blob: b70a50ba1e8155f651ab73e20c448a3c470f6e4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/clusters/scenes-server/ExtensionFieldSetsImpl.h>
#include <app/clusters/scenes-server/SceneTable.h>
#include <app/util/attribute-storage.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <lib/support/CommonIterator.h>
#include <lib/support/PersistentData.h>
#include <lib/support/Pool.h>
namespace chip {
namespace scenes {
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxScenesPerFabric = CHIP_CONFIG_SCENES_MAX_PER_FABRIC;
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxScenesPerEndpoint = CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_SCENES_PER_ENDPOINT;
using clusterId = chip::ClusterId;
/// @brief Default implementation of handler, handle EFS from add scene and view scene commands for any cluster
/// The implementation of SerializeSave and ApplyScene were omitted and must be implemented in a way that
/// is compatible with the SerializeAdd output in order to function with the Default Scene Handler.
/// It is worth noting that this implementation is very memory consuming. In the current worst case,
/// (Color control cluster), the Extension Field Set's value pair list TLV occupies 99 bytes of memory
class DefaultSceneHandlerImpl : public scenes::SceneHandler
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxValueSize = 4;
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxAvPair = 15;
DefaultSceneHandlerImpl() = default;
~DefaultSceneHandlerImpl() override{};
/// @brief From command AddScene, allows handler to filter through clusters in command to serialize only the supported ones.
/// @param endpoint[in] Endpoint ID
/// @param extensionFieldSet[in] ExtensionFieldSets provided by the AddScene Command, pre initialized
/// @param serialisedBytes[out] Buffer to fill from the ExtensionFieldSet in command
/// @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if successful, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the cluster is not supported, CHIP_ERROR value otherwise
virtual CHIP_ERROR SerializeAdd(EndpointId endpoint,
const app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::DecodableType & extensionFieldSet,
MutableByteSpan & serializedBytes) override
app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::DecodableType aVPair;
TLV::TLVWriter writer;
TLV::TLVType outer;
size_t pairTotal = 0;
uint8_t pairCount = 0;
// Verify size of list
VerifyOrReturnError(pairTotal <= ArraySize(mAVPairs), CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);
auto pair_iterator = extensionFieldSet.attributeValueList.begin();
while (pair_iterator.Next())
aVPair = pair_iterator.GetValue();
mAVPairs[pairCount].attributeID = aVPair.attributeID;
mAVPairs[pairCount].attributeValue = aVPair.attributeValue;
app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::Type> attributeValueList;
attributeValueList = mAVPairs;
ReturnErrorOnFailure(writer.StartContainer(TLV::AnonymousTag(), TLV::kTLVType_Structure, outer));
writer, TLV::ContextTag(app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Fields::kAttributeValueList),
/// @brief Simulates taking data from nvm and loading it in a command object if the cluster is supported by the endpoint
/// @param endpoint target endpoint
/// @param cluster target cluster
/// @param serialisedBytes data to deserialize into EFS
/// @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if Extension Field Set was successfully populated, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the cluster is not
/// supported, specific CHIP_ERROR otherwise
virtual CHIP_ERROR Deserialize(EndpointId endpoint, ClusterId cluster, const ByteSpan & serialisedBytes,
app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type & extensionFieldSet) override
app::DataModel::DecodableList<app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::DecodableType> attributeValueList;
app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::DecodableType decodePair;
TLV::TLVReader reader;
TLV::TLVType outer;
size_t pairTotal = 0;
uint8_t pairCount = 0;
extensionFieldSet.clusterID = cluster;
ReturnErrorOnFailure(reader.Next(TLV::kTLVType_Structure, TLV::AnonymousTag()));
TLV::kTLVType_Array, TLV::ContextTag(app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Fields::kAttributeValueList)));
// Verify size of list
VerifyOrReturnError(pairTotal <= ArraySize(mAVPairs), CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);
auto pair_iterator = attributeValueList.begin();
while (pair_iterator.Next())
decodePair = pair_iterator.GetValue();
mAVPairs[pairCount].attributeID = decodePair.attributeID;
mAVPairs[pairCount].attributeValue = decodePair.attributeValue;
extensionFieldSet.attributeValueList = mAVPairs;
app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::AttributeValuePair::Type mAVPairs[kMaxAvPair];
* @brief Implementation of a storage in nonvolatile storage of the scene table.
* DefaultSceneTableImpl is an implementation that allows to store scenes using PersistentStorageDelegate.
* It handles the storage of scenes by their ID, GroupID and EnpointID over multiple fabrics.
* It is meant to be used exclusively when the scene cluster is enable for at least one endpoint
* on the device.
class DefaultSceneTableImpl : public SceneTable<scenes::ExtensionFieldSetsImpl>
DefaultSceneTableImpl() {}
~DefaultSceneTableImpl() override {}
CHIP_ERROR Init(PersistentStorageDelegate * storage) override;
void Finish() override;
// Scene count
CHIP_ERROR GetEndpointSceneCount(uint8_t & scene_count) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetFabricSceneCount(FabricIndex fabric_index, uint8_t & scene_count) override;
// Data
CHIP_ERROR GetRemainingCapacity(FabricIndex fabric_index, uint8_t & capacity) override;
CHIP_ERROR SetSceneTableEntry(FabricIndex fabric_index, const SceneTableEntry & entry) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetSceneTableEntry(FabricIndex fabric_index, SceneStorageId scene_id, SceneTableEntry & entry) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveSceneTableEntry(FabricIndex fabric_index, SceneStorageId scene_id) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveSceneTableEntryAtPosition(EndpointId endpoint, FabricIndex fabric_index, SceneIndex scene_idx) override;
// Groups
CHIP_ERROR GetAllSceneIdsInGroup(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id, Span<SceneId> & scene_list) override;
CHIP_ERROR DeleteAllScenesInGroup(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id) override;
// SceneHandlers
void RegisterHandler(SceneHandler * handler) override;
void UnregisterHandler(SceneHandler * handler) override;
void UnregisterAllHandlers() override;
// Extension field sets operation
CHIP_ERROR SceneSaveEFS(SceneTableEntry & scene) override;
CHIP_ERROR SceneApplyEFS(const SceneTableEntry & scene) override;
// Fabrics
CHIP_ERROR RemoveFabric(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
// Iterators
SceneEntryIterator * IterateSceneEntries(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
void SetEndpoint(EndpointId endpoint);
void SetTableSize(uint16_t endpointSceneTableSize);
bool IsInitialized() { return (mStorage != nullptr); }
// This constructor is meant for test purposes, it allows to change the defined max for scenes per fabric and global, which
// allows to simulate OTA where this value was changed
DefaultSceneTableImpl(uint16_t maxScenesPerFabric, uint16_t maxScenesPerEndpoint) :
mMaxScenesPerFabric(maxScenesPerFabric), mMaxScenesPerEndpoint(maxScenesPerEndpoint)
// Global scene count
CHIP_ERROR SetEndpointSceneCount(const uint8_t & scene_count);
// wrapper function around emberAfGetClustersFromEndpoint to allow override when testing
virtual uint8_t GetClustersFromEndpoint(ClusterId * clusterList, uint8_t listLen);
// wrapper function around emberAfGetClusterCountForEndpoint to allow override when testing
virtual uint8_t GetClusterCountFromEndpoint();
class SceneEntryIteratorImpl : public SceneEntryIterator
SceneEntryIteratorImpl(DefaultSceneTableImpl & provider, FabricIndex fabricIdx, EndpointId endpoint,
uint16_t maxScenesPerFabric, uint16_t maxScenesPerEndpoint);
size_t Count() override;
bool Next(SceneTableEntry & output) override;
void Release() override;
DefaultSceneTableImpl & mProvider;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
EndpointId mEndpoint = kInvalidEndpointId;
SceneIndex mNextSceneIdx;
SceneIndex mSceneIndex = 0;
uint8_t mTotalScenes = 0;
uint16_t mMaxScenesPerFabric;
uint16_t mMaxScenesPerEndpoint;
uint16_t mMaxScenesPerFabric = kMaxScenesPerFabric;
uint16_t mMaxScenesPerEndpoint = kMaxScenesPerEndpoint;
EndpointId mEndpointId = kInvalidEndpointId;
chip::PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorage = nullptr;
ObjectPool<SceneEntryIteratorImpl, kIteratorsMax> mSceneEntryIterators;
}; // class DefaultSceneTableImpl
/// @brief Gets a pointer to the instance of Scene Table Impl, providing EndpointId and Table Size for said endpoint
/// @param endpoint Endpoint ID, optional only if getting the Table to initialize it, any storage action will require an endpoint
/// different than kInvalidEndpoint ID and WILL fail if an endpoint wasn't provided here.
/// @param endpointTableSize Size of the scene table for a specific endpoint. Must be lower than restriction set in CHIPConfig to
/// match device restrictions, if it is higher than permitted by CHIPConfig, will be capped at kMaxScenesPerEndpoint
/// @return Pointer to the instance of the Scene Table
DefaultSceneTableImpl * GetSceneTableImpl(EndpointId endpoint = kInvalidEndpointId,
uint16_t endpointTableSize = kMaxScenesPerEndpoint);
} // namespace scenes
} // namespace chip