blob: 346a36a304518d519d70d47ac4a633a5e3008fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Declaration of CHIP Device Controller, a common class
* that implements connecting and messaging and will later
* be expanded to support discovery, pairing and
* provisioning of CHIP devices.
#pragma once
#include <app/CASESessionManager.h>
#include <app/DeviceControllerInteractionModelDelegate.h>
#include <app/InteractionModelDelegate.h>
#include <app/OperationalDeviceProxy.h>
#include <controller-clusters/zap-generated/CHIPClientCallbacks.h>
#include <controller/AbstractDnssdDiscoveryController.h>
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceControllerSystemState.h>
#include <controller/CommissioneeDeviceProxy.h>
#include <controller/OperationalCredentialsDelegate.h>
#include <controller/SetUpCodePairer.h>
#include <credentials/DeviceAttestationVerifier.h>
#include <credentials/FabricTable.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPTLV.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/Pool.h>
#include <lib/support/SerializableIntegerSet.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <lib/support/ThreadOperationalDataset.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/MessageCounterManager.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/RendezvousParameters.h>
#include <protocols/user_directed_commissioning/UserDirectedCommissioning.h>
#include <transport/SessionManager.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceControllerSystemState.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include <ble/BleLayer.h>
#include <controller/DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate.h>
#include <controller/DeviceDiscoveryDelegate.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/Resolver.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
using namespace chip::Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning;
constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxActiveDevices = CHIP_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_MAX_ACTIVE_DEVICES;
constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxPairedDevices = 128;
// Raw functions for cluster callbacks
typedef void (*BasicSuccessCallback)(void * context, uint16_t val);
typedef void (*BasicFailureCallback)(void * context, uint8_t status);
void BasicSuccess(void * context, uint16_t val);
void BasicFailure(void * context, uint8_t status);
struct ControllerInitParams
PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr;
DeviceControllerSystemState * systemState = nullptr;
DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate * deviceAddressUpdateDelegate = nullptr;
DeviceDiscoveryDelegate * deviceDiscoveryDelegate = nullptr;
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * operationalCredentialsDelegate = nullptr;
/* The following keypair must correspond to the public key used for generating
controllerNOC. It's used by controller to establish CASE sessions with devices */
Crypto::P256Keypair * ephemeralKeypair = nullptr;
/* The following certificates must be in x509 DER format */
ByteSpan controllerNOC;
ByteSpan controllerICAC;
ByteSpan controllerRCAC;
uint16_t controllerVendorId;
FabricIndex fabricIndex = kMinValidFabricIndex;
FabricId fabricId = kUndefinedFabricId;
enum CommissioningStage : uint8_t
// kConfigTime, // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
// kConfigTimeZone, // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
kScanNetworks, // optional stage if network setup fails (not yet implemented)
class DLL_EXPORT DevicePairingDelegate
virtual ~DevicePairingDelegate() {}
enum Status : uint8_t
SecurePairingSuccess = 0,
* @brief
* Called when the pairing reaches a certain stage.
* @param status Current status of pairing
virtual void OnStatusUpdate(DevicePairingDelegate::Status status) {}
* @brief
* Called when the pairing is complete (with success or error)
* @param error Error cause, if any
virtual void OnPairingComplete(CHIP_ERROR error) {}
* @brief
* Called when the pairing is deleted (with success or error)
* @param error Error cause, if any
virtual void OnPairingDeleted(CHIP_ERROR error) {}
* Called when the commissioning process is complete (with success or error)
virtual void OnCommissioningComplete(NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR error) {}
struct CommissionerInitParams : public ControllerInitParams
DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr;
typedef void (*OnOpenCommissioningWindow)(void * context, NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR status, SetupPayload payload);
* @brief
* Controller applications can use this class to communicate with already paired CHIP devices. The
* application is required to provide access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
* is stored. This object of this class can be initialized with the data from the storage (List of devices,
* and device pairing information for individual devices). Alternatively, this class can retrieve the
* relevant information when the application tries to communicate with the device
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceController : public SessionReleaseDelegate,
public SessionRecoveryDelegate,
public AbstractDnssdDiscoveryController,
public app::InteractionModelDelegate
virtual ~DeviceController() {}
enum class CommissioningWindowOption
kOriginalSetupCode = 0,
CHIP_ERROR Init(ControllerInitParams params);
* @brief
* Tears down the entirety of the stack, including destructing key objects in the system.
* This expects to be called with external thread synchronization, and will not internally
* grab the CHIP stack lock.
* This will also not stop the CHIP event queue / thread (if one exists). Consumers are expected to
* ensure this happend before calling this method.
virtual CHIP_ERROR Shutdown();
CHIP_ERROR GetPeerAddressAndPort(PeerId peerId, Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t & port);
* This function returns true if the device corresponding to `deviceId` has previously been commissioned
* on the fabric.
bool DoesDevicePairingExist(const PeerId & deviceId);
* This function finds the device corresponding to deviceId, and establishes a secure connection with it.
* Once the connection is successfully establishes (or if it's already connected), it calls `onConnectedDevice`
* callback. If it fails to establish the connection, it calls `onError` callback.
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetConnectedDevice(NodeId deviceId, Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure)
VerifyOrReturnError(mState == State::Initialized, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
return mCASESessionManager->FindOrEstablishSession(deviceId, onConnection, onFailure);
* @brief
* This function update the device informations asynchronously using dnssd.
* @param[in] deviceId Node ID for the CHIP device
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error code.
CHIP_ERROR UpdateDevice(NodeId deviceId)
VerifyOrReturnError(mState == State::Initialized, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
return mCASESessionManager->ResolveDeviceAddress(deviceId);
* @brief
* Compute a PASE verifier and passcode ID for the desired setup pincode.
* This can be used to open a commissioning window on the device for
* additional administrator commissioning.
* @param[in] iterations The number of iterations to use when generating the verifier
* @param[in] setupPincode The desired PIN code to use
* @param[in] salt The 16-byte salt for verifier computation
* @param[out] outVerifier The PASEVerifier to be populated on success
* @param[out] outPasscodeId The passcode ID to be populated on success
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR ComputePASEVerifier(uint32_t iterations, uint32_t setupPincode, const ByteSpan & salt, PASEVerifier & outVerifier,
uint32_t & outPasscodeId);
* @brief
* Trigger a paired device to re-enter the commissioning mode. The device will exit the commissioning mode
* after a successful commissioning, or after the given `timeout` time.
* @param[in] deviceId The device Id.
* @param[in] timeout The commissioning mode should terminate after this much time.
* @param[in] iteration The PAKE iteration count associated with the PAKE Passcode ID and ephemeral
* PAKE passcode verifier to be used for this commissioning.
* @param[in] discriminator The long discriminator for the DNS-SD advertisement.
* @param[in] option The commissioning window can be opened using the original setup code, or an
* onboarding token can be generated using a random setup PIN code (or with
* the PIN code provied in the setupPayload).
* @param[out] payload The generated setup payload.
* - The payload is generated only if the user didn't ask for using the original setup code.
* - If the user asked to use the provided setup PIN, the PIN must be provided as part of
* this payload
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR OpenCommissioningWindow(NodeId deviceId, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t iteration, uint16_t discriminator,
uint8_t option, SetupPayload & payload)
return OpenCommissioningWindowWithCallback(deviceId, timeout, iteration, discriminator, option, nullptr);
* @brief
* Trigger a paired device to re-enter the commissioning mode. The device will exit the commissioning mode
* after a successful commissioning, or after the given `timeout` time.
* @param[in] deviceId The device Id.
* @param[in] timeout The commissioning mode should terminate after this much time.
* @param[in] iteration The PAKE iteration count associated with the PAKE Passcode ID and ephemeral
* PAKE passcode verifier to be used for this commissioning.
* @param[in] discriminator The long discriminator for the DNS-SD advertisement.
* @param[in] option The commissioning window can be opened using the original setup code, or an
* onboarding token can be generated using a random setup PIN code (or with
* the PIN code provied in the setupPayload).
* @param[in] callback The function to be called on success or failure of opening of commissioning window.
* @param[in] readVIDPIDAttributes Should the API internally read VID and PID from the device while opening the
* commissioning window. VID and PID is only needed for enchanced commissioning mode.
* If this argument is `true`, and enhanced commissioning mode is used, the API will
* read VID and PID from the device.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR OpenCommissioningWindowWithCallback(NodeId deviceId, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t iteration, uint16_t discriminator,
uint8_t option, Callback::Callback<OnOpenCommissioningWindow> * callback,
bool readVIDPIDAttributes = false);
void RegisterDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate(DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate * delegate) { mDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate = delegate; }
void RegisterDeviceDiscoveryDelegate(DeviceDiscoveryDelegate * delegate) { mDeviceDiscoveryDelegate = delegate; }
* @brief Get the Compressed Fabric ID assigned to the device.
uint64_t GetCompressedFabricId() const { return mLocalId.GetCompressedFabricId(); }
* @brief Get the raw Fabric ID assigned to the device.
uint64_t GetFabricId() const { return mFabricId; }
void ReleaseOperationalDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
enum class State
State mState;
CASESessionManager * mCASESessionManager = nullptr;
SerializableU64Set<kNumMaxPairedDevices> mPairedDevices;
bool mPairedDevicesInitialized;
PeerId mLocalId = PeerId();
FabricId mFabricId = kUndefinedFabricId;
PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorageDelegate = nullptr;
Transport::PeerAddress ToPeerAddress(const chip::Dnssd::ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) const;
DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate * mDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate = nullptr;
// TODO(cecille): Make this configuarable.
static constexpr int kMaxCommissionableNodes = 10;
Dnssd::DiscoveredNodeData mCommissionableNodes[kMaxCommissionableNodes];
DeviceControllerSystemState * mSystemState = nullptr;
CHIP_ERROR InitializePairedDeviceList();
CHIP_ERROR SetPairedDeviceList(ByteSpan pairedDeviceSerializedSet);
ControllerDeviceInitParams GetControllerDeviceInitParams();
void PersistNextKeyId();
FabricIndex mFabricIndex = kMinValidFabricIndex;
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * mOperationalCredentialsDelegate;
SessionIDAllocator mIDAllocator;
uint16_t mVendorId;
//////////// SessionReleaseDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionReleased(SessionHandle session) override;
//////////// SessionRecoveryDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnFirstMessageDeliveryFailed(const SessionHandle & session) override;
//////////// ResolverDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnNodeIdResolved(const chip::Dnssd::ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) override;
void OnNodeIdResolutionFailed(const chip::PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) override;
DiscoveredNodeList GetDiscoveredNodes() override { return DiscoveredNodeList(mCommissionableNodes); }
void ReleaseOperationalDevice(OperationalDeviceProxy * device);
Callback::Callback<DefaultSuccessCallback> mOpenPairingSuccessCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOpenPairingFailureCallback;
static void OnPIDReadResponse(void * context, uint16_t value);
static void OnVIDReadResponse(void * context, uint16_t value);
static void OnVIDPIDReadFailureResponse(void * context, EmberAfStatus status);
CHIP_ERROR OpenCommissioningWindowInternal();
// TODO - Support opening commissioning window simultaneously on multiple devices
Callback::Callback<OnOpenCommissioningWindow> * mCommissioningWindowCallback = nullptr;
SetupPayload mSetupPayload;
NodeId mDeviceWithCommissioningWindowOpen;
uint16_t mCommissioningWindowTimeout;
uint16_t mCommissioningWindowIteration;
CommissioningWindowOption mCommissioningWindowOption;
static void OnOpenPairingWindowSuccessResponse(void * context);
static void OnOpenPairingWindowFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessControllerNOCChain(const ControllerInitParams & params);
uint16_t mPAKEVerifierID = 1;
* @brief
* The commissioner applications can use this class to pair new/unpaired CHIP devices. The application is
* required to provide write access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
* will be stored.
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceCommissioner : public DeviceController,
public SessionCreationDelegate,
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
public Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::InstanceNameResolver,
public Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::UserConfirmationProvider,
public SessionEstablishmentDelegate
~DeviceCommissioner() {}
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
* Set port for User Directed Commissioning
CHIP_ERROR SetUdcListenPort(uint16_t listenPort);
* Commissioner-specific initialization, includes parameters such as the pairing delegate.
CHIP_ERROR Init(CommissionerInitParams params);
* @brief
* Tears down the entirety of the stack, including destructing key objects in the system.
* This is not a thread-safe API, and should be called with external synchronization.
* Please see implementation for more details.
CHIP_ERROR Shutdown() override;
// ----- Connection Management -----
* @brief
* Pair a CHIP device with the provided code. The code can be either a QRCode
* or a Manual Setup Code.
* Use registered DevicePairingDelegate object to receive notifications on
* pairing status updates.
* Note: Pairing process requires that the caller has registered PersistentStorageDelegate
* in the Init() call.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] setUpCode The setup code for connecting to the device
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const char * setUpCode);
* @brief
* Pair a CHIP device with the provided Rendezvous connection parameters.
* Use registered DevicePairingDelegate object to receive notifications on
* pairing status updates.
* Note: Pairing process requires that the caller has registered PersistentStorageDelegate
* in the Init() call.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] rendezvousParams The Rendezvous connection parameters
* @param[in] commssioningParams The commissioning parameters (uses defualt if not supplied)
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & rendezvousParams);
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & rendezvousParams,
CommissioningParameters & commissioningParams);
* @brief
* Start establishing a PASE connection with a node for the purposes of commissioning.
* Commissioners that wish to use the auto-commissioning functions should use the
* supplied "PairDevice" functions above to automatically establish a connection then
* perform commissioning. This function is intended to be use by commissioners that
* are not using the supplied auto-commissioner.
* This function is non-blocking. PASE is established once the DevicePairingDelegate
* receives the OnPairingComplete call.
* PASE connections can only be established with nodes that have their commissioning
* window open. The PASE connection will fail if this window is not open and the
* OnPairingComplete will be called with an error.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] rendezvousParams The Rendezvous connection parameters
CHIP_ERROR EstablishPASEConnection(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & params);
* @brief
* Start the auto-commissioning process on a node after establishing a PASE connection.
* This function is intended to be used in conjunction with the EstablishPASEConnection
* function. It can be called either before or after the DevicePairingDelegate receives
* the OnPairingComplete call. Commissioners that want to perform simple auto-commissioning
* should use the supplied "PairDevice" functions above, which will establish the PASE
* connection and commission automatically.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] params The commissioning parameters
CHIP_ERROR Commission(NodeId remoteDeviceId, CommissioningParameters & params);
CHIP_ERROR GetDeviceBeingCommissioned(NodeId deviceId, CommissioneeDeviceProxy ** device);
CHIP_ERROR GetConnectedDevice(NodeId deviceId, Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure) override;
* @brief
* This function stops a pairing process that's in progress. It does not delete the pairing of a previously
* paired device.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR StopPairing(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
* @brief
* Remove pairing for a paired device. If the device is currently being paired, it'll stop the pairing process.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR UnpairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
//////////// SessionEstablishmentDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionEstablishmentError(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
void OnSessionEstablished() override;
void RendezvousCleanup(CHIP_ERROR status);
void AdvanceCommissioningStage(CHIP_ERROR err);
* @brief
* Once we have finished all commissioning work, the Controller should close the BLE
* connection to the device and establish CASE session / another PASE session to the device
* if needed.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR CloseBleConnection();
* @brief
* Discover all devices advertising as commissionable.
* Should be called on main loop thread.
* * @param[in] filter Browse filter - controller will look for only the specified subtype.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR DiscoverCommissionableNodes(Dnssd::DiscoveryFilter filter);
* @brief
* Returns information about discovered devices.
* Should be called on main loop thread.
* @return const DiscoveredNodeData* info about the selected device. May be nullptr if no information has been returned yet.
const Dnssd::DiscoveredNodeData * GetDiscoveredDevice(int idx);
* @brief
* Returns the max number of commissionable nodes this commissioner can track mdns information for.
* @return int The max number of commissionable nodes supported
int GetMaxCommissionableNodesSupported() { return kMaxCommissionableNodes; }
void OnNodeIdResolved(const chip::Dnssd::ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) override;
void OnNodeIdResolutionFailed(const chip::PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) override;
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
* @brief
* Called when a UDC message is received specifying the given instanceName
* This method indicates that UDC Server needs the Commissionable Node corresponding to
* the given instance name to be found. UDC Server will wait for OnCommissionableNodeFound.
* @param instanceName DNS-SD instance name for the client requesting commissioning
void FindCommissionableNode(char * instanceName) override;
* @brief
* Called when a UDC message has been received and corresponding nodeData has been found.
* It is expected that the implementer will prompt the user to confirm their intention to
* commission the given node, and provide the setup code to allow commissioning to proceed.
* @param nodeData DNS-SD node information for the client requesting commissioning
void OnUserDirectedCommissioningRequest(UDCClientState state) override;
* @brief
* Return the UDC Server instance
UserDirectedCommissioningServer * GetUserDirectedCommissioningServer() { return mUdcServer; }
* @brief
* Overrides method from AbstractDnssdDiscoveryController
* @param nodeData DNS-SD node information
void OnNodeDiscoveryComplete(const chip::Dnssd::DiscoveredNodeData & nodeData) override;
void RegisterPairingDelegate(DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate) { mPairingDelegate = pairingDelegate; }
DevicePairingDelegate * mPairingDelegate;
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * mDeviceBeingCommissioned = nullptr;
OperationalDeviceProxy * mDeviceOperational = nullptr;
Credentials::CertificateType mCertificateTypeBeingRequested = Credentials::CertificateType::kUnknown;
/* TODO: BLE rendezvous and IP rendezvous should share the same procedure, so this is just a
workaround-like flag and should be removed in the future.
When using IP rendezvous, we need to disable network provisioning. In the future, network
provisioning will no longer be a part of rendezvous procedure. */
bool mIsIPRendezvous;
/* This field is true when device pairing information changes, e.g. a new device is paired, or
the pairing for a device is removed. The DeviceCommissioner uses this to decide when to
persist the device list */
bool mPairedDevicesUpdated;
CommissioningStage mCommissioningStage = CommissioningStage::kSecurePairing;
bool mRunCommissioningAfterConnection = false;
BitMapObjectPool<CommissioneeDeviceProxy, kNumMaxActiveDevices> mCommissioneeDevicePool;
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
UserDirectedCommissioningServer * mUdcServer = nullptr;
// mUdcTransportMgr is for insecure communication (ex. user directed commissioning)
DeviceIPTransportMgr * mUdcTransportMgr = nullptr;
uint16_t mUdcListenPort = CHIP_UDC_PORT;
void FreeRendezvousSession();
CHIP_ERROR LoadKeyId(PersistentStorageDelegate * delegate, uint16_t & out);
void OnSessionEstablishmentTimeout();
//////////// SessionCreationDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnNewSession(SessionHandle session) override;
//////////// SessionReleaseDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionReleased(SessionHandle session) override;
static void OnSessionEstablishmentTimeoutCallback(System::Layer * aLayer, void * aAppState);
/* This function sends a Device Attestation Certificate chain request to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendCertificateChainRequestCommand(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device, Credentials::CertificateType certificateType);
/* This function sends an Attestation request to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendAttestationRequestCommand(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & attestationNonce);
/* This function sends an OpCSR request to the device.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendOperationalCertificateSigningRequestCommand(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device);
/* This function sends the operational credentials to the device.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendOperationalCertificate(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & nocCertBuf,
const ByteSpan & icaCertBuf);
/* This function sends the trusted root certificate to the device.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendTrustedRootCertificate(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & rcac);
/* This function is called by the commissioner code when the device completes
the operational credential provisioning process.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR OnOperationalCredentialsProvisioningCompletion(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device);
/* Callback when the previously sent CSR request results in failure */
static void OnCSRFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
static void OnCertificateChainFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
static void OnCertificateChainResponse(void * context, ByteSpan certificate);
static void OnAttestationFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
static void OnAttestationResponse(void * context, chip::ByteSpan attestationElements, chip::ByteSpan signature);
* @brief
* This function is called by the IM layer when the commissioner receives the CSR from the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section OpCSR Elements)
* @param[in] context The context provided while registering the callback.
* @param[in] NOCSRElements CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* @param[in] AttestationSignature Cryptographic signature generated for the fields in the response message.
static void OnOperationalCertificateSigningRequest(void * context, ByteSpan NOCSRElements, ByteSpan AttestationSignature);
/* Callback when adding operational certs to device results in failure */
static void OnAddNOCFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
/* Callback when the device confirms that it has added the operational certificates */
static void OnOperationalCertificateAddResponse(void * context, uint8_t StatusCode, uint8_t FabricIndex, CharSpan DebugText);
/* Callback when the device confirms that it has added the root certificate */
static void OnRootCertSuccessResponse(void * context);
/* Callback called when adding root cert to device results in failure */
static void OnRootCertFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
static void OnDeviceConnectedFn(void * context, OperationalDeviceProxy * device);
static void OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn(void * context, NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void OnDeviceNOCChainGeneration(void * context, CHIP_ERROR status, const ByteSpan & noc, const ByteSpan & icac,
const ByteSpan & rcac);
* @brief
* This function processes the CSR sent by the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section OpCSR Elements)
* @param[in] NOCSRElements CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* @param[in] AttestationSignature Cryptographic signature generated for all the above fields.
CHIP_ERROR ProcessOpCSR(const ByteSpan & NOCSRElements, const ByteSpan & AttestationSignature);
* @brief
* This function processes the DAC or PAI certificate sent by the device.
CHIP_ERROR ProcessCertificateChain(const ByteSpan & certificate);
* @brief
* This function validates the Attestation Information sent by the device.
* @param[in] attestationElements Attestation Elements TLV.
* @param[in] signature Attestation signature generated for all the above fields + Attestation Challenge.
CHIP_ERROR ValidateAttestationInfo(const ByteSpan & attestationElements, const ByteSpan & signature);
void HandleAttestationResult(CHIP_ERROR err);
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * FindCommissioneeDevice(SessionHandle session);
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * FindCommissioneeDevice(NodeId id);
void ReleaseCommissioneeDevice(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device);
// Cluster callbacks for advancing commissioning flows
Callback::Callback<BasicSuccessCallback> mSuccess;
Callback::Callback<BasicFailureCallback> mFailure;
CommissioningStage GetNextCommissioningStage();
static CHIP_ERROR ConvertFromNodeOperationalCertStatus(uint8_t err);
Callback::Callback<OperationalCredentialsClusterCertificateChainResponseCallback> mCertificateChainResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<OperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationResponseCallback> mAttestationResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<OperationalCredentialsClusterOpCSRResponseCallback> mOpCSRResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<OperationalCredentialsClusterNOCResponseCallback> mNOCResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultSuccessCallback> mRootCertResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnCertificateChainFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnAttestationFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnCSRFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnCertFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnRootCertFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> mOnDeviceConnectedCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> mOnDeviceConnectionFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnNOCChainGeneration> mDeviceNOCChainCallback;
SetUpCodePairer mSetUpCodePairer;
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip