blob: 0bcad38c702c6937df7fa4b1659ddff21efa4590 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package chip.devicecontroller;
public final class ChipIdLookup {
* Translates cluster ID to a cluster name in upper camel case. If no matching ID is found,
* returns an empty string.
public static String clusterIdToName(long clusterId) {
if (clusterId == 3L) {
return "Identify";
if (clusterId == 4L) {
return "Groups";
if (clusterId == 5L) {
return "Scenes";
if (clusterId == 6L) {
return "OnOff";
if (clusterId == 7L) {
return "OnOffSwitchConfiguration";
if (clusterId == 8L) {
return "LevelControl";
if (clusterId == 15L) {
return "BinaryInputBasic";
if (clusterId == 29L) {
return "Descriptor";
if (clusterId == 30L) {
return "Binding";
if (clusterId == 31L) {
return "AccessControl";
if (clusterId == 37L) {
return "Actions";
if (clusterId == 40L) {
return "BasicInformation";
if (clusterId == 41L) {
return "OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider";
if (clusterId == 42L) {
return "OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor";
if (clusterId == 43L) {
return "LocalizationConfiguration";
if (clusterId == 44L) {
return "TimeFormatLocalization";
if (clusterId == 45L) {
return "UnitLocalization";
if (clusterId == 46L) {
return "PowerSourceConfiguration";
if (clusterId == 47L) {
return "PowerSource";
if (clusterId == 48L) {
return "GeneralCommissioning";
if (clusterId == 49L) {
return "NetworkCommissioning";
if (clusterId == 50L) {
return "DiagnosticLogs";
if (clusterId == 51L) {
return "GeneralDiagnostics";
if (clusterId == 52L) {
return "SoftwareDiagnostics";
if (clusterId == 53L) {
return "ThreadNetworkDiagnostics";
if (clusterId == 54L) {
return "WiFiNetworkDiagnostics";
if (clusterId == 55L) {
return "EthernetNetworkDiagnostics";
if (clusterId == 57L) {
return "BridgedDeviceBasic";
if (clusterId == 59L) {
return "Switch";
if (clusterId == 60L) {
return "AdministratorCommissioning";
if (clusterId == 62L) {
return "OperationalCredentials";
if (clusterId == 63L) {
return "GroupKeyManagement";
if (clusterId == 64L) {
return "FixedLabel";
if (clusterId == 65L) {
return "UserLabel";
if (clusterId == 69L) {
return "BooleanState";
if (clusterId == 80L) {
return "ModeSelect";
if (clusterId == 257L) {
return "DoorLock";
if (clusterId == 258L) {
return "WindowCovering";
if (clusterId == 259L) {
return "BarrierControl";
if (clusterId == 512L) {
return "PumpConfigurationAndControl";
if (clusterId == 513L) {
return "Thermostat";
if (clusterId == 514L) {
return "FanControl";
if (clusterId == 516L) {
return "ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration";
if (clusterId == 768L) {
return "ColorControl";
if (clusterId == 769L) {
return "BallastConfiguration";
if (clusterId == 1024L) {
return "IlluminanceMeasurement";
if (clusterId == 1026L) {
return "TemperatureMeasurement";
if (clusterId == 1027L) {
return "PressureMeasurement";
if (clusterId == 1028L) {
return "FlowMeasurement";
if (clusterId == 1029L) {
return "RelativeHumidityMeasurement";
if (clusterId == 1030L) {
return "OccupancySensing";
if (clusterId == 1283L) {
return "WakeOnLan";
if (clusterId == 1284L) {
return "Channel";
if (clusterId == 1285L) {
return "TargetNavigator";
if (clusterId == 1286L) {
return "MediaPlayback";
if (clusterId == 1287L) {
return "MediaInput";
if (clusterId == 1288L) {
return "LowPower";
if (clusterId == 1289L) {
return "KeypadInput";
if (clusterId == 1290L) {
return "ContentLauncher";
if (clusterId == 1291L) {
return "AudioOutput";
if (clusterId == 1292L) {
return "ApplicationLauncher";
if (clusterId == 1293L) {
return "ApplicationBasic";
if (clusterId == 1294L) {
return "AccountLogin";
if (clusterId == 2820L) {
return "ElectricalMeasurement";
if (clusterId == 4294048773L) {
return "UnitTesting";
return "";
* Translates cluster ID and attribute ID to an attribute name in upper camel case. If no matching
* IDs are found, returns an empty string.
public static String attributeIdToName(long clusterId, long attributeId) {
if (clusterId == 3L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "IdentifyTime";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "IdentifyType";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 4L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "NameSupport";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 5L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "SceneCount";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentScene";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "CurrentGroup";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "SceneValid";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "NameSupport";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 6L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "OnOff";
if (attributeId == 16384L) {
return "GlobalSceneControl";
if (attributeId == 16385L) {
return "OnTime";
if (attributeId == 16386L) {
return "OffWaitTime";
if (attributeId == 16387L) {
return "StartUpOnOff";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 7L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "SwitchType";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "SwitchActions";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 8L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "CurrentLevel";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "RemainingTime";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MinLevel";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "MaxLevel";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "CurrentFrequency";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "MinFrequency";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "MaxFrequency";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "Options";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "OnOffTransitionTime";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "OnLevel";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "OnTransitionTime";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "OffTransitionTime";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "DefaultMoveRate";
if (attributeId == 16384L) {
return "StartUpCurrentLevel";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 15L) {
if (attributeId == 81L) {
return "OutOfService";
if (attributeId == 85L) {
return "PresentValue";
if (attributeId == 111L) {
return "StatusFlags";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 29L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "DeviceTypeList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "ServerList";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "ClientList";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "PartsList";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 30L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Binding";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 31L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Acl";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "Extension";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "TargetsPerAccessControlEntry";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "AccessControlEntriesPerFabric";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 37L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "ActionList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "EndpointLists";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "SetupURL";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 40L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "DataModelRevision";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "VendorName";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "VendorID";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "ProductName";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "ProductID";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "NodeLabel";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "Location";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "HardwareVersion";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "HardwareVersionString";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "SoftwareVersion";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "SoftwareVersionString";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "ManufacturingDate";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "PartNumber";
if (attributeId == 13L) {
return "ProductURL";
if (attributeId == 14L) {
return "ProductLabel";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "SerialNumber";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "LocalConfigDisabled";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "Reachable";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "UniqueID";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "CapabilityMinima";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 41L) {
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 42L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "DefaultOTAProviders";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "UpdatePossible";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "UpdateState";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "UpdateStateProgress";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 43L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "ActiveLocale";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "SupportedLocales";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 44L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "HourFormat";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "ActiveCalendarType";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "SupportedCalendarTypes";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 45L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "TemperatureUnit";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 46L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Sources";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 47L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Status";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "Order";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "Description";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "WiredAssessedInputVoltage";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "WiredAssessedInputFrequency";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "WiredCurrentType";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "WiredAssessedCurrent";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "WiredNominalVoltage";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "WiredMaximumCurrent";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "WiredPresent";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "ActiveWiredFaults";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "BatVoltage";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "BatPercentRemaining";
if (attributeId == 13L) {
return "BatTimeRemaining";
if (attributeId == 14L) {
return "BatChargeLevel";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "BatReplacementNeeded";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "BatReplaceability";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "BatPresent";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "ActiveBatFaults";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "BatReplacementDescription";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "BatCommonDesignation";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "BatANSIDesignation";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "BatIECDesignation";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "BatApprovedChemistry";
if (attributeId == 24L) {
return "BatCapacity";
if (attributeId == 25L) {
return "BatQuantity";
if (attributeId == 26L) {
return "BatChargeState";
if (attributeId == 27L) {
return "BatTimeToFullCharge";
if (attributeId == 28L) {
return "BatFunctionalWhileCharging";
if (attributeId == 29L) {
return "BatChargingCurrent";
if (attributeId == 30L) {
return "ActiveBatChargeFaults";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 48L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Breadcrumb";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "BasicCommissioningInfo";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "RegulatoryConfig";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "LocationCapability";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "SupportsConcurrentConnection";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 49L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MaxNetworks";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "Networks";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "ScanMaxTimeSeconds";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "ConnectMaxTimeSeconds";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "InterfaceEnabled";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "LastNetworkingStatus";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "LastNetworkID";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "LastConnectErrorValue";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 50L) {
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 51L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "NetworkInterfaces";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "RebootCount";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "UpTime";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "TotalOperationalHours";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "BootReasons";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "ActiveHardwareFaults";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "ActiveRadioFaults";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "ActiveNetworkFaults";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "TestEventTriggersEnabled";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 52L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "ThreadMetrics";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentHeapFree";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "CurrentHeapUsed";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "CurrentHeapHighWatermark";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 53L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Channel";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "RoutingRole";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "NetworkName";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "PanId";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "ExtendedPanId";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "MeshLocalPrefix";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "OverrunCount";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "NeighborTableList";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "RouteTableList";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "PartitionId";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "Weighting";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "DataVersion";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "StableDataVersion";
if (attributeId == 13L) {
return "LeaderRouterId";
if (attributeId == 14L) {
return "DetachedRoleCount";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "ChildRoleCount";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "RouterRoleCount";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "LeaderRoleCount";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "AttachAttemptCount";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "PartitionIdChangeCount";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "ParentChangeCount";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "TxTotalCount";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "TxUnicastCount";
if (attributeId == 24L) {
return "TxBroadcastCount";
if (attributeId == 25L) {
return "TxAckRequestedCount";
if (attributeId == 26L) {
return "TxAckedCount";
if (attributeId == 27L) {
return "TxNoAckRequestedCount";
if (attributeId == 28L) {
return "TxDataCount";
if (attributeId == 29L) {
return "TxDataPollCount";
if (attributeId == 30L) {
return "TxBeaconCount";
if (attributeId == 31L) {
return "TxBeaconRequestCount";
if (attributeId == 32L) {
return "TxOtherCount";
if (attributeId == 33L) {
return "TxRetryCount";
if (attributeId == 34L) {
return "TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount";
if (attributeId == 35L) {
return "TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount";
if (attributeId == 36L) {
return "TxErrCcaCount";
if (attributeId == 37L) {
return "TxErrAbortCount";
if (attributeId == 38L) {
return "TxErrBusyChannelCount";
if (attributeId == 39L) {
return "RxTotalCount";
if (attributeId == 40L) {
return "RxUnicastCount";
if (attributeId == 41L) {
return "RxBroadcastCount";
if (attributeId == 42L) {
return "RxDataCount";
if (attributeId == 43L) {
return "RxDataPollCount";
if (attributeId == 44L) {
return "RxBeaconCount";
if (attributeId == 45L) {
return "RxBeaconRequestCount";
if (attributeId == 46L) {
return "RxOtherCount";
if (attributeId == 47L) {
return "RxAddressFilteredCount";
if (attributeId == 48L) {
return "RxDestAddrFilteredCount";
if (attributeId == 49L) {
return "RxDuplicatedCount";
if (attributeId == 50L) {
return "RxErrNoFrameCount";
if (attributeId == 51L) {
return "RxErrUnknownNeighborCount";
if (attributeId == 52L) {
return "RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount";
if (attributeId == 53L) {
return "RxErrSecCount";
if (attributeId == 54L) {
return "RxErrFcsCount";
if (attributeId == 55L) {
return "RxErrOtherCount";
if (attributeId == 56L) {
return "ActiveTimestamp";
if (attributeId == 57L) {
return "PendingTimestamp";
if (attributeId == 58L) {
return "Delay";
if (attributeId == 59L) {
return "SecurityPolicy";
if (attributeId == 60L) {
return "ChannelPage0Mask";
if (attributeId == 61L) {
return "OperationalDatasetComponents";
if (attributeId == 62L) {
return "ActiveNetworkFaultsList";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 54L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Bssid";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "SecurityType";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "WiFiVersion";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "ChannelNumber";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "Rssi";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "BeaconLostCount";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "BeaconRxCount";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "PacketMulticastRxCount";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "PacketMulticastTxCount";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "PacketUnicastRxCount";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "PacketUnicastTxCount";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "CurrentMaxRate";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "OverrunCount";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 55L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "PHYRate";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "FullDuplex";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "PacketRxCount";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "PacketTxCount";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "TxErrCount";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "CollisionCount";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "OverrunCount";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "CarrierDetect";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "TimeSinceReset";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 57L) {
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "VendorName";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "VendorID";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "ProductName";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "NodeLabel";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "HardwareVersion";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "HardwareVersionString";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "SoftwareVersion";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "SoftwareVersionString";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "ManufacturingDate";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "PartNumber";
if (attributeId == 13L) {
return "ProductURL";
if (attributeId == 14L) {
return "ProductLabel";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "SerialNumber";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "Reachable";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "UniqueID";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 59L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "NumberOfPositions";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentPosition";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MultiPressMax";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 60L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "WindowStatus";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "AdminFabricIndex";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "AdminVendorId";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 62L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "NOCs";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "Fabrics";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "SupportedFabrics";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "CommissionedFabrics";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "TrustedRootCertificates";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "CurrentFabricIndex";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 63L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "GroupKeyMap";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "GroupTable";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxGroupsPerFabric";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "MaxGroupKeysPerFabric";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 64L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "LabelList";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 65L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "LabelList";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 69L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "StateValue";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 80L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Description";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "StandardNamespace";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "SupportedModes";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "CurrentMode";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "StartUpMode";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "OnMode";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 257L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "LockState";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "LockType";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "ActuatorEnabled";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "DoorState";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "NumberOfTotalUsersSupported";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "NumberOfPINUsersSupported";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "MaxPINCodeLength";
if (attributeId == 24L) {
return "MinPINCodeLength";
if (attributeId == 25L) {
return "MaxRFIDCodeLength";
if (attributeId == 26L) {
return "MinRFIDCodeLength";
if (attributeId == 28L) {
return "NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser";
if (attributeId == 33L) {
return "Language";
if (attributeId == 35L) {
return "AutoRelockTime";
if (attributeId == 36L) {
return "SoundVolume";
if (attributeId == 37L) {
return "OperatingMode";
if (attributeId == 38L) {
return "SupportedOperatingModes";
if (attributeId == 41L) {
return "EnableOneTouchLocking";
if (attributeId == 43L) {
return "EnablePrivacyModeButton";
if (attributeId == 48L) {
return "WrongCodeEntryLimit";
if (attributeId == 49L) {
return "UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime";
if (attributeId == 51L) {
return "RequirePINforRemoteOperation";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 258L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Type";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "PhysicalClosedLimitLift";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "PhysicalClosedLimitTilt";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "CurrentPositionLift";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "CurrentPositionTilt";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "NumberOfActuationsLift";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "NumberOfActuationsTilt";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "ConfigStatus";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "OperationalStatus";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths";
if (attributeId == 13L) {
return "EndProductType";
if (attributeId == 14L) {
return "CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "InstalledOpenLimitLift";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "InstalledClosedLimitLift";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "InstalledOpenLimitTilt";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "InstalledClosedLimitTilt";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "Mode";
if (attributeId == 26L) {
return "SafetyStatus";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 259L) {
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "BarrierMovingState";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "BarrierSafetyStatus";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "BarrierCapabilities";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "BarrierPosition";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 512L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MaxPressure";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "MaxSpeed";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxFlow";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "MinConstPressure";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "MaxConstPressure";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "MinCompPressure";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "MaxCompPressure";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "MinConstSpeed";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "MaxConstSpeed";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "MinConstFlow";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "MaxConstFlow";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "MinConstTemp";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "MaxConstTemp";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "PumpStatus";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "EffectiveOperationMode";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "EffectiveControlMode";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "Capacity";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "Speed";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "LifetimeRunningHours";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "Power";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "LifetimeEnergyConsumed";
if (attributeId == 32L) {
return "OperationMode";
if (attributeId == 33L) {
return "ControlMode";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 513L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "LocalTemperature";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "MinHeatSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "MaxHeatSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "MinCoolSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 24L) {
return "MaxCoolSetpointLimit";
if (attributeId == 25L) {
return "MinSetpointDeadBand";
if (attributeId == 27L) {
return "ControlSequenceOfOperation";
if (attributeId == 28L) {
return "SystemMode";
if (attributeId == 32L) {
return "StartOfWeek";
if (attributeId == 33L) {
return "NumberOfWeeklyTransitions";
if (attributeId == 34L) {
return "NumberOfDailyTransitions";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 514L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "FanMode";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "FanModeSequence";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "PercentSetting";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "PercentCurrent";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "SpeedMax";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "SpeedSetting";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "SpeedCurrent";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "RockSupport";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "RockSetting";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "WindSupport";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "WindSetting";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 516L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "TemperatureDisplayMode";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "KeypadLockout";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "ScheduleProgrammingVisibility";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 768L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "CurrentHue";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentSaturation";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "RemainingTime";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "CurrentX";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "CurrentY";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "DriftCompensation";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "CompensationText";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "ColorTemperatureMireds";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "ColorMode";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "Options";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "NumberOfPrimaries";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "Primary1X";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "Primary1Y";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "Primary1Intensity";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "Primary2X";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "Primary2Y";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "Primary2Intensity";
if (attributeId == 25L) {
return "Primary3X";
if (attributeId == 26L) {
return "Primary3Y";
if (attributeId == 27L) {
return "Primary3Intensity";
if (attributeId == 32L) {
return "Primary4X";
if (attributeId == 33L) {
return "Primary4Y";
if (attributeId == 34L) {
return "Primary4Intensity";
if (attributeId == 36L) {
return "Primary5X";
if (attributeId == 37L) {
return "Primary5Y";
if (attributeId == 38L) {
return "Primary5Intensity";
if (attributeId == 40L) {
return "Primary6X";
if (attributeId == 41L) {
return "Primary6Y";
if (attributeId == 42L) {
return "Primary6Intensity";
if (attributeId == 48L) {
return "WhitePointX";
if (attributeId == 49L) {
return "WhitePointY";
if (attributeId == 50L) {
return "ColorPointRX";
if (attributeId == 51L) {
return "ColorPointRY";
if (attributeId == 52L) {
return "ColorPointRIntensity";
if (attributeId == 54L) {
return "ColorPointGX";
if (attributeId == 55L) {
return "ColorPointGY";
if (attributeId == 56L) {
return "ColorPointGIntensity";
if (attributeId == 58L) {
return "ColorPointBX";
if (attributeId == 59L) {
return "ColorPointBY";
if (attributeId == 60L) {
return "ColorPointBIntensity";
if (attributeId == 16384L) {
return "EnhancedCurrentHue";
if (attributeId == 16385L) {
return "EnhancedColorMode";
if (attributeId == 16386L) {
return "ColorLoopActive";
if (attributeId == 16387L) {
return "ColorLoopDirection";
if (attributeId == 16388L) {
return "ColorLoopTime";
if (attributeId == 16389L) {
return "ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue";
if (attributeId == 16390L) {
return "ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue";
if (attributeId == 16394L) {
return "ColorCapabilities";
if (attributeId == 16395L) {
return "ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds";
if (attributeId == 16396L) {
return "ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds";
if (attributeId == 16397L) {
return "CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds";
if (attributeId == 16400L) {
return "StartUpColorTemperatureMireds";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 769L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "PhysicalMinLevel";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "PhysicalMaxLevel";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "BallastStatus";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "MinLevel";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "MaxLevel";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "IntrinsicBalanceFactor";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "BallastFactorAdjustment";
if (attributeId == 32L) {
return "LampQuantity";
if (attributeId == 48L) {
return "LampType";
if (attributeId == 49L) {
return "LampManufacturer";
if (attributeId == 50L) {
return "LampRatedHours";
if (attributeId == 51L) {
return "LampBurnHours";
if (attributeId == 52L) {
return "LampAlarmMode";
if (attributeId == 53L) {
return "LampBurnHoursTripPoint";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1024L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "MinMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "Tolerance";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "LightSensorType";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1026L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "MinMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "Tolerance";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1027L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "MinMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "Tolerance";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "ScaledValue";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "MinScaledValue";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "MaxScaledValue";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "ScaledTolerance";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "Scale";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1028L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "MinMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "Tolerance";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1029L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "MinMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "MaxMeasuredValue";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "Tolerance";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1030L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Occupancy";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "OccupancySensorType";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "OccupancySensorTypeBitmap";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1283L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MACAddress";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1284L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "ChannelList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "Lineup";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "CurrentChannel";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1285L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "TargetList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentTarget";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1286L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "CurrentState";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "StartTime";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "Duration";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "SampledPosition";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "PlaybackSpeed";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "SeekRangeEnd";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "SeekRangeStart";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1287L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "InputList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentInput";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1288L) {
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1289L) {
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1290L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "AcceptHeader";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "SupportedStreamingProtocols";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1291L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "OutputList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentOutput";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1292L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "CatalogList";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "CurrentApp";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1293L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "VendorName";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "VendorID";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "ApplicationName";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "ProductID";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "Application";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "Status";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "ApplicationVersion";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "AllowedVendorList";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 1294L) {
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 2820L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "MeasurementType";
if (attributeId == 772L) {
return "TotalActivePower";
if (attributeId == 1285L) {
return "RmsVoltage";
if (attributeId == 1286L) {
return "RmsVoltageMin";
if (attributeId == 1287L) {
return "RmsVoltageMax";
if (attributeId == 1288L) {
return "RmsCurrent";
if (attributeId == 1289L) {
return "RmsCurrentMin";
if (attributeId == 1290L) {
return "RmsCurrentMax";
if (attributeId == 1291L) {
return "ActivePower";
if (attributeId == 1292L) {
return "ActivePowerMin";
if (attributeId == 1293L) {
return "ActivePowerMax";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
if (clusterId == 4294048773L) {
if (attributeId == 0L) {
return "Boolean";
if (attributeId == 1L) {
return "Bitmap8";
if (attributeId == 2L) {
return "Bitmap16";
if (attributeId == 3L) {
return "Bitmap32";
if (attributeId == 4L) {
return "Bitmap64";
if (attributeId == 5L) {
return "Int8u";
if (attributeId == 6L) {
return "Int16u";
if (attributeId == 7L) {
return "Int24u";
if (attributeId == 8L) {
return "Int32u";
if (attributeId == 9L) {
return "Int40u";
if (attributeId == 10L) {
return "Int48u";
if (attributeId == 11L) {
return "Int56u";
if (attributeId == 12L) {
return "Int64u";
if (attributeId == 13L) {
return "Int8s";
if (attributeId == 14L) {
return "Int16s";
if (attributeId == 15L) {
return "Int24s";
if (attributeId == 16L) {
return "Int32s";
if (attributeId == 17L) {
return "Int40s";
if (attributeId == 18L) {
return "Int48s";
if (attributeId == 19L) {
return "Int56s";
if (attributeId == 20L) {
return "Int64s";
if (attributeId == 21L) {
return "Enum8";
if (attributeId == 22L) {
return "Enum16";
if (attributeId == 23L) {
return "FloatSingle";
if (attributeId == 24L) {
return "FloatDouble";
if (attributeId == 25L) {
return "OctetString";
if (attributeId == 26L) {
return "ListInt8u";
if (attributeId == 27L) {
return "ListOctetString";
if (attributeId == 28L) {
return "ListStructOctetString";
if (attributeId == 29L) {
return "LongOctetString";
if (attributeId == 30L) {
return "CharString";
if (attributeId == 31L) {
return "LongCharString";
if (attributeId == 32L) {
return "EpochUs";
if (attributeId == 33L) {
return "EpochS";
if (attributeId == 34L) {
return "VendorId";
if (attributeId == 35L) {
return "ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct";
if (attributeId == 36L) {
return "EnumAttr";
if (attributeId == 37L) {
return "StructAttr";
if (attributeId == 38L) {
return "RangeRestrictedInt8u";
if (attributeId == 39L) {
return "RangeRestrictedInt8s";
if (attributeId == 40L) {
return "RangeRestrictedInt16u";
if (attributeId == 41L) {
return "RangeRestrictedInt16s";
if (attributeId == 42L) {
return "ListLongOctetString";
if (attributeId == 43L) {
return "ListFabricScoped";
if (attributeId == 48L) {
return "TimedWriteBoolean";
if (attributeId == 49L) {
return "GeneralErrorBoolean";
if (attributeId == 50L) {
return "ClusterErrorBoolean";
if (attributeId == 255L) {
return "Unsupported";
if (attributeId == 16384L) {
return "NullableBoolean";
if (attributeId == 16385L) {
return "NullableBitmap8";
if (attributeId == 16386L) {
return "NullableBitmap16";
if (attributeId == 16387L) {
return "NullableBitmap32";
if (attributeId == 16388L) {
return "NullableBitmap64";
if (attributeId == 16389L) {
return "NullableInt8u";
if (attributeId == 16390L) {
return "NullableInt16u";
if (attributeId == 16391L) {
return "NullableInt24u";
if (attributeId == 16392L) {
return "NullableInt32u";
if (attributeId == 16393L) {
return "NullableInt40u";
if (attributeId == 16394L) {
return "NullableInt48u";
if (attributeId == 16395L) {
return "NullableInt56u";
if (attributeId == 16396L) {
return "NullableInt64u";
if (attributeId == 16397L) {
return "NullableInt8s";
if (attributeId == 16398L) {
return "NullableInt16s";
if (attributeId == 16399L) {
return "NullableInt24s";
if (attributeId == 16400L) {
return "NullableInt32s";
if (attributeId == 16401L) {
return "NullableInt40s";
if (attributeId == 16402L) {
return "NullableInt48s";
if (attributeId == 16403L) {
return "NullableInt56s";
if (attributeId == 16404L) {
return "NullableInt64s";
if (attributeId == 16405L) {
return "NullableEnum8";
if (attributeId == 16406L) {
return "NullableEnum16";
if (attributeId == 16407L) {
return "NullableFloatSingle";
if (attributeId == 16408L) {
return "NullableFloatDouble";
if (attributeId == 16409L) {
return "NullableOctetString";
if (attributeId == 16414L) {
return "NullableCharString";
if (attributeId == 16420L) {
return "NullableEnumAttr";
if (attributeId == 16421L) {
return "NullableStruct";
if (attributeId == 16422L) {
return "NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u";
if (attributeId == 16423L) {
return "NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s";
if (attributeId == 16424L) {
return "NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u";
if (attributeId == 16425L) {
return "NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s";
if (attributeId == 65528L) {
return "GeneratedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65529L) {
return "AcceptedCommandList";
if (attributeId == 65531L) {
return "AttributeList";
if (attributeId == 65532L) {
return "FeatureMap";
if (attributeId == 65533L) {
return "ClusterRevision";
return "";
return "";
* Translates cluster ID and event ID to an attribute name in upper camel case. If no matching IDs
* are found, returns an empty string.
public static String eventIdToName(long clusterId, long eventId) {
if (clusterId == 3L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 4L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 5L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 6L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 7L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 8L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 15L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 29L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 30L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 31L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "AccessControlEntryChanged";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "AccessControlExtensionChanged";
return "";
if (clusterId == 37L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "StateChanged";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "ActionFailed";
return "";
if (clusterId == 40L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "StartUp";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "ShutDown";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "Leave";
if (eventId == 3L) {
return "ReachableChanged";
return "";
if (clusterId == 41L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 42L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "StateTransition";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "VersionApplied";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "DownloadError";
return "";
if (clusterId == 43L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 44L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 45L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 46L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 47L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 48L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 49L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 50L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 51L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "HardwareFaultChange";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "RadioFaultChange";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "NetworkFaultChange";
if (eventId == 3L) {
return "BootReason";
return "";
if (clusterId == 52L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "SoftwareFault";
return "";
if (clusterId == 53L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "ConnectionStatus";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "NetworkFaultChange";
return "";
if (clusterId == 54L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "Disconnection";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "AssociationFailure";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "ConnectionStatus";
return "";
if (clusterId == 55L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 57L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "StartUp";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "ShutDown";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "Leave";
if (eventId == 3L) {
return "ReachableChanged";
return "";
if (clusterId == 59L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "SwitchLatched";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "InitialPress";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "LongPress";
if (eventId == 3L) {
return "ShortRelease";
if (eventId == 4L) {
return "LongRelease";
if (eventId == 5L) {
return "MultiPressOngoing";
if (eventId == 6L) {
return "MultiPressComplete";
return "";
if (clusterId == 60L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 62L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 63L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 64L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 65L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 69L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "StateChange";
return "";
if (clusterId == 80L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 257L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "DoorLockAlarm";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "DoorStateChange";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "LockOperation";
if (eventId == 3L) {
return "LockOperationError";
if (eventId == 4L) {
return "LockUserChange";
return "";
if (clusterId == 258L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 259L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 512L) {
if (eventId == 0L) {
return "SupplyVoltageLow";
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "SupplyVoltageHigh";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "PowerMissingPhase";
if (eventId == 3L) {
return "SystemPressureLow";
if (eventId == 4L) {
return "SystemPressureHigh";
if (eventId == 5L) {
return "DryRunning";
if (eventId == 6L) {
return "MotorTemperatureHigh";
if (eventId == 7L) {
return "PumpMotorFatalFailure";
if (eventId == 8L) {
return "ElectronicTemperatureHigh";
if (eventId == 9L) {
return "PumpBlocked";
if (eventId == 10L) {
return "SensorFailure";
if (eventId == 11L) {
return "ElectronicNonFatalFailure";
if (eventId == 12L) {
return "ElectronicFatalFailure";
if (eventId == 13L) {
return "GeneralFault";
if (eventId == 14L) {
return "Leakage";
if (eventId == 15L) {
return "AirDetection";
if (eventId == 16L) {
return "TurbineOperation";
return "";
if (clusterId == 513L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 514L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 516L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 768L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 769L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1024L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1026L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1027L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1028L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1029L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1030L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1283L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1284L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1285L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1286L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1287L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1288L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1289L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1290L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1291L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1292L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1293L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 1294L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 2820L) {
return "";
if (clusterId == 4294048773L) {
if (eventId == 1L) {
return "TestEvent";
if (eventId == 2L) {
return "TestFabricScopedEvent";
return "";
return "";