blob: 622a10a80c3bd2cdf24f1096cbb44545da60a2ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/ReadHandler.h>
#include <app/icd/server/ICDStateObserver.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace reporting {
// Forward declaration of TestReportScheduler to allow it to be friend with ReportScheduler
class TestReportScheduler;
class TimerContext
virtual ~TimerContext() {}
virtual void TimerFired() = 0;
* @class ReportScheduler
* @brief This class is responsible for scheduling Engine runs based on the reporting intervals of the ReadHandlers.
* This class holds a pool of ReadHandlerNodes that are used to keep track of the minimum and maximum timestamps for a report to be
* emitted based on the reporting intervals of the ReadHandlers associated with the node.
* The ReportScheduler also holds a TimerDelegate pointer that is used to start and cancel timers for the ReadHandlers depending
* on the reporting logic of the Scheduler.
* It inherits the ReadHandler::Observer class to be notified of reportability changes in the ReadHandlers.
* It inherits the ICDStateObserver class to allow the implementation to generate reports based on the changes in ICD devices state,
* such as going from idle to active and vice-versa.
* @note The logic for how and when to schedule reports is implemented in the subclasses of ReportScheduler, such as
* ReportSchedulerImpl and SyncronizedReportSchedulerImpl.
class ReportScheduler : public ReadHandler::Observer, public ICDStateObserver
using Timestamp = System::Clock::Timestamp;
/// @brief This class acts as an interface between the report scheduler and the system timer to reduce dependencies on the
/// system layer.
class TimerDelegate
virtual ~TimerDelegate() {}
/// @brief Start a timer for a given context. The report scheduler must always cancel an existing timer for a context (using
/// CancelTimer) before starting a new one for that context.
/// @param context context to pass to the timer callback.
/// @param aTimeout time in miliseconds before the timer expires
virtual CHIP_ERROR StartTimer(TimerContext * context, System::Clock::Timeout aTimeout) = 0;
/// @brief Cancel a timer for a given context
/// @param context used to identify the timer to cancel
virtual void CancelTimer(TimerContext * context) = 0;
virtual bool IsTimerActive(TimerContext * context) = 0;
virtual Timestamp GetCurrentMonotonicTimestamp() = 0;
* @class ReadHandlerNode
* @brief This class is in charge of determining when a ReadHandler is reportable depending on the monotonic timestamp of the
* system and the intervals of the ReadHandler. It inherits the TimerContext class to allow it to be used as a context for a
* TimerDelegate so the TimerDelegate can call the TimerFired method when the timer expires.
* The Logic to determine if a ReadHandler is reportable at a precise timestamp is as follows:
* 1: The ReadHandler is in the CanStartReporting state
* 2: The minimal interval since last report has elapsed
* 3: The maximal interval since last report has elapsed or the ReadHandler is dirty
* If the three conditions are met, the ReadHandler is reportable.
* Additionnal flags have been provided for specific use cases:
* CanbeSynced: Mechanism to allow the ReadHandler to emit a report if another readHandler is ReportableNow.
* This flag can substitute the maximal interval condition or the dirty condition. It is currently only used by the
* SynchronizedReportScheduler.
* EngineRunScheduled: Mechanism to ensure that the reporting engine will see the ReadHandler as reportable if a timer fires.
* This flag can substitute the minimal interval condition or the maximal interval condition. The goal is to allow for
* reporting when timers fire earlier than the minimal timestamp du to mechanism such as NTP clock adjustments.
class ReadHandlerNode : public TimerContext
enum class ReadHandlerNodeFlags : uint8_t
// Flag to indicate if the engine run is already scheduled so the scheduler can ignore
// it when calculating the next run time
EngineRunScheduled = (1 << 0),
// Flag to allow the read handler to be synced with other handlers that have an earlier max timestamp
CanBeSynced = (1 << 1),
ReadHandlerNode(ReadHandler * aReadHandler, ReportScheduler * aScheduler, const Timestamp & now) : mScheduler(aScheduler)
VerifyOrDie(aReadHandler != nullptr);
VerifyOrDie(aScheduler != nullptr);
mReadHandler = aReadHandler;
SetIntervalTimeStamps(aReadHandler, now);
ReadHandler * GetReadHandler() const { return mReadHandler; }
/// @brief Check if the Node is reportable now, meaning its readhandler was made reportable by attribute dirtying and
/// handler state, and minimal time interval since last report has elapsed, or the maximal time interval since last
/// report has elapsed.
/// @note If a handler has been flaged as scheduled for engine run, it will be reported regardless of the timestamps. This
/// is done to guarantee that the reporting engine will see the handler as reportable if a timer fires, even if it fires
/// early.
/// @param now current time to use for the check, user must ensure to provide a valid time for this to be reliable
bool IsReportableNow(const Timestamp & now) const
return (mReadHandler->CanStartReporting() &&
((now >= mMinTimestamp && (mReadHandler->IsDirty() || now >= mMaxTimestamp || CanBeSynced())) ||
bool IsChunkedReport() const { return mReadHandler->IsChunkedReport(); }
bool IsEngineRunScheduled() const { return mFlags.Has(ReadHandlerNodeFlags::EngineRunScheduled); }
void SetEngineRunScheduled(bool aEngineRunScheduled)
mFlags.Set(ReadHandlerNodeFlags::EngineRunScheduled, aEngineRunScheduled);
bool CanBeSynced() const { return mFlags.Has(ReadHandlerNodeFlags::CanBeSynced); }
void SetCanBeSynced(bool aCanBeSynced) { mFlags.Set(ReadHandlerNodeFlags::CanBeSynced, aCanBeSynced); }
/// @brief Set the interval timestamps for the node based on the read handler reporting intervals
/// @param aReadHandler read handler to get the intervals from
/// @param now current time to calculate the mMin and mMax timestamps, user must ensure to provide a valid time for this to
/// be reliable
void SetIntervalTimeStamps(ReadHandler * aReadHandler, const Timestamp & now)
uint16_t minInterval, maxInterval;
aReadHandler->GetReportingIntervals(minInterval, maxInterval);
mMinTimestamp = now + System::Clock::Seconds16(minInterval);
mMaxTimestamp = now + System::Clock::Seconds16(maxInterval);
void TimerFired() override
System::Clock::Timestamp GetMinTimestamp() const { return mMinTimestamp; }
System::Clock::Timestamp GetMaxTimestamp() const { return mMaxTimestamp; }
ReadHandler * mReadHandler;
ReportScheduler * mScheduler;
Timestamp mMinTimestamp;
Timestamp mMaxTimestamp;
BitFlags<ReadHandlerNodeFlags> mFlags;
ReportScheduler(TimerDelegate * aTimerDelegate) : mTimerDelegate(aTimerDelegate) {}
* Interface to act on changes in the ReadHandler reportability
virtual ~ReportScheduler() = default;
virtual void ReportTimerCallback() = 0;
/// @brief Check whether a ReadHandler is reportable right now, taking into account its minimum and maximum intervals.
/// @param aReadHandler read handler to check
bool IsReportableNow(ReadHandler * aReadHandler)
// Update the now timestamp to ensure external calls to IsReportableNow are always comparing to the current time
Timestamp now = mTimerDelegate->GetCurrentMonotonicTimestamp();
ReadHandlerNode * node = FindReadHandlerNode(aReadHandler);
return (nullptr != node) ? node->IsReportableNow(now) : false;
/// @brief Check if a ReadHandler is reportable without considering the timing
bool IsReadHandlerReportable(ReadHandler * aReadHandler) const
return (nullptr != aReadHandler) ? aReadHandler->ShouldStartReporting() : false;
/// @brief Sets the ForceDirty flag of a ReadHandler
void HandlerForceDirtyState(ReadHandler * aReadHandler) { aReadHandler->ForceDirtyState(); }
/// @brief Get the number of ReadHandlers registered in the scheduler's node pool
size_t GetNumReadHandlers() const { return mNodesPool.Allocated(); }
Timestamp GetMinTimestampForHandler(const ReadHandler * aReadHandler)
ReadHandlerNode * node = FindReadHandlerNode(aReadHandler);
return node->GetMinTimestamp();
Timestamp GetMaxTimestampForHandler(const ReadHandler * aReadHandler)
ReadHandlerNode * node = FindReadHandlerNode(aReadHandler);
return node->GetMaxTimestamp();
ReadHandlerNode * GetReadHandlerNode(const ReadHandler * aReadHandler) { return FindReadHandlerNode(aReadHandler); }
friend class chip::app::reporting::TestReportScheduler;
/// @brief Find the ReadHandlerNode for a given ReadHandler pointer
/// @param [in] aReadHandler ReadHandler pointer to look for in the ReadHandler nodes list
/// @return Node Address if node was found, nullptr otherwise
ReadHandlerNode * FindReadHandlerNode(const ReadHandler * aReadHandler)
ReadHandlerNode * foundNode = nullptr;
mNodesPool.ForEachActiveObject([&foundNode, aReadHandler](ReadHandlerNode * node) {
if (node->GetReadHandler() == aReadHandler)
foundNode = node;
return Loop::Break;
return Loop::Continue;
return foundNode;
TimerDelegate * mTimerDelegate;
}; // namespace reporting
}; // namespace app
}; // namespace chip