blob: e5f8eda3ed6471574323a12734ef0f21c4ef21d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains definitions for Device class. The objects of this
* class will be used by Controller applications to interact with CHIP
* devices. The class provides mechanism to construct, send and receive
* messages to and from the corresponding CHIP devices.
#pragma once
#include <app/CommandSender.h>
#include <app/InteractionModelEngine.h>
#include <app/util/CHIPDeviceCallbacksMgr.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <core/CHIPCallback.h>
#include <core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <credentials/CHIPOperationalCredentials.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeDelegate.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/CASESession.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/SessionIDAllocator.h>
#include <setup_payload/SetupPayload.h>
#include <support/Base64.h>
#include <support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <transport/SecureSessionMgr.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/MessageHeader.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
#include <ble/BleLayer.h>
#include <transport/raw/BLE.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
class DeviceController;
class DeviceStatusDelegate;
struct SerializedDevice;
constexpr size_t kMaxBlePendingPackets = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kOpCSRNonceLength = 32;
using DeviceTransportMgr = TransportMgr<Transport::UDP /* IPv6 */
Transport::UDP /* IPv4 */
Transport::BLE<kMaxBlePendingPackets> /* BLE */
struct ControllerDeviceInitParams
DeviceTransportMgr * transportMgr = nullptr;
SecureSessionMgr * sessionMgr = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * exchangeMgr = nullptr;
Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer = nullptr;
PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr;
Credentials::OperationalCredentialSet * credentials = nullptr;
SessionIDAllocator * idAllocator = nullptr;
Ble::BleLayer * bleLayer = nullptr;
class Device;
typedef void (*OnDeviceConnected)(void * context, Device * device);
typedef void (*OnDeviceConnectionFailure)(void * context, NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR error);
class DLL_EXPORT Device : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate, public SessionEstablishmentDelegate
Device() = default;
Device(const Device &) = delete;
enum class PairingWindowOption
* @brief
* Set the delegate object which will be called when a message is received.
* The user of this Device object must reset the delegate (by calling
* SetDelegate(nullptr)) before releasing their delegate object.
* @param[in] delegate The pointer to the delegate object.
void SetDelegate(DeviceStatusDelegate * delegate) { mStatusDelegate = delegate; }
// ----- Messaging -----
* @brief
* Send the provided message to the device
* @param[in] protocolId The protocol identifier of the CHIP message to be sent.
* @param[in] msgType The message type of the message to be sent. Must be a valid message type for protocolId.
* @param[in] message The message payload to be sent.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR SendMessage(Protocols::Id protocolId, uint8_t msgType, System::PacketBufferHandle && message);
* A strongly-message-typed version of SendMessage.
template <typename MessageType, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<MessageType>::value>>
CHIP_ERROR SendMessage(MessageType msgType, System::PacketBufferHandle && message)
static_assert(std::is_same<std::underlying_type_t<MessageType>, uint8_t>::value, "Enum is wrong size; cast is not safe");
return SendMessage(Protocols::MessageTypeTraits<MessageType>::ProtocolId(), static_cast<uint8_t>(msgType),
* @brief
* Send the command in internal command sender.
CHIP_ERROR SendCommands(app::CommandSender * commandObj);
* @brief Get the IP address and port assigned to the device.
* @param[out] addr IP address of the device.
* @param[out] port Port number of the device.
* @return true, if the IP address and port were filled in the out parameters, false otherwise
bool GetAddress(Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t & port) const;
* @brief
* Initialize the device object with secure session manager and inet layer object
* references. This variant of function is typically used when the device object
* is created from a serialized device information. The other parameters (address, port,
* interface etc) are part of the serialized device, so those are not required to be
* initialized.
* Note: The lifetime of session manager and inet layer objects must be longer than
* that of this device object. If these objects are freed, while the device object is
* still using them, it can lead to unknown behavior and crashes.
* @param[in] params Wrapper object for transport manager etc.
* @param[in] listenPort Port on which controller is listening (typically CHIP_PORT)
* @param[in] admin Local administrator that's initializing this device object
void Init(ControllerDeviceInitParams params, uint16_t listenPort, Transport::AdminId admin)
mTransportMgr = params.transportMgr;
mSessionManager = params.sessionMgr;
mExchangeMgr = params.exchangeMgr;
mInetLayer = params.inetLayer;
mListenPort = listenPort;
mAdminId = admin;
mStorageDelegate = params.storageDelegate;
mCredentials = params.credentials;
mIDAllocator = params.idAllocator;
mBleLayer = params.bleLayer;
* @brief
* Initialize a new device object with secure session manager, inet layer object,
* and other device specific parameters. This variant of function is typically used when
* a new device is paired, and the corresponding device object needs to updated with
* all device specifc parameters (address, port, interface etc).
* This is not done as part of constructor so that the controller can have a list of
* uninitialized/unpaired device objects. The object is initialized only when the device
* is actually paired.
* @param[in] params Wrapper object for transport manager etc.
* @param[in] listenPort Port on which controller is listening (typically CHIP_PORT)
* @param[in] deviceId Node ID of the device
* @param[in] peerAddress The location of the peer. MUST be of type Transport::Type::kUdp
* @param[in] admin Local administrator that's initializing this device object
void Init(ControllerDeviceInitParams params, uint16_t listenPort, NodeId deviceId, const Transport::PeerAddress & peerAddress,
Transport::AdminId admin)
Init(params, mListenPort, admin);
mDeviceId = deviceId;
mState = ConnectionState::Connecting;
mDeviceAddress = peerAddress;
/** @brief Serialize the Pairing Session to a string. It's guaranteed that the string
* will be null terminated, and there won't be any embedded null characters.
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR on error, CHIP_NO_ERROR otherwise
CHIP_ERROR Serialize(SerializedDevice & output);
/** @brief Deserialize the Pairing Session from the string. It's expected that the string
* will be null terminated, and there won't be any embedded null characters.
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR on error, CHIP_NO_ERROR otherwise
CHIP_ERROR Deserialize(const SerializedDevice & input);
* @brief Serialize and store the Device in persistent storage
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR if either serialization or storage fails
CHIP_ERROR Persist();
* @brief
* Called when a new pairing is being established
* @param session A handle to the secure session
void OnNewConnection(SecureSessionHandle session);
* @brief
* Called when a connection is closing.
* The receiver should release all resources associated with the connection.
* @param session A handle to the secure session
void OnConnectionExpired(SecureSessionHandle session);
* @brief
* This function is called when a message is received from the corresponding CHIP
* device. The message ownership is transferred to the function, and it is expected
* to release the message buffer before returning.
* @param[in] exchange The exchange context the message was received
* on. The Device guarantees that it will call
* Close() on exchange when it's done processing
* the message.
* @param[in] header Reference to common packet header of the received message
* @param[in] payloadHeader Reference to payload header in the message
* @param[in] msgBuf The message buffer
void OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * exchange, const PacketHeader & header, const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && msgBuf) override;
* @brief ExchangeDelegate implementation of OnResponseTimeout.
void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * exchange) override;
* @brief
* Trigger a paired device to re-enter the pairing mode. If an onboarding token is provided, the device will use
* the provided setup PIN code and the discriminator to advertise itself for pairing availability. If the token
* is not provided, the device will use the manufacturer assigned setup PIN code and discriminator.
* The device will exit the pairing mode after a successful pairing, or after the given `timeout` time.
* @param[in] timeout The pairing mode should terminate after this much time.
* @param[in] option The pairing window can be opened using the original setup code, or an
* onboarding token can be generated using a random setup PIN code (or with
* the PIN code provied in the setupPayload). This argument selects one of these
* methods.
* @param[out] setupPayload The setup payload corresponding to the generated onboarding token.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR OpenPairingWindow(uint32_t timeout, PairingWindowOption option, SetupPayload & setupPayload);
* @brief
* Update address of the device.
* This function will set new IP address and port of the device. Since the device settings might
* have been moved from RAM to the persistent storage, the function will load the device settings
* first, before making the changes.
* @param[in] addr Address of the device to be set.
* @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if the address has been updated, an error code otherwise.
CHIP_ERROR UpdateAddress(const Transport::PeerAddress & addr);
* @brief
* Return whether the current device object is actively associated with a paired CHIP
* device. An active object can be used to communicate with the corresponding device.
bool IsActive() const { return mActive; }
void SetActive(bool active) { mActive = active; }
bool IsSecureConnected() const { return IsActive() && mState == ConnectionState::SecureConnected; }
bool IsSessionSetupInProgress() const { return IsActive() && mState == ConnectionState::Connecting; }
void Reset();
NodeId GetDeviceId() const { return mDeviceId; }
bool MatchesSession(SecureSessionHandle session) const { return mSecureSession == session; }
void SetAddress(const Inet::IPAddress & deviceAddr) { mDeviceAddress.SetIPAddress(deviceAddr); }
PASESessionSerializable & GetPairing() { return mPairing; }
uint8_t GetNextSequenceNumber() { return mSequenceNumber++; };
void AddResponseHandler(uint8_t seqNum, Callback::Cancelable * onSuccessCallback, Callback::Cancelable * onFailureCallback);
void CancelResponseHandler(uint8_t seqNum);
void AddReportHandler(EndpointId endpoint, ClusterId cluster, AttributeId attribute, Callback::Cancelable * onReportCallback);
// This two functions are pretty tricky, it is used to bridge the response, we need to implement interaction model delegate on
// the app side instead of register callbacks here. The IM delegate can provide more infomation then callback and it is
// type-safe.
// TODO: Implement interaction model delegate in the application.
void AddIMResponseHandler(app::Command * commandObj, Callback::Cancelable * onSuccessCallback,
Callback::Cancelable * onFailureCallback);
void CancelIMResponseHandler(app::Command * commandObj);
void OperationalCertProvisioned();
bool IsOperationalCertProvisioned() const { return mDeviceOperationalCertProvisioned; }
//////////// SessionEstablishmentDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionEstablishmentError(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
void OnSessionEstablished() override;
CASESession & GetCASESession() { return mCASESession; }
CHIP_ERROR GenerateCSRNonce() { return Crypto::DRBG_get_bytes(mCSRNonce, sizeof(mCSRNonce)); }
ByteSpan GetCSRNonce() const { return ByteSpan(mCSRNonce, sizeof(mCSRNonce)); }
* This function can be called to establish a secure session with the device.
* If the device doesn't have operational credentials, and is under commissioning process,
* PASE keys will be used for secure session.
* If the device has been commissioned and has operational credentials, CASE session
* setup will be triggered.
* On establishing the session, the callback function `onConnection` will be called. If the
* session setup fails, `onFailure` will be called.
* If the session already exists, `onConnection` will be called immediately.
CHIP_ERROR EstablishConnectivity(Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure);
enum class ConnectionState
enum class ResetTransport
/* Node ID assigned to the CHIP device */
NodeId mDeviceId;
/** Address used to communicate with the device.
Transport::PeerAddress mDeviceAddress = Transport::PeerAddress::UDP(Inet::IPAddress::Any);
Inet::InetLayer * mInetLayer = nullptr;
bool mActive = false;
ConnectionState mState = ConnectionState::NotConnected;
Ble::BleLayer * mBleLayer = nullptr;
PASESessionSerializable mPairing;
DeviceStatusDelegate * mStatusDelegate = nullptr;
SecureSessionMgr * mSessionManager = nullptr;
DeviceTransportMgr * mTransportMgr = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mExchangeMgr = nullptr;
SecureSessionHandle mSecureSession = {};
uint8_t mSequenceNumber = 0;
uint32_t mLocalMessageCounter = 0;
uint32_t mPeerMessageCounter = 0;
app::CHIPDeviceCallbacksMgr & mCallbacksMgr = app::CHIPDeviceCallbacksMgr::GetInstance();
* @brief
* This function loads the secure session object from the serialized operational
* credentials corresponding to the device. This is typically done when the device
* does not have an active secure channel.
* @param[in] resetNeeded Does the underlying network socket require a reset
CHIP_ERROR LoadSecureSessionParameters(ResetTransport resetNeeded);
* @brief
* This function loads the secure session object from the serialized operational
* credentials corresponding if needed, based on the current state of the device and
* underlying transport object.
* @param[out] didLoad Were the secure session params loaded by the call to this function.
CHIP_ERROR LoadSecureSessionParametersIfNeeded(bool & didLoad);
* This function triggers CASE session setup if the device has been provisioned with
* operational credentials, and there is no currently active session.
CHIP_ERROR WarmupCASESession();
uint16_t mListenPort;
Transport::AdminId mAdminId = Transport::kUndefinedAdminId;
bool mDeviceOperationalCertProvisioned = false;
CASESession mCASESession;
Credentials::OperationalCredentialSet * mCredentials = nullptr;
PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorageDelegate = nullptr;
uint8_t mCSRNonce[kOpCSRNonceLength];
SessionIDAllocator * mIDAllocator = nullptr;
Callback::CallbackDeque mConnectionSuccess;
Callback::CallbackDeque mConnectionFailure;
* This class defines an interface for an object that the user of Device
* can register as a delegate. The delegate object will be called by the
* Device when a new message or status update is received from the corresponding
* CHIP device.
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceStatusDelegate
virtual ~DeviceStatusDelegate() {}
* @brief
* Called when a message is received from the device.
* @param[in] msg Received message buffer.
virtual void OnMessage(System::PacketBufferHandle && msg) = 0;
* @brief
* Called when response to OpenPairingWindow is received from the device.
* @param[in] status CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error.
virtual void OnPairingWindowOpenStatus(CHIP_ERROR status){};
* @brief
* Called when device status is updated.
virtual void OnStatusChange(void){};
constexpr uint16_t kMaxInterfaceName = IFNAMSIZ;
constexpr uint16_t kMaxInterfaceName = 32;
typedef struct SerializableDevice
PASESessionSerializable mOpsCreds;
uint64_t mDeviceId; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint8_t mDeviceAddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
uint16_t mDevicePort; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint16_t mAdminId; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint8_t mDeviceTransport;
uint8_t mDeviceOperationalCertProvisioned;
uint8_t mInterfaceName[kMaxInterfaceName];
uint32_t mLocalMessageCounter; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
uint32_t mPeerMessageCounter; /* This field is serialized in LittleEndian byte order */
} SerializableDevice;
typedef struct SerializedDevice
// Extra uint64_t to account for padding bytes (NULL termination, and some decoding overheads)
// The encoder may not include a NULL character, and there are maximum 2 bytes of padding.
// So extra 8 bytes should be sufficient to absorb this overhead.
uint8_t inner[BASE64_ENCODED_LEN(sizeof(SerializableDevice) + sizeof(uint64_t))];
} SerializedDevice;
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip