blob: b8f8b811ec174d9d3685411a905a37efbc3d41c0 [file] [log] [blame]
package chip.onboardingpayload
/** Class to hold the data from the scanned QR code or Manual Pairing Code. */
class OnboardingPayload(
/** Version info of the OnboardingPayload: version SHALL be 0 */
var version: Int = 0,
/** The CHIP device vendor ID: Vendor ID SHALL be between 1 and 0xFFF4. */
var vendorId: Int = 0,
/** The CHIP device product ID: Product ID SHALL BE greater than 0. */
var productId: Int = 0,
/** Commissioning flow: 0 = standard, 1 = requires user action, 2 = custom */
var commissioningFlow: Int = 0,
* The CHIP device supported rendezvous flags: At least one DiscoveryCapability must be included.
var discoveryCapabilities: Set<DiscoveryCapability> = emptySet(),
/** The CHIP device discriminator: */
var discriminator: Int = 0,
* If hasShortDiscriminator is true, the discriminator value contains just the high 4 bits of the
* full discriminator. For example, if hasShortDiscriminator is true and discriminator is 0xA,
* then the full discriminator can be anything in the range 0xA00 to 0xAFF.
var hasShortDiscriminator: Boolean = false,
* The CHIP device setup PIN code: setupPINCode SHALL be greater than 0. Also invalid setupPINCode
* is {000000000, 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, 55555555, 66666666, 77777777, 88888888,
* 99999999, 12345678, 87654321}.
var setupPinCode: Long = 0
) {
var optionalQRCodeInfo: HashMap<Int, OptionalQRCodeInfo>
init {
optionalQRCodeInfo = HashMap()
version: Int,
vendorId: Int,
productId: Int,
commissioningFlow: Int,
discoveryCapabilities: Set<DiscoveryCapability>,
discriminator: Int,
setupPinCode: Long
) : this(
fun addOptionalQRCodeInfo(info: OptionalQRCodeInfo) {
optionalQRCodeInfo[info.tag] = info