blob: 04ae4761c2c74e8d6e3a322571d79c243ac9f80c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Credentials {
class OperationalCertificateStore
enum class CertChainElement : uint8_t
kRcac = 0,
kIcac = 1,
kNoc = 2
virtual ~OperationalCertificateStore() {}
// ==== API designed for commisionables to support fail-safe (although can be used by controllers) ====
* @brief Returns true if a pending root certificate exists and is active from a previous
* `AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric`.
virtual bool HasPendingRootCert() const = 0;
* @brief Returns true if a pending operational certificate chain exists and is active from a previous
* `AddNewOpCertsForFabric` or `UpdateOpCertsForFabric`.
virtual bool HasPendingNocChain() const = 0;
* @brief Returns whether a usable operational certificates chain exists for the given fabric.
* Returns true even if the certificates are not persisted yet. Only returns true if a certificate
* is presently usable such that `GetCertificate` would succeed for the fabric.
* @param fabricIndex - FabricIndex for which availability of certificate will be checked.
* @param element - Element of the certificate chain whose presence needs to be checked
* @return true if there an active obtainable operational certificate of the given type for the given FabricIndex,
* false otherwise.
virtual bool HasCertificateForFabric(FabricIndex fabricIndex, CertChainElement element) const = 0;
* @brief Add and temporarily activate a new Trusted Root Certificate for the given fabric
* The certificate is temporary until committed or reverted.
* The certificate is committed to storage only on `CommitOpCertsForFabric`.
* The certificate is destroyed if `RevertPendingOpCerts` is called before `CommitOpCertsForFabric`.
* Only one pending trusted root certificate is supported at a time and it is illegal
* to call this method if there is already a persisted root certificate for the given
* fabric.
* Uniqueness constraints for roots (see AddTrustedRootCertificate command in spec) are not
* enforced by this method and must be done as a more holistic check elsewhere. Cryptographic
* signature verification or path validation are not enforced by this method.
* If `UpdateOpCertsForFabric` had been called before this method, this method will return
* CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE since it is illegal to update trusted roots when updating an
* existing NOC chain.
* @param fabricIndex - FabricIndex for which a new trusted root certificate should be added
* @param rcac - Buffer containing the root certificate to add.
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY if there is insufficient memory to maintain the temporary root cert
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the certificate is empty or too large
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the certificate store is not properly initialized, if this method
* is called after `UpdateOpCertsForFabric`, or if there was
* already a pending or persisted root certificate for the given `fabricIndex`.
* @retval other CHIP_ERROR value on internal errors
virtual CHIP_ERROR AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric(FabricIndex fabricIndex, const ByteSpan & rcac) = 0;
* @brief Add and temporarily activate an operational certificate chain for the given fabric.
* The certificate chain is temporary until committed or reverted.
* The certificate chain is committed to storage on `CommitOpCertsForFabric`.
* The certificate chain is destroyed if `RevertPendingOpCerts` is called before `CommitOpCertsForFabric`.
* Only one pending operational certificate chain is supported at a time and it is illegal
* to call this method if there is already a persisted certificate chain for the given
* fabric.
* Cryptographic signature verification or path validation are not enforced by this method.
* If `UpdateOpCertsForFabric` had been called before this method, this method will return
* CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE since it is illegal to add a certificate chain after
* updating an existing NOC and before committing or reverting the update.
* If `AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric` had not been called before this method, this method will
* return CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE since it is illegal in this implementation to store an
* NOC chain without associated root.
* NOTE: The Matter spec allows AddNOC without AddTrustedRootCertificate if the NOC
* chains to an existing root, to support root reuse. In this implementation, we expect each
* fabric to store the root with the rest of the chain. Because of this, callers must ensure
* that if an AddNOC command is done and no trusted root was added, that the requisite existing
* root be "copied over" to match.
* @param fabricIndex - FabricIndex for which to add a new operational certificate chain
* @param noc - Buffer containing the NOC certificate to add
* @param icac - Buffer containing the ICAC certificate to add. If no ICAC is needed, `icac.empty()` must be true.
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY if there is insufficient memory to maintain the temporary `noc` and `icac` cert copies
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either the noc or icac are invalid sizes
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_FABRIC_INDEX if `fabricIndex` mismatches the one from a previous successful
* `AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric`.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the certificate store is not properly initialized, if this method
* is called after `UpdateOpCertsForFabric`, or if there was
* already a pending or persisted operational cert chain for the given `fabricIndex`,
* or if AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric had not yet been called for the given `fabricIndex`.
* @retval other CHIP_ERROR value on internal errors
virtual CHIP_ERROR AddNewOpCertsForFabric(FabricIndex fabricIndex, const ByteSpan & noc, const ByteSpan & icac) = 0;
* @brief Update and temporarily activate an existing operational certificate chain for the given fabric.
* The certificate chain is temporary until committed or reverted.
* The certificate chain is committed to storage on `CommitOpCertsForFabric`.
* The certificate chain is reverted to prior storage if `RevertPendingOpCerts` is called
* before `CommitOpCertsForFabric`.
* Only one pending operational certificate chain is supported at a time and it is illegal
* to call this method if there was not already a persisted certificate chain for the given
* fabric.
* Cryptographic signature verification or path validation are not enforced by this method.
* If `AddNewOpCertsForFabric` had been called before this method, this method will return
* CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE since it is illegal to update a certificate chain after
* adding an existing NOC and before committing or reverting the addition.
* If there is no existing persisted trusted root certificate and NOC chain for the given
* fabricIndex, this method will return CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE since it is
* illegal in this implementation to store an NOC chain without associated root, and it is illegal
* to update an opcert for a fabric not already configured.
* @param fabricIndex - FabricIndex for which to update the operational certificate chain
* @param noc - Buffer containing the new NOC certificate to use
* @param icac - Buffer containing the ICAC certificate to use. If no ICAC is needed, `icac.empty()` must be true.
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY if there is insufficient memory to maintain the temporary `noc` and `icac` cert copies
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if either the noc or icac are invalid sizes
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the certificate store is not properly initialized, if this method
* is called after `AddNewOpCertsForFabric`, or if there was
* already a pending cert chain for the given `fabricIndex`, or if there are
* no associated persisted root and NOC chain for for the given `fabricIndex`.
* @retval other CHIP_ERROR value on internal errors
virtual CHIP_ERROR UpdateOpCertsForFabric(FabricIndex fabricIndex, const ByteSpan & noc, const ByteSpan & icac) = 0;
* @brief Permanently commit the certificate chain last configured via successful calls to
* legal combinations of `AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric`, `AddNewOpCertsForFabric` or
* `UpdateOpCertsForFabric`, replacing previously committed data, if any.
* This is to be used when CommissioningComplete is successfully received
* @param fabricIndex - FabricIndex for which to commit the certificate chain, used for security cross-checking
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the certificate store is not properly initialized,
* or if no valid pending state is available.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_FABRIC_INDEX if there is no pending certificate chain for `fabricIndex`
* @retval other CHIP_ERROR value on internal storage errors
virtual CHIP_ERROR CommitOpCertsForFabric(FabricIndex fabricIndex) = 0;
* @brief Permanently remove the certificate chain associated with a fabric.
* This is to be used for RemoveFabric. Removes both the pending operational cert chain
* elements for the fabricIndex (if any) and the committed ones (if any).
* @param fabricIndex - FabricIndex for which to remove the operational cert chain
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the certificate store is not properly initialized.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_FABRIC_INDEX if there was no operational certificate data at all for `fabricIndex`
* @retval other CHIP_ERROR value on internal storage errors
virtual CHIP_ERROR RemoveOpCertsForFabric(FabricIndex fabricIndex) = 0;
* @brief Permanently release the operational certificate chain made via successful calls to
* legal combinations of `AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric`, `AddNewOpCertsForFabric` or
* `UpdateOpCertsForFabric`, if any.
* This is to be used when a fail-safe expires prior to CommissioningComplete.
* This method cannot error-out and must always succeed, even on a no-op. This should
* be safe to do given that `CommitOpCertsForFabric` must succeed to make an operation
* certificate chain usable.
virtual void RevertPendingOpCerts() = 0;
* @brief Same as RevertPendingOpCerts(), but leaves pending Trusted Root certs if they had
* been added. This is is an operation to support the complex error handling of
* AddNOC, where we don't want to have "sticking" ICAC/NOC after validation
* problems, but don't want to lose the RCAC given in an AddTrustedRootCertificate
* command.
virtual void RevertPendingOpCertsExceptRoot() = 0;
* @brief Get the operational certificate element requested, giving the pending data or committed
* data depending on prior `AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric`, `AddNewOpCertsForFabric` or
* `UpdateOpCertsForFabric` calls.
* On success, the `outCertificate` span is resized to the size of the actual certificate read-back.
* @param fabricIndex - fabricIndex for which to get the certificate
* @param element - which element of the cerficate chain to get
* @param outCertificate - buffer to contain the certificate obtained from persistent or temporary storage
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if `outCertificate` is too small to fit the certificate found.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the certificate store is not properly initialized.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the element cannot be found.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_FABRIC_INDEX if the fabricIndex is invalid.
* @retval other CHIP_ERROR value on internal storage errors.
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetCertificate(FabricIndex fabricIndex, CertChainElement element,
MutableByteSpan & outCertificate) const = 0;
* @brief RAII class to operate on an OperationalCertificateStore with auto-revert if not committed.
* Use as:
* CHIP_ERROR FunctionWillReturnWithPendingReverted(....)
* {
* OpCertStoreTransaction transaction(opCertStore);
* ReturnErrorOnFailure(transaction->AddNewTrustedRootCertForFabric(...));
* ReturnErrorOnFailure(transaction->AddNewOpCertsForFabric(...));
* ReturnErrorOnFailure(transaction->CommitOpCertsForFabric(...));
* return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
* }
class OpCertStoreTransaction
explicit OpCertStoreTransaction(OperationalCertificateStore & store) : mStore(store) {}
// This is a no-op if CommitOpCertsForFabric had been called on the store
// Non-copyable
OpCertStoreTransaction(OpCertStoreTransaction const &) = delete;
void operator=(OpCertStoreTransaction const &) = delete;
OperationalCertificateStore * operator->() { return &mStore; }
OperationalCertificateStore & mStore;
} // namespace Credentials
} // namespace chip