blob: 09982f6851b245dae5f91cd7c7c323dc9a560fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
name: 3.3.2. [TC-IDM-3.2] Write Response Action from DUT to TH. [DUT as Server]
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label:
"Step 1: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write one
attribute on a given cluster and endpoint. On receipt of this message,
DUT should send a write response action."
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 2 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified
[1686227268.758171][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227268.758192][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227268.758200][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227268.758205][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227268.758216][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227268.758222][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227268.758228][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227268.758236][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227268.758245][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227268.758253][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686227268.758261][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686227268.758269][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686227268.758276][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227268.758287][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227268.758294][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227268.758307][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227268.758315][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686227268.758322][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227268.758332][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227268.758337][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227268.758347][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227268.758353][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227268.758363][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227268.758369][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227268.758375][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227268.758410][93527:93529] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227268.758462][93527:93529] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:46i S:53908 M:59594222 (Ack:246023482)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227268.758475][93527:93529] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 59594222 on secure session with LSID: 53908
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686227336.578590][93540:93542] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227336.578662][93540:93542] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039617
[1686227336.578696][93540:93542] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 2
[1686227336.578749][93540:93542] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:46452i S:27133 M:147974322 (Ack:150508079)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227336.578761][93540:93542] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 147974322 on secure session with LSID: 27133
[1686227336.578788][93540:93542] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:150508079 on exchange 46452i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 2: TH sends a WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write to an
attribute on all endpoints. On receipt of this message, DUT should
send a Write Response action"
verification: |
Out of Scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 3: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type bool. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_Bool
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool basicinformation write local-config-disabled 1 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
[1686227392.013866][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227392.013876][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227392.013879][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227392.013881][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227392.013884][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227392.013886][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227392.013890][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227392.013892][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227392.013894][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227392.013897][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686227392.013900][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686227392.013902][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0010,
[1686227392.013904][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227392.013908][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227392.013910][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227392.013913][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227392.013915][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686227392.013918][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227392.013920][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227392.013922][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227392.013925][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227392.013927][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227392.013930][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227392.013932][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227392.013934][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227392.013946][93552:93554] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227392.013969][93552:93554] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:21429i S:8881 M:20713259 (Ack:93935903)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227392.013973][93552:93554] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 20713259 on secure session with LSID: 8881
./chip-tool basicinformation read local-config-disabled 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686227416.154356][93557:93559] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227416.154438][93557:93559] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0028 Attribute 0x0000_0010 DataVersion: 185765148
[1686227416.154462][93557:93559] CHIP:TOO: LocalConfigDisabled: TRUE
[1686227416.154533][93557:93559] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:14853i S:25729 M:226166445 (Ack:250146490)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227416.154546][93557:93559] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 226166445 on secure session with LSID: 25729
[1686227416.154585][93557:93559] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:250146490 on exchange 14853i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 4: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type string. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_String
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool basicinformation write node-label new 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and veriffy by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
[1686227478.441576][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227478.441597][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227478.441605][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227478.441610][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227478.441621][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227478.441627][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227478.441635][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227478.441641][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227478.441649][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227478.441657][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686227478.441665][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686227478.441673][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0005,
[1686227478.441679][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227478.441689][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227478.441696][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227478.441704][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227478.441711][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686227478.441718][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227478.441726][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227478.441731][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227478.441741][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227478.441746][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227478.441756][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227478.441762][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227478.441768][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227478.441802][93568:93570] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227478.441862][93568:93570] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:32787i S:33395 M:47461941 (Ack:197806201)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227478.441876][93568:93570] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 47461941 on secure session with LSID: 33395
./chip-tool basicinformation read node-label 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686227501.978361][93574:93576] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0028 Attribute 0x0000_0005 DataVersion: 185765149
[1686227501.978389][93574:93576] CHIP:TOO: NodeLabel: new
[1686227501.978455][93574:93576] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:29170i S:45558 M:74376250 (Ack:214954390)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227501.978468][93574:93576] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 74376250 on secure session with LSID: 45558
[1686227501.978499][93574:93576] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:214954390 on exchange 29170i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 5: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type unsigned integer. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_UnsignedInteger
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool any write-by-id 0x0008 0x0010 1 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified
[1686227533.524466][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227533.524486][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227533.524494][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227533.524499][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227533.524511][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227533.524518][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227533.524526][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227533.524532][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227533.524540][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227533.524548][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686227533.524557][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686227533.524569][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0010,
[1686227533.524578][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227533.524594][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227533.524602][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227533.524613][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227533.524623][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686227533.524631][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227533.524642][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227533.524650][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227533.524663][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227533.524671][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227533.524687][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227533.524696][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227533.524704][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227533.524757][93582:93584] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227533.524813][93582:93584] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:15629i S:6628 M:136377778 (Ack:209182191)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227533.524829][93582:93584] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 136377778 on secure session with LSID: 6628
[1686227533.524863][93582:93584] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:209182191 on exchange 15629i
./chip-tool any read-by-id 0x0008 0x0010 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686227548.116523][93586:93588] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true,
[1686227548.116529][93586:93588] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227548.116535][93586:93588] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227548.116609][93586:93588] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0010 DataVersion: 2737039618
[1686227548.116636][93586:93588] CHIP:TOO: OnOffTransitionTime: 1
[1686227548.116703][93586:93588] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:64210i S:49851 M:254732060 (Ack:63722332)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227548.116717][93586:93588] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 254732060 on secure session with LSID: 49851
[1686227548.116762][93586:93588] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:63722332 on exchange 64210i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 6: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type signed integer. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_SignedInteger
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify write an attribute of data type signed integer.
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "\Not Applicable\"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 7: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type floating point. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_FloatingPoint
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify write an attribute of data type float
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "\Not Applicable\"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 8: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type Octet String. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_OctetString
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify write an attribute of data type Octet String
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "\Not Applicable\"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 9: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type Struct. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_Struct
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify write an attribute ofdata type Struct
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "\Not Applicable\"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 10: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type List. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_List
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify write an attribute of data type List
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "\Not Applicable\"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 11: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type enum. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_Enum
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool any write-by-id 0x0204 0 1 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
[1686227640.711454][93605:93607] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:162563726 from Retrans Table on exchange 60625i
[1686227640.711460][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227640.711471][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227640.711475][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227640.711477][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227640.711483][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227640.711486][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227640.711491][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227640.711494][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227640.711498][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227640.711501][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686227640.711505][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x204,
[1686227640.711509][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686227640.711512][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227640.711517][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227640.711521][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227640.711525][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227640.711528][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686227640.711532][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227640.711535][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227640.711538][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227640.711542][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227640.711545][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227640.711550][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227640.711553][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227640.711556][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227640.711575][93605:93607] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227640.711599][93605:93607] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:60625i S:30735 M:162563727 (Ack:54853584)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227640.711605][93605:93607] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 162563727 on secure session with LSID: 30735
./chip-tool any read-by-id 0x0204 0 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686227658.643633][93610:93612] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true,
[1686227658.643643][93610:93612] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227658.643651][93610:93612] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227658.643729][93610:93612] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0204 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 1939013916
[1686227658.643765][93610:93612] CHIP:TOO: TemperatureDisplayMode: 1
[1686227658.643826][93610:93612] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:7325i S:64158 M:55416058 (Ack:52160854)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227658.643840][93610:93612] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 55416058 on secure session with LSID: 64158
[1686227658.643872][93610:93612] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:52160854 on exchange 7325i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 12: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute of data type bitmap. +"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.S.Attribute_W.DataType_Bitmap
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool colorcontrol write-by-id 0x000f 1 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
[1686227690.827192][93615:93617] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:219304504 from Retrans Table on exchange 7166i
[1686227690.827209][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227690.827238][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227690.827249][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227690.827255][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227690.827265][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227690.827271][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227690.827279][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227690.827285][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227690.827293][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227690.827301][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686227690.827308][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x300,
[1686227690.827335][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_000F,
[1686227690.827343][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227690.827353][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227690.827360][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227690.827367][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227690.827374][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686227690.827381][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227690.827388][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227690.827394][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227690.827404][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227690.827409][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227690.827419][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227690.827425][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227690.827430][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227690.827466][93615:93617] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227690.827512][93615:93617] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:7166i S:62042 M:219304505 (Ack:75613172)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227690.827524][93615:93617] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 219304505 on secure session with LSID: 62042
[1686227690.827552][93615:93617] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:75613172 on exchange 7166i
./chip-tool colorcontrol read-by-id 0x000f 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686227710.429709][93622:93624] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true,
[1686227710.429715][93622:93624] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227710.429720][93622:93624] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227710.429791][93622:93624] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0300 Attribute 0x0000_000F DataVersion: 861636757
[1686227710.429832][93622:93624] CHIP:TOO: Options: 1
[1686227710.429882][93622:93624] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:4989i S:43440 M:30144210 (Ack:113240090)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227710.429894][93622:93624] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 30144210 on secure session with LSID: 43440
[1686227710.429921][93622:93624] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:113240090 on exchange 4989i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 13: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write any
attribute on an unsupported node. DUT responds with the Write Response
verification: |
Out of Scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 14: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write any
attribute on an unsupported Endpoint. DUT responds with the Write
Response action"
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 2 1 20
On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT sends the status code UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT for the data sent in the above command
[1686227733.922184][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686227733.922210][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686227733.922219][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227733.922225][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686227733.922236][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686227733.922242][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686227733.922250][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227733.922256][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686227733.922264][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227733.922272][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x14,
[1686227733.922279][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686227733.922287][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686227733.922293][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227733.922304][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227733.922310][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686227733.922318][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686227733.922325][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x7f (UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT),
[1686227733.922332][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227733.922339][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227733.922345][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686227733.922354][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227733.922359][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686227733.922369][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG:
[1686227733.922375][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686227733.922381][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686227733.922415][93629:93631] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686227733.922426][93629:93631] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x0000057F: General error: 0x7f (UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT)
[1686227733.922472][93629:93631] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:27399i S:27512 M:260380598 (Ack:50253556)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686227733.922485][93629:93631] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 260380598 on secure session with LSID: 27512
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 15: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write any
attribute on an unsupported cluster. DUT responds with the Write
Response action"
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool thermostat write unoccupied-heating-setpoint 1200 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT sends the status code UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER for the data sent in the above command
[1686229393.093998][94065:94067] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:56487501 from Retrans Table on exchange 60736i
[1686229393.094012][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686229393.094033][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229393.094041][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229393.094047][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229393.094058][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229393.094064][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229393.094072][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229393.094079][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229393.094093][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229393.094096][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686229393.094098][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x201,
[1686229393.094101][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0014,
[1686229393.094103][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229393.094106][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229393.094108][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229393.094110][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229393.094112][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: status = 0xc3 (UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER),
[1686229393.094114][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229393.094117][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229393.094118][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229393.094121][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229393.094123][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229393.094126][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229393.094128][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229393.094129][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229393.094140][94065:94067] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229393.094144][94065:94067] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x000005C3: General error: 0xc3 (UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER)
[1686229393.094163][94065:94067] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:60736i S:49727 M:56487502 (Ack:119439349)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229393.094167][94065:94067] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 56487502 on secure session with LSID: 49727
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 16: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
unsupported attribute DUT responds with the Write Response action"
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool thermostat write unoccupied-heating-setpoint 1200 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT sends the status code UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE for the data sent in the above command
[1686228971.778055][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686228971.778062][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228971.778067][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686228971.778078][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686228971.778084][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686228971.778091][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228971.778097][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686228971.778107][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228971.778116][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686228971.778125][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x201,
[1686228971.778133][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0014,
[1686228971.778140][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228971.778150][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228971.778157][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686228971.778167][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228971.778175][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x86 (UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE),
[1686228971.778182][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228971.778193][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228971.778199][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228971.778210][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228971.778216][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686228971.778227][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228971.778233][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686228971.778241][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228971.778277][93969:93971] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686228971.778288][93969:93971] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x00000586: General error: 0x86 (UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE)
[1686228971.778336][93969:93971] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:10343i S:64864 M:48035208 (Ack:227000243)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686228971.778349][93969:93971] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 48035208 on secure session with LSID: 64864
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 17: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write an
attribute which is not writable. DUT responds with the Write Response
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool basicinformation write-by-id 0x7 2 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT sends the status code UNSUPPORTED_WRITE for the data sent in the above command
[1686228740.233737][93918:93920] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:66123757 from Retrans Table on exchange 61024i
[1686228740.233753][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686228740.233781][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686228740.233792][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228740.233802][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686228740.233820][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686228740.233828][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686228740.233840][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228740.233849][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686228740.233861][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228740.233872][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686228740.233884][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686228740.233896][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0007,
[1686228740.233905][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228740.233921][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228740.233931][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686228740.233943][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228740.233954][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x88 (UNSUPPORTED_WRITE),
[1686228740.233964][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228740.233976][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228740.233984][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228740.233999][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228740.234007][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686228740.234023][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228740.234031][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686228740.234039][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228740.234097][93918:93920] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686228740.234112][93918:93920] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x00000588: General error: 0x88 (UNSUPPORTED_WRITE)
[1686228740.234163][93918:93920] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:61024i S:25919 M:66123758 (Ack:248380744)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686228740.234179][93918:93920] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 66123758 on secure session with LSID: 25919
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 18: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write to an
attribute in the path that requires a privilege that is not granted
for the cluster in the path. DUT responds with the Write Response
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
To Setup the TH such that it should not have the privilege for the cluster in the path. , 1st we need to send below mentioned ACL command
Here by sending below mentioned ACL command giving only access for ACL cluster(31), So except identify cluster command if try to send any other command will get status as unsupported access.
./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects":[112233], "targets": [{ "cluster":31, "endpoint":0, "deviceType":null }]}]' 1 0
On TH(chip-tool), Verify that the DUT sends the status code SUCCESS for the data sent in the above command
[1686228784.940429][93932:93934] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:76693936 from Retrans Table on exchange 64135i
[1686228784.940441][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686228784.940463][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686228784.940471][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940477][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686228784.940489][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686228784.940495][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686228784.940505][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940511][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686228784.940521][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940529][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686228784.940536][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f,
[1686228784.940543][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686228784.940550][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228784.940559][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940566][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686228784.940574][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940581][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686228784.940588][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228784.940596][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940602][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228784.940617][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940622][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686228784.940634][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940640][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686228784.940649][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940656][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686228784.940663][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x1f,
[1686228784.940671][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686228784.940678][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null,
[1686228784.940684][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228784.940694][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940700][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686228784.940710][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228784.940716][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686228784.940723][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228784.940731][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940737][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228784.940745][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940750][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686228784.940764][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228784.940770][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686228784.940776][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228784.940829][93932:93934] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686228784.940885][93932:93934] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:64135i S:62987 M:76693937 (Ack:102817138)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686228784.940898][93932:93934] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 76693937 on secure session with LSID: 62987
./chip-tool thermostatuserinterfaceconfiguration write temperature-display-mode 2 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify DUT responds as UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS for the data sent in the above command
[1686228802.122972][93936:93938] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 53939i, Delegate: 0x7f7c6800a110
[1686228802.122988][93936:93938] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:122202978 from Retrans Table on exchange 53939i
[1686228802.123003][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686228802.123032][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686228802.123042][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228802.123051][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686228802.123062][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686228802.123068][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686228802.123076][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228802.123082][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686228802.123089][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228802.123097][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686228802.123105][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x204,
[1686228802.123112][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686228802.123118][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228802.123128][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228802.123135][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686228802.123142][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686228802.123149][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS),
[1686228802.123156][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228802.123163][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228802.123169][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686228802.123178][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228802.123184][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686228802.123194][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG:
[1686228802.123200][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686228802.123206][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686228802.123240][93936:93938] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686228802.123252][93936:93938] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x0000057E: General error: 0x7e (UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS)
[1686228802.123296][93936:93938] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:53939i S:28636 M:122202979 (Ack:226501783)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
With the above command, we are overwriting the default privilege that chip-tool has as an admin. After this test step you need to send below mentioned command to Grant access to all clusters again.
./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode":2, "subjects":[112233], "targets":null}]' 1 0
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 19: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to write one
attribute on a given cluster and endpoint. Repeat the above steps 3
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 2 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a Write Response message with a success
[1686229097.486513][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686229097.486533][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229097.486541][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229097.486547][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229097.486558][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229097.486564][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229097.486572][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229097.486578][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229097.486587][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229097.486595][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686229097.486602][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686229097.486610][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686229097.486617][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229097.486627][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229097.486633][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229097.486641][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229097.486648][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686229097.486655][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229097.486663][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229097.486669][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229097.486678][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229097.486683][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229097.486693][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229097.486700][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229097.486705][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229097.486740][93998:94000] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229097.486782][93998:94000] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:62650i S:36885 M:97128271 (Ack:174259114)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229097.486794][93998:94000] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 97128271 on secure session with LSID: 36885
Verify on TH receives WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step.
[1686229128.655083][94004:94006] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229128.655203][94004:94006] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039619
[1686229128.655240][94004:94006] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 2
[1686229128.655340][94004:94006] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:43327i S:11132 M:58615041 (Ack:232232518)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229128.655358][94004:94006] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 58615041 on secure session with LSID: 11132
[1686229128.655391][94004:94006] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:232232518 on exchange 43327i
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 3 1 1
Verify on TH(chip-tool) receives WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
[1686229150.157900][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686229150.157919][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229150.157927][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229150.157933][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229150.157944][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229150.157951][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229150.157963][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229150.157970][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229150.157978][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229150.157986][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686229150.157993][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686229150.158001][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686229150.158007][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229150.158018][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229150.158024][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229150.158032][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229150.158039][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686229150.158046][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229150.158053][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229150.158059][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229150.158068][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229150.158073][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229150.158083][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229150.158089][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229150.158095][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229150.158130][94008:94010] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229150.158170][94008:94010] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:7024i S:27673 M:73840776 (Ack:50087010)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229150.158182][94008:94010] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 73840776 on secure session with LSID: 27673
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686229175.161437][94014:94016] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229175.161442][94014:94016] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229175.161512][94014:94016] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039620
[1686229175.161543][94014:94016] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 3
[1686229175.161602][94014:94016] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:55017i S:3877 M:100639983 (Ack:112317827)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229175.161614][94014:94016] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 100639983 on secure session with LSID: 3877
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 1 1 1
Verify on TH(chip-tool) receives WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and verify by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified
[1686229199.082595][94020:94022] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:90418515 from Retrans Table on exchange 55893i
[1686229199.082606][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686229199.082625][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229199.082632][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229199.082638][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229199.082649][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229199.082655][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229199.082663][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229199.082669][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229199.082677][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229199.082685][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686229199.082692][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686229199.082700][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686229199.082706][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229199.082716][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229199.082722][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229199.082730][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229199.082737][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686229199.082744][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229199.082751][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229199.082757][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229199.082766][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229199.082772][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229199.082782][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229199.082788][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229199.082794][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229199.082829][94020:94022] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229199.082868][94020:94022] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:55893i S:10912 M:90418516 (Ack:49430245)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229199.082880][94020:94022] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 90418516 on secure session with LSID: 10912
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify the attribute value that was modified in above step
[1686229224.244504][94026:94028] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229224.244574][94026:94028] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039621
[1686229224.244614][94026:94028] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 1
[1686229224.244664][94026:94028] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:32002i S:59097 M:150601391 (Ack:165357573)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229224.244676][94026:94028] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 150601391 on secure session with LSID: 59097
[1686229224.244703][94026:94028] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:165357573 on exchange 32002i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 20: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the
value of one attribute on a given cluster and endpoint to null. +"
verification: |
Out of Scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 21: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to append an
attribute value +"
verification: |
Out of Scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 22: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to delete an
attribute value +"
verification: |
Out of Scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 23: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the
value of one attribute and Set SuppressResponse to True. +"
verification: |
Out of Scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 24: TH sends a ReadRequest message to the DUT to read any
attribute on any cluster. DUT returns with a report data action with
the attribute values and the dataversion of the cluster. TH sends a
WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the value of one attribute
with the DataVersion field set to the one received in the prior step.
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), Verify the attribute value which is received from DUT
[1686229541.147770][94111:94113] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229541.147777][94111:94113] CHIP:DMG: SuppressResponse = true,
[1686229541.147784][94111:94113] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229541.147789][94111:94113] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229541.147862][94111:94113] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039621
[1686229541.147890][94111:94113] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 1
[1686229541.147948][94111:94113] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:19153i S:22252 M:202945427 (Ack:256959089)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229541.147961][94111:94113] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 202945427 on secure session with LSID: 22252
TH sends below mentioned WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the value of one attribute with the DataVersion field set to the one received in the prior step.
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 3 1 1 --data-version 0xc4c9d7ae
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT sends a Write Response message with a success
[1686229590.858793][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686229590.858813][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229590.858821][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229590.858827][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229590.858841][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229590.858847][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229590.858855][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229590.858862][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229590.858870][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229590.858879][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686229590.858886][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686229590.858894][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686229590.858901][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229590.858911][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229590.858918][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229590.858926][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229590.858934][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686229590.858941][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229590.858948][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229590.858955][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229590.858964][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229590.858970][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229590.858981][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229590.858988][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229590.858993][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229590.859027][94124:94126] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229590.859070][94124:94126] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:18131i S:14478 M:103762576 (Ack:226584667)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229590.859083][94124:94126] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 103762576 on secure session with LSID: 14478
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), verify that TH receives the WriteResponseMessage with the status set to Success for the data sent in the above command and veriy by sending a ReadRequestMessage to read the value that was modified.
[1686229613.307472][94130:94132] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229613.307596][94130:94132] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039622
[1686229613.307632][94130:94132] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 3
[1686229613.307719][94130:94132] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:28271i S:6514 M:63187593 (Ack:74885751)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229613.307737][94130:94132] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 63187593 on secure session with LSID: 6514
[1686229613.307776][94130:94132] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:74885751 on exchange 28271i
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 25: TH sends a ReadRequest message to the DUT to read any
attribute on any cluster. DUT returns with a report data action with
the attribute values and the dataversion of the cluster. TH sends a
WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the value of one attribute no
DataVersion indicated. TH sends a second WriteRequestMessage to the
DUT to modify the value of an attribute with the dataversion field set
to the value received earlier."
verification: |
The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
./chip-tool levelcontrol read on-level 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), Verify that DUT is responds with attribute value
[1686229658.938062][94141:94143] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229658.938067][94141:94143] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229658.938140][94141:94143] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0011 DataVersion: 2737039622
[1686229658.938175][94141:94143] CHIP:TOO: OnLevel: 3
[1686229658.938226][94141:94143] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:14766i S:48999 M:254860411 (Ack:194137529)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229658.938238][94141:94143] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 254860411 on secure session with LSID: 48999
[1686229658.938255][94141:94143] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:194137529 on exchange 14766i
[1686229658.938307][94141:94141] CHIP:CTL: Shutting down the commissioner
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 4 1 1
On TH(chip-tool), DUT send a Write Response message with status code as success
[1686229675.214378][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229675.214386][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229675.214393][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229675.214410][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229675.214418][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229675.214429][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229675.214439][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229675.214451][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229675.214462][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686229675.214473][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686229675.214484][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686229675.214494][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229675.214509][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229675.214518][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229675.214530][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229675.214540][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686229675.214550][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229675.214562][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229675.214570][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229675.214585][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229675.214592][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229675.214607][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229675.214615][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229675.214623][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229675.214664][94147:94149] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229675.214705][94147:94149] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:50993i S:28788 M:7052880 (Ack:74458729)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229675.214719][94147:94149] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 7052880 on secure session with LSID: 28788
[1686229675.214749][94147:94149] CHIP:EM: Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:74458729 on exchange 50993i
TH sends below mentioned second WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the value of an attribute with the dataversion field set to the value received earlier.
./chip-tool levelcontrol write on-level 4 1 1 --data-version 0xc4c9d7af
On TH(chip-tool), verify that DUT responds as DATA_VERSION_MISMATCH for the second Write request.
[1686229718.873144][94160:94162] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:265995501 from Retrans Table on exchange 34809i
[1686229718.873148][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [ResponseRe]
[1686229718.873157][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1686229718.873160][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229718.873162][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1686229718.873165][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686229718.873167][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1686229718.873170][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229718.873172][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686229718.873175][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229718.873177][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686229718.873179][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686229718.873182][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
[1686229718.873184][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229718.873187][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229718.873189][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1686229718.873192][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686229718.873194][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x92 (DATA_VERSION_MISMATCH),
[1686229718.873196][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229718.873199][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229718.873201][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686229718.873203][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229718.873205][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686229718.873208][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG:
[1686229718.873210][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686229718.873212][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686229718.873223][94160:94162] CHIP:DMG: WriteClient moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1686229718.873227][94160:94162] CHIP:TOO: Response Failure: IM Error 0x00000592: General error: 0x92 (DATA_VERSION_MISMATCH)
[1686229718.873244][94160:94162] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:34809i S:30372 M:265995502 (Ack:261218993)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000001 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686229718.873248][94160:94162] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 265995502 on secure session with LSID: 30372
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 26: TH sends the WriteRequestMessage to the DUT to modify the
value of a specific attribute data that needs Timed Write transaction
to write and this action is not part of a Timed Write transaction."
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify write an attribute which need NEEDS_TIMED_INTERACTION.
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "Not Applicable"
disabled: true