blob: bc2ad1611129df15ab74467506b109909fa428fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines the CHIP CASE Session object that provides
* APIs for constructing a secure session using a certificate from the device's
* operational credentials.
#pragma once
#include <credentials/CHIPCert.h>
#include <credentials/CHIPOperationalCredentials.h>
#include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeDelegate.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/Constants.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/SessionEstablishmentExchangeDispatch.h>
#include <support/Base64.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <transport/PairingSession.h>
#include <transport/PeerConnectionState.h>
#include <transport/SecureSession.h>
#include <transport/SessionEstablishmentDelegate.h>
#include <transport/raw/MessageHeader.h>
#include <transport/raw/PeerAddress.h>
namespace chip {
constexpr uint16_t kAEADKeySize = 16;
constexpr uint16_t kSigmaParamRandomNumberSize = 32;
constexpr uint16_t kTrustedRootIdSize = 20;
constexpr uint16_t kMaxTrustedRootIds = 5;
constexpr uint16_t kIPKSize = 32;
using namespace Crypto;
using namespace Credentials;
struct CASESessionSerialized;
struct CASESessionSerializable
uint16_t mSharedSecretLen;
uint8_t mSharedSecret[kMax_ECDH_Secret_Length];
uint16_t mMessageDigestLen;
uint8_t mMessageDigest[kSHA256_Hash_Length];
uint8_t mPairingComplete;
NodeId mPeerNodeId;
uint16_t mLocalKeyId;
uint16_t mPeerKeyId;
class DLL_EXPORT CASESession : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegateBase, public PairingSession
CASESession(CASESession &&) = default;
CASESession(const CASESession &) = default;
CASESession & operator=(const CASESession &) = default;
CASESession & operator=(CASESession &&) = default;
virtual ~CASESession();
* @brief
* Initialize using operational credentials code and wait for session establishment requests.
* @param operationalCredentialSet CHIP Certificate Set used to store the chain root of trust an validate peer node
* certificates
* @param myKeyId Key ID to be assigned to the secure session on the peer node
* @param delegate Callback object
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of initialization
CHIP_ERROR WaitForSessionEstablishment(OperationalCredentialSet * operationalCredentialSet, uint16_t myKeyId,
SessionEstablishmentDelegate * delegate);
* @brief
* Create and send session establishment request using device's operational credentials.
* @param peerAddress Address of peer with which to establish a session.
* @param operationalCredentialSet CHIP Certificate Set used to store the chain root of trust an validate peer node
* certificates
* @param peerNodeId Node id of the peer node
* @param myKeyId Key ID to be assigned to the secure session on the peer node
* @param exchangeCtxt The exchange context to send and receive messages with the peer
* @param delegate Callback object
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of initialization
CHIP_ERROR EstablishSession(const Transport::PeerAddress peerAddress, OperationalCredentialSet * operationalCredentialSet,
NodeId peerNodeId, uint16_t myKeyId, Messaging::ExchangeContext * exchangeCtxt,
SessionEstablishmentDelegate * delegate);
* @brief
* Derive a secure session from the established session. The API will return error
* if called before session is established.
* @param session Reference to the secure session that will be
* initialized once session establishment is complete
* @param role Role of the new session (initiator or responder)
* @return CHIP_ERROR The result of session derivation
virtual CHIP_ERROR DeriveSecureSession(SecureSession & session, SecureSession::SessionRole role) override;
* @brief
* Return the associated secure session peer NodeId
* @return NodeId The associated peer NodeId
NodeId GetPeerNodeId() const { return mConnectionState.GetPeerNodeId(); }
* @brief
* Return the associated peer key id
* @return uint16_t The associated peer key id
uint16_t GetPeerKeyId() override { return mConnectionState.GetPeerKeyID(); }
* @brief
* Return the associated local key id
* @return uint16_t The assocated local key id
uint16_t GetLocalKeyId() override { return mConnectionState.GetLocalKeyID(); }
const char * GetI2RSessionInfo() const override { return "Sigma I2R Key"; }
const char * GetR2ISessionInfo() const override { return "Sigma R2I Key"; }
Transport::PeerConnectionState & PeerConnection() { return mConnectionState; }
* @brief Serialize the Pairing Session to a string.
CHIP_ERROR Serialize(CASESessionSerialized & output);
* @brief Deserialize the Pairing Session from the string.
CHIP_ERROR Deserialize(CASESessionSerialized & input);
* @brief Serialize the CASESession to the given serializable data structure for secure pairing
CHIP_ERROR ToSerializable(CASESessionSerializable & output);
* @brief Reconstruct secure pairing class from the serializable data structure.
CHIP_ERROR FromSerializable(const CASESessionSerializable & output);
SessionEstablishmentExchangeDispatch & MessageDispatch() { return mMessageDispatch; }
//// ExchangeDelegate Implementation ////
void OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, const PacketHeader & packetHeader, const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle payload) override;
void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override;
Messaging::ExchangeMessageDispatch * GetMessageDispatch(Messaging::ReliableMessageMgr * rmMgr,
SecureSessionMgr * sessionMgr) override
return &mMessageDispatch;
enum SigmaErrorType : uint8_t
kNoSharedTrustRoots = 0x01,
kInvalidSignature = 0x04,
kInvalidResumptionTag = 0x05,
kUnsupportedVersion = 0x06,
kUnexpected = 0xff,
CHIP_ERROR Init(OperationalCredentialSet * operationalCredentialSet, uint16_t myKeyId, SessionEstablishmentDelegate * delegate);
CHIP_ERROR SendSigmaR1();
CHIP_ERROR HandleSigmaR1_and_SendSigmaR2(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
CHIP_ERROR HandleSigmaR1(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
CHIP_ERROR SendSigmaR2();
CHIP_ERROR HandleSigmaR2_and_SendSigmaR3(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
CHIP_ERROR HandleSigmaR2(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
CHIP_ERROR SendSigmaR3();
CHIP_ERROR HandleSigmaR3(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
CHIP_ERROR SendSigmaR1Resume();
CHIP_ERROR HandleSigmaR1Resume_and_SendSigmaR2Resume(const PacketHeader & header, const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
CHIP_ERROR FindValidTrustedRoot(const uint8_t ** msgIterator, uint32_t nTrustedRoots);
CHIP_ERROR ConstructSaltSigmaR2(const System::PacketBufferHandle & rand, const P256PublicKey & pubkey, const uint8_t * ipk,
size_t ipkLen, System::PacketBufferHandle & salt);
CHIP_ERROR Validate_and_RetrieveResponderID(const uint8_t ** msgIterator, P256PublicKey & responderID,
const uint8_t ** responderOpCert, uint16_t & responderOpCertLen);
CHIP_ERROR ConstructSaltSigmaR3(const uint8_t * ipk, size_t ipkLen, System::PacketBufferHandle & salt);
CHIP_ERROR ConstructSignedCredentials(const uint8_t ** msgIterator, const uint8_t * responderOpCert,
uint16_t responderOpCertLen, System::PacketBufferHandle & signedCredentials,
P256ECDSASignature & signature, size_t sigLen);
CHIP_ERROR ComputeIPK(const uint16_t sessionID, uint8_t * ipk, size_t ipkLen);
void SendErrorMsg(SigmaErrorType errorCode);
void HandleErrorMsg(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
// TODO: Remove this and replace with system method to retrieve current time
CHIP_ERROR SetEffectiveTime(void);
CHIP_ERROR AttachHeaderAndSend(Protocols::SecureChannel::MsgType msgType, System::PacketBufferHandle msgBuf);
void Clear();
CHIP_ERROR ValidateReceivedMessage(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, const PacketHeader & packetHeader,
const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader, System::PacketBufferHandle & msg);
SessionEstablishmentDelegate * mDelegate = nullptr;
Protocols::SecureChannel::MsgType mNextExpectedMsg = Protocols::SecureChannel::MsgType::CASE_SigmaErr;
Hash_SHA256_stream mCommissioningHash;
P256PublicKey mRemotePubKey;
P256Keypair mEphemeralKey;
P256ECDHDerivedSecret mSharedSecret;
OperationalCredentialSet * mOpCredSet;
CertificateKeyId mTrustedRootId;
ValidationContext mValidContext;
uint8_t mMessageDigest[kSHA256_Hash_Length];
uint8_t mIPK[kIPKSize];
uint8_t mRemoteIPK[kIPKSize];
Messaging::ExchangeContext * mExchangeCtxt = nullptr;
SessionEstablishmentExchangeDispatch mMessageDispatch;
struct SigmaErrorMsg
SigmaErrorType error;
bool mPairingComplete = false;
Transport::PeerConnectionState mConnectionState;
typedef struct CASESessionSerialized
// Extra uint64_t to account for padding bytes (NULL termination, and some decoding overheads)
uint8_t inner[BASE64_ENCODED_LEN(sizeof(CASESessionSerializable) + sizeof(uint64_t))];
} CASESessionSerialized;
} // namespace chip