blob: eaf26747b962c89b684fce2d73b3c6e797d2b74d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @brief Defines a table of fabrics that have provisioned the device.
#pragma once
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <credentials/CHIPOperationalCredentials.h>
#include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <crypto/hsm/CHIPCryptoPALHsm.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPSafeCasts.h>
#include <lib/support/CHIPMem.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <transport/raw/MessageHeader.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Transport {
static constexpr FabricIndex kUndefinedFabricIndex = 0;
static constexpr FabricIndex kMinValidFabricIndex = 1;
static constexpr FabricIndex kMaxValidFabricIndex = std::min(UINT8_MAX, CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_DEVICE_ADMINS);
static constexpr uint8_t kFabricLabelMaxLengthInBytes = 32;
// KVS store is sensitive to length of key strings, based on the underlying
// platform. Keeping them short.
constexpr char kFabricTableKeyPrefix[] = "Fabric";
constexpr char kFabricTableCountKey[] = "NumFabrics";
struct AccessControlList
uint32_t placeholder;
* Defines state of a pairing established by a fabric.
* ACL data can be mutated throughout the lifetime of the fabric pairing.
* Node ID is only settable using the device operational credentials.
* Information contained within the state:
* - Fabric identification
* - Node Id assigned by the fabric to the device
* - Vendor Id
* - Fabric Id
* - Device operational credentials
* - Access control list
class DLL_EXPORT FabricInfo
mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
// Returns a pointer to a null terminated char array
const uint8_t * GetFabricLabel() const { return Uint8::from_const_char(mFabricLabel); };
// Expects a pointer to a null terminated char array
CHIP_ERROR SetFabricLabel(const uint8_t * fabricLabel);
if (mOperationalKey != nullptr)
PeerId GetPeerId() const { return mOperationalId; }
FabricId GetFabricId() const { return mFabricId; }
FabricIndex GetFabricIndex() const { return mFabric; }
uint16_t GetVendorId() const { return mVendorId; }
void SetVendorId(uint16_t vendorId) { mVendorId = vendorId; }
Crypto::P256Keypair * GetOperationalKey()
if (mOperationalKey == nullptr)
mOperationalKey = chip::Platform::New<Crypto::P256KeypairHSM>();
mOperationalKey = chip::Platform::New<Crypto::P256Keypair>();
return mOperationalKey;
CHIP_ERROR SetEphemeralKey(const Crypto::P256Keypair * key);
bool AreCredentialsAvailable() const
return (mRootCert != nullptr && mOperationalCerts != nullptr && mRootCertLen != 0 && mOperationalCertsLen != 0);
// TODO - Update these APIs to take ownership of the buffer, instead of copying
// internally.
CHIP_ERROR SetOperationalCertsFromCertArray(const chip::ByteSpan & certArray);
CHIP_ERROR SetRootCert(const chip::ByteSpan & cert);
const AccessControlList & GetACL() const { return mACL; }
AccessControlList & GetACL() { return mACL; }
void SetACL(const AccessControlList & acl) { mACL = acl; }
bool IsInitialized() const { return IsOperationalNodeId(mOperationalId.GetNodeId()); }
CHIP_ERROR GenerateDestinationID(const ByteSpan & ipk, const ByteSpan & random, NodeId destNodeId,
MutableByteSpan & destinationId);
CHIP_ERROR MatchDestinationID(const ByteSpan & destinationId, const ByteSpan & initiatorRandom, const ByteSpan * ipkList,
size_t ipkListEntries);
CHIP_ERROR GetOperationalCredentials(MutableByteSpan & credentials)
// TODO - Refactor storing and loading of fabric info from persistent storage.
// The op cert array doesn't need to be in RAM except when it's being
// transmitted to peer node during CASE session setup.
ReturnErrorCodeIf(!AreCredentialsAvailable(), CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
ReturnErrorCodeIf(credentials.size() < mOperationalCertsLen, CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);
memcpy(, mOperationalCerts, mOperationalCertsLen);
CHIP_ERROR GetRootCert(ByteSpan & cert)
ReturnErrorCodeIf(!AreCredentialsAvailable(), CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
cert = ByteSpan(mRootCert, mRootCertLen);
uint16_t GetOperationalCredentialsLength() { return mOperationalCertsLen; }
Credentials::CertificateKeyId GetTrustedRootId()
return mRootKeyIdLen == Credentials::kKeyIdentifierLength ? Credentials::CertificateKeyId(mRootKeyId)
: Credentials::CertificateKeyId();
CHIP_ERROR VerifyCredentials(const ByteSpan & noc, Credentials::ValidationContext & context, PeerId & nocPeerId,
FabricId & fabricId, Crypto::P256PublicKey & nocPubkey) const;
* Reset the state to a completely uninitialized status.
void Reset()
mOperationalId = PeerId();
mVendorId = kUndefinedVendorId;
mFabricLabel[0] = '\0';
if (mOperationalKey != nullptr)
mOperationalKey = nullptr;
CHIP_ERROR SetFabricInfo(FabricInfo & fabric);
const Crypto::P256PublicKey & GetRootPubkey() const { return mRootPubkey; }
friend class FabricTable;
PeerId mOperationalId;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
uint16_t mVendorId = kUndefinedVendorId;
char mFabricLabel[kFabricLabelMaxLengthInBytes + 1] = { '\0' };
AccessControlList mACL;
uint8_t mRootKeyId[Credentials::kKeyIdentifierLength];
uint16_t mRootKeyIdLen = 0;
Crypto::P256KeypairHSM * mOperationalKey = nullptr;
Crypto::P256Keypair * mOperationalKey = nullptr;
Crypto::P256PublicKey mRootPubkey;
uint8_t * mRootCert = nullptr;
uint16_t mRootCertLen = 0;
uint16_t mRootCertAllocatedLen = 0;
uint8_t * mOperationalCerts = nullptr;
uint16_t mOperationalCertsLen = 0;
FabricId mFabricId = 0;
static constexpr size_t kKeySize = sizeof(kFabricTableKeyPrefix) + 2 * sizeof(FabricIndex);
static CHIP_ERROR GenerateKey(FabricIndex id, char * key, size_t len);
CHIP_ERROR StoreIntoKVS(PersistentStorageDelegate * kvs);
CHIP_ERROR FetchFromKVS(PersistentStorageDelegate * kvs);
static CHIP_ERROR DeleteFromKVS(PersistentStorageDelegate * kvs, FabricIndex id);
void ReleaseOperationalCerts();
void ReleaseRootCert();
/* Generate a compressed peer ID (containing compressed fabric ID) using provided fabric ID, node ID and
root public key of the fabric. The generated compressed ID is returned via compressedPeerId
output parameter */
CHIP_ERROR GetCompressedId(FabricId fabricId, NodeId nodeId, PeerId * compressedPeerId) const;
struct StorableFabricInfo
uint16_t mFabric; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint64_t mNodeId; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint64_t mFabricId; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint16_t mVendorId; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint16_t mRootCertLen; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint16_t mOperationalCertsLen; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
Crypto::P256SerializedKeypair mOperationalKey;
uint8_t mRootCert[Credentials::kMaxCHIPCertLength];
uint8_t mOperationalCerts[Credentials::kMaxCHIPOpCertArrayLength];
char mFabricLabel[kFabricLabelMaxLengthInBytes + 1] = { '\0' };
// Once attribute store has persistence implemented, FabricTable shoud be backed using
// attribute store so no need for this Delegate API anymore
// TODO: Reimplement FabricTable to only have one backing store.
class DLL_EXPORT FabricTableDelegate
virtual ~FabricTableDelegate() {}
* Gets called when a fabric is deleted from KVS store.
virtual void OnFabricDeletedFromStorage(FabricIndex fabricIndex) = 0;
* Gets called when a fabric is loaded into Fabric Table from KVS store.
virtual void OnFabricRetrievedFromStorage(FabricInfo * fabricInfo) = 0;
* Gets called when a fabric in Fabric Table is persisted to KVS store.
virtual void OnFabricPersistedToStorage(FabricInfo * fabricInfo) = 0;
* Iterates over valid fabrics within a list
class ConstFabricIterator
using value_type = FabricInfo;
using pointer = FabricInfo *;
using reference = FabricInfo &;
ConstFabricIterator(const FabricInfo * start, size_t index, size_t maxSize) : mStart(start), mIndex(index), mMaxSize(maxSize)
if (mIndex >= maxSize)
mIndex = maxSize;
else if (!mStart[mIndex].IsInitialized())
ConstFabricIterator(const ConstFabricIterator &) = default;
ConstFabricIterator & operator=(const ConstFabricIterator &) = default;
ConstFabricIterator & operator++() { return Advance(); }
ConstFabricIterator operator++(int)
ConstFabricIterator other(*this);
return other;
const FabricInfo & operator*() const { return mStart[mIndex]; }
const FabricInfo * operator->() const { return mStart + mIndex; }
bool operator==(const ConstFabricIterator & other)
if (IsAtEnd())
return other.IsAtEnd();
return (mStart == other.mStart) && (mIndex == other.mIndex) && (mMaxSize == other.mMaxSize);
bool operator!=(const ConstFabricIterator & other) { return !(*this == other); }
bool IsAtEnd() const { return (mIndex == mMaxSize); }
const FabricInfo * mStart;
size_t mIndex;
size_t mMaxSize;
ConstFabricIterator & Advance()
if (mIndex < mMaxSize)
} while (!IsAtEnd() && !mStart[mIndex].IsInitialized());
return *this;
class DLL_EXPORT FabricTable
FabricTable() { Reset(); }
CHIP_ERROR Store(FabricIndex id);
CHIP_ERROR LoadFromStorage(FabricInfo * info);
CHIP_ERROR Delete(FabricIndex id);
void DeleteAllFabrics();
* Add the new fabric information to fabric table if the table has space to store
* more fabrics. CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY error will be returned if the table is full.
* The provided information will get copied to internal data structures, and the caller
* can release the memory associated with input parameter after the call is complete.
* If the call is successful, the assigned fabric index is returned as output parameter.
CHIP_ERROR AddNewFabric(FabricInfo & fabric, FabricIndex * assignedIndex);
void ReleaseFabricIndex(FabricIndex fabricIndex);
FabricInfo * FindFabricWithIndex(FabricIndex fabricIndex);
FabricIndex FindDestinationIDCandidate(const ByteSpan & destinationId, const ByteSpan & initiatorRandom,
const ByteSpan * ipkList, size_t ipkListEntries);
void Reset();
CHIP_ERROR Init(PersistentStorageDelegate * storage);
CHIP_ERROR SetFabricDelegate(FabricTableDelegate * delegate);
ConstFabricIterator cbegin() const { return ConstFabricIterator(mStates, 0, CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_DEVICE_ADMINS); }
ConstFabricIterator cend() const
ConstFabricIterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
ConstFabricIterator end() const { return cend(); }
PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorage = nullptr;
// TODO: Fabric table should be backed by a single backing store (attribute store), remove delegate callbacks #6419
FabricTableDelegate * mDelegate = nullptr;
FabricIndex mNextAvailableFabricIndex = kMinValidFabricIndex;
} // namespace Transport
} // namespace chip