blob: c42c36ac5a40774e21be99cc438bfdcea8f11e56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/clusters/microwave-oven-control-server/microwave-oven-control-server.h>
#include <app/clusters/mode-base-server/mode-base-server.h>
#include <app/clusters/operational-state-server/operational-state-server.h>
#include <app/util/af-enums.h>
#include <app/util/config.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/StatusCode.h>
#include <utility>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
* set default value for the optional attributes
constexpr uint8_t kDefaultMinPower = 10u;
constexpr uint8_t kDefaultMaxPower = 100u;
constexpr uint8_t kDefaultPowerStep = 10u;
constexpr uint8_t ModeNormal = 0;
constexpr uint8_t ModeDefrost = 1;
class ExampleMicrowaveOvenDevice : public MicrowaveOvenControl::Delegate,
public ModeBase::Delegate,
public OperationalState::Delegate
* This class is responsible for initialising all the microwave oven device clusters and managing the interactions between them
* as required by the specific "business logic".
* @param aClustersEndpoint The endpoint ID where all the microwave oven clusters exist.
explicit ExampleMicrowaveOvenDevice(EndpointId aClustersEndpoint) :
mOperationalStateInstance(this, aClustersEndpoint),
mMicrowaveOvenModeInstance(this, aClustersEndpoint, MicrowaveOvenMode::Id, 0),
mMicrowaveOvenControlInstance(this, aClustersEndpoint, MicrowaveOvenControl::Id, mOperationalStateInstance,
* Init all the clusters used by this device.
void MicrowaveOvenInit();
// delegates from MicrowaveOvenControl cluster
* handle command for microwave oven control: set cooking parameters
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status HandleSetCookingParametersCallback(uint8_t cookMode, uint32_t cookTime,
uint8_t powerSetting) override;
* handle command for microwave oven control: add more time
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status HandleModifyCookTimeCallback(uint32_t finalCookTime) override;
* Get the value of MinPower.
uint8_t GetMinPower() const override { return kDefaultMinPower; }
* Get the value of MaxPower.
uint8_t GetMaxPower() const override { return kDefaultMaxPower; }
* Get the value of PowerStep.
uint8_t GetPowerStep() const override { return kDefaultPowerStep; }
// delegates from OperationalState cluster
using ModeTagStructType = detail::Structs::ModeTagStruct::Type;
* Get the countdown time.
* return actual cook time.
app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetCountdownTime() override;
* Fills in the provided GenericOperationalState with the state at index `index` if there is one,
* or returns CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the index is out of range for the list of states.
* Note: This is used by the SDK to populate the operational state list attribute. If the contents of this list changes,
* the device SHALL call the Instance's ReportOperationalStateListChange method to report that this attribute has changed.
* @param index The index of the state, with 0 representing the first state.
* @param operationalState The GenericOperationalState is filled.
CHIP_ERROR GetOperationalStateAtIndex(size_t index, OperationalState::GenericOperationalState & operationalState) override;
* Fills in the provided MutableCharSpan with the phase at index `index` if there is one,
* or returns CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the index is out of range for the list of phases.
* If CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND is returned for index 0, that indicates that the PhaseList attribute is null
* (there are no phases defined at all).
* Note: This is used by the SDK to populate the phase list attribute. If the contents of this list changes, the
* device SHALL call the Instance's ReportPhaseListChange method to report that this attribute has changed.
* @param index The index of the phase, with 0 representing the first phase.
* @param operationalPhase The MutableCharSpan is filled.
CHIP_ERROR GetOperationalPhaseAtIndex(size_t index, MutableCharSpan & operationalPhase) override;
* Handle Command Callback in application: Pause
* @param[out] err: get operational error after callback.
* this method is called to set operational state to target state.
* if success, 'err' is set to NoError, otherwise it will be set to UnableToCompleteOperation.
void HandlePauseStateCallback(OperationalState::GenericOperationalError & err) override;
* Handle Command Callback in application: Resume
* @param[out] err: get operational error after callback.
* this method is called to set operational state to target state.
* if success, 'err' is set to NoError, otherwise it will be set to UnableToCompleteOperation.
void HandleResumeStateCallback(OperationalState::GenericOperationalError & err) override;
* Handle Command Callback in application: Start
* @param[out] err: get operational error after callback.
* this method is called to set operational state to target state.
* if success, 'err' is set to NoError, otherwise it will be set to UnableToCompleteOperation.
void HandleStartStateCallback(OperationalState::GenericOperationalError & err) override;
* Handle Command Callback in application: Stop
* @param[out] err: get operational error after callback.
* this method is called to set operational state to target state.
* if success, 'err' is set to NoError, otherwise it will be set to UnableToCompleteOperation.
void HandleStopStateCallback(OperationalState::GenericOperationalError & err) override;
// delegates from mode-base cluster
CHIP_ERROR Init() override;
* Handle application logic when the mode is changing.
* @param mode The new mode that the device is requested to transition to.
* @param response A reference to a response that will be sent to the client. The contents of which con be modified by the
* application.
void HandleChangeToMode(uint8_t mode, ModeBase::Commands::ChangeToModeResponse::Type & response) override;
* Get the mode label of the Nth mode in the list of modes.
* @param modeIndex The index of the mode to be returned. It is assumed that modes are indexable from 0 and with no gaps.
* @param label A reference to the mutable char span which will be mutated to receive the label on success. Use
* CopyCharSpanToMutableCharSpan to copy into the MutableCharSpan.
* @return Returns a CHIP_NO_ERROR if there was no error and the label was returned successfully.
* CHIP_ERROR_PROVIDER_LIST_EXHAUSTED if the modeIndex in beyond the list of available labels.
CHIP_ERROR GetModeLabelByIndex(uint8_t modeIndex, MutableCharSpan & label) override;
* Get the mode value of the Nth mode in the list of modes.
* @param modeIndex The index of the mode to be returned. It is assumed that modes are indexable from 0 and with no gaps.
* @param value a reference to the uint8_t variable that is to contain the mode value.
* @return Returns a CHIP_NO_ERROR if there was no error and the value was returned successfully.
* CHIP_ERROR_PROVIDER_LIST_EXHAUSTED if the modeIndex in beyond the list of available values.
CHIP_ERROR GetModeValueByIndex(uint8_t modeIndex, uint8_t & value) override;
* Get the mode tags of the Nth mode in the list of modes.
* @param modeIndex The index of the mode to be returned. It is assumed that modes are indexable from 0 and with no gaps.
* @param tags a reference to an existing and initialised buffer that is to contain the mode tags. std::copy can be used
* to copy into the buffer.
* @return Returns a CHIP_NO_ERROR if there was no error and the mode tags were returned successfully.
* CHIP_ERROR_PROVIDER_LIST_EXHAUSTED if the modeIndex in beyond the list of available mode tags.
CHIP_ERROR GetModeTagsByIndex(uint8_t modeIndex, DataModel::List<ModeTagStructType> & tags) override;
// define delegates and instances for Microwave Oven device
OperationalState::Instance mOperationalStateInstance;
ModeBase::Instance mMicrowaveOvenModeInstance;
MicrowaveOvenControl::Instance mMicrowaveOvenControlInstance;
// MicrowaveOvenMode types
ModeTagStructType modeTagsNormal[1] = { { .value = to_underlying(MicrowaveOvenMode::ModeTag::kNormal) } };
ModeTagStructType modeTagsDefrost[1] = { { .value = to_underlying(MicrowaveOvenMode::ModeTag::kDefrost) } };
const detail::Structs::ModeOptionStruct::Type kModeOptions[2] = {
detail::Structs::ModeOptionStruct::Type{ .label = CharSpan::fromCharString("Normal"),
.mode = ModeNormal,
.modeTags = DataModel::List<const ModeTagStructType>(modeTagsNormal) },
detail::Structs::ModeOptionStruct::Type{ .label = CharSpan::fromCharString("Defrost"),
.mode = ModeDefrost,
.modeTags = DataModel::List<const ModeTagStructType>(modeTagsDefrost) }
// Operational States
const OperationalState::GenericOperationalState mOpStateList[4] = {
const app::DataModel::List<const OperationalState::GenericOperationalState> mOperationalStateList =
Span<const OperationalState::GenericOperationalState>(mOpStateList);
const Span<const CharSpan> mOperationalPhaseList;
} // namespace Clusters
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip
void MatterMicrowaveOvenServerInit();
void MatterMicrowaveOvenServerShutdown();