blob: 489d4444370d5e341e71287aa7a577fac2ff731e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Google LLC.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package chip.tlv
import java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble
import java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat
* Implements Matter TLV reader that supports all values and tags as defined in the Spec.
* @param bytes the bytes to interpret
class TlvReader(bytes: ByteArray) : Iterable<Element> {
private val bytes = bytes.copyOf()
private var index = 0
* Reads the next element from the TLV.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the TLV data was invalid
fun nextElement(): Element {
// Ensure that at least one byte for control data is available for reading.
checkSize("controlByte", 1)
val controlByte = bytes[index]
val elementType =
runCatching { Type.from(controlByte) }
.onFailure {
throw TlvParsingException("Type error at $index for ${controlByte.toBinary()}", it)
// Read tag, and advance index past tag bytes
val tag =
runCatching { Tag.from(controlByte, index, bytes) }
.onFailure {
throw TlvParsingException("Tag error at $index for ${controlByte.toBinary()}", it)
index += tag.size
// Element has either a length section or a fixed number of bytes for the value section. If
// present, length is encoded as 1 or 2 bytes indicating the number of bytes in the value.
val lengthSize = elementType.lengthSize
val valueSize: Int
if (lengthSize > 0) {
checkSize("length", lengthSize)
if (lengthSize > Int.SIZE_BYTES) {
throw TlvParsingException("Length $lengthSize at $index too long")
valueSize = bytes.sliceArray(index until index + lengthSize).fromLittleEndianToLong().toInt()
index += lengthSize
} else {
valueSize = elementType.valueSize.toInt()
// Ensure that the encoded length fits in the range of the array, and advance index to the
// next control byte.
checkSize("value", valueSize)
val valueBytes = bytes.sliceArray(index until index + valueSize)
index += valueSize
// Only supporting a small subset of value types currently. Others will just be interpreted
// as a null value.
val value: Value =
when (elementType) {
is SignedIntType -> IntValue(valueBytes.fromLittleEndianToLong(isSigned = true))
is UnsignedIntType -> UnsignedIntValue(valueBytes.fromLittleEndianToLong())
is Utf8StringType -> Utf8StringValue(String(valueBytes, Charsets.UTF_8))
is ByteStringType -> ByteStringValue(valueBytes)
is BooleanType -> BooleanValue(elementType.value)
is FloatType -> FloatValue(intBitsToFloat(valueBytes.fromLittleEndianToLong().toInt()))
is DoubleType -> DoubleValue(longBitsToDouble(valueBytes.fromLittleEndianToLong()))
is StructureType -> StructureValue
is ArrayType -> ArrayValue
is ListType -> ListValue
is EndOfContainerType -> EndOfContainerValue
else -> NullValue
return Element(tag, value)
* Reads the next element from the TLV. Unlike nextElement() this method leaves the TLV reader
* positioned at the same element and doesn't advance it to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the TLV data was invalid
fun peekElement(): Element {
val currentIndex = index
val element = nextElement()
index = currentIndex
return element
* Reads the encoded Long value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getLong(tag: Tag): Long {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is IntValue) { "Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected IntValue)" }
return value.value
* Reads the encoded ULong value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getULong(tag: Tag): ULong {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is UnsignedIntValue) {
"Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected UnsignedIntValue)"
return value.value.toULong()
* Reads the encoded Int value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getInt(tag: Tag): Int {
return checkRange(getLong(tag), Int.MIN_VALUE.toLong()..Int.MAX_VALUE.toLong()).toInt()
* Reads the encoded UInt value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getUInt(tag: Tag): UInt {
return checkRange(getULong(tag), UInt.MIN_VALUE.toULong()..UInt.MAX_VALUE.toULong()).toUInt()
* Reads the encoded Short value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getShort(tag: Tag): Short {
return checkRange(getLong(tag), Short.MIN_VALUE.toLong()..Short.MAX_VALUE.toLong()).toShort()
* Reads the encoded UShort value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getUShort(tag: Tag): UShort {
return checkRange(getULong(tag), UShort.MIN_VALUE.toULong()..UShort.MAX_VALUE.toULong())
* Reads the encoded Byte value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getByte(tag: Tag): Byte {
return checkRange(getLong(tag), Byte.MIN_VALUE.toLong()..Byte.MAX_VALUE.toLong()).toByte()
* Reads the encoded UByte value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getUByte(tag: Tag): UByte {
return checkRange(getULong(tag), UByte.MIN_VALUE.toULong()..UByte.MAX_VALUE.toULong()).toUByte()
* Reads the encoded Boolean value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getBool(tag: Tag): Boolean {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is BooleanValue) {
"Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected BooleanValue)"
return value.value
* Reads the encoded Float value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getFloat(tag: Tag): Float {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is FloatValue) { "Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected FloatValue)" }
return value.value
* Reads the encoded Double value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getDouble(tag: Tag): Double {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is DoubleValue) {
"Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected DoubleValue)"
return value.value
* Reads the encoded UTF8 String value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getUtf8String(tag: Tag): String {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is Utf8StringValue) {
"Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected Utf8StringValue)"
return value.value
* Reads the encoded Octet String value and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getByteString(tag: Tag): ByteArray {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is ByteStringValue) {
"Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected ByteStringValue)"
return value.value
* Verifies that the current element is Null with expected tag and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun getNull(tag: Tag) {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is NullValue) { "Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected NullValue)" }
* Verifies that the current element is a start of a Structure and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun enterStructure(tag: Tag) {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is StructureValue) {
"Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected StructureValue)"
* Verifies that the current element is a start of an Array and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun enterArray(tag: Tag) {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is ArrayValue) { "Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected ArrayValue)" }
* Verifies that the current element is a start of a List and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the element is not of the expected type or tag
fun enterList(tag: Tag) {
val value = nextElement().verifyTagAndGetValue(tag)
require(value is ListValue) { "Unexpected value $value at index $index (expected ListValue)" }
* Completes the reading of a Tlv container and prepares to read elements after the container.
* Note that if a TlvReader is not currently positioned at the EndOfContainerValue then function
* skips all unread element in container until it finds the end.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the end of the container element is not found
fun exitContainer() {
var relevantDepth = 1
while (relevantDepth > 0) {
val value = nextElement().value
if (value is EndOfContainerValue) {
} else if (value is StructureValue || value is ArrayValue || value is ListValue) {
private fun Element.verifyTagAndGetValue(expectedTag: Tag): Value {
require(tag == expectedTag) {
"Unexpected value tag $tag at index $index (expected $expectedTag)"
return value
* Skips the current element and advances to the next element.
* @throws TlvParsingException if the TLV data was invalid
fun skipElement() {
/** Returns the total number of bytes read since the TlvReader was initialized. */
fun getLengthRead(): Int {
return index
/** Returns the total number of bytes that can be read until the end of TLV data is reached. */
fun getRemainingLength(): Int {
return bytes.size - index
/** Returns true if TlvReader is positioned at the end of container. */
fun isEndOfContainer(): Boolean {
// Ensure that at least one byte for control data is available for reading.
checkSize("controlByte", 1)
return bytes[index] == EndOfContainerType.encode()
/** Returns true if TlvReader reached the end of Tlv data. Returns false otherwise. */
fun isEndOfTlv(): Boolean {
return bytes.size == index
/** Resets the reader to the start of the provided byte array. */
fun reset() {
index = 0
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Element> {
return object : AbstractIterator<Element>() {
override fun computeNext() {
if (index < bytes.size) {
} else {
private fun checkSize(propertyName: String, size: Number) {
if (index + size.toInt() > bytes.size) {
throw TlvParsingException(
"Invalid $propertyName length $size at index $index with ${bytes.size - index} available."
private fun <T : Comparable<T>> checkRange(
value: T,
range: ClosedRange<T>,
message: String = "Value $value at index $index is out of range $range"
): T {
if (value !in range) {
throw TlvParsingException(message)
return value
/** Exception thrown if there was an issue decoding the Matter TLV data. */
class TlvParsingException internal constructor(msg: String, cause: Throwable? = null) :
RuntimeException(msg, cause)