blob: 46f4eb4154675f9e71b02198237987905b69b7de [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/CommandHandler.h>
#include <app/ConcreteCommandPath.h>
#include <app/util/af-types.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceConfig.h>
using chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffFeature;
* Defines and Macros
static constexpr chip::System::Clock::Milliseconds32 UPDATE_TIME_MS = chip::System::Clock::Milliseconds32(100);
static constexpr uint16_t TRANSITION_TIME_1S = 10;
static constexpr uint16_t MAX_TIME_VALUE = 0xFFFF;
static constexpr uint8_t MIN_TIME_VALUE = 1;
* @brief
class OnOffServer
* Functions Definitions
static OnOffServer & Instance();
bool offCommand(chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath);
bool onCommand(chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath);
bool toggleCommand(chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath);
void initOnOffServer(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
bool offWithEffectCommand(chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::OffWithEffect::DecodableType & commandData);
bool OnWithRecallGlobalSceneCommand(chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath);
bool OnWithTimedOffCommand(chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::OnWithTimedOff::DecodableType & commandData);
void updateOnOffTimeCommand(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
EmberAfStatus getOnOffValue(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool * currentOnOffValue);
EmberAfStatus setOnOffValue(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::CommandId command, bool initiatedByLevelChange);
EmberAfStatus getOnOffValueForStartUp(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool & onOffValueForStartUp);
bool HasFeature(chip::EndpointId endpoint, OnOffFeature feature);
inline bool SupportsLightingApplications(chip::EndpointId endpointId)
return HasFeature(endpointId, OnOffFeature::kLighting);
void cancelEndpointTimerCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* Functions Definitions
bool areStartUpOnOffServerAttributesNonVolatile(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
EmberEventControl * getEventControl(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
EmberEventControl * configureEventControl(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
uint32_t calculateNextWaitTimeMS(void);
// Matter timer scheduling glue logic
static void timerCallback(chip::System::Layer *, void * callbackContext);
void scheduleTimerCallbackMs(EmberEventControl * control, uint32_t delayMs);
void cancelEndpointTimerCallback(EmberEventControl * control);
* Attributes Declaration
static OnOffServer instance;
chip::System::Clock::Timestamp nextDesiredOnWithTimedOffTimestamp;
struct OnOffEffect
using OffWithEffectTriggerCommand = void (*)(OnOffEffect *);
using EffectVariantType = std::underlying_type_t<chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant>;
std::is_same<EffectVariantType, std::underlying_type_t<chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffDyingLightEffectVariant>>::value,
"chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant and "
"chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffDyingLightEffectVariant underlying types differ.");
chip::EndpointId mEndpoint;
OffWithEffectTriggerCommand mOffWithEffectTrigger = nullptr;
chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffEffectIdentifier mEffectIdentifier;
EffectVariantType mEffectVariant;
OnOffEffect * nextEffect = nullptr;
OnOffEffect(chip::EndpointId endpoint, OffWithEffectTriggerCommand offWithEffectTrigger,
chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffEffectIdentifier effectIdentifier =
* effectVariant's type depends on the effectIdentifier so we don't know the type at compile time.
* The assertion at the beginning of this method ensures the effect variants share the same base type.
* Casting to the common base type for more flexibility since the type can be OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant or
* OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant
EffectVariantType =
bool hasNext() { return this->nextEffect != nullptr; }
OnOffEffect * next() { return this->nextEffect; }
void setNext(OnOffEffect * inst) { this->nextEffect = inst; }
* Global
/** @brief On/off Cluster Level Control Effect
* This is called by the framework when the on/off cluster initiates a command
* that must effect a level control change. The implementation assumes that the
* client will handle any effect on the On/Off Cluster.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param newValue Ver.: always
void emberAfOnOffClusterLevelControlEffectCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool newValue);
* Callbacks
/** @brief On/off Cluster Server Post Init
* Following resolution of the On/Off state at startup for this endpoint,
* perform any additional initialization needed; e.g., synchronize hardware
* state.
* @param endpoint Endpoint that is being initialized Ver.: always
void emberAfPluginOnOffClusterServerPostInitCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
void onOffWaitTimeOffEventHandler(chip::EndpointId endpoint);