blob: 5d7764d71f36c85da318fa55574ff47c62bf84f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
// It is for view/code review purposes only.
/** Attributes and commands for switching devices between 'On' and 'Off' states. */
server cluster OnOff = 6 {
enum DelayedAllOffEffectVariantEnum : enum8 {
kDelayedOffFastFade = 0;
kNoFade = 1;
kDelayedOffSlowFade = 2;
enum DyingLightEffectVariantEnum : enum8 {
kDyingLightFadeOff = 0;
enum EffectIdentifierEnum : enum8 {
kDelayedAllOff = 0;
kDyingLight = 1;
enum StartUpOnOffEnum : enum8 {
kOff = 0;
kOn = 1;
kToggle = 2;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kLighting = 0x1;
kDeadFrontBehavior = 0x2;
bitmap OnOffControlBitmap : bitmap8 {
kAcceptOnlyWhenOn = 0x1;
readonly attribute boolean onOff = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
command Off(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
command On(): DefaultSuccess = 1;
command Toggle(): DefaultSuccess = 2;
/** Attributes and commands for controlling devices that can be set to a level between fully 'On' and fully 'Off.' */
server cluster LevelControl = 8 {
enum MoveMode : enum8 {
kUp = 0;
kDown = 1;
enum StepMode : enum8 {
kUp = 0;
kDown = 1;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kOnOff = 0x1;
kLighting = 0x2;
kFrequency = 0x4;
bitmap LevelControlOptions : bitmap8 {
kExecuteIfOff = 0x1;
kCoupleColorTempToLevel = 0x2;
readonly attribute nullable int8u currentLevel = 0;
readonly attribute int16u remainingTime = 1;
readonly attribute int8u minLevel = 2;
readonly attribute int8u maxLevel = 3;
readonly attribute int16u currentFrequency = 4;
readonly attribute int16u minFrequency = 5;
readonly attribute int16u maxFrequency = 6;
attribute LevelControlOptions options = 15;
attribute int16u onOffTransitionTime = 16;
attribute nullable int8u onLevel = 17;
attribute nullable int16u onTransitionTime = 18;
attribute nullable int16u offTransitionTime = 19;
attribute nullable int8u defaultMoveRate = 20;
attribute access(write: manage) nullable int8u startUpCurrentLevel = 16384;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct MoveToLevelRequest {
int8u level = 0;
nullable int16u transitionTime = 1;
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3;
request struct MoveRequest {
MoveMode moveMode = 0;
nullable int8u rate = 1;
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3;
request struct StepRequest {
StepMode stepMode = 0;
int8u stepSize = 1;
nullable int16u transitionTime = 2;
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 3;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 4;
request struct StopRequest {
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 0;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 1;
request struct MoveToLevelWithOnOffRequest {
int8u level = 0;
nullable int16u transitionTime = 1;
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3;
request struct MoveWithOnOffRequest {
MoveMode moveMode = 0;
nullable int8u rate = 1;
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3;
request struct StepWithOnOffRequest {
StepMode stepMode = 0;
int8u stepSize = 1;
nullable int16u transitionTime = 2;
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 3;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 4;
request struct StopWithOnOffRequest {
LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 0;
LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 1;
command MoveToLevel(MoveToLevelRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
command Move(MoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
command Step(StepRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2;
command Stop(StopRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3;
command MoveToLevelWithOnOff(MoveToLevelWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4;
command MoveWithOnOff(MoveWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 5;
command StepWithOnOff(StepWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 6;
command StopWithOnOff(StopWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 7;
/** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */
server cluster Descriptor = 29 {
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kTagList = 0x1;
struct DeviceTypeStruct {
devtype_id deviceType = 0;
int16u revision = 1;
struct SemanticTagStruct {
nullable vendor_id mfgCode = 0;
enum8 namespaceID = 1;
enum8 tag = 2;
optional nullable char_string label = 3;
readonly attribute DeviceTypeStruct deviceTypeList[] = 0;
readonly attribute cluster_id serverList[] = 1;
readonly attribute cluster_id clientList[] = 2;
readonly attribute endpoint_no partsList[] = 3;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The Binding Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for supporting the binding table. */
client cluster Binding = 30 {
fabric_scoped struct TargetStruct {
optional node_id node = 1;
optional group_id group = 2;
optional endpoint_no endpoint = 3;
optional cluster_id cluster = 4;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
attribute access(write: manage) TargetStruct binding[] = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The Binding Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for supporting the binding table. */
server cluster Binding = 30 {
fabric_scoped struct TargetStruct {
optional node_id node = 1;
optional group_id group = 2;
optional endpoint_no endpoint = 3;
optional cluster_id cluster = 4;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
attribute access(write: manage) TargetStruct binding[] = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The Access Control Cluster exposes a data model view of a
Node's Access Control List (ACL), which codifies the rules used to manage
and enforce Access Control for the Node's endpoints and their associated
cluster instances. */
server cluster AccessControl = 31 {
enum AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum : enum8 {
kPASE = 1;
kCASE = 2;
kGroup = 3;
enum AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum : enum8 {
kView = 1;
kProxyView = 2;
kOperate = 3;
kManage = 4;
kAdminister = 5;
enum ChangeTypeEnum : enum8 {
kChanged = 0;
kAdded = 1;
kRemoved = 2;
struct AccessControlTargetStruct {
nullable cluster_id cluster = 0;
nullable endpoint_no endpoint = 1;
nullable devtype_id deviceType = 2;
fabric_scoped struct AccessControlEntryStruct {
fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum privilege = 1;
fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum authMode = 2;
nullable fabric_sensitive int64u subjects[] = 3;
nullable fabric_sensitive AccessControlTargetStruct targets[] = 4;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
fabric_scoped struct AccessControlExtensionStruct {
fabric_sensitive octet_string<128> data = 1;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlEntryChanged = 0 {
nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1;
nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2;
ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3;
nullable AccessControlEntryStruct latestValue = 4;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlExtensionChanged = 1 {
nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1;
nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2;
ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3;
nullable AccessControlExtensionStruct latestValue = 4;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlEntryStruct acl[] = 0;
attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlExtensionStruct extension[] = 1;
readonly attribute int16u subjectsPerAccessControlEntry = 2;
readonly attribute int16u targetsPerAccessControlEntry = 3;
readonly attribute int16u accessControlEntriesPerFabric = 4;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** This cluster provides attributes and events for determining basic information about Nodes, which supports both
Commissioning and operational determination of Node characteristics, such as Vendor ID, Product ID and serial number,
which apply to the whole Node. Also allows setting user device information such as location. */
server cluster BasicInformation = 40 {
enum ColorEnum : enum8 {
kBlack = 0;
kNavy = 1;
kGreen = 2;
kTeal = 3;
kMaroon = 4;
kPurple = 5;
kOlive = 6;
kGray = 7;
kBlue = 8;
kLime = 9;
kAqua = 10;
kRed = 11;
kFuchsia = 12;
kYellow = 13;
kWhite = 14;
kNickel = 15;
kChrome = 16;
kBrass = 17;
kCopper = 18;
kSilver = 19;
kGold = 20;
enum ProductFinishEnum : enum8 {
kOther = 0;
kMatte = 1;
kSatin = 2;
kPolished = 3;
kRugged = 4;
kFabric = 5;
struct CapabilityMinimaStruct {
int16u caseSessionsPerFabric = 0;
int16u subscriptionsPerFabric = 1;
struct ProductAppearanceStruct {
ProductFinishEnum finish = 0;
nullable ColorEnum primaryColor = 1;
critical event StartUp = 0 {
int32u softwareVersion = 0;
critical event ShutDown = 1 {
info event Leave = 2 {
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0;
info event ReachableChanged = 3 {
boolean reachableNewValue = 0;
readonly attribute int16u dataModelRevision = 0;
readonly attribute char_string<32> vendorName = 1;
readonly attribute vendor_id vendorID = 2;
readonly attribute char_string<32> productName = 3;
readonly attribute int16u productID = 4;
attribute access(write: manage) char_string<32> nodeLabel = 5;
attribute access(write: administer) char_string<2> location = 6;
readonly attribute int16u hardwareVersion = 7;
readonly attribute char_string<64> hardwareVersionString = 8;
readonly attribute int32u softwareVersion = 9;
readonly attribute char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 10;
readonly attribute char_string<16> manufacturingDate = 11;
readonly attribute char_string<32> partNumber = 12;
readonly attribute long_char_string<256> productURL = 13;
readonly attribute char_string<64> productLabel = 14;
readonly attribute char_string<32> serialNumber = 15;
attribute access(write: manage) boolean localConfigDisabled = 16;
readonly attribute char_string<32> uniqueID = 18;
readonly attribute CapabilityMinimaStruct capabilityMinima = 19;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** Provides an interface for providing OTA software updates */
server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider = 41 {
enum ApplyUpdateActionEnum : enum8 {
kProceed = 0;
kAwaitNextAction = 1;
kDiscontinue = 2;
enum DownloadProtocolEnum : enum8 {
kBDXSynchronous = 0;
kBDXAsynchronous = 1;
kHTTPS = 2;
kVendorSpecific = 3;
enum StatusEnum : enum8 {
kUpdateAvailable = 0;
kBusy = 1;
kNotAvailable = 2;
kDownloadProtocolNotSupported = 3;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct QueryImageRequest {
vendor_id vendorID = 0;
int16u productID = 1;
int32u softwareVersion = 2;
DownloadProtocolEnum protocolsSupported[] = 3;
optional int16u hardwareVersion = 4;
optional char_string<2> location = 5;
optional boolean requestorCanConsent = 6;
optional octet_string<512> metadataForProvider = 7;
request struct ApplyUpdateRequestRequest {
octet_string<32> updateToken = 0;
int32u newVersion = 1;
request struct NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest {
octet_string<32> updateToken = 0;
int32u softwareVersion = 1;
response struct QueryImageResponse = 1 {
StatusEnum status = 0;
optional int32u delayedActionTime = 1;
optional char_string<256> imageURI = 2;
optional int32u softwareVersion = 3;
optional char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 4;
optional octet_string<32> updateToken = 5;
optional boolean userConsentNeeded = 6;
optional octet_string<512> metadataForRequestor = 7;
response struct ApplyUpdateResponse = 3 {
ApplyUpdateActionEnum action = 0;
int32u delayedActionTime = 1;
command QueryImage(QueryImageRequest): QueryImageResponse = 0;
command ApplyUpdateRequest(ApplyUpdateRequestRequest): ApplyUpdateResponse = 2;
command NotifyUpdateApplied(NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4;
/** Nodes should be expected to be deployed to any and all regions of the world. These global regions
may have differing common languages, units of measurements, and numerical formatting
standards. As such, Nodes that visually or audibly convey information need a mechanism by which
they can be configured to use a user’s preferred language, units, etc */
server cluster LocalizationConfiguration = 43 {
attribute access(write: manage) char_string<35> activeLocale = 0;
readonly attribute char_string supportedLocales[] = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** Nodes should be expected to be deployed to any and all regions of the world. These global regions
may have differing preferences for how dates and times are conveyed. As such, Nodes that visually
or audibly convey time information need a mechanism by which they can be configured to use a
user’s preferred format. */
server cluster TimeFormatLocalization = 44 {
enum CalendarTypeEnum : enum8 {
kBuddhist = 0;
kChinese = 1;
kCoptic = 2;
kEthiopian = 3;
kGregorian = 4;
kHebrew = 5;
kIndian = 6;
kIslamic = 7;
kJapanese = 8;
kKorean = 9;
kPersian = 10;
kTaiwanese = 11;
enum HourFormatEnum : enum8 {
k12hr = 0;
k24hr = 1;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kCalendarFormat = 0x1;
attribute HourFormatEnum hourFormat = 0;
attribute CalendarTypeEnum activeCalendarType = 1;
readonly attribute CalendarTypeEnum supportedCalendarTypes[] = 2;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** Nodes should be expected to be deployed to any and all regions of the world. These global regions
may have differing preferences for the units in which values are conveyed in communication to a
user. As such, Nodes that visually or audibly convey measurable values to the user need a
mechanism by which they can be configured to use a user’s preferred unit. */
server cluster UnitLocalization = 45 {
enum TempUnitEnum : enum8 {
kFahrenheit = 0;
kCelsius = 1;
kKelvin = 2;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kTemperatureUnit = 0x1;
attribute TempUnitEnum temperatureUnit = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** This cluster is used to manage global aspects of the Commissioning flow. */
client cluster GeneralCommissioning = 48 {
enum CommissioningErrorEnum : enum8 {
kOK = 0;
kValueOutsideRange = 1;
kInvalidAuthentication = 2;
kNoFailSafe = 3;
kBusyWithOtherAdmin = 4;
enum RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum : enum8 {
kIndoor = 0;
kOutdoor = 1;
kIndoorOutdoor = 2;
struct BasicCommissioningInfo {
int16u failSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = 0;
int16u maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = 1;
attribute access(write: administer) int64u breadcrumb = 0;
readonly attribute BasicCommissioningInfo basicCommissioningInfo = 1;
readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum regulatoryConfig = 2;
readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability = 3;
readonly attribute boolean supportsConcurrentConnection = 4;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct ArmFailSafeRequest {
int16u expiryLengthSeconds = 0;
int64u breadcrumb = 1;
response struct ArmFailSafeResponse = 1 {
CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
char_string debugText = 1;
request struct SetRegulatoryConfigRequest {
RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum newRegulatoryConfig = 0;
char_string countryCode = 1;
int64u breadcrumb = 2;
response struct SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 3 {
CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
char_string debugText = 1;
response struct CommissioningCompleteResponse = 5 {
CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
char_string debugText = 1;
/** Arm the persistent fail-safe timer with an expiry time of now + ExpiryLengthSeconds using device clock */
command access(invoke: administer) ArmFailSafe(ArmFailSafeRequest): ArmFailSafeResponse = 0;
/** Set the regulatory configuration to be used during commissioning */
command access(invoke: administer) SetRegulatoryConfig(SetRegulatoryConfigRequest): SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 2;
/** Signals the Server that the Client has successfully completed all steps of Commissioning/Recofiguration needed during fail-safe period. */
fabric command access(invoke: administer) CommissioningComplete(): CommissioningCompleteResponse = 4;
/** This cluster is used to manage global aspects of the Commissioning flow. */
server cluster GeneralCommissioning = 48 {
enum CommissioningErrorEnum : enum8 {
kOK = 0;
kValueOutsideRange = 1;
kInvalidAuthentication = 2;
kNoFailSafe = 3;
kBusyWithOtherAdmin = 4;
enum RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum : enum8 {
kIndoor = 0;
kOutdoor = 1;
kIndoorOutdoor = 2;
struct BasicCommissioningInfo {
int16u failSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = 0;
int16u maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = 1;
attribute access(write: administer) int64u breadcrumb = 0;
readonly attribute BasicCommissioningInfo basicCommissioningInfo = 1;
readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum regulatoryConfig = 2;
readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability = 3;
readonly attribute boolean supportsConcurrentConnection = 4;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct ArmFailSafeRequest {
int16u expiryLengthSeconds = 0;
int64u breadcrumb = 1;
request struct SetRegulatoryConfigRequest {
RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum newRegulatoryConfig = 0;
char_string countryCode = 1;
int64u breadcrumb = 2;
response struct ArmFailSafeResponse = 1 {
CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
char_string debugText = 1;
response struct SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 3 {
CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
char_string debugText = 1;
response struct CommissioningCompleteResponse = 5 {
CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
char_string debugText = 1;
command access(invoke: administer) ArmFailSafe(ArmFailSafeRequest): ArmFailSafeResponse = 0;
command access(invoke: administer) SetRegulatoryConfig(SetRegulatoryConfigRequest): SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 2;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) CommissioningComplete(): CommissioningCompleteResponse = 4;
/** Functionality to configure, enable, disable network credentials and access on a Matter device. */
client cluster NetworkCommissioning = 49 {
enum NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kOutOfRange = 1;
kBoundsExceeded = 2;
kNetworkIDNotFound = 3;
kDuplicateNetworkID = 4;
kNetworkNotFound = 5;
kRegulatoryError = 6;
kAuthFailure = 7;
kUnsupportedSecurity = 8;
kOtherConnectionFailure = 9;
kIPV6Failed = 10;
kIPBindFailed = 11;
kUnknownError = 12;
enum WiFiBandEnum : enum8 {
k2G4 = 0;
k3G65 = 1;
k5G = 2;
k6G = 3;
k60G = 4;
k1G = 5;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kWiFiNetworkInterface = 0x1;
kThreadNetworkInterface = 0x2;
kEthernetNetworkInterface = 0x4;
bitmap ThreadCapabilitiesBitmap : bitmap16 {
kIsBorderRouterCapable = 0x1;
kIsRouterCapable = 0x2;
kIsSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x4;
kIsFullThreadDevice = 0x8;
kIsSynchronizedSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x10;
bitmap WiFiSecurityBitmap : bitmap8 {
kUnencrypted = 0x1;
kWEP = 0x2;
kWPAPersonal = 0x4;
kWPA2Personal = 0x8;
kWPA3Personal = 0x10;
struct NetworkInfoStruct {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
boolean connected = 1;
struct ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct {
int16u panId = 0;
int64u extendedPanId = 1;
char_string<16> networkName = 2;
int16u channel = 3;
int8u version = 4;
octet_string<8> extendedAddress = 5;
int8s rssi = 6;
int8u lqi = 7;
struct WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct {
WiFiSecurityBitmap security = 0;
octet_string<32> ssid = 1;
octet_string<6> bssid = 2;
int16u channel = 3;
WiFiBandEnum wiFiBand = 4;
int8s rssi = 5;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) int8u maxNetworks = 0;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) NetworkInfoStruct networks[] = 1;
readonly attribute optional int8u scanMaxTimeSeconds = 2;
readonly attribute optional int8u connectMaxTimeSeconds = 3;
attribute access(write: administer) boolean interfaceEnabled = 4;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum lastNetworkingStatus = 5;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable octet_string<32> lastNetworkID = 6;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable int32s lastConnectErrorValue = 7;
readonly attribute optional WiFiBandEnum supportedWiFiBands[] = 8;
readonly attribute optional ThreadCapabilitiesBitmap supportedThreadFeatures = 9;
readonly attribute optional int16u threadVersion = 10;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct ScanNetworksRequest {
optional nullable octet_string<32> ssid = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
response struct ScanNetworksResponse = 1 {
NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
optional char_string debugText = 1;
optional WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct wiFiScanResults[] = 2;
optional ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct threadScanResults[] = 3;
request struct AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> ssid = 0;
octet_string<64> credentials = 1;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 2;
request struct AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest {
octet_string<254> operationalDataset = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
request struct RemoveNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
response struct NetworkConfigResponse = 5 {
NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
optional char_string<512> debugText = 1;
optional int8u networkIndex = 2;
request struct ConnectNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
response struct ConnectNetworkResponse = 7 {
NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
optional char_string debugText = 1;
nullable int32s errorValue = 2;
request struct ReorderNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
int8u networkIndex = 1;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 2;
/** Detemine the set of networks the device sees as available. */
command access(invoke: administer) ScanNetworks(ScanNetworksRequest): ScanNetworksResponse = 0;
/** Add or update the credentials for a given Wi-Fi network. */
command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork(AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 2;
/** Add or update the credentials for a given Thread network. */
command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork(AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 3;
/** Remove the definition of a given network (including its credentials). */
command access(invoke: administer) RemoveNetwork(RemoveNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 4;
/** Connect to the specified network, using previously-defined credentials. */
command access(invoke: administer) ConnectNetwork(ConnectNetworkRequest): ConnectNetworkResponse = 6;
/** Modify the order in which networks will be presented in the Networks attribute. */
command access(invoke: administer) ReorderNetwork(ReorderNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 8;
/** Functionality to configure, enable, disable network credentials and access on a Matter device. */
server cluster NetworkCommissioning = 49 {
enum NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kOutOfRange = 1;
kBoundsExceeded = 2;
kNetworkIDNotFound = 3;
kDuplicateNetworkID = 4;
kNetworkNotFound = 5;
kRegulatoryError = 6;
kAuthFailure = 7;
kUnsupportedSecurity = 8;
kOtherConnectionFailure = 9;
kIPV6Failed = 10;
kIPBindFailed = 11;
kUnknownError = 12;
enum WiFiBandEnum : enum8 {
k2G4 = 0;
k3G65 = 1;
k5G = 2;
k6G = 3;
k60G = 4;
k1G = 5;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kWiFiNetworkInterface = 0x1;
kThreadNetworkInterface = 0x2;
kEthernetNetworkInterface = 0x4;
bitmap ThreadCapabilitiesBitmap : bitmap16 {
kIsBorderRouterCapable = 0x1;
kIsRouterCapable = 0x2;
kIsSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x4;
kIsFullThreadDevice = 0x8;
kIsSynchronizedSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x10;
bitmap WiFiSecurityBitmap : bitmap8 {
kUnencrypted = 0x1;
kWEP = 0x2;
kWPAPersonal = 0x4;
kWPA2Personal = 0x8;
kWPA3Personal = 0x10;
struct NetworkInfoStruct {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
boolean connected = 1;
struct ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct {
int16u panId = 0;
int64u extendedPanId = 1;
char_string<16> networkName = 2;
int16u channel = 3;
int8u version = 4;
octet_string<8> extendedAddress = 5;
int8s rssi = 6;
int8u lqi = 7;
struct WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct {
WiFiSecurityBitmap security = 0;
octet_string<32> ssid = 1;
octet_string<6> bssid = 2;
int16u channel = 3;
WiFiBandEnum wiFiBand = 4;
int8s rssi = 5;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) int8u maxNetworks = 0;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) NetworkInfoStruct networks[] = 1;
readonly attribute int8u scanMaxTimeSeconds = 2;
readonly attribute int8u connectMaxTimeSeconds = 3;
attribute access(write: administer) boolean interfaceEnabled = 4;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum lastNetworkingStatus = 5;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable octet_string<32> lastNetworkID = 6;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable int32s lastConnectErrorValue = 7;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct ScanNetworksRequest {
optional nullable octet_string<32> ssid = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
request struct AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> ssid = 0;
octet_string<64> credentials = 1;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 2;
request struct AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest {
octet_string<254> operationalDataset = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
request struct RemoveNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
request struct ConnectNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
request struct ReorderNetworkRequest {
octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
int8u networkIndex = 1;
optional int64u breadcrumb = 2;
response struct ScanNetworksResponse = 1 {
NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
optional char_string debugText = 1;
optional WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct wiFiScanResults[] = 2;
optional ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct threadScanResults[] = 3;
response struct NetworkConfigResponse = 5 {
NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
optional char_string<512> debugText = 1;
optional int8u networkIndex = 2;
response struct ConnectNetworkResponse = 7 {
NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
optional char_string debugText = 1;
nullable int32s errorValue = 2;
command access(invoke: administer) ScanNetworks(ScanNetworksRequest): ScanNetworksResponse = 0;
command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork(AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 2;
command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork(AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 3;
command access(invoke: administer) RemoveNetwork(RemoveNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 4;
command access(invoke: administer) ConnectNetwork(ConnectNetworkRequest): ConnectNetworkResponse = 6;
command access(invoke: administer) ReorderNetwork(ReorderNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 8;
/** The cluster provides commands for retrieving unstructured diagnostic logs from a Node that may be used to aid in diagnostics. */
server cluster DiagnosticLogs = 50 {
enum IntentEnum : enum8 {
kEndUserSupport = 0;
kNetworkDiag = 1;
kCrashLogs = 2;
enum StatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kExhausted = 1;
kNoLogs = 2;
kBusy = 3;
kDenied = 4;
enum TransferProtocolEnum : enum8 {
kResponsePayload = 0;
kBDX = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct RetrieveLogsRequestRequest {
IntentEnum intent = 0;
TransferProtocolEnum requestedProtocol = 1;
optional char_string<32> transferFileDesignator = 2;
command RetrieveLogsRequest(RetrieveLogsRequestRequest): RetrieveLogsResponse = 0;
/** The General Diagnostics Cluster, along with other diagnostics clusters, provide a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */
server cluster GeneralDiagnostics = 51 {
enum BootReasonEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kPowerOnReboot = 1;
kBrownOutReset = 2;
kSoftwareWatchdogReset = 3;
kHardwareWatchdogReset = 4;
kSoftwareUpdateCompleted = 5;
kSoftwareReset = 6;
enum HardwareFaultEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kRadio = 1;
kSensor = 2;
kResettableOverTemp = 3;
kNonResettableOverTemp = 4;
kPowerSource = 5;
kVisualDisplayFault = 6;
kAudioOutputFault = 7;
kUserInterfaceFault = 8;
kNonVolatileMemoryError = 9;
kTamperDetected = 10;
enum InterfaceTypeEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kWiFi = 1;
kEthernet = 2;
kCellular = 3;
kThread = 4;
enum NetworkFaultEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kHardwareFailure = 1;
kNetworkJammed = 2;
kConnectionFailed = 3;
enum RadioFaultEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kWiFiFault = 1;
kCellularFault = 2;
kThreadFault = 3;
kNFCFault = 4;
kBLEFault = 5;
kEthernetFault = 6;
struct NetworkInterface {
char_string<32> name = 0;
boolean isOperational = 1;
nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv4 = 2;
nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv6 = 3;
octet_string<8> hardwareAddress = 4;
octet_string IPv4Addresses[] = 5;
octet_string IPv6Addresses[] = 6;
InterfaceTypeEnum type = 7;
critical event HardwareFaultChange = 0 {
HardwareFaultEnum current[] = 0;
HardwareFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
critical event RadioFaultChange = 1 {
RadioFaultEnum current[] = 0;
RadioFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
critical event NetworkFaultChange = 2 {
NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0;
NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
critical event BootReason = 3 {
BootReasonEnum bootReason = 0;
readonly attribute NetworkInterface networkInterfaces[] = 0;
readonly attribute int16u rebootCount = 1;
readonly attribute int64u upTime = 2;
readonly attribute int32u totalOperationalHours = 3;
readonly attribute BootReasonEnum bootReason = 4;
readonly attribute HardwareFaultEnum activeHardwareFaults[] = 5;
readonly attribute RadioFaultEnum activeRadioFaults[] = 6;
readonly attribute NetworkFaultEnum activeNetworkFaults[] = 7;
readonly attribute boolean testEventTriggersEnabled = 8;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct TestEventTriggerRequest {
octet_string<16> enableKey = 0;
int64u eventTrigger = 1;
command access(invoke: manage) TestEventTrigger(TestEventTriggerRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
/** The Software Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */
server cluster SoftwareDiagnostics = 52 {
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kWatermarks = 0x1;
struct ThreadMetricsStruct {
int64u id = 0;
optional char_string<8> name = 1;
optional int32u stackFreeCurrent = 2;
optional int32u stackFreeMinimum = 3;
optional int32u stackSize = 4;
info event SoftwareFault = 0 {
int64u id = 0;
optional char_string name = 1;
optional octet_string faultRecording = 2;
readonly attribute ThreadMetricsStruct threadMetrics[] = 0;
readonly attribute int64u currentHeapFree = 1;
readonly attribute int64u currentHeapUsed = 2;
readonly attribute int64u currentHeapHighWatermark = 3;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The Thread Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems */
server cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics = 53 {
enum ConnectionStatusEnum : enum8 {
kConnected = 0;
kNotConnected = 1;
enum NetworkFaultEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kLinkDown = 1;
kHardwareFailure = 2;
kNetworkJammed = 3;
enum RoutingRoleEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kUnassigned = 1;
kSleepyEndDevice = 2;
kEndDevice = 3;
kREED = 4;
kRouter = 5;
kLeader = 6;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kPacketCounts = 0x1;
kErrorCounts = 0x2;
kMLECounts = 0x4;
kMACCounts = 0x8;
struct NeighborTableStruct {
int64u extAddress = 0;
int32u age = 1;
int16u rloc16 = 2;
int32u linkFrameCounter = 3;
int32u mleFrameCounter = 4;
int8u lqi = 5;
nullable int8s averageRssi = 6;
nullable int8s lastRssi = 7;
int8u frameErrorRate = 8;
int8u messageErrorRate = 9;
boolean rxOnWhenIdle = 10;
boolean fullThreadDevice = 11;
boolean fullNetworkData = 12;
boolean isChild = 13;
struct OperationalDatasetComponents {
boolean activeTimestampPresent = 0;
boolean pendingTimestampPresent = 1;
boolean masterKeyPresent = 2;
boolean networkNamePresent = 3;
boolean extendedPanIdPresent = 4;
boolean meshLocalPrefixPresent = 5;
boolean delayPresent = 6;
boolean panIdPresent = 7;
boolean channelPresent = 8;
boolean pskcPresent = 9;
boolean securityPolicyPresent = 10;
boolean channelMaskPresent = 11;
struct RouteTableStruct {
int64u extAddress = 0;
int16u rloc16 = 1;
int8u routerId = 2;
int8u nextHop = 3;
int8u pathCost = 4;
int8u LQIIn = 5;
int8u LQIOut = 6;
int8u age = 7;
boolean allocated = 8;
boolean linkEstablished = 9;
struct SecurityPolicy {
int16u rotationTime = 0;
int16u flags = 1;
info event ConnectionStatus = 0 {
ConnectionStatusEnum connectionStatus = 0;
info event NetworkFaultChange = 1 {
NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0;
NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
readonly attribute nullable int16u channel = 0;
readonly attribute nullable RoutingRoleEnum routingRole = 1;
readonly attribute nullable char_string<16> networkName = 2;
readonly attribute nullable int16u panId = 3;
readonly attribute nullable int64u extendedPanId = 4;
readonly attribute nullable octet_string<17> meshLocalPrefix = 5;
readonly attribute int64u overrunCount = 6;
readonly attribute NeighborTableStruct neighborTable[] = 7;
readonly attribute RouteTableStruct routeTable[] = 8;
readonly attribute nullable int32u partitionId = 9;
readonly attribute nullable int8u weighting = 10;
readonly attribute nullable int8u dataVersion = 11;
readonly attribute nullable int8u stableDataVersion = 12;
readonly attribute nullable int8u leaderRouterId = 13;
readonly attribute int16u detachedRoleCount = 14;
readonly attribute int16u childRoleCount = 15;
readonly attribute int16u routerRoleCount = 16;
readonly attribute int16u leaderRoleCount = 17;
readonly attribute int16u attachAttemptCount = 18;
readonly attribute int16u partitionIdChangeCount = 19;
readonly attribute int16u betterPartitionAttachAttemptCount = 20;
readonly attribute int16u parentChangeCount = 21;
readonly attribute int32u txTotalCount = 22;
readonly attribute int32u txUnicastCount = 23;
readonly attribute int32u txBroadcastCount = 24;
readonly attribute int32u txAckRequestedCount = 25;
readonly attribute int32u txAckedCount = 26;
readonly attribute int32u txNoAckRequestedCount = 27;
readonly attribute int32u txDataCount = 28;
readonly attribute int32u txDataPollCount = 29;
readonly attribute int32u txBeaconCount = 30;
readonly attribute int32u txBeaconRequestCount = 31;
readonly attribute int32u txOtherCount = 32;
readonly attribute int32u txRetryCount = 33;
readonly attribute int32u txDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount = 34;
readonly attribute int32u txIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount = 35;
readonly attribute int32u txErrCcaCount = 36;
readonly attribute int32u txErrAbortCount = 37;
readonly attribute int32u txErrBusyChannelCount = 38;
readonly attribute int32u rxTotalCount = 39;
readonly attribute int32u rxUnicastCount = 40;
readonly attribute int32u rxBroadcastCount = 41;
readonly attribute int32u rxDataCount = 42;
readonly attribute int32u rxDataPollCount = 43;
readonly attribute int32u rxBeaconCount = 44;
readonly attribute int32u rxBeaconRequestCount = 45;
readonly attribute int32u rxOtherCount = 46;
readonly attribute int32u rxAddressFilteredCount = 47;
readonly attribute int32u rxDestAddrFilteredCount = 48;
readonly attribute int32u rxDuplicatedCount = 49;
readonly attribute int32u rxErrNoFrameCount = 50;
readonly attribute int32u rxErrUnknownNeighborCount = 51;
readonly attribute int32u rxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount = 52;
readonly attribute int32u rxErrSecCount = 53;
readonly attribute int32u rxErrFcsCount = 54;
readonly attribute int32u rxErrOtherCount = 55;
readonly attribute nullable int64u activeTimestamp = 56;
readonly attribute nullable int64u pendingTimestamp = 57;
readonly attribute nullable int32u delay = 58;
readonly attribute nullable SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = 59;
readonly attribute nullable octet_string<4> channelPage0Mask = 60;
readonly attribute nullable OperationalDatasetComponents operationalDatasetComponents = 61;
readonly attribute NetworkFaultEnum activeNetworkFaultsList[] = 62;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The Wi-Fi Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */
server cluster WiFiNetworkDiagnostics = 54 {
enum AssociationFailureCauseEnum : enum8 {
kUnknown = 0;
kAssociationFailed = 1;
kAuthenticationFailed = 2;
kSsidNotFound = 3;
enum ConnectionStatusEnum : enum8 {
kConnected = 0;
kNotConnected = 1;
enum SecurityTypeEnum : enum8 {
kUnspecified = 0;
kNone = 1;
kWEP = 2;
kWPA = 3;
kWPA2 = 4;
kWPA3 = 5;
enum WiFiVersionEnum : enum8 {
kA = 0;
kB = 1;
kG = 2;
kN = 3;
kAc = 4;
kAx = 5;
kAh = 6;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kPacketCounts = 0x1;
kErrorCounts = 0x2;
info event Disconnection = 0 {
int16u reasonCode = 0;
info event AssociationFailure = 1 {
AssociationFailureCauseEnum associationFailure = 0;
int16u status = 1;
info event ConnectionStatus = 2 {
ConnectionStatusEnum connectionStatus = 0;
readonly attribute nullable octet_string<6> bssid = 0;
readonly attribute nullable SecurityTypeEnum securityType = 1;
readonly attribute nullable WiFiVersionEnum wiFiVersion = 2;
readonly attribute nullable int16u channelNumber = 3;
readonly attribute nullable int8s rssi = 4;
readonly attribute nullable int32u beaconLostCount = 5;
readonly attribute nullable int32u beaconRxCount = 6;
readonly attribute nullable int32u packetMulticastRxCount = 7;
readonly attribute nullable int32u packetMulticastTxCount = 8;
readonly attribute nullable int32u packetUnicastRxCount = 9;
readonly attribute nullable int32u packetUnicastTxCount = 10;
readonly attribute nullable int64u currentMaxRate = 11;
readonly attribute nullable int64u overrunCount = 12;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The Ethernet Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */
server cluster EthernetNetworkDiagnostics = 55 {
enum PHYRateEnum : enum8 {
kRate10M = 0;
kRate100M = 1;
kRate1G = 2;
kRate25G = 3;
kRate5G = 4;
kRate10G = 5;
kRate40G = 6;
kRate100G = 7;
kRate200G = 8;
kRate400G = 9;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kPacketCounts = 0x1;
kErrorCounts = 0x2;
readonly attribute nullable PHYRateEnum PHYRate = 0;
readonly attribute nullable boolean fullDuplex = 1;
readonly attribute int64u packetRxCount = 2;
readonly attribute int64u packetTxCount = 3;
readonly attribute int64u txErrCount = 4;
readonly attribute int64u collisionCount = 5;
readonly attribute int64u overrunCount = 6;
readonly attribute nullable boolean carrierDetect = 7;
readonly attribute int64u timeSinceReset = 8;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
command access(invoke: manage) ResetCounts(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
/** Commands to trigger a Node to allow a new Administrator to commission it. */
server cluster AdministratorCommissioning = 60 {
enum CommissioningWindowStatusEnum : enum8 {
kWindowNotOpen = 0;
kEnhancedWindowOpen = 1;
kBasicWindowOpen = 2;
enum StatusCode : enum8 {
kBusy = 2;
kPAKEParameterError = 3;
kWindowNotOpen = 4;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kBasic = 0x1;
readonly attribute CommissioningWindowStatusEnum windowStatus = 0;
readonly attribute nullable fabric_idx adminFabricIndex = 1;
readonly attribute nullable vendor_id adminVendorId = 2;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct OpenCommissioningWindowRequest {
int16u commissioningTimeout = 0;
octet_string PAKEPasscodeVerifier = 1;
int16u discriminator = 2;
int32u iterations = 3;
octet_string<32> salt = 4;
request struct OpenBasicCommissioningWindowRequest {
int16u commissioningTimeout = 0;
timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenCommissioningWindow(OpenCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenBasicCommissioningWindow(OpenBasicCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
timed command access(invoke: administer) RevokeCommissioning(): DefaultSuccess = 2;
/** This cluster is used to add or remove Operational Credentials on a Commissionee or Node, as well as manage the associated Fabrics. */
client cluster OperationalCredentials = 62 {
enum CertificateChainTypeEnum : enum8 {
kDACCertificate = 1;
kPAICertificate = 2;
enum NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum : enum8 {
kOK = 0;
kInvalidPublicKey = 1;
kInvalidNodeOpId = 2;
kInvalidNOC = 3;
kMissingCsr = 4;
kTableFull = 5;
kInvalidAdminSubject = 6;
kFabricConflict = 9;
kLabelConflict = 10;
kInvalidFabricIndex = 11;
fabric_scoped struct FabricDescriptorStruct {
octet_string<65> rootPublicKey = 1;
vendor_id vendorID = 2;
fabric_id fabricID = 3;
node_id nodeID = 4;
char_string<32> label = 5;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
fabric_scoped struct NOCStruct {
fabric_sensitive octet_string noc = 1;
nullable fabric_sensitive octet_string icac = 2;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) NOCStruct NOCs[] = 0;
readonly attribute FabricDescriptorStruct fabrics[] = 1;
readonly attribute int8u supportedFabrics = 2;
readonly attribute int8u commissionedFabrics = 3;
readonly attribute octet_string trustedRootCertificates[] = 4;
readonly attribute int8u currentFabricIndex = 5;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct AttestationRequestRequest {
octet_string<32> attestationNonce = 0;
response struct AttestationResponse = 1 {
octet_string<900> attestationElements = 0;
octet_string<64> attestationSignature = 1;
request struct CertificateChainRequestRequest {
CertificateChainTypeEnum certificateType = 0;
response struct CertificateChainResponse = 3 {
octet_string<600> certificate = 0;
request struct CSRRequestRequest {
octet_string<32> CSRNonce = 0;
optional boolean isForUpdateNOC = 1;
response struct CSRResponse = 5 {
octet_string NOCSRElements = 0;
octet_string attestationSignature = 1;
request struct AddNOCRequest {
octet_string<400> NOCValue = 0;
optional octet_string<400> ICACValue = 1;
octet_string<16> IPKValue = 2;
int64u caseAdminSubject = 3;
vendor_id adminVendorId = 4;
request struct UpdateNOCRequest {
octet_string NOCValue = 0;
optional octet_string ICACValue = 1;
response struct NOCResponse = 8 {
NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum statusCode = 0;
optional fabric_idx fabricIndex = 1;
optional char_string<128> debugText = 2;
request struct UpdateFabricLabelRequest {
char_string<32> label = 0;
request struct RemoveFabricRequest {
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0;
request struct AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest {
octet_string rootCACertificate = 0;
/** Sender is requesting attestation information from the receiver. */
command access(invoke: administer) AttestationRequest(AttestationRequestRequest): AttestationResponse = 0;
/** Sender is requesting a device attestation certificate from the receiver. */
command access(invoke: administer) CertificateChainRequest(CertificateChainRequestRequest): CertificateChainResponse = 2;
/** Sender is requesting a certificate signing request (CSR) from the receiver. */
command access(invoke: administer) CSRRequest(CSRRequestRequest): CSRResponse = 4;
/** Sender is requesting to add the new node operational certificates. */
command access(invoke: administer) AddNOC(AddNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 6;
/** Sender is requesting to update the node operational certificates. */
fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateNOC(UpdateNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 7;
/** This command SHALL be used by an Administrative Node to set the user-visible Label field for a given Fabric, as reflected by entries in the Fabrics attribute. */
fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateFabricLabel(UpdateFabricLabelRequest): NOCResponse = 9;
/** This command is used by Administrative Nodes to remove a given fabric index and delete all associated fabric-scoped data. */
command access(invoke: administer) RemoveFabric(RemoveFabricRequest): NOCResponse = 10;
/** This command SHALL add a Trusted Root CA Certificate, provided as its CHIP Certificate representation. */
command access(invoke: administer) AddTrustedRootCertificate(AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest): DefaultSuccess = 11;
/** This cluster is used to add or remove Operational Credentials on a Commissionee or Node, as well as manage the associated Fabrics. */
server cluster OperationalCredentials = 62 {
enum CertificateChainTypeEnum : enum8 {
kDACCertificate = 1;
kPAICertificate = 2;
enum NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum : enum8 {
kOK = 0;
kInvalidPublicKey = 1;
kInvalidNodeOpId = 2;
kInvalidNOC = 3;
kMissingCsr = 4;
kTableFull = 5;
kInvalidAdminSubject = 6;
kFabricConflict = 9;
kLabelConflict = 10;
kInvalidFabricIndex = 11;
fabric_scoped struct FabricDescriptorStruct {
octet_string<65> rootPublicKey = 1;
vendor_id vendorID = 2;
fabric_id fabricID = 3;
node_id nodeID = 4;
char_string<32> label = 5;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
fabric_scoped struct NOCStruct {
fabric_sensitive octet_string noc = 1;
nullable fabric_sensitive octet_string icac = 2;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) NOCStruct NOCs[] = 0;
readonly attribute FabricDescriptorStruct fabrics[] = 1;
readonly attribute int8u supportedFabrics = 2;
readonly attribute int8u commissionedFabrics = 3;
readonly attribute octet_string trustedRootCertificates[] = 4;
readonly attribute int8u currentFabricIndex = 5;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct AttestationRequestRequest {
octet_string<32> attestationNonce = 0;
request struct CertificateChainRequestRequest {
CertificateChainTypeEnum certificateType = 0;
request struct CSRRequestRequest {
octet_string<32> CSRNonce = 0;
optional boolean isForUpdateNOC = 1;
request struct AddNOCRequest {
octet_string<400> NOCValue = 0;
optional octet_string<400> ICACValue = 1;
octet_string<16> IPKValue = 2;
int64u caseAdminSubject = 3;
vendor_id adminVendorId = 4;
request struct UpdateNOCRequest {
octet_string NOCValue = 0;
optional octet_string ICACValue = 1;
request struct UpdateFabricLabelRequest {
char_string<32> label = 0;
request struct RemoveFabricRequest {
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0;
request struct AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest {
octet_string rootCACertificate = 0;
response struct AttestationResponse = 1 {
octet_string<900> attestationElements = 0;
octet_string<64> attestationSignature = 1;
response struct CertificateChainResponse = 3 {
octet_string<600> certificate = 0;
response struct CSRResponse = 5 {
octet_string NOCSRElements = 0;
octet_string attestationSignature = 1;
response struct NOCResponse = 8 {
NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum statusCode = 0;
optional fabric_idx fabricIndex = 1;
optional char_string<128> debugText = 2;
command access(invoke: administer) AttestationRequest(AttestationRequestRequest): AttestationResponse = 0;
command access(invoke: administer) CertificateChainRequest(CertificateChainRequestRequest): CertificateChainResponse = 2;
command access(invoke: administer) CSRRequest(CSRRequestRequest): CSRResponse = 4;
command access(invoke: administer) AddNOC(AddNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 6;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateNOC(UpdateNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 7;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateFabricLabel(UpdateFabricLabelRequest): NOCResponse = 9;
command access(invoke: administer) RemoveFabric(RemoveFabricRequest): NOCResponse = 10;
command access(invoke: administer) AddTrustedRootCertificate(AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest): DefaultSuccess = 11;
/** The Group Key Management Cluster is the mechanism by which group keys are managed. */
server cluster GroupKeyManagement = 63 {
enum GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum : enum8 {
kTrustFirst = 0;
kCacheAndSync = 1;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kCacheAndSync = 0x1;
fabric_scoped struct GroupInfoMapStruct {
group_id groupId = 1;
endpoint_no endpoints[] = 2;
optional char_string<16> groupName = 3;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
fabric_scoped struct GroupKeyMapStruct {
group_id groupId = 1;
int16u groupKeySetID = 2;
fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
struct GroupKeySetStruct {
int16u groupKeySetID = 0;
GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum groupKeySecurityPolicy = 1;
nullable octet_string<16> epochKey0 = 2;
nullable epoch_us epochStartTime0 = 3;
nullable octet_string<16> epochKey1 = 4;
nullable epoch_us epochStartTime1 = 5;
nullable octet_string<16> epochKey2 = 6;
nullable epoch_us epochStartTime2 = 7;
attribute access(write: manage) GroupKeyMapStruct groupKeyMap[] = 0;
readonly attribute GroupInfoMapStruct groupTable[] = 1;
readonly attribute int16u maxGroupsPerFabric = 2;
readonly attribute int16u maxGroupKeysPerFabric = 3;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct KeySetWriteRequest {
GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0;
request struct KeySetReadRequest {
int16u groupKeySetID = 0;
request struct KeySetRemoveRequest {
int16u groupKeySetID = 0;
response struct KeySetReadResponse = 2 {
GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0;
response struct KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 5 {
int16u groupKeySetIDs[] = 0;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetWrite(KeySetWriteRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRead(KeySetReadRequest): KeySetReadResponse = 1;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRemove(KeySetRemoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3;
fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetReadAllIndices(): KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 4;
/** The Fixed Label Cluster provides a feature for the device to tag an endpoint with zero or more read only
labels. */
server cluster FixedLabel = 64 {
struct LabelStruct {
char_string<16> label = 0;
char_string<16> value = 1;
readonly attribute LabelStruct labelList[] = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** The User Label Cluster provides a feature to tag an endpoint with zero or more labels. */
server cluster UserLabel = 65 {
struct LabelStruct {
char_string<16> label = 0;
char_string<16> value = 1;
attribute access(write: manage) LabelStruct labelList[] = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of relative humidity, and reporting relative humidity measurements. */
server cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement = 1029 {
readonly attribute nullable int16u measuredValue = 0;
readonly attribute nullable int16u minMeasuredValue = 1;
readonly attribute nullable int16u maxMeasuredValue = 2;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** This cluster provides an interface for managing low power mode on a device that supports the Wake On LAN protocol. */
server cluster WakeOnLan = 1283 {
readonly attribute char_string<32> MACAddress = 0;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the current Channel on a device. */
server cluster Channel = 1284 {
enum ChannelStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kMultipleMatches = 1;
kNoMatches = 2;
enum LineupInfoTypeEnum : enum8 {
kMSO = 0;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kChannelList = 0x1;
kLineupInfo = 0x2;
struct ChannelInfoStruct {
int16u majorNumber = 0;
int16u minorNumber = 1;
optional char_string name = 2;
optional char_string callSign = 3;
optional char_string affiliateCallSign = 4;
struct LineupInfoStruct {
char_string operatorName = 0;
optional char_string lineupName = 1;
optional char_string postalCode = 2;
LineupInfoTypeEnum lineupInfoType = 3;
readonly attribute ChannelInfoStruct channelList[] = 0;
readonly attribute nullable LineupInfoStruct lineup = 1;
readonly attribute nullable ChannelInfoStruct currentChannel = 2;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct ChangeChannelRequest {
char_string match = 0;
request struct ChangeChannelByNumberRequest {
int16u majorNumber = 0;
int16u minorNumber = 1;
request struct SkipChannelRequest {
int16s count = 0;
response struct ChangeChannelResponse = 1 {
ChannelStatusEnum status = 0;
optional char_string data = 1;
command ChangeChannel(ChangeChannelRequest): ChangeChannelResponse = 0;
command ChangeChannelByNumber(ChangeChannelByNumberRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2;
command SkipChannel(SkipChannelRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3;
/** This cluster provides an interface for UX navigation within a set of targets on a device or endpoint. */
server cluster TargetNavigator = 1285 {
enum TargetNavigatorStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kTargetNotFound = 1;
kNotAllowed = 2;
struct TargetInfoStruct {
int8u identifier = 0;
char_string<32> name = 1;
readonly attribute TargetInfoStruct targetList[] = 0;
readonly attribute int8u currentTarget = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct NavigateTargetRequest {
int8u target = 0;
optional char_string data = 1;
response struct NavigateTargetResponse = 1 {
TargetNavigatorStatusEnum status = 0;
optional char_string data = 1;
command NavigateTarget(NavigateTargetRequest): NavigateTargetResponse = 0;
/** This cluster provides an interface for controlling Media Playback (PLAY, PAUSE, etc) on a media device such as a TV or Speaker. */
server cluster MediaPlayback = 1286 {
enum MediaPlaybackStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kInvalidStateForCommand = 1;
kNotAllowed = 2;
kNotActive = 3;
kSpeedOutOfRange = 4;
kSeekOutOfRange = 5;
enum PlaybackStateEnum : enum8 {
kPlaying = 0;
kPaused = 1;
kNotPlaying = 2;
kBuffering = 3;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kAdvancedSeek = 0x1;
kVariableSpeed = 0x2;
struct PlaybackPositionStruct {
epoch_us updatedAt = 0;
nullable int64u position = 1;
readonly attribute PlaybackStateEnum currentState = 0;
readonly attribute nullable epoch_us startTime = 1;
readonly attribute nullable int64u duration = 2;
readonly attribute nullable PlaybackPositionStruct sampledPosition = 3;
readonly attribute single playbackSpeed = 4;
readonly attribute nullable int64u seekRangeEnd = 5;
readonly attribute nullable int64u seekRangeStart = 6;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct SkipForwardRequest {
int64u deltaPositionMilliseconds = 0;
request struct SkipBackwardRequest {
int64u deltaPositionMilliseconds = 0;
request struct SeekRequest {
int64u position = 0;
response struct PlaybackResponse = 10 {
MediaPlaybackStatusEnum status = 0;
optional char_string data = 1;
command Play(): PlaybackResponse = 0;
command Pause(): PlaybackResponse = 1;
command Stop(): PlaybackResponse = 2;
command StartOver(): PlaybackResponse = 3;
command Previous(): PlaybackResponse = 4;
command Next(): PlaybackResponse = 5;
command Rewind(): PlaybackResponse = 6;
command FastForward(): PlaybackResponse = 7;
command SkipForward(SkipForwardRequest): PlaybackResponse = 8;
command SkipBackward(SkipBackwardRequest): PlaybackResponse = 9;
command Seek(SeekRequest): PlaybackResponse = 11;
/** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the Input Selector on a media device such as a TV. */
server cluster MediaInput = 1287 {
enum InputTypeEnum : enum8 {
kInternal = 0;
kAux = 1;
kCoax = 2;
kComposite = 3;
kHDMI = 4;
kInput = 5;
kLine = 6;
kOptical = 7;
kVideo = 8;
kSCART = 9;
kUSB = 10;
kOther = 11;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kNameUpdates = 0x1;
struct InputInfoStruct {
int8u index = 0;
InputTypeEnum inputType = 1;
char_string name = 2;
char_string description = 3;
readonly attribute InputInfoStruct inputList[] = 0;
readonly attribute int8u currentInput = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct SelectInputRequest {
int8u index = 0;
request struct RenameInputRequest {
int8u index = 0;
char_string name = 1;
command SelectInput(SelectInputRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
command ShowInputStatus(): DefaultSuccess = 1;
command HideInputStatus(): DefaultSuccess = 2;
command access(invoke: manage) RenameInput(RenameInputRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3;
/** This cluster provides an interface for managing low power mode on a device. */
server cluster LowPower = 1288 {
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
command Sleep(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
/** This cluster provides an interface for controlling a device like a TV using action commands such as UP, DOWN, and SELECT. */
server cluster KeypadInput = 1289 {
enum CecKeyCode : enum8 {
kSelect = 0;
kUp = 1;
kDown = 2;
kLeft = 3;
kRight = 4;
kRightUp = 5;
kRightDown = 6;
kLeftUp = 7;
kLeftDown = 8;
kRootMenu = 9;
kSetupMenu = 10;
kContentsMenu = 11;
kFavoriteMenu = 12;
kExit = 13;
kMediaTopMenu = 16;
kMediaContextSensitiveMenu = 17;
kNumberEntryMode = 29;
kNumber11 = 30;
kNumber12 = 31;
kNumber0OrNumber10 = 32;
kNumbers1 = 33;
kNumbers2 = 34;
kNumbers3 = 35;
kNumbers4 = 36;
kNumbers5 = 37;
kNumbers6 = 38;
kNumbers7 = 39;
kNumbers8 = 40;
kNumbers9 = 41;
kDot = 42;
kEnter = 43;
kClear = 44;
kNextFavorite = 47;
kChannelUp = 48;
kChannelDown = 49;
kPreviousChannel = 50;
kSoundSelect = 51;
kInputSelect = 52;
kDisplayInformation = 53;
kHelp = 54;
kPageUp = 55;
kPageDown = 56;
kPower = 64;
kVolumeUp = 65;
kVolumeDown = 66;
kMute = 67;
kPlay = 68;
kStop = 69;
kPause = 70;
kRecord = 71;
kRewind = 72;
kFastForward = 73;
kEject = 74;
kForward = 75;
kBackward = 76;
kStopRecord = 77;
kPauseRecord = 78;
kReserved = 79;
kAngle = 80;
kSubPicture = 81;
kVideoOnDemand = 82;
kElectronicProgramGuide = 83;
kTimerProgramming = 84;
kInitialConfiguration = 85;
kSelectBroadcastType = 86;
kSelectSoundPresentation = 87;
kPlayFunction = 96;
kPausePlayFunction = 97;
kRecordFunction = 98;
kPauseRecordFunction = 99;
kStopFunction = 100;
kMuteFunction = 101;
kRestoreVolumeFunction = 102;
kTuneFunction = 103;
kSelectMediaFunction = 104;
kSelectAvInputFunction = 105;
kSelectAudioInputFunction = 106;
kPowerToggleFunction = 107;
kPowerOffFunction = 108;
kPowerOnFunction = 109;
kF1Blue = 113;
kF2Red = 114;
kF3Green = 115;
kF4Yellow = 116;
kF5 = 117;
kData = 118;
enum KeypadInputStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kUnsupportedKey = 1;
kInvalidKeyInCurrentState = 2;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kNavigationKeyCodes = 0x1;
kLocationKeys = 0x2;
kNumberKeys = 0x4;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct SendKeyRequest {
CecKeyCode keyCode = 0;
response struct SendKeyResponse = 1 {
KeypadInputStatusEnum status = 0;
command SendKey(SendKeyRequest): SendKeyResponse = 0;
/** This cluster provides an interface for launching content on a media player device such as a TV or Speaker. */
server cluster ContentLauncher = 1290 {
enum ContentLaunchStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kUrlNotAvailable = 1;
kAuthFailed = 2;
enum MetricTypeEnum : enum8 {
kPixels = 0;
kPercentage = 1;
enum ParameterEnum : enum8 {
kActor = 0;
kChannel = 1;
kCharacter = 2;
kDirector = 3;
kEvent = 4;
kFranchise = 5;
kGenre = 6;
kLeague = 7;
kPopularity = 8;
kProvider = 9;
kSport = 10;
kSportsTeam = 11;
kType = 12;
kVideo = 13;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kContentSearch = 0x1;
kURLPlayback = 0x2;
bitmap SupportedStreamingProtocol : bitmap32 {
kDASH = 0x1;
kHLS = 0x2;
struct DimensionStruct {
double width = 0;
double height = 1;
MetricTypeEnum metric = 2;
struct AdditionalInfoStruct {
char_string name = 0;
char_string value = 1;
struct ParameterStruct {
ParameterEnum type = 0;
char_string value = 1;
optional AdditionalInfoStruct externalIDList[] = 2;
struct ContentSearchStruct {
ParameterStruct parameterList[] = 0;
struct StyleInformationStruct {
optional char_string imageURL = 0;
optional char_string color = 1;
optional DimensionStruct size = 2;
struct BrandingInformationStruct {
char_string providerName = 0;
optional StyleInformationStruct background = 1;
optional StyleInformationStruct logo = 2;
optional StyleInformationStruct progressBar = 3;
optional StyleInformationStruct splash = 4;
optional StyleInformationStruct waterMark = 5;
readonly attribute char_string acceptHeader[] = 0;
attribute bitmap32 supportedStreamingProtocols = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct LaunchContentRequest {
ContentSearchStruct search = 0;
boolean autoPlay = 1;
optional char_string data = 2;
request struct LaunchURLRequest {
char_string contentURL = 0;
optional char_string displayString = 1;
optional BrandingInformationStruct brandingInformation = 2;
response struct LauncherResponse = 2 {
ContentLaunchStatusEnum status = 0;
optional char_string data = 1;
command LaunchContent(LaunchContentRequest): LauncherResponse = 0;
command LaunchURL(LaunchURLRequest): LauncherResponse = 1;
/** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the Output on a media device such as a TV. */
server cluster AudioOutput = 1291 {
enum OutputTypeEnum : enum8 {
kHDMI = 0;
kBT = 1;
kOptical = 2;
kHeadphone = 3;
kInternal = 4;
kOther = 5;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kNameUpdates = 0x1;
struct OutputInfoStruct {
int8u index = 0;
OutputTypeEnum outputType = 1;
char_string name = 2;
readonly attribute OutputInfoStruct outputList[] = 0;
readonly attribute int8u currentOutput = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct SelectOutputRequest {
int8u index = 0;
request struct RenameOutputRequest {
int8u index = 0;
char_string name = 1;
command SelectOutput(SelectOutputRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
command access(invoke: manage) RenameOutput(RenameOutputRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
/** This cluster provides an interface for launching content on a media player device such as a TV or Speaker. */
server cluster ApplicationLauncher = 1292 {
enum ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum : enum8 {
kSuccess = 0;
kAppNotAvailable = 1;
kSystemBusy = 2;
bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
kApplicationPlatform = 0x1;
struct ApplicationStruct {
int16u catalogVendorID = 0;
char_string applicationID = 1;
struct ApplicationEPStruct {
ApplicationStruct application = 0;
optional endpoint_no endpoint = 1;
readonly attribute int16u catalogList[] = 0;
attribute nullable ApplicationEPStruct currentApp = 1;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct LaunchAppRequest {
optional ApplicationStruct application = 0;
optional octet_string data = 1;
request struct StopAppRequest {
optional ApplicationStruct application = 0;
request struct HideAppRequest {
optional ApplicationStruct application = 0;
response struct LauncherResponse = 3 {
ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum status = 0;
optional octet_string data = 1;
command LaunchApp(LaunchAppRequest): LauncherResponse = 0;
command StopApp(StopAppRequest): LauncherResponse = 1;
command HideApp(HideAppRequest): LauncherResponse = 2;
/** This cluster provides information about an application running on a TV or media player device which is represented as an endpoint. */
server cluster ApplicationBasic = 1293 {
enum ApplicationStatusEnum : enum8 {
kStopped = 0;
kActiveVisibleFocus = 1;
kActiveHidden = 2;
kActiveVisibleNotFocus = 3;
struct ApplicationStruct {
int16u catalogVendorID = 0;
char_string applicationID = 1;
readonly attribute char_string<32> vendorName = 0;
readonly attribute vendor_id vendorID = 1;
readonly attribute long_char_string<256> applicationName = 2;
readonly attribute int16u productID = 3;
readonly attribute ApplicationStruct application = 4;
readonly attribute ApplicationStatusEnum status = 5;
readonly attribute char_string<32> applicationVersion = 6;
readonly attribute access(read: administer) vendor_id allowedVendorList[] = 7;
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
/** This cluster provides commands that facilitate user account login on a Content App or a node. For example, a Content App running on a Video Player device, which is represented as an endpoint (see [TV Architecture]), can use this cluster to help make the user account on the Content App match the user account on the Client. */
server cluster AccountLogin = 1294 {
readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
request struct GetSetupPINRequest {
char_string<100> tempAccountIdentifier = 0;
request struct LoginRequest {
char_string<100> tempAccountIdentifier = 0;
char_string setupPIN = 1;
response struct GetSetupPINResponse = 1 {
char_string setupPIN = 0;
timed command GetSetupPIN(GetSetupPINRequest): GetSetupPINResponse = 0;
timed command Login(LoginRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2;
timed command Logout(): DefaultSuccess = 3;
endpoint 0 {
device type ma_rootdevice = 22, version 1;
binding cluster Binding;
binding cluster GeneralCommissioning;
binding cluster NetworkCommissioning;
binding cluster OperationalCredentials;
server cluster Descriptor {
callback attribute deviceTypeList;
callback attribute serverList;
callback attribute clientList;
callback attribute partsList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster Binding {
callback attribute binding;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster AccessControl {
emits event AccessControlEntryChanged;
emits event AccessControlExtensionChanged;
callback attribute acl;
callback attribute extension;
callback attribute subjectsPerAccessControlEntry default = 4;
callback attribute targetsPerAccessControlEntry default = 3;
callback attribute accessControlEntriesPerFabric default = 4;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster BasicInformation {
emits event StartUp;
emits event ShutDown;
emits event Leave;
callback attribute dataModelRevision default = 10;
callback attribute vendorName;
callback attribute vendorID;
callback attribute productName;
callback attribute productID;
persist attribute nodeLabel;
callback attribute location default = "XX";
callback attribute hardwareVersion default = 0;
callback attribute hardwareVersionString;
callback attribute softwareVersion default = 0;
callback attribute softwareVersionString;
callback attribute manufacturingDate default = "20210614123456ZZ";
callback attribute partNumber;
callback attribute productURL;
callback attribute productLabel;
callback attribute serialNumber;
persist attribute localConfigDisabled default = 0;
callback attribute uniqueID;
callback attribute capabilityMinima;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2;
server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider {
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command QueryImage;
handle command QueryImageResponse;
handle command ApplyUpdateRequest;
handle command ApplyUpdateResponse;
handle command NotifyUpdateApplied;
server cluster LocalizationConfiguration {
persist attribute activeLocale default = "en-US";
callback attribute supportedLocales;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster TimeFormatLocalization {
persist attribute hourFormat default = 0;
persist attribute activeCalendarType default = 0;
callback attribute supportedCalendarTypes;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster UnitLocalization {
persist attribute temperatureUnit default = 0;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x1;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster GeneralCommissioning {
ram attribute breadcrumb default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute basicCommissioningInfo;
callback attribute regulatoryConfig default = 0;
callback attribute locationCapability default = 0;
callback attribute supportsConcurrentConnection default = 1;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command ArmFailSafe;
handle command ArmFailSafeResponse;
handle command SetRegulatoryConfig;
handle command SetRegulatoryConfigResponse;
handle command CommissioningComplete;
handle command CommissioningCompleteResponse;
server cluster NetworkCommissioning {
ram attribute maxNetworks;
callback attribute networks;
ram attribute scanMaxTimeSeconds;
ram attribute connectMaxTimeSeconds;
ram attribute interfaceEnabled;
ram attribute lastNetworkingStatus;
ram attribute lastNetworkID;
ram attribute lastConnectErrorValue;
ram attribute featureMap default = 4;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command ScanNetworks;
handle command ScanNetworksResponse;
handle command AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork;
handle command AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork;
handle command RemoveNetwork;
handle command NetworkConfigResponse;
handle command ConnectNetwork;
handle command ConnectNetworkResponse;
handle command ReorderNetwork;
server cluster DiagnosticLogs {
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command RetrieveLogsRequest;
server cluster GeneralDiagnostics {
emits event BootReason;
callback attribute networkInterfaces;
callback attribute rebootCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute upTime default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute totalOperationalHours default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute bootReason;
callback attribute activeHardwareFaults;
callback attribute activeRadioFaults;
callback attribute activeNetworkFaults;
callback attribute testEventTriggersEnabled default = false;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command TestEventTrigger;
server cluster SoftwareDiagnostics {
emits event SoftwareFault;
callback attribute threadMetrics;
callback attribute currentHeapFree default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute currentHeapUsed default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute currentHeapHighWatermark default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute featureMap default = 1;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics {
emits event ConnectionStatus;
emits event NetworkFaultChange;
callback attribute channel;
callback attribute routingRole;
callback attribute networkName default = "0";
callback attribute panId default = 0x0000;
callback attribute extendedPanId default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute meshLocalPrefix;
callback attribute overrunCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute neighborTable;
callback attribute routeTable;
callback attribute partitionId;
callback attribute weighting;
callback attribute dataVersion;
callback attribute stableDataVersion;
callback attribute leaderRouterId;
callback attribute detachedRoleCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute childRoleCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute routerRoleCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute leaderRoleCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute attachAttemptCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute partitionIdChangeCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute betterPartitionAttachAttemptCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute parentChangeCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txTotalCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txUnicastCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txBroadcastCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txAckRequestedCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txAckedCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txNoAckRequestedCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txDataCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txDataPollCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txBeaconCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txBeaconRequestCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txOtherCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txRetryCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txErrCcaCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txErrAbortCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute txErrBusyChannelCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxTotalCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxUnicastCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxBroadcastCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxDataCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxDataPollCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxBeaconCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxBeaconRequestCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxOtherCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxAddressFilteredCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxDestAddrFilteredCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxDuplicatedCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxErrNoFrameCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxErrUnknownNeighborCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxErrSecCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxErrFcsCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rxErrOtherCount default = 0x0000;
callback attribute activeTimestamp default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute pendingTimestamp default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute delay default = 0x0000;
callback attribute securityPolicy;
callback attribute channelPage0Mask default = "0x0000";
callback attribute operationalDatasetComponents;
callback attribute activeNetworkFaultsList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x000F;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster WiFiNetworkDiagnostics {
emits event Disconnection;
emits event AssociationFailure;
emits event ConnectionStatus;
callback attribute bssid;
callback attribute securityType;
callback attribute wiFiVersion;
callback attribute channelNumber default = 0x0000;
callback attribute rssi default = 0x00;
callback attribute beaconLostCount default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute beaconRxCount default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute packetMulticastRxCount default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute packetMulticastTxCount default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute packetUnicastRxCount default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute packetUnicastTxCount default = 0x00000000;
callback attribute currentMaxRate default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute overrunCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
ram attribute featureMap default = 3;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster EthernetNetworkDiagnostics {
callback attribute PHYRate;
callback attribute fullDuplex default = 0x00;
callback attribute packetRxCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute packetTxCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute txErrCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute collisionCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute overrunCount default = 0x0000000000000000;
callback attribute carrierDetect default = 0x00;
callback attribute timeSinceReset default = 0x0000000000000000;
ram attribute featureMap default = 3;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command ResetCounts;
server cluster AdministratorCommissioning {
callback attribute windowStatus default = 0;
callback attribute adminFabricIndex default = 1;
callback attribute adminVendorId default = 0;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command OpenCommissioningWindow;
handle command OpenBasicCommissioningWindow;
handle command RevokeCommissioning;
server cluster OperationalCredentials {
callback attribute NOCs;
callback attribute fabrics;
callback attribute supportedFabrics;
callback attribute commissionedFabrics;
callback attribute trustedRootCertificates;
callback attribute currentFabricIndex;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command AttestationRequest;
handle command AttestationResponse;
handle command CertificateChainRequest;
handle command CertificateChainResponse;
handle command CSRRequest;
handle command CSRResponse;
handle command AddNOC;
handle command UpdateNOC;
handle command NOCResponse;
handle command UpdateFabricLabel;
handle command RemoveFabric;
handle command AddTrustedRootCertificate;
server cluster GroupKeyManagement {
callback attribute groupKeyMap;
callback attribute groupTable;
callback attribute maxGroupsPerFabric;
callback attribute maxGroupKeysPerFabric;
callback attribute featureMap default = 0;
callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command KeySetWrite;
handle command KeySetRead;
handle command KeySetReadResponse;
handle command KeySetRemove;
handle command KeySetReadAllIndices;
handle command KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse;
server cluster FixedLabel {
callback attribute labelList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster UserLabel {
callback attribute labelList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement {
ram attribute measuredValue;
ram attribute minMeasuredValue;
ram attribute maxMeasuredValue;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3;
endpoint 1 {
device type ma_casting_videoplayer = 35, version 1;
server cluster OnOff {
ram attribute onOff default = 0x00;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5;
handle command Off;
handle command On;
handle command Toggle;
server cluster Descriptor {
callback attribute deviceTypeList;
callback attribute serverList;
callback attribute clientList;
callback attribute partsList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster WakeOnLan {
ram attribute MACAddress;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster Channel {
callback attribute channelList;
callback attribute lineup;
callback attribute currentChannel;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0003;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command ChangeChannel;
handle command ChangeChannelResponse;
handle command ChangeChannelByNumber;
handle command SkipChannel;
server cluster TargetNavigator {
callback attribute targetList;
ram attribute currentTarget default = 0;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command NavigateTarget;
handle command NavigateTargetResponse;
server cluster MediaPlayback {
ram attribute currentState default = 0x00;
ram attribute startTime default = 0x00;
ram attribute duration default = 0;
callback attribute sampledPosition;
ram attribute playbackSpeed default = 0;
ram attribute seekRangeEnd;
ram attribute seekRangeStart;
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x003;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command Play;
handle command Pause;
handle command Stop;
handle command StartOver;
handle command Previous;
handle command Next;
handle command Rewind;
handle command FastForward;
handle command SkipForward;
handle command SkipBackward;
handle command PlaybackResponse;
handle command Seek;
server cluster MediaInput {
callback attribute inputList;
ram attribute currentInput default = 0x00;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0001;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command SelectInput;
handle command ShowInputStatus;
handle command HideInputStatus;
handle command RenameInput;
server cluster LowPower {
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command Sleep;
server cluster KeypadInput {
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0007;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command SendKey;
server cluster ContentLauncher {
callback attribute acceptHeader;
ram attribute supportedStreamingProtocols;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0003;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command LaunchContent;
handle command LaunchURL;
handle command LauncherResponse;
server cluster AudioOutput {
callback attribute outputList;
ram attribute currentOutput default = 0x00;
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x001;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command SelectOutput;
handle command RenameOutput;
server cluster ApplicationLauncher {
callback attribute catalogList;
callback attribute currentApp default = 0x00;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0001;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command LaunchApp;
handle command StopApp;
handle command HideApp;
handle command LauncherResponse;
endpoint 2 {
device type ma_speaker = 34, version 1;
server cluster OnOff {
ram attribute onOff default = 0x00;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5;
handle command Off;
handle command On;
handle command Toggle;
server cluster LevelControl {
persist attribute currentLevel default = 0x00;
ram attribute remainingTime default = 0x0000;
ram attribute minLevel default = 0x00;
ram attribute maxLevel default = 0xFF;
ram attribute currentFrequency default = 0x0000;
ram attribute minFrequency default = 0x0000;
ram attribute maxFrequency default = 0x0000;
ram attribute options default = 0x00;
ram attribute onOffTransitionTime default = 0x0000;
ram attribute onLevel default = 0xFE;
ram attribute onTransitionTime;
ram attribute offTransitionTime;
ram attribute defaultMoveRate;
persist attribute startUpCurrentLevel default = 255;
ram attribute featureMap default = 1;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5;
handle command MoveToLevel;
handle command Move;
handle command Step;
handle command Stop;
handle command MoveToLevelWithOnOff;
handle command MoveWithOnOff;
handle command StepWithOnOff;
handle command StopWithOnOff;
server cluster Descriptor {
callback attribute deviceTypeList;
callback attribute serverList;
callback attribute clientList;
callback attribute partsList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
endpoint 3 {
device type ma_contentapp = 36, version 1;
server cluster Descriptor {
callback attribute deviceTypeList;
callback attribute serverList;
callback attribute clientList;
callback attribute partsList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster Channel {
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command ChangeChannel;
handle command ChangeChannelResponse;
handle command ChangeChannelByNumber;
handle command SkipChannel;
server cluster TargetNavigator {
callback attribute targetList;
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command NavigateTarget;
handle command NavigateTargetResponse;
server cluster MediaPlayback {
ram attribute currentState default = 0x00;
ram attribute startTime default = 0xFF;
ram attribute duration;
callback attribute sampledPosition;
ram attribute playbackSpeed;
ram attribute seekRangeEnd;
ram attribute seekRangeStart;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0003;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command Play;
handle command Pause;
handle command Stop;
handle command StartOver;
handle command Previous;
handle command Next;
handle command Rewind;
handle command FastForward;
handle command SkipForward;
handle command SkipBackward;
handle command PlaybackResponse;
handle command Seek;
server cluster KeypadInput {
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command SendKey;
handle command SendKeyResponse;
server cluster ContentLauncher {
callback attribute acceptHeader;
ram attribute supportedStreamingProtocols;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0003;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command LaunchContent;
handle command LaunchURL;
handle command LauncherResponse;
server cluster ApplicationLauncher {
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command LaunchApp;
handle command StopApp;
handle command HideApp;
handle command LauncherResponse;
server cluster ApplicationBasic {
ram attribute vendorName;
ram attribute vendorID;
ram attribute applicationName;
ram attribute productID default = 0x00;
callback attribute application;
ram attribute status;
ram attribute applicationVersion;
callback attribute allowedVendorList;
callback attribute generatedCommandList;
callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
callback attribute attributeList;
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
server cluster AccountLogin {
ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
handle command GetSetupPIN;
handle command GetSetupPINResponse;
handle command Login;
handle command Logout;