blob: 48a3ddae4fc0c2f96e4c2fef44048415225b902d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "FabricAdminDelegate.h"
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/ScopedNodeId.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
namespace bridge {
#define ScopedNodeId_init_default chip::ScopedNodeId()
#define SynchronizedDevice_init_default \
{ \
ScopedNodeId_init_default, /* id */ \
std::nullopt, /* uniqueId */ \
std::nullopt, /* vendorName */ \
std::nullopt, /* vendorId */ \
std::nullopt, /* productName */ \
std::nullopt, /* productId */ \
std::nullopt, /* nodeLabel */ \
std::nullopt, /* hardwareVersion */ \
std::nullopt, /* hardwareVersionString */ \
std::nullopt, /* softwareVersion */ \
std::nullopt, /* softwareVersionString */ \
std::nullopt /* isIcd */ \
#define AdministratorCommissioningChanged_init_default \
{ \
ScopedNodeId_init_default, /* id */ \
chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::CommissioningWindowStatusEnum::kWindowNotOpen, /* windowStatus */ \
std::nullopt, /* openerFabricIndex */ \
std::nullopt /* openerVendorId */ \
struct SynchronizedDevice
chip::ScopedNodeId id;
std::optional<std::string> uniqueId;
std::optional<std::string> vendorName;
std::optional<chip::VendorId> vendorId;
std::optional<std::string> productName;
std::optional<uint16_t> productId;
std::optional<std::string> nodeLabel;
std::optional<uint16_t> hardwareVersion;
std::optional<std::string> hardwareVersionString;
std::optional<uint32_t> softwareVersion;
std::optional<std::string> softwareVersionString;
std::optional<bool> isIcd;
struct AdministratorCommissioningChanged
chip::ScopedNodeId id;
chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::CommissioningWindowStatusEnum windowStatus;
std::optional<chip::FabricIndex> openerFabricIndex;
std::optional<chip::VendorId> openerVendorId;
class FabricBridge final
static FabricBridge & Instance();
void SetDelegate(FabricAdminDelegate * delegate) { mFabricAdmin = delegate; }
FabricAdminDelegate * GetDelegate() { return mFabricAdmin; }
* @brief Adds a synchronized device to the RPC client.
* This function attempts to add a device identified by its `nodeId` to the synchronized device list.
* It logs the progress and checks if an `AddSynchronizedDevice` operation is already in progress.
* If an operation is in progress, it returns `CHIP_ERROR_BUSY`.
* @return CHIP_ERROR An error code indicating the success or failure of the operation.
* - CHIP_NO_ERROR: The RPC command was successfully processed.
* - CHIP_ERROR_BUSY: Another operation is currently in progress.
* - CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL: An internal error occurred while activating the RPC call.
CHIP_ERROR AddSynchronizedDevice(const SynchronizedDevice & data);
* @brief Removes a synchronized device from the RPC client.
* This function attempts to remove a device identified by its `nodeId` from the synchronized device list.
* It logs the progress and checks if a `RemoveSynchronizedDevice` operation is already in progress.
* If an operation is in progress, it returns `CHIP_ERROR_BUSY`.
* @param scopedNodeId The Scoped Node ID of the device to be removed.
* @return CHIP_ERROR An error code indicating the success or failure of the operation.
* - CHIP_NO_ERROR: The RPC command was successfully processed.
* - CHIP_ERROR_BUSY: Another operation is currently in progress.
* - CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL: An internal error occurred while activating the RPC call.
CHIP_ERROR RemoveSynchronizedDevice(chip::ScopedNodeId scopedNodeId);
* @brief Received StayActiveResponse on behalf of client that previously called KeepActive
* @param scopedNodeId The Scoped Node ID of the device we recieved a StayActiveResponse.
* @param promisedActiveDurationMs the computed duration (in milliseconds) that the ICD intends to stay active for.
* @return CHIP_ERROR An error code indicating the success or failure of the operation.
* - CHIP_NO_ERROR: The RPC command was successfully processed.
* - CHIP_ERROR_BUSY: Another operation is currently in progress.
* - CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL: An internal error occurred while activating the RPC call.
CHIP_ERROR ActiveChanged(chip::ScopedNodeId scopedNodeId, uint32_t promisedActiveDurationMs);
* @brief CADMIN attribute has changed of one of the bridged devices that was previously added.
* @param data information regarding change in AdministratorCommissioning attributes
* @return CHIP_ERROR An error code indicating the success or failure of the operation.
* - CHIP_NO_ERROR: The RPC command was successfully processed.
* - CHIP_ERROR_BUSY: Another operation is currently in progress.
* - CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL: An internal error occurred while activating the RPC call.
CHIP_ERROR AdminCommissioningAttributeChanged(const AdministratorCommissioningChanged & data);
* @brief Notify the system that the reachability status of a bridged device has changed.
* @param scopedNodeId Identifier of the bridged device whose reachability has changed.
* @param reachability Boolean indicating the new reachability status of the device.
* - `true`: Device is reachable.
* - `false`: Device is not reachable.
* @return CHIP_ERROR Error code representing the outcome of the operation.
* - CHIP_NO_ERROR: The operation was successful.
* - CHIP_ERROR_BUSY: Another operation is currently in progress, preventing this action.
* - CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL: An internal error occurred while processing the reachability change.
CHIP_ERROR DeviceReachableChanged(chip::ScopedNodeId scopedNodeId, bool reachability);
static FabricBridge sInstance;
FabricAdminDelegate * mFabricAdmin;
} // namespace bridge