blob: efe27033d8618fb9678578760b3f684d0849d178 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines objects that provide an abstraction layer between a
* platform's Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) implementation and the CHIP
* stack.
* The BleLayer obect accepts BLE data and control input from the
* application via a functional interface. It performs the fragmentation
* and reassembly required to transmit CHIP message via a BLE GATT
* characteristic interface, and drives incoming messages up the CHIP
* stack.
* During initialization, the BleLayer object requires a pointer to the
* platform's implementation of the BleAdapter object. This object is
* defined but not implemented by the CHIP stack, and provides the
* BleLayer with a functional interface to drive outgoing GATT
* characteristic writes and indications. It also provides a mechanism
* for CHIP to inform the application when it has finished using a given
* BLE connection, i.e., when the chipConnection object wrapping this
* connection has closed.
* To enable CHIP over BLE for a new platform, the application developer
* must implement the BleAdapter class for their platform, pass it to the
* BleLayer on startup, pass a pointer to this BleLayer to their instance
* of chipMessageLayer, and ensure that the application calls the
* necessary BleLayer functions to drive BLE data and control input up the
* stack.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ble/BleConfig.h>
#include <system/SystemLayer.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <ble/BleApplicationDelegate.h>
#include <ble/BleConnectionDelegate.h>
#include <ble/BleError.h>
#include <ble/BleLayerDelegate.h>
#include <ble/BlePlatformDelegate.h>
#include <ble/BleRole.h>
#include <ble/BleUUID.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Ble {
* Number of unsigned 4-bit representations of supported transport protocol
* versions encapsulated in a BleTransportCapabilitiesRequest. Defined by CHIP
* over BLE protocol specification.
/// Version(s) of the CHIP BLE Transport Protocol that this stack supports.
/// Forward declarations.
class BleLayer;
class BLEEndPoint;
/// Enum defining versions of CHIP over BLE transport protocol.
typedef enum
kBleTransportProtocolVersion_None = 0,
kBleTransportProtocolVersion_V4 = 4 // BTP as defined by CHIP v1.0
} BleTransportProtocolVersion;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesRequestMagicnumLength = 2;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesRequestL2capMtuLength = 2;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesRequestSupportedVersionsLength = 4;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesRequestWindowSizeLength = 1;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesRequestLength = (kCapabilitiesRequestMagicnumLength + kCapabilitiesRequestL2capMtuLength +
kCapabilitiesRequestSupportedVersionsLength + kCapabilitiesRequestWindowSizeLength);
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesResponseMagicnumLength = 2;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesResponseL2capMtuLength = 2;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesResponseSelectedProtocolVersionLength = 1;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesResponseWindowSizeLength = 1;
constexpr size_t kCapabilitiesResponseLength(kCapabilitiesResponseMagicnumLength + kCapabilitiesResponseL2capMtuLength +
kCapabilitiesResponseSelectedProtocolVersionLength +
class BleTransportCapabilitiesRequestMessage
* An array of size NUM_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS listing versions of the
* BLE transport protocol that this node supports. Each protocol version is
* specified as a 4-bit unsigned integer. A zero-value represents unused
* array elements. Counting up from the zero-index, the first zero-value
* specifies the end of the list of supported protocol versions.
* The MTU that has been negotiated for this BLE connection. Specified in
* the BleTransportCapabilitiesRequestMessage because the remote node may
* be unable to glean this info from its own BLE hardware/software stack,
* such as on older Android platforms.
* A value of 0 means that the central could not determine the negotiated
* BLE connection MTU.
uint16_t mMtu;
* The initial and maximum receive window size offered by the central,
* defined in terms of GATT indication payloads.
uint8_t mWindowSize;
* Set supported version value at given index in
* SupportedProtocolVersions. uint8_t version argument is truncated to 4
* least-significant bits. Index shall be 0 through number of
* SupportedProtocolVersions elements - 1.
void SetSupportedProtocolVersion(uint8_t index, uint8_t version);
/// Must be able to reserve 20 byte data length in msgBuf.
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msgBuf) const;
static CHIP_ERROR Decode(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msgBuf, BleTransportCapabilitiesRequestMessage & msg);
class BleTransportCapabilitiesResponseMessage
* The lower 4 bits specify the BLE transport protocol version that the BLE
* peripheral has selected for this connection.
* A value of kBleTransportProtocolVersion_None means that no supported
* protocol version was found in the central's capabilities request. The
* central should unsubscribe after such a response has been sent to free
* up the peripheral for connections from devices with supported protocol
* versions.
uint8_t mSelectedProtocolVersion;
* BLE transport fragment size selected by peripheral in response to MTU
* value in BleTransportCapabilitiesRequestMessage and its local
* observation of the BLE connection MTU.
uint16_t mFragmentSize;
* The initial and maximum receive window size offered by the peripheral,
* defined in terms of GATT write payloads.
uint8_t mWindowSize;
/// Must be able to reserve 20 byte data length in msgBuf.
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msgBuf) const;
static CHIP_ERROR Decode(const System::PacketBufferHandle & msgBuf, BleTransportCapabilitiesResponseMessage & msg);
* @class BleLayer
* @brief
* This class provides an interface for a single thread to drive data
* either up the stack via the BleLayer platform interface functions,
* or down the stack via a chipConnection object associated with a
* BLEEndPoint.
* There are two ways to associate a chipConnection (defined by the
* chipMessageLayer) with a BLE connection:
* First, the application can passively receive an incoming BLE connection
* and hand the platform-specific BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT that this receipt
* generates to BleLayer via the corresponding platform interface function.
* This causes BleLayer to wrap the BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT in a BLEEndPoint,
* and notify chipMessageLayer that a new BLE conneciotn has been received.
* The message layer then wraps the new BLEEndPoint object in a
* chipConnection, and hands this object to the application via the message
* layer's OnConnectionReceived callback.
* Second, the application can actively form an outgoing BLE connection, e.g.,
* by connecting to a BLE peripheral. It then creates a new chipConnection
* via the chipMessageLayer, assigns an authentication type to this
* connection, and binds it to the BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT for the new BLE
* connection via chipConnection::ConnectBle. This function then
* establishes the secure session type specified by the chipConnection's
* authentication type member variable.
class DLL_EXPORT BleLayer
friend class BLEEndPoint;
friend class BtpEngineTest;
// Public data members:
kState_NotInitialized = 0,
kState_Initialized = 1
} mState; ///< [READ-ONLY] Current state
// This app state is not used by ble transport etc, it will be used by external ble implementation like Android
void * mAppState = nullptr;
BleLayerDelegate * mBleTransport = nullptr;
typedef void (*BleConnectionReceivedFunct)(BLEEndPoint * newEndPoint);
BleConnectionReceivedFunct OnChipBleConnectReceived;
// Public functions:
CHIP_ERROR Init(BlePlatformDelegate * platformDelegate, BleApplicationDelegate * appDelegate,
chip::System::Layer * systemLayer);
CHIP_ERROR Init(BlePlatformDelegate * platformDelegate, BleConnectionDelegate * connDelegate,
BleApplicationDelegate * appDelegate, chip::System::Layer * systemLayer);
CHIP_ERROR Shutdown();
CHIP_ERROR CancelBleIncompleteConnection();
CHIP_ERROR NewBleConnectionByDiscriminator(uint16_t connDiscriminator, void * appState = nullptr,
BleConnectionDelegate::OnConnectionCompleteFunct onSucess = OnConnectionComplete,
BleConnectionDelegate::OnConnectionErrorFunct onError = OnConnectionError);
CHIP_ERROR NewBleEndPoint(BLEEndPoint ** retEndPoint, BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, BleRole role, bool autoClose);
CHIP_ERROR CloseAllBleConnections();
/**< Platform interface functions:
* Calling conventions:
* CHIP takes ownership of PacketBuffers received through these functions,
* and will free them or pass ownership up the stack.
* Beyond each call, no guarantees are provided as to the lifetime of UUID arguments.
* A 'true' return value means the CHIP stack successfully handled the corresponding message
* or state indication. 'false' means the CHIP stack either failed or chose not to handle this.
* This contract allows the platform to pass BLE events to CHIP without needing to know which
* characteristics CHIP cares about.
* Platform must call this function when a GATT subscription has been established to any CHIP service
* charateristic.
* If this function returns true, CHIP has accepted the BLE connection and wrapped it
* in a chipConnection object. If CHIP accepts a BLE connection, the platform MUST
* notify CHIP if the subscription is canceled or the underlying BLE connection is
* closed, or the associated chipConnection will never be closed or freed. */
bool HandleSubscribeReceived(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/// Call when a GATT subscribe request succeeds.
bool HandleSubscribeComplete(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/**< Platform must call this function when a GATT unsubscribe is requested on any CHIP
* service charateristic, that is, when an existing GATT subscription on a CHIP service
* characteristic is canceled. */
bool HandleUnsubscribeReceived(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/// Call when a GATT unsubscribe request succeeds.
bool HandleUnsubscribeComplete(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/// Call when a GATT write request is received.
bool HandleWriteReceived(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId,
System::PacketBufferHandle && pBuf);
/// Call when a GATT indication is received.
bool HandleIndicationReceived(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId,
System::PacketBufferHandle && pBuf);
/// Call when an outstanding GATT write request receives a positive receipt confirmation.
bool HandleWriteConfirmation(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/// Call when an oustanding GATT indication receives a positive receipt confirmation.
bool HandleIndicationConfirmation(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const ChipBleUUID * svcId, const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/// Call when a GATT read request is received.
bool HandleReadReceived(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, BLE_READ_REQUEST_CONTEXT requestContext, const ChipBleUUID * svcId,
const ChipBleUUID * charId);
/**< Platform must call this function when any previous operation undertaken by the BleLayer via BleAdapter
* fails, such as a characteristic write request or subscribe attempt, or when a BLE connection is closed.
* In most cases, this will prompt CHIP to close the associated chipConnection and notify that platform that
* it has abandoned the underlying BLE connection.
* NOTE: if the application explicitly closes a BLE connection with an associated chipConnection such that
* the BLE connection close will not generate an upcall to CHIP, HandleConnectionError must be called with
* err = BLE_ERROR_APP_CLOSED_CONNECTION to prevent the leak of this chipConnection and its end point object. */
void HandleConnectionError(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, CHIP_ERROR err);
BLEEndPoint * mTestBleEndPoint;
BLEEndPoint * mBleEndPoint;
// Private data members:
// UUID of CHIP service characteristic used for central writes.
static const ChipBleUUID CHIP_BLE_CHAR_1_ID;
// UUID of CHIP service characteristic used for peripheral indications.
static const ChipBleUUID CHIP_BLE_CHAR_2_ID;
// UUID of CHIP service characteristic used for additional data
static const ChipBleUUID CHIP_BLE_CHAR_3_ID;
BleConnectionDelegate * mConnectionDelegate;
BlePlatformDelegate * mPlatformDelegate;
BleApplicationDelegate * mApplicationDelegate;
chip::System::Layer * mSystemLayer;
// Private functions:
void HandleAckReceived(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj);
void DriveSending();
CHIP_ERROR HandleBleTransportConnectionInitiated(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, System::PacketBufferHandle && pBuf);
static BleTransportProtocolVersion GetHighestSupportedProtocolVersion(const BleTransportCapabilitiesRequestMessage & reqMsg);
static void OnConnectionComplete(void * appState, BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj);
static void OnConnectionError(void * appState, CHIP_ERROR err);
} /* namespace Ble */
} /* namespace chip */
#include "BLEEndPoint.h"