blob: c97cea41b998f2f2e817a29f1d10c967ec103fb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import ctypes
from chip.ChipStack import *
from chip.exceptions import *
__all__ = ["ChipClusters"]
class ChipClusters:
FAILURE_DELEGATE = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_uint8)
"clusterName": "AccountLogin",
"clusterId": 0x0000050E,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "GetSetupPIN",
"args": {
"tempAccountIdentifier": "str",
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "Login",
"args": {
"tempAccountIdentifier": "str",
"setupPIN": "str",
"attributes": {
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "AdministratorCommissioning",
"clusterId": 0x0000003C,
"commands": {
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow",
"args": {
"commissioningTimeout": "int",
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "OpenCommissioningWindow",
"args": {
"commissioningTimeout": "int",
"PAKEVerifier": "bytes",
"discriminator": "int",
"iterations": "int",
"salt": "bytes",
"passcodeID": "int",
0x00000002: {
"commandId": 0x00000002,
"commandName": "RevokeCommissioning",
"args": {
"attributes": {
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "ApplicationBasic",
"clusterId": 0x0000050D,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "ChangeStatus",
"args": {
"status": "int",
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "VendorName",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "VendorId",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "ApplicationName",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "ProductId",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000005: {
"attributeName": "ApplicationId",
"attributeId": 0x00000005,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000006: {
"attributeName": "CatalogVendorId",
"attributeId": 0x00000006,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000007: {
"attributeName": "ApplicationStatus",
"attributeId": 0x00000007,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "ApplicationLauncher",
"clusterId": 0x0000050C,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "LaunchApp",
"args": {
"data": "str",
"catalogVendorId": "int",
"applicationId": "str",
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "ApplicationLauncherList",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "CatalogVendorId",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "ApplicationId",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "AudioOutput",
"clusterId": 0x0000050B,
"commands": {
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "RenameOutput",
"args": {
"index": "int",
"name": "str",
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "SelectOutput",
"args": {
"index": "int",
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "AudioOutputList",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "CurrentAudioOutput",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "BarrierControl",
"clusterId": 0x00000103,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "BarrierControlGoToPercent",
"args": {
"percentOpen": "int",
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "BarrierControlStop",
"args": {
"attributes": {
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "BarrierMovingState",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "BarrierSafetyStatus",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "BarrierCapabilities",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000A: {
"attributeName": "BarrierPosition",
"attributeId": 0x0000000A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "Basic",
"clusterId": 0x00000028,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "MfgSpecificPing",
"args": {
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "InteractionModelVersion",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "VendorName",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "VendorID",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "ProductName",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000004: {
"attributeName": "ProductID",
"attributeId": 0x00000004,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000005: {
"attributeName": "NodeLabel",
"attributeId": 0x00000005,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000006: {
"attributeName": "Location",
"attributeId": 0x00000006,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000007: {
"attributeName": "HardwareVersion",
"attributeId": 0x00000007,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000008: {
"attributeName": "HardwareVersionString",
"attributeId": 0x00000008,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000009: {
"attributeName": "SoftwareVersion",
"attributeId": 0x00000009,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000A: {
"attributeName": "SoftwareVersionString",
"attributeId": 0x0000000A,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000B: {
"attributeName": "ManufacturingDate",
"attributeId": 0x0000000B,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000C: {
"attributeName": "PartNumber",
"attributeId": 0x0000000C,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000D: {
"attributeName": "ProductURL",
"attributeId": 0x0000000D,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000E: {
"attributeName": "ProductLabel",
"attributeId": 0x0000000E,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000F: {
"attributeName": "SerialNumber",
"attributeId": 0x0000000F,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000010: {
"attributeName": "LocalConfigDisabled",
"attributeId": 0x00000010,
"type": "bool",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000011: {
"attributeName": "Reachable",
"attributeId": 0x00000011,
"type": "bool",
"reportable": True,
0x00000012: {
"attributeName": "UniqueID",
"attributeId": 0x00000012,
"type": "str",
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "BinaryInputBasic",
"clusterId": 0x0000000F,
"commands": {
"attributes": {
0x00000051: {
"attributeName": "OutOfService",
"attributeId": 0x00000051,
"type": "bool",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000055: {
"attributeName": "PresentValue",
"attributeId": 0x00000055,
"type": "bool",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x0000006F: {
"attributeName": "StatusFlags",
"attributeId": 0x0000006F,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "Binding",
"clusterId": 0x0000F000,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "Bind",
"args": {
"nodeId": "int",
"groupId": "int",
"endpointId": "int",
"clusterId": "int",
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "Unbind",
"args": {
"nodeId": "int",
"groupId": "int",
"endpointId": "int",
"clusterId": "int",
"attributes": {
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "BooleanState",
"clusterId": 0x00000045,
"commands": {
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "StateValue",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "bool",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "BridgedActions",
"clusterId": 0x00000025,
"commands": {
0x0000000A: {
"commandId": 0x0000000A,
"commandName": "DisableAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
0x0000000B: {
"commandId": 0x0000000B,
"commandName": "DisableActionWithDuration",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
"duration": "int",
0x00000008: {
"commandId": 0x00000008,
"commandName": "EnableAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
0x00000009: {
"commandId": 0x00000009,
"commandName": "EnableActionWithDuration",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
"duration": "int",
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "InstantAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "InstantActionWithTransition",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
0x00000005: {
"commandId": 0x00000005,
"commandName": "PauseAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
0x00000006: {
"commandId": 0x00000006,
"commandName": "PauseActionWithDuration",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
"duration": "int",
0x00000007: {
"commandId": 0x00000007,
"commandName": "ResumeAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
0x00000002: {
"commandId": 0x00000002,
"commandName": "StartAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
0x00000003: {
"commandId": 0x00000003,
"commandName": "StartActionWithDuration",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
"duration": "int",
0x00000004: {
"commandId": 0x00000004,
"commandName": "StopAction",
"args": {
"actionID": "int",
"invokeID": "int",
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "ActionList",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "EndpointList",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "SetupUrl",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "BridgedDeviceBasic",
"clusterId": 0x00000039,
"commands": {
"attributes": {
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "VendorName",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "VendorID",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "ProductName",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000005: {
"attributeName": "NodeLabel",
"attributeId": 0x00000005,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000007: {
"attributeName": "HardwareVersion",
"attributeId": 0x00000007,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000008: {
"attributeName": "HardwareVersionString",
"attributeId": 0x00000008,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000009: {
"attributeName": "SoftwareVersion",
"attributeId": 0x00000009,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000A: {
"attributeName": "SoftwareVersionString",
"attributeId": 0x0000000A,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000B: {
"attributeName": "ManufacturingDate",
"attributeId": 0x0000000B,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000C: {
"attributeName": "PartNumber",
"attributeId": 0x0000000C,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000D: {
"attributeName": "ProductURL",
"attributeId": 0x0000000D,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000E: {
"attributeName": "ProductLabel",
"attributeId": 0x0000000E,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000F: {
"attributeName": "SerialNumber",
"attributeId": 0x0000000F,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000011: {
"attributeName": "Reachable",
"attributeId": 0x00000011,
"type": "bool",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "ColorControl",
"clusterId": 0x00000300,
"commands": {
0x00000044: {
"commandId": 0x00000044,
"commandName": "ColorLoopSet",
"args": {
"updateFlags": "int",
"action": "int",
"direction": "int",
"time": "int",
"startHue": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000041: {
"commandId": 0x00000041,
"commandName": "EnhancedMoveHue",
"args": {
"moveMode": "int",
"rate": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000040: {
"commandId": 0x00000040,
"commandName": "EnhancedMoveToHue",
"args": {
"enhancedHue": "int",
"direction": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000043: {
"commandId": 0x00000043,
"commandName": "EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation",
"args": {
"enhancedHue": "int",
"saturation": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000042: {
"commandId": 0x00000042,
"commandName": "EnhancedStepHue",
"args": {
"stepMode": "int",
"stepSize": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000008: {
"commandId": 0x00000008,
"commandName": "MoveColor",
"args": {
"rateX": "int",
"rateY": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x0000004B: {
"commandId": 0x0000004B,
"commandName": "MoveColorTemperature",
"args": {
"moveMode": "int",
"rate": "int",
"colorTemperatureMinimum": "int",
"colorTemperatureMaximum": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "MoveHue",
"args": {
"moveMode": "int",
"rate": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000004: {
"commandId": 0x00000004,
"commandName": "MoveSaturation",
"args": {
"moveMode": "int",
"rate": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000007: {
"commandId": 0x00000007,
"commandName": "MoveToColor",
"args": {
"colorX": "int",
"colorY": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x0000000A: {
"commandId": 0x0000000A,
"commandName": "MoveToColorTemperature",
"args": {
"colorTemperature": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "MoveToHue",
"args": {
"hue": "int",
"direction": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000006: {
"commandId": 0x00000006,
"commandName": "MoveToHueAndSaturation",
"args": {
"hue": "int",
"saturation": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000003: {
"commandId": 0x00000003,
"commandName": "MoveToSaturation",
"args": {
"saturation": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000009: {
"commandId": 0x00000009,
"commandName": "StepColor",
"args": {
"stepX": "int",
"stepY": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x0000004C: {
"commandId": 0x0000004C,
"commandName": "StepColorTemperature",
"args": {
"stepMode": "int",
"stepSize": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"colorTemperatureMinimum": "int",
"colorTemperatureMaximum": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000002: {
"commandId": 0x00000002,
"commandName": "StepHue",
"args": {
"stepMode": "int",
"stepSize": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000005: {
"commandId": 0x00000005,
"commandName": "StepSaturation",
"args": {
"stepMode": "int",
"stepSize": "int",
"transitionTime": "int",
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
0x00000047: {
"commandId": 0x00000047,
"commandName": "StopMoveStep",
"args": {
"optionsMask": "int",
"optionsOverride": "int",
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "CurrentHue",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "CurrentSaturation",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "RemainingTime",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "CurrentX",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000004: {
"attributeName": "CurrentY",
"attributeId": 0x00000004,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000005: {
"attributeName": "DriftCompensation",
"attributeId": 0x00000005,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000006: {
"attributeName": "CompensationText",
"attributeId": 0x00000006,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x00000007: {
"attributeName": "ColorTemperature",
"attributeId": 0x00000007,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000008: {
"attributeName": "ColorMode",
"attributeId": 0x00000008,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000F: {
"attributeName": "ColorControlOptions",
"attributeId": 0x0000000F,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000010: {
"attributeName": "NumberOfPrimaries",
"attributeId": 0x00000010,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000011: {
"attributeName": "Primary1X",
"attributeId": 0x00000011,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000012: {
"attributeName": "Primary1Y",
"attributeId": 0x00000012,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000013: {
"attributeName": "Primary1Intensity",
"attributeId": 0x00000013,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000015: {
"attributeName": "Primary2X",
"attributeId": 0x00000015,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000016: {
"attributeName": "Primary2Y",
"attributeId": 0x00000016,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000017: {
"attributeName": "Primary2Intensity",
"attributeId": 0x00000017,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
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"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001A: {
"attributeName": "Primary3Y",
"attributeId": 0x0000001A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001B: {
"attributeName": "Primary3Intensity",
"attributeId": 0x0000001B,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000020: {
"attributeName": "Primary4X",
"attributeId": 0x00000020,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000021: {
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"attributeId": 0x00000021,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000022: {
"attributeName": "Primary4Intensity",
"attributeId": 0x00000022,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000024: {
"attributeName": "Primary5X",
"attributeId": 0x00000024,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000025: {
"attributeName": "Primary5Y",
"attributeId": 0x00000025,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000026: {
"attributeName": "Primary5Intensity",
"attributeId": 0x00000026,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000028: {
"attributeName": "Primary6X",
"attributeId": 0x00000028,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000029: {
"attributeName": "Primary6Y",
"attributeId": 0x00000029,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002A: {
"attributeName": "Primary6Intensity",
"attributeId": 0x0000002A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000030: {
"attributeName": "WhitePointX",
"attributeId": 0x00000030,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x00000031: {
"attributeName": "WhitePointY",
"attributeId": 0x00000031,
"type": "int",
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"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000B: {
"attributeName": "DataVersion",
"attributeId": 0x0000000B,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000C: {
"attributeName": "StableDataVersion",
"attributeId": 0x0000000C,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000D: {
"attributeName": "LeaderRouterId",
"attributeId": 0x0000000D,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000E: {
"attributeName": "DetachedRoleCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000000E,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000F: {
"attributeName": "ChildRoleCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000000F,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000010: {
"attributeName": "RouterRoleCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000010,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000011: {
"attributeName": "LeaderRoleCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000011,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000012: {
"attributeName": "AttachAttemptCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000012,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000013: {
"attributeName": "PartitionIdChangeCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000013,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000014: {
"attributeName": "BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000014,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000015: {
"attributeName": "ParentChangeCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000015,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000016: {
"attributeName": "TxTotalCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000016,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000017: {
"attributeName": "TxUnicastCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000017,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000018: {
"attributeName": "TxBroadcastCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000018,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000019: {
"attributeName": "TxAckRequestedCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000019,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001A: {
"attributeName": "TxAckedCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000001A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001B: {
"attributeName": "TxNoAckRequestedCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000001B,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001C: {
"attributeName": "TxDataCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000001C,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001D: {
"attributeName": "TxDataPollCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000001D,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001E: {
"attributeName": "TxBeaconCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000001E,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000001F: {
"attributeName": "TxBeaconRequestCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000001F,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000020: {
"attributeName": "TxOtherCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000020,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000021: {
"attributeName": "TxRetryCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000021,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000022: {
"attributeName": "TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000022,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000023: {
"attributeName": "TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000023,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000024: {
"attributeName": "TxErrCcaCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000024,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000025: {
"attributeName": "TxErrAbortCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000025,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000026: {
"attributeName": "TxErrBusyChannelCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000026,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000027: {
"attributeName": "RxTotalCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000027,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000028: {
"attributeName": "RxUnicastCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000028,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000029: {
"attributeName": "RxBroadcastCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000029,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002A: {
"attributeName": "RxDataCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000002A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002B: {
"attributeName": "RxDataPollCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000002B,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002C: {
"attributeName": "RxBeaconCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000002C,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002D: {
"attributeName": "RxBeaconRequestCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000002D,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002E: {
"attributeName": "RxOtherCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000002E,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000002F: {
"attributeName": "RxAddressFilteredCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000002F,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000030: {
"attributeName": "RxDestAddrFilteredCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000030,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000031: {
"attributeName": "RxDuplicatedCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000031,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000032: {
"attributeName": "RxErrNoFrameCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000032,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000033: {
"attributeName": "RxErrUnknownNeighborCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000033,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000034: {
"attributeName": "RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000034,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000035: {
"attributeName": "RxErrSecCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000035,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000036: {
"attributeName": "RxErrFcsCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000036,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000037: {
"attributeName": "RxErrOtherCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000037,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000038: {
"attributeName": "ActiveTimestamp",
"attributeId": 0x00000038,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000039: {
"attributeName": "PendingTimestamp",
"attributeId": 0x00000039,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000003A: {
"attributeName": "Delay",
"attributeId": 0x0000003A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000003B: {
"attributeName": "SecurityPolicy",
"attributeId": 0x0000003B,
"type": "",
"reportable": True,
0x0000003C: {
"attributeName": "ChannelMask",
"attributeId": 0x0000003C,
"type": "bytes",
"reportable": True,
0x0000003D: {
"attributeName": "OperationalDatasetComponents",
"attributeId": 0x0000003D,
"type": "",
"reportable": True,
0x0000003E: {
"attributeName": "ActiveNetworkFaultsList",
"attributeId": 0x0000003E,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "WakeOnLan",
"clusterId": 0x00000503,
"commands": {
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "WakeOnLanMacAddress",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "str",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "WiFiNetworkDiagnostics",
"clusterId": 0x00000036,
"commands": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "ResetCounts",
"args": {
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "Bssid",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "bytes",
"reportable": True,
0x00000001: {
"attributeName": "SecurityType",
"attributeId": 0x00000001,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000002: {
"attributeName": "WiFiVersion",
"attributeId": 0x00000002,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "ChannelNumber",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000004: {
"attributeName": "Rssi",
"attributeId": 0x00000004,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000005: {
"attributeName": "BeaconLostCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000005,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000006: {
"attributeName": "BeaconRxCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000006,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000007: {
"attributeName": "PacketMulticastRxCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000007,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000008: {
"attributeName": "PacketMulticastTxCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000008,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000009: {
"attributeName": "PacketUnicastRxCount",
"attributeId": 0x00000009,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000A: {
"attributeName": "PacketUnicastTxCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000000A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000B: {
"attributeName": "CurrentMaxRate",
"attributeId": 0x0000000B,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000C: {
"attributeName": "OverrunCount",
"attributeId": 0x0000000C,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFC: {
"attributeName": "FeatureMap",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFC,
"type": "int",
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"clusterName": "WindowCovering",
"clusterId": 0x00000102,
"commands": {
0x00000001: {
"commandId": 0x00000001,
"commandName": "DownOrClose",
"args": {
0x00000005: {
"commandId": 0x00000005,
"commandName": "GoToLiftPercentage",
"args": {
"liftPercentageValue": "int",
"liftPercent100thsValue": "int",
0x00000004: {
"commandId": 0x00000004,
"commandName": "GoToLiftValue",
"args": {
"liftValue": "int",
0x00000008: {
"commandId": 0x00000008,
"commandName": "GoToTiltPercentage",
"args": {
"tiltPercentageValue": "int",
"tiltPercent100thsValue": "int",
0x00000007: {
"commandId": 0x00000007,
"commandName": "GoToTiltValue",
"args": {
"tiltValue": "int",
0x00000002: {
"commandId": 0x00000002,
"commandName": "StopMotion",
"args": {
0x00000000: {
"commandId": 0x00000000,
"commandName": "UpOrOpen",
"args": {
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
"attributeName": "Type",
"attributeId": 0x00000000,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000003: {
"attributeName": "CurrentPositionLift",
"attributeId": 0x00000003,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000004: {
"attributeName": "CurrentPositionTilt",
"attributeId": 0x00000004,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000007: {
"attributeName": "ConfigStatus",
"attributeId": 0x00000007,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000008: {
"attributeName": "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage",
"attributeId": 0x00000008,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000009: {
"attributeName": "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage",
"attributeId": 0x00000009,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000A: {
"attributeName": "OperationalStatus",
"attributeId": 0x0000000A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000B: {
"attributeName": "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths",
"attributeId": 0x0000000B,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000C: {
"attributeName": "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths",
"attributeId": 0x0000000C,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000D: {
"attributeName": "EndProductType",
"attributeId": 0x0000000D,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000E: {
"attributeName": "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths",
"attributeId": 0x0000000E,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000000F: {
"attributeName": "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths",
"attributeId": 0x0000000F,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000010: {
"attributeName": "InstalledOpenLimitLift",
"attributeId": 0x00000010,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000011: {
"attributeName": "InstalledClosedLimitLift",
"attributeId": 0x00000011,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000012: {
"attributeName": "InstalledOpenLimitTilt",
"attributeId": 0x00000012,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000013: {
"attributeName": "InstalledClosedLimitTilt",
"attributeId": 0x00000013,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000017: {
"attributeName": "Mode",
"attributeId": 0x00000017,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
"writable": True,
0x0000001A: {
"attributeName": "SafetyStatus",
"attributeId": 0x0000001A,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFC: {
"attributeName": "FeatureMap",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFC,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x0000FFFD: {
"attributeName": "ClusterRevision",
"attributeId": 0x0000FFFD,
"type": "int",
"reportable": True,
0x00000028: _BASIC_CLUSTER_INFO,
0x00000006: _ON_OFF_CLUSTER_INFO,
def __init__(self, chipstack):
self._ChipStack = chipstack
def GetClusterInfoById(self, cluster_id: int):
data = ChipClusters._CLUSTER_ID_DICT.get(cluster_id, None)
if not data:
raise UnknownCluster(cluster_id)
return data
def ListClusterInfo(self):
return ChipClusters._CLUSTER_NAME_DICT
def ListClusterCommands(self):
return {clusterName: {
command["commandName"]: command["args"] for command in clusterInfo["commands"].values()
} for clusterName, clusterInfo in ChipClusters._CLUSTER_NAME_DICT.items()}
def ListClusterAttributes(self):
return {clusterName: {
attribute["attributeName"]: attribute for attribute in clusterInfo["attributes"].values()
} for clusterName, clusterInfo in ChipClusters._CLUSTER_NAME_DICT.items()}
# Init native functions
def InitLib(self, chipLib):
self._chipLib = chipLib