blob: 19eef3975ebbc32671fc02d6e90961db31d3bd76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <app/clusters/scenes-server/SceneTable.h>
#include <app/util/attribute-storage.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
namespace chip {
namespace scenes {
/// @brief Default implementation of handler, handle EFS from add scene and view scene commands for any cluster
/// The implementation of SerializeSave and ApplyScene were omitted and must be implemented in a way that
/// is compatible with the SerializeAdd output in order to function with the Default Scene Handler.
/// It is worth noting that this implementation is very memory consuming. In the current worst case,
/// (Color control cluster), the Extension Field Set's value pair list TLV occupies 99 bytes of memory
class DefaultSceneHandlerImpl : public scenes::SceneHandler
template <typename T>
using List = app::DataModel::List<T>;
template <typename T>
using DecodableList = app::DataModel::DecodableList<T>;
using AttributeValuePairType = app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::Type;
using AttributeValuePairDecodableType = app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::DecodableType;
using ExtensionFieldSetDecodableType = app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::DecodableType;
using ExtensionFieldSetType = app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type;
/// @brief Struct meant to map the state of a cluster to a specific endpoint. Meant to be used to apply scenes using a timer for
/// transitioning
/// @tparam ValueType type of the value to map to the endpoint, must implement operator= and operator== for complex types
template <typename ValueType>
struct EndpointStatePair
EndpointStatePair(EndpointId endpoint = kInvalidEndpointId, ValueType value = ValueType{}) :
mEndpoint(endpoint), mValue(value)
EndpointId mEndpoint;
ValueType mValue;
template <typename ValueType, size_t MaxEndpointCount>
struct StatePairBuffer
static_assert(std::is_trivial<ValueType>::value, "ValueType must be trivial");
static_assert(MaxEndpointCount < std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(), "MaxEndpointCount must be less than 65535");
bool IsEmpty() const { return (mPairCount == 0); }
CHIP_ERROR FindPair(const EndpointId endpoint, uint16_t & found_index) const
VerifyOrReturnError(!IsEmpty(), CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
for (found_index = 0; found_index < mPairCount; found_index++)
if (endpoint == mStatePairBuffer[found_index].mEndpoint)
CHIP_ERROR InsertPair(const EndpointStatePair<ValueType> & status)
uint16_t idx;
CHIP_ERROR err = FindPair(status.mEndpoint, idx);
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR == err)
mStatePairBuffer[idx] = status;
else if (mPairCount < MaxEndpointCount)
// If not found, insert at the end
mStatePairBuffer[mPairCount] = status;
CHIP_ERROR GetPair(const EndpointId endpoint, EndpointStatePair<ValueType> & status) const
uint16_t idx;
ReturnErrorOnFailure(FindPair(endpoint, idx));
status = mStatePairBuffer[idx];
/// @brief Removes Pair and decrements Pair count if the endpoint existed in the array
/// @param endpoint : endpoint id of the pair
CHIP_ERROR RemovePair(const EndpointId endpoint)
uint16_t position;
VerifyOrReturnValue(CHIP_NO_ERROR == FindPair(endpoint, position), CHIP_NO_ERROR);
uint16_t nextPos = static_cast<uint16_t>(position + 1);
uint16_t moveNum = static_cast<uint16_t>(mPairCount - nextPos);
// Compress array after removal, if the removed position is not the last
if (moveNum)
memmove(&mStatePairBuffer[position], &mStatePairBuffer[nextPos], sizeof(EndpointStatePair<ValueType>) * moveNum);
// Clear the last occupied position
mStatePairBuffer[mPairCount].mEndpoint = kInvalidEndpointId;
uint16_t mPairCount = 0;
EndpointStatePair<ValueType> mStatePairBuffer[MaxEndpointCount];
/// @brief Helper struct that allows clusters that do not have an existing mechanism for doing
// asynchronous work to perform scene transitions over some period of time.
/// @tparam MaxEndpointCount
template <size_t MaxEndpointCount, size_t FixedEndpointCount>
struct TransitionTimeInterface
EmberEventControl sceneHandlerEventControls[MaxEndpointCount];
TransitionTimeInterface(ClusterId clusterId, void (*callback)(EndpointId)) : mClusterId(clusterId), mCallback(callback) {}
* @brief Configures EventControl callback
* @param[in] endpoint endpoint to start timer for
* @return EmberEventControl* configured event control
EmberEventControl * sceneEventControl(EndpointId endpoint)
EmberEventControl * controller = getEventControl(endpoint, Span<EmberEventControl>(sceneHandlerEventControls));
VerifyOrReturnValue(controller != nullptr, nullptr);
controller->endpoint = endpoint;
controller->callback = mCallback;
return controller;
ClusterId mClusterId;
void (*mCallback)(EndpointId);
* @brief event control object for an endpoint
* @param[in] endpoint target endpoint
* @param[in] eventControlArray Array where to find the event control
* @return EmberEventControl* configured event control
EmberEventControl * getEventControl(EndpointId endpoint, const Span<EmberEventControl> & eventControlArray)
uint16_t index = emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(endpoint, mClusterId, FixedEndpointCount);
if (index >= eventControlArray.size())
return nullptr;
return &eventControlArray[index];
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxAvPair = CHIP_CONFIG_SCENES_MAX_AV_PAIRS_EFS;
DefaultSceneHandlerImpl() = default;
~DefaultSceneHandlerImpl() override{};
/// @brief Encodes an attribute value list into a TLV structure and resizes the buffer to the size of the encoded data
/// @param aVlist[in] Attribute value list to encode
/// @param serializedBytes[out] Buffer to fill from the Attribute value list in a TLV format
/// @return CHIP_ERROR
virtual CHIP_ERROR EncodeAttributeValueList(const List<AttributeValuePairType> & aVlist, MutableByteSpan & serializedBytes);
/// @brief Decodes an attribute value list from a TLV structure and ensure it fits the member pair buffer
/// @param serializedBytes [in] Buffer to read from
/// @param aVlist [out] Attribute value list to fill from the TLV structure. Only valid while the buffer backing
/// serializedBytes exists and its contents are not modified.
/// @return CHIP_ERROR
virtual CHIP_ERROR DecodeAttributeValueList(const ByteSpan & serializedBytes,
DecodableList<AttributeValuePairDecodableType> & aVlist);
/// @brief From command AddScene, allows handler to filter through clusters in command to serialize only the supported ones.
/// @param endpoint[in] Endpoint ID
/// @param extensionFieldSet[in] ExtensionFieldSets provided by the AddScene Command, pre initialized
/// @param serializedBytes[out] Buffer to fill from the ExtensionFieldSet in command
/// @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if successful, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the cluster is not supported, CHIP_ERROR value
/// otherwise
virtual CHIP_ERROR SerializeAdd(EndpointId endpoint, const ExtensionFieldSetDecodableType & extensionFieldSet,
MutableByteSpan & serializedBytes) override;
/// @brief Simulates taking data from nvm and loading it in a command object if the cluster is supported by the endpoint
/// @param endpoint target endpoint
/// @param cluster target cluster
/// @param serializedBytes data to deserialize into EFS
/// @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if Extension Field Set was successfully populated, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the cluster is not
/// supported, specific CHIP_ERROR otherwise
virtual CHIP_ERROR Deserialize(EndpointId endpoint, ClusterId cluster, const ByteSpan & serializedBytes,
ExtensionFieldSetType & extensionFieldSet) override;
AttributeValuePairType mAVPairs[kMaxAvPair];
} // namespace scenes
} // namespace chip