blob: 053cd785aac472f27afa53c73d86ed71fc1fc8fb [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
#include <app/data-model/Decode.h>
#include <app/data-model/Encode.h>
#include <app/data-model/Nullable.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace DataModel {
// Container requirements.
// To encode and decode as a list the following must be present
// void clear();
// size_type size();
// T& back();
// void emplace_back();
// iterator_type begin();
// iterator_type end();
// iterator_type must conform to LegacyForwardIterator
// The contained type must be default-constructible
template <typename X>
class IsList
typedef char yes;
typedef long no;
template <typename U>
static yes test(decltype(&U::size));
template <typename U>
static no test(...);
static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test<X>(0)) == sizeof(yes);
template <typename X>
struct IsOptionalOrNullable
static constexpr bool value = false;
template <typename X>
struct IsOptionalOrNullable<Optional<X>>
static constexpr bool value = true;
template <typename X>
struct IsOptionalOrNullable<Nullable<X>>
static constexpr bool value = true;
static_assert(IsList<std::vector<unsigned char>>::value, "Vector of chars must be a list");
template <typename X,
std::enable_if_t<!IsOptionalOrNullable<std::decay_t<X>>::value && !IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value, bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath &, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder, const X & x)
return aEncoder.Encode(x);
* @brief
* Lists that are string-like should be encoded as char/byte spans.
* Encode using a given AttributeValueEncoder.
template <
typename X,
std::enable_if_t<IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value && sizeof(std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>) == sizeof(char), bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder, const X & x)
return aEncoder.Encode(Span<std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>>(, x.size()));
* @brief
* Lists that are string-like should be encoded as char/byte spans.
* Encode using a given TLVWriter.
template <
typename X,
std::enable_if_t<IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value && sizeof(std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>) == sizeof(char), bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const X & x)
return writer.Put(tag, Span<std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>>(, x.size()));
* @brief
* If an item is requested from a list, encode just that single item, or the entire list otherwise.
* Encodes items using a given AttributeValueEncoder.
* The object must satisfy the following constraints
* size() must return an integer
* begin() must return a type conforming to LegacyRandomAccessIterator
* This is const X& instead of X&& because it is "more specialized" and so this overload will
* be chosen if possible.
template <
typename X,
std::enable_if_t<IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value && (sizeof(std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>) > sizeof(char)), bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder, const X & x)
if (aPath.mListIndex.HasValue())
uint16_t index = aPath.mListIndex.Value();
if (index >= x.size())
auto it = x.begin();
std::advance(it, index);
return aEncoder.Encode(*it);
return aEncoder.EncodeList([x](const auto & encoder) {
for (auto & v : x)
err = encoder.Encode(v);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return err;
* @brief
* If an item is requested from a list, encode just that single item, or the entire list otherwise.
* Encodes items using a given TLVWriter.
* The object must satisfy the following constraints
* size() must return an integer
* begin() must return a type conforming to LegacyRandomAccessIterator
* This is const X& instead of X&& because it is "more specialized" and so this overload will
* be chosen if possible.
template <
typename X,
std::enable_if_t<IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value && (sizeof(std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>) > sizeof(char)), bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const X & x)
if (aPath.mListIndex.HasValue())
uint16_t index = aPath.mListIndex.Value();
if (index >= x.size())
auto it = x.begin();
std::advance(it, index);
return Encode(writer, tag, *it);
TLV::TLVType type;
ReturnErrorOnFailure(writer.StartContainer(tag, TLV::kTLVType_Array, type));
for (auto & item : x)
ReturnErrorOnFailure(Encode(writer, tag, item));
* @brief
* Set of overloaded encode methods that can be called from AttributeAccessInterface::Read
template <typename X>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder, const Optional<X> & x)
if (x.HasValue())
return Encode(aPath, aEncoder, x.Value());
// If no value, just do nothing.
* @brief
* Encodes a nullable value.
template <typename X>
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder, const Nullable<X> & x)
if (x.IsNull())
return aEncoder.EncodeNull();
// Allow sending invalid values for nullables when
// CONFIG_BUILD_FOR_HOST_UNIT_TEST is true, so we can test how the other side
// responds.
if (!x.ExistingValueInEncodableRange())
return CHIP_IM_GLOBAL_STATUS(ConstraintError);
// The -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning gets confused about the fact
// that x.mValue is always initialized if x.IsNull() is not
// true, so suppress it for our access to x.Value().
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#if !defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
#endif // !defined(__clang__)
return Encode(aPath, aEncoder, x.Value());
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
template <typename X,
std::enable_if_t<!IsOptionalOrNullable<std::decay_t<X>>::value && !IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value, bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Decode(const ConcreteDataAttributePath &, AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder, X & x)
return aDecoder.Decode(x);
* @brief
* Lists that are string-like should be decoded as char/byte spans.
template <
typename X,
std::enable_if_t<IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value && sizeof(std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>) == sizeof(char), bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Decode(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder, X & x)
Span<std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>> span;
CHIP_ERROR err = aDecoder.Decode(span);
if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
x = X(, span.size());
return err;
template <
typename X,
std::enable_if_t<IsList<std::decay_t<X>>::value && (sizeof(std::decay_t<typename X::pointer>) > sizeof(char)), bool> = true>
CHIP_ERROR Decode(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder, X & x)
switch (aPath.mListOp)
case ConcreteDataAttributePath::ListOperation::DeleteItem:
if (aPath.mListIndex >= x.size())
auto it = x.begin();
std::advance(it, aPath.mListIndex);
case ConcreteDataAttributePath::ListOperation::ReplaceItem:
if (aPath.mListIndex >= x.size())
auto it = x.begin();
std::advance(it, aPath.mListIndex);
return aDecoder.Decode(*it);
case ConcreteDataAttributePath::ListOperation::ReplaceAll:
return aDecoder.Decode(x.back());
* @brief
* Decodes an optional value (struct field, command field, event field).
template <typename X>
CHIP_ERROR Decode(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder, Optional<X> & x)
// If we are calling this, it means we found the right tag, so just decode
// the item.
return Decode(aPath, aDecoder, x.HasValue() ? x.Value() : x.Emplace());
* @brief
* Decodes a nullable value.
template <typename X>
CHIP_ERROR Decode(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder, Nullable<X> & x)
if (aDecoder.WillDecodeNull())
// We have a value; decode it.
ReturnErrorOnFailure(Decode(aPath, aDecoder, x.SetNonNull()));
if (!x.ExistingValueInEncodableRange())
return CHIP_IM_GLOBAL_STATUS(ConstraintError);
} // namespace DataModel
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip