blob: 01cc80bffcbe6c1011c0dc110b56631ea942a644 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines and implements a number of miscellaneous
* templates for finding object minima and maxima and interface
* macros for assertion checking.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/ErrorStr.h>
#include <lib/support/ObjectDump.h>
#include <lib/support/VerificationMacrosNoLogging.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/TextOnlyLogging.h>
* Base-level abnormal termination.
* Terminate the program immediately, without invoking destructors, atexit callbacks, etc.
* Used to implement the default `chipDie()`.
* @note
* This should never be invoked directly by code outside this file.
#if !defined(CHIP_CONFIG_ABORT)
#define CHIP_CONFIG_ABORT() abort()
* @name chip-specific nlassert.h Overrides
* @{
* @brief
* This implements a chip-specific override for #NL_ASSERT_ABORT *
* from nlassert.h.
#if !defined(NL_ASSERT_ABORT)
#define NL_ASSERT_ABORT() chipAbort()
* @def NL_ASSERT_LOG(aPrefix, aName, aCondition, aLabel, aFile, aLine, aMessage)
* @brief
* This implements a chip-specific override for \c NL_ASSERT_LOG
* from nlassert.h.
* @param[in] aPrefix A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string printed
* at the beginning of the logged assertion
* message. Typically this is and should be
* @param[in] aName A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string printed
* following @a aPrefix that indicates what
* module, program, application or subsystem
* the assertion occurred in Typically this
* is and should be
* @param[in] aCondition A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string indicating
* the expression that evaluated to false in
* the assertion. Typically this is a
* stringified version of the actual
* assertion expression.
* @param[in] aLabel An optional pointer to a NULL-terminated C string
* indicating, for exception-style
* assertions, the label that will be
* branched to when the assertion expression
* evaluates to false.
* @param[in] aFile A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string indicating
* the file in which the exception
* occurred. Typically this is and should be
* \_\_FILE\_\_ from the C preprocessor.
* @param[in] aLine The line number in @a aFile on which the assertion
* expression evaluated to false. Typically
* this is and should be \_\_LINE\_\_ from the C
* preprocessor.
* @param[in] aMessage An optional pointer to a NULL-terminated C string
* containing a caller-specified message
* further describing the assertion failure.
// clang-format off
#if !defined(NL_ASSERT_LOG)
#define NL_ASSERT_LOG(aPrefix, aName, aCondition, aLabel, aFile, aLine, aMessage) \
do \
{ \
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, \
aPrefix, \
(((aName) == 0) || (*(aName) == '\0')) ? "" : aName, \
(((aName) == 0) || (*(aName) == '\0')) ? "" : ": ", \
aCondition, \
(((aMessage) == 0) ? "" : aMessage), \
(((aMessage) == 0) ? "" : ", "), \
aFile, \
aLine); \
} while (0)
// clang-format on
* @} chip-specific nlassert.h Overrides
#include <nlassert.h>
* @def ReturnErrorOnFailure(expr)
* @brief
* Returns the error code if the expression returns an error. For a CHIP_ERROR expression, this means any value other
* than CHIP_NO_ERROR. For an integer expression, this means non-zero.
* Example usage:
* @code
* ReturnErrorOnFailure(channel->SendMsg(msg));
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr An expression to be tested.
#define ReturnErrorOnFailure(expr) \
do \
{ \
auto __err = (expr); \
if (!::chip::ChipError::IsSuccess(__err)) \
{ \
return __err; \
} \
} while (false)
* @def ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(expr)
* @brief
* Returns the error code if the expression returns something different
* Example usage:
* @code
* ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(channel->SendMsg(msg));
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A scalar expression to be evaluated against CHIP_NO_ERROR.
#define ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(expr) \
do \
{ \
CHIP_ERROR __err = (expr); \
if (__err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) \
{ \
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "%s at %s:%d", ErrorStr(__err), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
return __err; \
} \
} while (false)
* @def ReturnOnFailure(expr)
* @brief
* Returns if the expression returns an error. For a CHIP_ERROR expression, this means any value other
* than CHIP_NO_ERROR. For an integer expression, this means non-zero.
* Example usage:
* @code
* ReturnOnFailure(channel->SendMsg(msg));
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr An expression to be tested.
#define ReturnOnFailure(expr) \
do \
{ \
auto __err = (expr); \
if (!::chip::ChipError::IsSuccess(__err)) \
{ \
return; \
} \
} while (false)
* @def VerifyOrReturn(expr, ...)
* @brief
* Returns from the void function if expression evaluates to false
* Example usage:
* @code
* VerifyOrReturn(param != nullptr, LogError("param is nullptr"));
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] ... Statements to execute before returning. Optional.
#define VerifyOrReturn(expr, ...) \
do \
{ \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
__VA_ARGS__; \
return; \
} \
} while (false)
* @def VerifyOrReturnError(expr, code, ...)
* @brief
* Returns a specified error code if expression evaluates to false
* Example usage:
* @code
* VerifyOrReturnError(param != nullptr, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] code A value to return if @a expr is false.
* @param[in] ... Statements to execute before returning. Optional.
#define VerifyOrReturnError(expr, code, ...) VerifyOrReturnValue(expr, code, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @def VerifyOrReturnValue(expr, value, ...)
* @brief
* Returns a specified value if expression evaluates to false
* Example usage:
* @code
* VerifyOrReturnError(param != nullptr, Foo());
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] value A value to return if @a expr is false.
* @param[in] ... Statements to execute before returning. Optional.
#define VerifyOrReturnValue(expr, value, ...) \
do \
{ \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
__VA_ARGS__; \
return (value); \
} \
} while (false)
* @def VerifyOrReturnLogError(expr, code)
* @brief
* Returns and print a specified error code if expression evaluates to false
* Example usage:
* @code
* VerifyOrReturnLogError(param != nullptr, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] code A value to return if @a expr is false.
#define VerifyOrReturnLogError(expr, code) \
do \
{ \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "%s at %s:%d", ErrorStr(code), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
return code; \
} \
} while (false)
#define VerifyOrReturnLogError(expr, code) \
do \
{ \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "%s:%d false: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, #expr, __LINE__, code.Format()); \
return code; \
} \
} while (false)
* @def SuccessOrExit(error)
* @brief
* This checks for the specified error, which is expected to
* commonly be successful (CHIP_NO_ERROR), and branches to
* the local label 'exit' if the status is unsuccessful.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* CHIP_ERROR TryHard()
* {
* err = TrySomething();
* SuccessOrExit(err);
* err = TrySomethingElse();
* SuccessOrExit(err);
* exit:
* return err;
* }
* @endcode
* @param[in] error A ChipError object to be evaluated against success (CHIP_NO_ERROR).
#define SuccessOrExit(error) nlEXPECT(::chip::ChipError::IsSuccess((error)), exit)
* @def SuccessOrExitAction(error, anAction)
* @brief
* This checks for the specified error, which is expected to
* commonly be successful (CHIP_NO_ERROR), and both executes
* @a anAction and branches to the local label 'exit' if the
* status is unsuccessful.
* @param[in] error A ChipError object to be evaluated against success (CHIP_NO_ERROR).
#define SuccessOrExitAction(error, action) nlEXPECT_ACTION(::chip::ChipError::IsSuccess((error)), exit, action)
* @def VerifyOrExit(aCondition, anAction)
* @brief
* This checks for the specified condition, which is expected to
* commonly be true, and both executes @a anAction and branches to
* the local label 'exit' if the condition is false.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* CHIP_ERROR MakeBuffer(const uint8_t *& buf)
* {
* buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(1024);
* VerifyOrExit(buf != NULL, err = CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
* memset(buf, 0, 1024);
* exit:
* return err;
* }
* @endcode
* @param[in] aCondition A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] anAction An expression or block to execute when the
* assertion fails.
#define VerifyOrExit(aCondition, anAction) nlEXPECT_ACTION(aCondition, exit, anAction)
* @def ExitNow(...)
* @brief
* This unconditionally executes @a ... and branches to the local
* label 'exit'.
* @note The use of this interface implies neither success nor
* failure for the overall exit status of the enclosing function
* body.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* CHIP_ERROR ReadAll(Reader& reader)
* {
* while (true)
* {
* err = reader.ReadNext();
* if (err == CHIP_ERROR_AT_END)
* ExitNow(err = CHIP_NO_ERROR);
* SuccessOrExit(err);
* DoSomething();
* }
* exit:
* return err;
* }
* @endcode
* @param[in] ... Statements to execute. Optional.
// clang-format off
#define ExitNow(...) \
do { \
__VA_ARGS__; \
goto exit; \
} while (0)
// clang-format on
* @brief
* This is invoked when a #VerifyOrDie or #VerifyOrDieWithMsg
* assertion expression evaluates to false.
* Developers may override and customize this by defining #chipDie
* before CodeUtils.h is included by the preprocessor.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* chipDie();
* @endcode
#ifndef chipAbort
extern "C" void chipAbort(void) __attribute((noreturn));
inline void chipAbort(void)
while (true)
// NL_ASSERT_ABORT is redefined to be chipAbort, so not useful here.
#endif // chipAbort
#ifndef chipDie
extern "C" void chipDie(void) __attribute((noreturn));
inline void chipDie(void)
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "chipDie chipDie chipDie");
#endif // chipDie
* @def VerifyOrDie(aCondition)
* @brief
* This checks for the specified condition, which is expected to
* commonly be true and forces an immediate abort if the condition
* is false.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* void FreeBuffer(const uint8_t *buf)
* {
* VerifyOrDie(buf != NULL);
* free(buf);
* }
* @endcode
* @param[in] aCondition A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @sa #VerifyOrDieWithMsg
* @sa #chipDie
#define VerifyOrDie(aCondition) \
nlABORT_ACTION(aCondition, ChipLogError(Support, "VerifyOrDie failure at %s:%d: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, #aCondition))
#define VerifyOrDie(aCondition) VerifyOrDieWithoutLogging(aCondition)
* @def VerifyOrDieWithObject(aCondition, aObject)
* Like VerifyOrDie(), but calls DumpObjectToLog()
* on the provided object on failure before aborting
#define VerifyOrDieWithObject(aCondition, aObject) \
nlABORT_ACTION(aCondition, ::chip::DumpObjectToLog(aObject); \
ChipLogError(Support, "VerifyOrDie failure at %s:%d: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, #aCondition))
#define VerifyOrDieWithObject(aCondition, aObject) VerifyOrDieWithoutLogging(aCondition)
* @def VerifyOrDieWithMsg(aCondition, aModule, aMessage, ...)
* @brief
* This checks for the specified condition, which is expected to
* commonly be true and both prints @a aMessage and forces an
* immediate abort if the condition is false.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* void FreeBuffer(const uint8_t *buf)
* {
* VerifyOrDieWithMsg(buf != NULL, MemoryManagement, "Invalid pointer passed to FreeBuffer");
* free(buf);
* }
* @endcode
* @param[in] aCondition A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] aModule A chip LogModule short-hand mnemonic identifing
* the logical section of code that is a
* source the logged message.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a NULL-terminated C string with
* C Standard Library-style format specifiers
* containing the log message to be formatted
* and logged.
* @param[in] ... A variadic argument list whose elements should
* correspond to the format specifiers in @a
* aMessage.
* @sa #VerifyOrDie
* @sa #chipDie
#define VerifyOrDieWithMsg(aCondition, aModule, aMessage, ...) \
nlABORT_ACTION(aCondition, ChipLogError(aModule, aMessage, ##__VA_ARGS__))
* @def LogErrorOnFailure(expr)
* @brief
* Logs a message if the expression returns something different than CHIP_NO_ERROR.
* Example usage:
* @code
* ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(channel->SendMsg(msg));
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A scalar expression to be evaluated against CHIP_NO_ERROR.
#define LogErrorOnFailure(expr) \
do \
{ \
CHIP_ERROR __err = (expr); \
if (__err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) \
{ \
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "%s at %s:%d", ErrorStr(__err), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} \
} while (false)
* @def VerifyOrDo(expr, ...)
* @brief
* do something if expression evaluates to false
* Example usage:
* @code
* VerifyOrDo(param != nullptr, LogError("param is nullptr"));
* @endcode
* @param[in] expr A Boolean expression to be evaluated.
* @param[in] ... Statements to execute.
#define VerifyOrDo(expr, ...) \
do \
{ \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
__VA_ARGS__; \
} \
} while (false)
#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
#ifndef __FINAL
#define __FINAL final
#ifndef __OVERRIDE
#define __OVERRIDE override
#ifndef __CONSTEXPR
#define __CONSTEXPR constexpr
#ifndef __FINAL
#define __FINAL
#ifndef __OVERRIDE
#define __OVERRIDE
#ifndef __CONSTEXPR
#define __CONSTEXPR constexpr
#endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
#if ((__cplusplus >= 201703L) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)) || (defined(__clang__)) && (__clang_major__ >= 4))
#define CHECK_RETURN_VALUE [[nodiscard]]
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
#define CHECK_RETURN_VALUE __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
#define CHECK_RETURN_VALUE _Check_return_
#if defined(__clang__)
#define FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]]
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define FALLTHROUGH __attribute__((fallthrough))
#define FALLTHROUGH (void) 0
* @def ArraySize(aArray)
* @brief
* Returns the size of an array in number of elements.
* Example Usage:
* @code
* int numbers[10];
* SortNumbers(numbers, ArraySize(numbers));
* @endcode
* @return The size of an array in number of elements.
* @note Clever template-based solutions seem to fail when ArraySize is used
* with a variable-length array argument, so we just do the C-compatible
* thing in C++ as well.
#define ArraySize(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
* @brief Ensures that if `str` is NULL, a non-null `default_str_value` is provided
* @param str - null-terminated string pointer or nullptr
* @param default_str_value - replacement value if `str` is nullptr
* @return `str` if not null, otherwise `default_str_value`
inline const char * DefaultStringWhenNull(const char * str, const char * default_str_value)
return (str != nullptr) ? str : default_str_value;
* @brief Ensure that a string for a %s specifier is shown as "(null)" if null
* @param str - null-terminated string pointer or nullptr
* @return `str` if not null, otherwise literal "(null)"
inline const char * StringOrNullMarker(const char * str)
return DefaultStringWhenNull(str, "(null)");
namespace chip {
* Utility for checking, at compile time if the array is constexpr, whether an
* array is sorted. Can be used for static_asserts.
template <typename T>
constexpr bool ArrayIsSorted(const T * aArray, size_t aLength)
if (aLength == 0 || aLength == 1)
return true;
if (aArray[0] > aArray[1])
return false;
return ArrayIsSorted(aArray + 1, aLength - 1);
template <typename T, size_t N>
constexpr bool ArrayIsSorted(const T (&aArray)[N])
return ArrayIsSorted(aArray, N);
} // namespace chip