s; }
uint32_t GetActiveModeDurationMs() { return mActiveModeDuration_ms; }
uint16_t GetActiveModeThresholdMs() { return mActiveThreshold_ms; }
uint32_t GetICDCounter() { return mICDCounter; }
uint16_t GetClientsSupportedPerFabric() { return mFabricClientsSupported; }
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 GetSITPollingThreshold() { return kSITPollingThreshold; }
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 GetFastPollingInterval() { return mFastPollingInterval; }
uint32_t GetMinLitActiveModeThresholdMs() { return kMinLitActiveModeThreshold_ms; }
* If ICD_ENFORCE_SIT_SLOW_POLL_LIMIT is set to 0, function will always return the configured Slow Polling interval
* If ICD_ENFORCE_SIT_SLOW_POLL_LIMIT is set to 1, the returned value will depend on the devices operating mode.
* If ICDMode == SIT && the configured slow poll interval is superior to the maximum threshold (15s), the function will return
* the threshold (15s). If ICDMode == SIT but the configured slow poll interval is equal or inferior to the threshold, the
* function will the return the configured slow poll interval. If ICDMode == LIT, the function will return the configured slow
* poll interval.
* @return System::Clock::Milliseconds32
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 GetSlowPollingInterval();
ICDMode GetICDMode() { return mICDMode; }
// Singleton Object
ICDConfigurationData() = default;
static ICDConfigurationData instance;
// ICD related information is managed by the ICDManager but stored in the ICDConfigurationData to enable consummers to access it
// without creating a circular dependency. To avoid allowing consummers changing the state of the ICD mode without going through
// the ICDManager, the ICDManager is a friend that can access the private setters. If a consummer needs to be notified when a
// value is changed, they can leverage the Observer events the ICDManager generates. See src/app/icd/server/ICDStateObserver.h
friend class chip::app::ICDManager;
friend class chip::app::TestICDManager;
void SetICDMode(ICDMode mode) { mICDMode = mode; };
void SetICDCounter(uint32_t count) { mICDCounter = count; }
void SetSlowPollingInterval(System::Clock::Milliseconds32 slowPollInterval) { mSlowPollingInterval = slowPollInterval; };
void SetFastPollingInterval(System::Clock::Milliseconds32 fastPollInterval) { mFastPollingInterval = fastPollInterval; };
static constexpr uint32_t kMinLitActiveModeThreshold_ms = 5000;
* @brief Change the ActiveModeDuration or the IdleModeDuration value
* If only one value is provided, check will be done agaisn't the other already set value.
* @param[in] activeModeDuration_ms new ActiveModeDuration value
* @param[in] idleModeDuration_ms new IdleModeDuration value
* The precision of the IdleModeDuration must be seconds.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT is returned if idleModeDuration_ms is smaller than activeModeDuration_ms
* is returned if idleModeDuration_ms is greater than 64800000 ms
* is returned if idleModeDuration_ms is smaller than 1000 ms
* is returned if no valid values are provided
* CHIP_NO_ERROR is returned if the new intervals were set
CHIP_ERROR SetModeDurations(Optional<uint32_t> activeModeDuration_ms, Optional<uint32_t> idleModeDuration_ms);
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxIdleModeDuration_s = (18 * kSecondsPerHour);
static constexpr uint32_t kMinIdleModeDuration_s = 1;
static_assert((CHIP_CONFIG_ICD_IDLE_MODE_DURATION_SEC) <= kMaxIdleModeDuration_s,
"Spec requires the IdleModeDuration to be equal or inferior to 64800s.");
static_assert((CHIP_CONFIG_ICD_IDLE_MODE_DURATION_SEC) >= kMinIdleModeDuration_s,
"Spec requires the IdleModeDuration to be equal or greater to 1s.");
uint32_t mIdleModeDuration_s = CHIP_CONFIG_ICD_IDLE_MODE_DURATION_SEC;
"Spec requires the IdleModeDuration be equal or greater to the ActiveModeDuration.");
uint32_t mActiveModeDuration_ms = CHIP_CONFIG_ICD_ACTIVE_MODE_DURATION_MS;
uint16_t mActiveThreshold_ms = CHIP_CONFIG_ICD_ACTIVE_MODE_THRESHOLD_MS;
uint32_t mICDCounter = 0;
"Spec requires the minimum of supported clients per fabric be equal or greater to 1.");
// SIT ICDs should have a SlowPollingThreshold shorter than or equal to 15s (spec
static constexpr System::Clock::Milliseconds32 kSITPollingThreshold = System::Clock::Milliseconds32(15000);
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 mSlowPollingInterval = CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ICD_SLOW_POLL_INTERVAL;
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 mFastPollingInterval = CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ICD_FAST_POLL_INTERVAL;
ICDMode mICDMode = ICDMode::SIT;
} // namespace chip