blob: a05c27f1f7ca3b8f94463fae34074058a955230a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <access/SubjectDescriptor.h>
#include <credentials/FabricTable.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
#include <lib/core/Optional.h>
#include <lib/core/PeerId.h>
#include <lib/core/ScopedNodeId.h>
#include <lib/support/IntrusiveList.h>
#include <lib/support/ReferenceCountedHandle.h>
#include <messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h>
#include <platform/LockTracker.h>
#include <transport/SessionDelegate.h>
#include <transport/raw/PeerAddress.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Transport {
class Session;
} // namespace Transport
/** @brief
* Non-copyable session reference. All SessionHandles are created within SessionManager. It is not allowed to store SessionHandle
* anywhere except for function arguments and return values.
* SessionHandle is reference counted such that it is never dangling, but there can be a gray period when the session is marked
* as pending removal but not actually removed yet. During this period, the handle is functional, but the underlying session
* won't be able to be grabbed by any SessionHolder. SessionHandle->IsActiveSession can be used to check if the session is
* active.
class SessionHandle
SessionHandle(Transport::Session & session) : mSession(session) {}
~SessionHandle() {}
SessionHandle(const SessionHandle &) = delete;
SessionHandle operator=(const SessionHandle &) = delete;
SessionHandle(SessionHandle &&) = default;
SessionHandle & operator=(SessionHandle &&) = delete;
bool operator==(const SessionHandle & that) const { return &mSession.Get() == &that.mSession.Get(); }
Transport::Session * operator->() const { return mSession.operator->(); }
friend class SessionHolder;
ReferenceCountedHandle<Transport::Session> mSession;
/** @brief
* Managed session reference. The object is used to store a session, the stored session will be automatically
* released when the underlying session is released. One must verify it is available before use. The object can be
* created using SessionHandle.Grab()
class SessionHolder : public IntrusiveListNodeBase<>
SessionHolder() {}
SessionHolder(const SessionHandle & handle) { Grab(handle); }
virtual ~SessionHolder();
SessionHolder(const SessionHolder &);
SessionHolder(SessionHolder && that);
SessionHolder & operator=(const SessionHolder &);
SessionHolder & operator=(SessionHolder && that);
virtual void SessionReleased() { Release(); }
virtual void ShiftToSession(const SessionHandle & session)
bool Contains(const SessionHandle & session) const
return mSession.HasValue() && &mSession.Value().Get() == &session.mSession.Get();
bool GrabPairingSession(const SessionHandle & session); // Should be only used inside CASE/PASE pairing.
bool Grab(const SessionHandle & session);
void Release();
explicit operator bool() const { return mSession.HasValue(); }
Optional<SessionHandle> Get() const
// We cannot return mSession directly even if Optional<SessionHandle> is internally composed of the same bits,
// since they are not actually equivalent type-wise, and SessionHandle does not permit copy-construction.
// So, construct a new Optional<SessionHandle> from the underlying Transport::Session reference.
return mSession.HasValue() ? chip::MakeOptional<SessionHandle>(mSession.Value().Get())
: chip::Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing();
Transport::Session * operator->() const { return &mSession.Value().Get(); }
// There is not delegate, nothing to do here
virtual void DispatchSessionEvent(SessionDelegate::Event event) {}
// Helper for use by the Grab methods.
void GrabUnchecked(const SessionHandle & session);
Optional<ReferenceCountedHandle<Transport::Session>> mSession;
/// @brief Extends SessionHolder to allow propagate SessionDelegate::* events to a given destination
class SessionHolderWithDelegate : public SessionHolder
SessionHolderWithDelegate(SessionDelegate & delegate) : mDelegate(delegate) {}
SessionHolderWithDelegate(const SessionHandle & handle, SessionDelegate & delegate) : SessionHolder(handle), mDelegate(delegate)
operator bool() const { return SessionHolder::operator bool(); }
void SessionReleased() override
// Note, the session is already cleared during mDelegate.OnSessionReleased
void ShiftToSession(const SessionHandle & session) override
if (mDelegate.GetNewSessionHandlingPolicy() == SessionDelegate::NewSessionHandlingPolicy::kShiftToNewSession)
void DispatchSessionEvent(SessionDelegate::Event event) override { (mDelegate.*event)(); }
SessionDelegate & mDelegate;
namespace Transport {
class SecureSession;
class UnauthenticatedSession;
class IncomingGroupSession;
class OutgoingGroupSession;
constexpr System::Clock::Milliseconds32 kMinActiveTime = System::Clock::Milliseconds32(4000);
class Session
virtual ~Session() {}
enum class SessionType : uint8_t
kUndefined = 0,
kUnauthenticated = 1,
kSecure = 2,
kGroupIncoming = 3,
kGroupOutgoing = 4,
virtual SessionType GetSessionType() const = 0;
void AddHolder(SessionHolder & holder)
void RemoveHolder(SessionHolder & holder)
virtual void Retain() = 0;
virtual void Release() = 0;
virtual bool IsActiveSession() const = 0;
virtual ScopedNodeId GetPeer() const = 0;
virtual ScopedNodeId GetLocalScopedNodeId() const = 0;
virtual Access::SubjectDescriptor GetSubjectDescriptor() const = 0;
virtual bool RequireMRP() const = 0;
virtual const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig & GetRemoteMRPConfig() const = 0;
virtual System::Clock::Timestamp GetMRPBaseTimeout() const = 0;
virtual System::Clock::Milliseconds32 GetAckTimeout() const = 0;
// Returns a suggested timeout value based on the round-trip time it takes for the peer at the other end of the session to
// receive a message, process it and send it back. This is computed based on the session type, the type of transport, sleepy
// characteristics of the target and a caller-provided value for the time it takes to process a message at the upper layer on
// the target For group sessions, this function will always return 0.
System::Clock::Timeout ComputeRoundTripTimeout(System::Clock::Timeout upperlayerProcessingTimeout);
FabricIndex GetFabricIndex() const { return mFabricIndex; }
SecureSession * AsSecureSession();
UnauthenticatedSession * AsUnauthenticatedSession();
IncomingGroupSession * AsIncomingGroupSession();
OutgoingGroupSession * AsOutgoingGroupSession();
bool IsGroupSession() const
return GetSessionType() == SessionType::kGroupIncoming || GetSessionType() == SessionType::kGroupOutgoing;
bool IsSecureSession() const { return GetSessionType() == SessionType::kSecure; }
void DispatchSessionEvent(SessionDelegate::Event event)
// Holders might remove themselves when notified.
auto holder = mHolders.begin();
while (holder != mHolders.end())
auto cur = holder;
// Return a session id that is usable for logging. This is the local session
// id for secure unicast sessions, 0 for non-secure unicast sessions, and
// the group id for group sessions.
uint16_t SessionIdForLogging() const;
// This should be called by sub-classes at the very beginning of the destructor, before any data field is disposed, such that
// the session is still functional during the callback.
void NotifySessionReleased()
SessionHandle session(*this);
while (!mHolders.Empty())
mHolders.begin()->SessionReleased(); // SessionReleased must remove the item from the linked list
void SetFabricIndex(FabricIndex index) { mFabricIndex = index; }
const SecureSession * AsConstSecureSession() const;
const IncomingGroupSession * AsConstIncomingGroupSession() const;
const OutgoingGroupSession * AsConstOutgoingGroupSession() const;
IntrusiveList<SessionHolder> mHolders;
FabricIndex mFabricIndex = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
// Return a string representation of the underlying session.
// Always returns a non-null pointer.
const char * GetSessionTypeString(const SessionHandle & session);
} // namespace Transport
} // namespace chip