blob: 76f51a18b2b9f7550c5e5f8abd65fbe2d1eb13ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Matter/MTRNOCChainIssuer.h>
@class MTRBaseDevice;
typedef void (^MTRDeviceConnectionCallback)(MTRBaseDevice * _Nullable device, NSError * _Nullable error);
@class MTRCommissioningParameters;
@class MTRSetupPayload;
@protocol MTRDevicePairingDelegate;
@interface MTRDeviceController : NSObject
@property (readonly, nonatomic, getter=isRunning) BOOL running;
* Return the Node ID assigned to the controller. Will return nil if the
* controller is not running (and hence does not know its node id).
@property (readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber * controllerNodeID MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* Set up a commissioning session for a device, using the provided setup payload
* to discover it and connect to it.
* @param payload a setup payload (probably created from a QR code or numeric
* code onboarding payload).
* @param newNodeID the planned node id for the node.
* @error error indication if discovery can't start at all (e.g. because the
* setup payload is invalid).
* The IP and port for the device will be discovered automatically based on the
* provided discriminator.
* Then a PASE session will be established with the device, unless an error
* occurs. MTRDevicePairingDelegate will be notified as follows:
* * Discovery fails: onStatusUpdate with MTRPairingStatusFailed.
* * Discovery succeeds but commissioning session setup fails: onPairingComplete
* with an error.
* * Commissioning session setup succeeds: onPairingComplete with no error.
* Once a commissioning session is set up, getDeviceBeingCommissioned
* can be used to get an MTRBaseDevice and discover what sort of network
* credentials the device might need, and commissionDevice can be used to
* commission the device.
- (BOOL)setupCommissioningSessionWithPayload:(MTRSetupPayload *)payload
newNodeID:(NSNumber *)newNodeID
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.2), macos(13.1), watchos(9.2), tvos(16.2));
* Start pairing for a device with the given ID, using the provided setup PIN
* to establish a PASE connection.
* The IP and port for the device will be discovered automatically based on the
* provided discriminator.
* The pairing process will proceed until a PASE session is established or an
* error occurs, then notify onPairingComplete on the MTRDevicePairingDelegate
* for this controller. That delegate is expected to call commissionDevice
* after that point if it wants to commission the device.
- (BOOL)pairDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
* Start pairing for a device with the given ID, using the provided IP address
* and port to connect to the device and the provided setup PIN to establish a
* PASE connection.
* The pairing process will proceed until a PASE session is established or an
* error occurs, then notify onPairingComplete on the MTRDevicePairingDelegate
* for this controller. That delegate is expected to call commissionDevice
* after that point if it wants to commission the device.
- (BOOL)pairDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID
address:(NSString *)address
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
* Start pairing for a device with the given ID and onboarding payload (QR code
* or manual setup code). The payload will be used to discover the device and
* establish a PASE connection.
* The pairing process will proceed until a PASE session is established or an
* error occurs, then notify onPairingComplete on the MTRDevicePairingDelegate
* for this controller. That delegate is expected to call commissionDevice
* after that point if it wants to commission the device.
- (BOOL)pairDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID onboardingPayload:(NSString *)onboardingPayload error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
- (BOOL)commissionDevice:(uint64_t)deviceId
commissioningParams:(MTRCommissioningParameters *)commissioningParams
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
- (BOOL)continueCommissioningDevice:(void *)device
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
- (BOOL)stopDevicePairing:(uint64_t)deviceID error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
- (nullable MTRBaseDevice *)getDeviceBeingCommissioned:(uint64_t)deviceId error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
- (BOOL)getBaseDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID
completion:(MTRDeviceConnectionCallback)completion MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
- (BOOL)openPairingWindow:(uint64_t)deviceID duration:(NSUInteger)duration error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
- (nullable NSString *)openPairingWindowWithPIN:(uint64_t)deviceID
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
* Controllers are created via the MTRDeviceControllerFactory object.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* Set the Delegate for the Device Pairing as well as the Queue on which the Delegate callbacks will be triggered
* @param[in] delegate The delegate the pairing process should use
* @param[in] queue The queue on which the callbacks will be delivered
- (void)setPairingDelegate:(id<MTRDevicePairingDelegate>)delegate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue;
* Sets this MTRDeviceController to use the given issuer for issuing operational certs. By default, the MTRDeviceController uses an
* internal issuer.
* When a nocChainIssuer is set, the device commissioner will delegate verification to the chip::Credentials::PartialDACVerifier so
* that DAC chain and CD validation can be performed by custom code triggered by MTRNOCChainIssuer.onNOCChainGenerationNeeded().
* Otherwise, the device commissioner uses the chip::Credentials::DefaultDACVerifier
* @param[in] nocChainIssuer the NOC Chain issuer to use for issuer operational certs
* @param[in] queue The queue on which the callbacks will be delivered
- (void)setNocChainIssuer:(id<MTRNOCChainIssuer>)nocChainIssuer queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue;
* Return the attestation challenge for the secure session of the device being commissioned.
* Attempts to retrieve the attestation challenge for a commissionee with the given Device ID.
* Returns nil if given Device ID does not match an active commissionee, or if a Secure Session is not availale.
- (NSData * _Nullable)attestationChallengeForDeviceID:(NSNumber *)deviceID MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* Compute a PASE verifier and passcode ID for the desired setup pincode.
* @param[in] setupPincode The desired PIN code to use
* @param[in] iterations The number of iterations to use when generating the verifier
* @param[in] salt The 16-byte salt for verifier computation
* Returns nil on errors (e.g. salt has the wrong size), otherwise the computed
* verifier bytes.
- (nullable NSData *)computePaseVerifier:(uint32_t)setupPincode iterations:(uint32_t)iterations salt:(NSData *)salt;
* Shutdown the controller. Calls to shutdown after the first one are NO-OPs.
- (void)shutdown;
@interface MTRDeviceController (Deprecated)
@property (readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber * controllerNodeId MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use controllerNodeID");
- (nullable NSData *)fetchAttestationChallengeForDeviceId:(uint64_t)deviceId
MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use attestationChallengeForDeviceID");
- (BOOL)getBaseDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID
MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:controller:]");