blob: 230c872743641cf958316e578d1b3665a838f02d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file declares an implementation of Inet::UDPEndPoint using LwIP.
#pragma once
#include <inet/EndPointStateLwIP.h>
#include <inet/EndpointQueueFilter.h>
#include <inet/UDPEndPoint.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Inet {
class UDPEndPointImplLwIP : public UDPEndPoint, public EndPointStateLwIP
UDPEndPointImplLwIP(EndPointManager<UDPEndPoint> & endPointManager) : UDPEndPoint(endPointManager), mUDP(nullptr) {}
// UDPEndPoint overrides.
CHIP_ERROR SetMulticastLoopback(IPVersion aIPVersion, bool aLoopback) override;
InterfaceId GetBoundInterface() const override;
uint16_t GetBoundPort() const override;
void Free() override;
* @brief Set the queue filter for all UDP endpoints
* Responsibility is on the caller to avoid changing the filter while packets are being
* processed. Setting the queue filter to `nullptr` disables the filtering.
* NOTE: There is only one EndpointQueueFilter instance settable. However it's possible
* to create an instance of EndpointQueueFilter that combines several other
* EndpointQueueFilter by composition to achieve the effect of multiple filters.
* @param queueFilter - queue filter instance to set, owned by caller
static void SetQueueFilter(EndpointQueueFilter * queueFilter) { sQueueFilter = queueFilter; }
// UDPEndPoint overrides.
CHIP_ERROR IPv4JoinLeaveMulticastGroupImpl(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress, bool join) override;
CHIP_ERROR IPv6JoinLeaveMulticastGroupImpl(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress, bool join) override;
CHIP_ERROR BindImpl(IPAddressType addressType, const IPAddress & address, uint16_t port, InterfaceId interfaceId) override;
CHIP_ERROR BindInterfaceImpl(IPAddressType addressType, InterfaceId interfaceId) override;
CHIP_ERROR ListenImpl() override;
CHIP_ERROR SendMsgImpl(const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && msg) override;
void CloseImpl() override;
static struct netif * FindNetifFromInterfaceId(InterfaceId aInterfaceId);
static CHIP_ERROR LwIPBindInterface(struct udp_pcb * aUDP, InterfaceId intfId);
void HandleDataReceived(System::PacketBufferHandle && msg, IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
CHIP_ERROR GetPCB(IPAddressType addrType4);
static void LwIPReceiveUDPMessage(void * arg, struct udp_pcb * pcb, struct pbuf * p, const ip_addr_t * addr, u16_t port);
udp_pcb * mUDP; // LwIP User datagram protocol (UDP) control block.
std::atomic_int mDelayReleaseCount{ 0 };
static EndpointQueueFilter * sQueueFilter;
using UDPEndPointImpl = UDPEndPointImplLwIP;
} // namespace Inet
} // namespace chip