| /* |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| #include "AndroidCallbacks.h" |
| |
| #include <controller/java/AndroidClusterExceptions.h> |
| #include <controller/java/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.h> |
| #include <controller/java/CHIPEventTLVValueDecoder.h> |
| #include <jni.h> |
| #include <lib/support/CHIPJNIError.h> |
| #include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h> |
| #include <lib/support/ErrorStr.h> |
| #include <lib/support/JniReferences.h> |
| #include <lib/support/JniTypeWrappers.h> |
| #include <lib/support/jsontlv/TlvJson.h> |
| #include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h> |
| #include <platform/PlatformManager.h> |
| #include <type_traits> |
| |
| namespace chip { |
| namespace Controller { |
| |
| GetConnectedDeviceCallback::GetConnectedDeviceCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject javaCallback) : |
| mOnSuccess(OnDeviceConnectedFn, this), mOnFailure(OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn, this) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| VerifyOrReturn(env != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get JNIEnv for current thread")); |
| mWrapperCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(wrapperCallback); |
| if (mWrapperCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| mJavaCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(javaCallback); |
| if (mJavaCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| GetConnectedDeviceCallback::~GetConnectedDeviceCallback() |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| VerifyOrReturn(env != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get JNIEnv for current thread")); |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(mJavaCallbackRef); |
| } |
| |
| void GetConnectedDeviceCallback::OnDeviceConnectedFn(void * context, OperationalDeviceProxy * device) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| auto * self = static_cast<GetConnectedDeviceCallback *>(context); |
| jobject javaCallback = self->mJavaCallbackRef; |
| |
| // Release global ref so application can clean up. |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(self->mWrapperCallbackRef); |
| |
| jclass getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls = nullptr; |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/GetConnectedDeviceCallbackJni$GetConnectedDeviceCallback", |
| getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls != nullptr, |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find GetConnectedDeviceCallback class")); |
| JniClass getConnectedDeviceCallbackJniCls(getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls); |
| |
| jmethodID successMethod; |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, javaCallback, "onDeviceConnected", "(J)V", &successMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(successMethod != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onDeviceConnected method")); |
| |
| static_assert(sizeof(jlong) >= sizeof(void *), "Need to store a pointer in a Java handle"); |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(javaCallback, successMethod, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(device)); |
| } |
| |
| void GetConnectedDeviceCallback::OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn(void * context, const ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| auto * self = static_cast<GetConnectedDeviceCallback *>(context); |
| jobject javaCallback = self->mJavaCallbackRef; |
| |
| // Release global ref so application can clean up. |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(self->mWrapperCallbackRef); |
| |
| jclass getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls = nullptr; |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/GetConnectedDeviceCallbackJni$GetConnectedDeviceCallback", |
| getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls != nullptr, |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find GetConnectedDeviceCallback class")); |
| JniClass getConnectedDeviceCallbackJniCls(getConnectedDeviceCallbackCls); |
| |
| jmethodID failureMethod; |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, javaCallback, "onConnectionFailure", "(JLjava/lang/Exception;)V", &failureMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(failureMethod != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onConnectionFailure method")); |
| |
| // Create the exception to return. |
| jclass controllerExceptionCls; |
| CHIP_ERROR err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/ChipDeviceControllerException", |
| controllerExceptionCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find exception type for onConnectionFailure")); |
| JniClass controllerExceptionJniCls(controllerExceptionCls); |
| |
| jmethodID exceptionConstructor = env->GetMethodID(controllerExceptionCls, "<init>", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V"); |
| jobject exception = env->NewObject(controllerExceptionCls, exceptionConstructor, error, env->NewStringUTF(ErrorStr(error))); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(javaCallback, failureMethod, peerId.GetNodeId(), exception); |
| } |
| |
| ReportCallback::ReportCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject subscriptionEstablishedCallback, jobject reportCallback) : |
| mBufferedReadAdapter(*this) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| VerifyOrReturn(env != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get JNIEnv for current thread")); |
| if (subscriptionEstablishedCallback != nullptr) |
| { |
| mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(subscriptionEstablishedCallback); |
| if (mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| } |
| mReportCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(reportCallback); |
| if (mReportCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| mWrapperCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(wrapperCallback); |
| if (mWrapperCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ReportCallback::~ReportCallback() |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| VerifyOrReturn(env != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get JNIEnv for current thread")); |
| if (mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef != nullptr) |
| { |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef); |
| } |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(mReportCallbackRef); |
| if (mReadClient != nullptr) |
| { |
| Platform::Delete(mReadClient); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::OnReportBegin() |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/model/NodeState", mNodeStateCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get NodeState class")); |
| jmethodID nodeStateCtor = env->GetMethodID(mNodeStateCls, "<init>", "(Ljava/util/Map;)V"); |
| VerifyOrReturn(nodeStateCtor != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find NodeState constructor")); |
| |
| jobject map = nullptr; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().CreateHashMap(map); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create HashMap")); |
| mNodeStateObj = env->NewObject(mNodeStateCls, nodeStateCtor, map); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::OnReportEnd() |
| { |
| // Transform C++ jobject pair list to a Java HashMap, and call onReport() on the Java callback. |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jmethodID onReportMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mReportCallbackRef, "onReport", "(Lchip/devicecontroller/model/NodeState;)V", |
| &onReportMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onReport method")); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mReportCallbackRef, onReportMethod, mNodeStateObj); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::OnAttributeData(const app::ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, |
| const app::StatusIB & aStatus) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| jobject attributePathObj = nullptr; |
| err = CreateChipAttributePath(aPath, attributePathObj); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Unable to create Java ChipAttributePath: %s", ErrorStr(err))); |
| |
| if (aPath.IsListItemOperation()) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePathObj, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (aStatus.mStatus != Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Success) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePathObj, aStatus.mStatus); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (apData == nullptr) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePathObj, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| TLV::TLVReader readerForJavaObject; |
| TLV::TLVReader readerForJavaTLV; |
| TLV::TLVReader readerForJson; |
| readerForJavaObject.Init(*apData); |
| readerForJavaTLV.Init(*apData); |
| readerForJson.Init(*apData); |
| |
| jobject value = DecodeAttributeValue(aPath, readerForJavaObject, &err); |
| // If we don't know this attribute, just skip it. |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ReportError(attributePathObj, err)); |
| VerifyOrReturn(!env->ExceptionCheck(), env->ExceptionDescribe(), |
| ReportError(attributePathObj, CHIP_JNI_ERROR_EXCEPTION_THROWN)); |
| |
| // Create TLV byte array to pass to Java layer |
| size_t bufferLen = readerForJavaTLV.GetRemainingLength() + readerForJavaTLV.GetLengthRead(); |
| std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[bufferLen]); |
| uint32_t size = 0; |
| // The TLVReader's read head is not pointing to the first element in the container, instead of the container itself, use |
| // a TLVWriter to get a TLV with a normalized TLV buffer (Wrapped with an anonymous tag, no extra "end of container" tag |
| // at the end.) |
| TLV::TLVWriter writer; |
| writer.Init(buffer.get(), bufferLen); |
| err = writer.CopyElement(TLV::AnonymousTag(), readerForJavaTLV); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ReportError(attributePathObj, err)); |
| size = writer.GetLengthWritten(); |
| chip::ByteArray jniByteArray(env, reinterpret_cast<jbyte *>(buffer.get()), size); |
| |
| // Convert TLV to JSON |
| Json::Value json; |
| err = TlvToJson(readerForJson, json); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ReportError(attributePathObj, err)); |
| |
| UtfString jsonString(env, JsonToString(json).c_str()); |
| |
| // Create AttributeState object |
| jclass attributeStateCls; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/model/AttributeState", attributeStateCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find AttributeState class")); |
| VerifyOrReturn(attributeStateCls != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find AttributeState class")); |
| chip::JniClass attributeStateJniCls(attributeStateCls); |
| jmethodID attributeStateCtor = env->GetMethodID(attributeStateCls, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/Object;[BLjava/lang/String;)V"); |
| VerifyOrReturn(attributeStateCtor != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find AttributeState constructor")); |
| jobject attributeStateObj = |
| env->NewObject(attributeStateCls, attributeStateCtor, value, jniByteArray.jniValue(), jsonString.jniValue()); |
| VerifyOrReturn(attributeStateObj != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create AttributeState object")); |
| |
| // Add AttributeState to NodeState |
| jmethodID addAttributeMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mNodeStateObj, "addAttribute", |
| "(IJJLchip/devicecontroller/model/AttributeState;)V", &addAttributeMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find addAttribute method")); |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mNodeStateObj, addAttributeMethod, static_cast<jint>(aPath.mEndpointId), |
| static_cast<jlong>(aPath.mClusterId), static_cast<jlong>(aPath.mAttributeId), attributeStateObj); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(!env->ExceptionCheck(), env->ExceptionDescribe()); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR ReportCallback::CreateChipAttributePath(const app::ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, jobject & outObj) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jclass attributePathCls = nullptr; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/model/ChipAttributePath", attributePathCls); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, err); |
| JniClass attributePathJniCls(attributePathCls); |
| |
| jmethodID attributePathCtor = |
| env->GetStaticMethodID(attributePathCls, "newInstance", "(JJJ)Lchip/devicecontroller/model/ChipAttributePath;"); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(attributePathCtor != nullptr, CHIP_JNI_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND); |
| |
| outObj = |
| env->CallStaticObjectMethod(attributePathCls, attributePathCtor, aPath.mEndpointId, aPath.mClusterId, aPath.mAttributeId); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(outObj != nullptr, CHIP_JNI_ERROR_NULL_OBJECT); |
| |
| return err; |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::OnError(CHIP_ERROR aError) |
| { |
| ReportError(nullptr, aError); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::OnDone(app::ReadClient *) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jmethodID onDoneMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mReportCallbackRef, "onDone", "()V", &onDoneMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onDone method")); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mReportCallbackRef, onDoneMethod); |
| |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread()->DeleteGlobalRef(mWrapperCallbackRef); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::OnSubscriptionEstablished(SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId) |
| { |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().CallSubscriptionEstablished(mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::ReportError(jobject attributePath, CHIP_ERROR err) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePath, ErrorStr(err), err.AsInteger()); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::ReportError(jobject attributePath, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePath, "IM Status", static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Protocols::InteractionModel::Status>>(status)); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportCallback::ReportError(jobject attributePath, const char * message, ChipError::StorageType errorCode) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jthrowable exception; |
| err = AndroidClusterExceptions::GetInstance().CreateIllegalStateException(env, message, errorCode, exception); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Unable to create IllegalStateException: %s", ErrorStr(err))); |
| |
| jmethodID onErrorMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mReportCallbackRef, "onError", |
| "(Lchip/devicecontroller/model/ChipAttributePath;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V", |
| &onErrorMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Unable to find onError method: %s", ErrorStr(err))); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mReportCallbackRef, onErrorMethod, attributePath, exception); |
| } |
| |
| ReportEventCallback::ReportEventCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject subscriptionEstablishedCallback, jobject reportCallback, |
| jobject resubscriptionAttemptCallback) : |
| mBufferedReadAdapter(*this) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| VerifyOrReturn(env != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get JNIEnv for current thread")); |
| if (subscriptionEstablishedCallback != nullptr) |
| { |
| mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(subscriptionEstablishedCallback); |
| if (mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| } |
| mReportCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(reportCallback); |
| if (mReportCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| mWrapperCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(wrapperCallback); |
| if (mWrapperCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| if (resubscriptionAttemptCallback != nullptr) |
| { |
| mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef = env->NewGlobalRef(resubscriptionAttemptCallback); |
| if (mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef == nullptr) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create global reference for Java callback"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ReportEventCallback::~ReportEventCallback() |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| VerifyOrReturn(env != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get JNIEnv for current thread")); |
| if (mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef != nullptr) |
| { |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef); |
| } |
| env->DeleteGlobalRef(mReportCallbackRef); |
| if (mReadClient != nullptr) |
| { |
| Platform::Delete(mReadClient); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnReportBegin() |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/model/NodeState", mNodeStateCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not get NodeState class")); |
| jmethodID nodeStateCtor = env->GetMethodID(mNodeStateCls, "<init>", "(Ljava/util/Map;)V"); |
| VerifyOrReturn(nodeStateCtor != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find NodeState constructor")); |
| |
| jobject map = nullptr; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().CreateHashMap(map); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create HashMap")); |
| mNodeStateObj = env->NewObject(mNodeStateCls, nodeStateCtor, map); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnReportEnd() |
| { |
| // Transform C++ jobject pair list to a Java HashMap, and call onReport() on the Java callback. |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jmethodID onReportMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mReportCallbackRef, "onReport", "(Lchip/devicecontroller/model/NodeState;)V", |
| &onReportMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onReport method")); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mReportCallbackRef, onReportMethod, mNodeStateObj); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnEventData(const app::EventHeader & aEventHeader, TLV::TLVReader * apData, |
| const app::StatusIB * apStatus) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| jobject eventPathObj = nullptr; |
| err = CreateChipEventPath(aEventHeader.mPath, eventPathObj); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Unable to create Java ChipEventPath: %s", ErrorStr(err))); |
| |
| if (apData == nullptr) |
| { |
| ReportError(eventPathObj, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| TLV::TLVReader readerForJavaObject; |
| TLV::TLVReader readerForJavaTLV; |
| TLV::TLVReader readerForJson; |
| readerForJavaObject.Init(*apData); |
| readerForJavaTLV.Init(*apData); |
| readerForJson.Init(*apData); |
| |
| jlong eventNumber = static_cast<jlong>(aEventHeader.mEventNumber); |
| jlong priorityLevel = static_cast<jint>(aEventHeader.mPriorityLevel); |
| jlong timestamp = static_cast<jlong>(aEventHeader.mTimestamp.mValue); |
| |
| jobject value = DecodeEventValue(aEventHeader.mPath, readerForJavaObject, &err); |
| // If we don't know this event, just skip it. |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ReportError(eventPathObj, err)); |
| VerifyOrReturn(!env->ExceptionCheck(), env->ExceptionDescribe(), ReportError(eventPathObj, CHIP_JNI_ERROR_EXCEPTION_THROWN)); |
| |
| // Create TLV byte array to pass to Java layer |
| size_t bufferLen = readerForJavaTLV.GetRemainingLength() + readerForJavaTLV.GetLengthRead(); |
| std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[bufferLen]); |
| uint32_t size = 0; |
| // The TLVReader's read head is not pointing to the first element in the container, instead of the container itself, use |
| // a TLVWriter to get a TLV with a normalized TLV buffer (Wrapped with an anonymous tag, no extra "end of container" tag |
| // at the end.) |
| TLV::TLVWriter writer; |
| writer.Init(buffer.get(), bufferLen); |
| err = writer.CopyElement(TLV::AnonymousTag(), readerForJavaTLV); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ReportError(eventPathObj, err)); |
| size = writer.GetLengthWritten(); |
| chip::ByteArray jniByteArray(env, reinterpret_cast<jbyte *>(buffer.get()), size); |
| |
| // Convert TLV to JSON |
| Json::Value json; |
| err = TlvToJson(readerForJson, json); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ReportError(eventPathObj, err)); |
| |
| UtfString jsonString(env, JsonToString(json).c_str()); |
| |
| // Create EventState object |
| jclass eventStateCls; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/model/EventState", eventStateCls); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find EventState class")); |
| VerifyOrReturn(eventStateCls != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find EventState class")); |
| chip::JniClass eventStateJniCls(eventStateCls); |
| jmethodID eventStateCtor = env->GetMethodID(eventStateCls, "<init>", "(JIJLjava/lang/Object;[BLjava/lang/String;)V"); |
| VerifyOrReturn(eventStateCtor != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find EventState constructor")); |
| jobject eventStateObj = env->NewObject(eventStateCls, eventStateCtor, eventNumber, priorityLevel, timestamp, value, |
| jniByteArray.jniValue(), jsonString.jniValue()); |
| VerifyOrReturn(eventStateObj != nullptr, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not create EventState object")); |
| |
| // Add EventState to NodeState |
| jmethodID addEventMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mNodeStateObj, "addEvent", "(IJJLchip/devicecontroller/model/EventState;)V", |
| &addEventMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find addEvent method")); |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mNodeStateObj, addEventMethod, static_cast<jint>(aEventHeader.mPath.mEndpointId), |
| static_cast<jlong>(aEventHeader.mPath.mClusterId), static_cast<jlong>(aEventHeader.mPath.mEventId), |
| eventStateObj); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(!env->ExceptionCheck(), env->ExceptionDescribe()); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR ReportEventCallback::CreateChipEventPath(const app::ConcreteEventPath & aPath, jobject & outObj) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jclass eventPathCls = nullptr; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetClassRef(env, "chip/devicecontroller/model/ChipEventPath", eventPathCls); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, err); |
| JniClass eventPathJniCls(eventPathCls); |
| |
| jmethodID eventPathCtor = |
| env->GetStaticMethodID(eventPathCls, "newInstance", "(JJJ)Lchip/devicecontroller/model/ChipEventPath;"); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(eventPathCtor != nullptr, CHIP_JNI_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND); |
| |
| outObj = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(eventPathCls, eventPathCtor, aPath.mEndpointId, aPath.mClusterId, aPath.mEventId); |
| VerifyOrReturnError(outObj != nullptr, CHIP_JNI_ERROR_NULL_OBJECT); |
| |
| return err; |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnError(CHIP_ERROR aError) |
| { |
| ReportError(nullptr, aError); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnDone(app::ReadClient *) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jmethodID onDoneMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mReportCallbackRef, "onDone", "()V", &onDoneMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onDone method")); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mReportCallbackRef, onDoneMethod); |
| |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread()->DeleteGlobalRef(mWrapperCallbackRef); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnSubscriptionEstablished(SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId) |
| { |
| JniReferences::GetInstance().CallSubscriptionEstablished(mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::OnResubscriptionAttempt(CHIP_ERROR aTerminationCause, uint32_t aNextResubscribeIntervalMsec) |
| { |
| VerifyOrReturn(mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef != nullptr, |
| ChipLogError(Controller, "mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef is null")); |
| |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jmethodID onResubscriptionAttemptMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef, "onResubscriptionAttempt", "(II)V", |
| &onResubscriptionAttemptMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Could not find onResubscriptionAttempt method")); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef, onResubscriptionAttemptMethod, aTerminationCause.AsInteger(), |
| aNextResubscribeIntervalMsec); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::ReportError(jobject attributePath, CHIP_ERROR err) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePath, ErrorStr(err), err.AsInteger()); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::ReportError(jobject attributePath, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status) |
| { |
| ReportError(attributePath, "IM Status", static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Protocols::InteractionModel::Status>>(status)); |
| } |
| |
| void ReportEventCallback::ReportError(jobject attributePath, const char * message, ChipError::StorageType errorCode) |
| { |
| JNIEnv * env = JniReferences::GetInstance().GetEnvForCurrentThread(); |
| |
| jthrowable exception; |
| err = AndroidClusterExceptions::GetInstance().CreateIllegalStateException(env, message, errorCode, exception); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Unable to create IllegalStateException: %s", ErrorStr(err))); |
| |
| jmethodID onErrorMethod; |
| err = JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod( |
| env, mReportCallbackRef, "onError", "(Lchip/devicecontroller/model/ChipEventPath;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V", &onErrorMethod); |
| VerifyOrReturn(err == CHIP_NO_ERROR, ChipLogError(Controller, "Unable to find onError method: %s", ErrorStr(err))); |
| |
| DeviceLayer::StackUnlock unlock; |
| env->CallVoidMethod(mReportCallbackRef, onErrorMethod, attributePath, exception); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace Controller |
| } // namespace chip |