blob: 551e1e398ef85bfa977f59949ed7f5f966ed24ff [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import enum
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from chip.clusters.enum import MatterIntEnum
from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
from chip.tlv import float32, uint
from chip.yaml.errors import ValidationError
from matter_idl import matter_idl_types
class _TargetTypeInfo:
field: typing.Union[list[matter_idl_types.Field], matter_idl_types.Field]
is_fabric_scoped: bool
def _case_insensitive_getattr(object, attr_name, default):
for attr in dir(object):
if attr.lower() == attr_name.lower():
return getattr(object, attr)
return default
def _get_target_type_info(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, target_name) -> _TargetTypeInfo:
element = test_spec_definition.get_type_by_name(cluster_name, target_name)
if hasattr(element, 'fields'):
is_fabric_scoped = test_spec_definition.is_fabric_scoped(element)
return _TargetTypeInfo(element.fields, is_fabric_scoped)
return _TargetTypeInfo(None, False)
def from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, response_definition,
response_value, is_fabric_scoped=False):
'''Converts value from data model to definitions provided in test_spec_definition.
'test_spec_definition': The spec cluster definition used by the test parser.
'cluster_name': Used when we need to look up information in 'test_spec_definition'.
'response_definition': Type we are converting 'response_value' to. This will be one of
two types: list[idl.matter_idl_types.Field] or idl.matter_idl_types.Field
'response_value': Response value that we want to convert to
if response_value is None:
return response_value
# We first check to see if response_definition is list[idl.matter_idl_types.Field]. When we
# have list[idl.matter_idl_types.Field] that means we have a structure with multiple fields
# that need to be worked through recursively to properly convert the value to the right type.
if isinstance(response_definition, list):
rv = {}
# is_fabric_scoped will only be relevant for struct types, hence why it is only checked
# here.
if is_fabric_scoped:
rv['FabricIndex'] = _case_insensitive_getattr(response_value, 'fabricIndex', None)
for item in response_definition:
value = _case_insensitive_getattr(response_value,, None)
if item.is_optional and value is None:
rv[] = from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
item, value)
return rv
# We convert uint to python int because constraints first check that it is an expected type.
response_value_type = type(response_value)
if response_value_type == uint:
return int(response_value)
if response_definition is None:
return response_value
if response_value is NullValue:
return None
# For single float values types there seems to be a floating precision issue. By using '%g'
# it naturally give 6 most significat digits for us which is the amount of prcision we are
# looking for to give parity results to what chip-tool was getting (For TestCluster.yaml it
# give value back of `0.100000`.
if response_value_type == float32 and == 'single':
return float('%g' % response_value)
target_type_info = _get_target_type_info(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
response_sub_definition = target_type_info.field
is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped = target_type_info.is_fabric_scoped
# Check below is to see if the field itself is an array, for example array of ints.
if response_definition.is_list:
return [
from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
response_sub_definition, item,
is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped) for item in response_value
return from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
response_sub_definition, response_value,
def convert_list_of_name_value_pair_to_dict(arg_values):
'''Converts list of dict with items with keys 'name' and 'value' into single dict.
The test step contains a list of arguments that have multiple properties other than
'name' and 'value'. For the purposes of executing a test all these other attributes are not
important. We only want a simple dictionary of a new key/value where with the key being the
value of the 'name' field, and the value being 'value' field.
ret_value = {}
for item in arg_values:
ret_value[item['name']] = item['value']
return ret_value
def convert_to_data_model_type(field_value, field_type):
'''Converts value to provided data model pythonic object type.
The values provided by parser does not line up to the python data model for the various
command/attribute/event object types. This function converts 'field_value' to the provided
'field_value': Value as extracted by YAML parser.
'field_type': Pythonic command/attribute/event object type that we are converting value to.
origin = typing.get_origin(field_type)
if field_value is None:
field_value = NullValue
if (origin == typing.Union or origin == typing.Optional or origin == Nullable):
underlying_field_type = None
if field_value is NullValue:
for t in typing.get_args(field_type):
if t == Nullable:
return field_value
for t in typing.get_args(field_type):
# Comparison below explicitly not using 'isinstance' as that doesn't do what we want.
if t != Nullable and t != type(None):
underlying_field_type = t
if (underlying_field_type is None):
raise ValueError(f"Can't find the underling type for {field_type}")
field_type = underlying_field_type
# Dictionary represents a data model struct.
if (type(field_value) is dict):
return_field_value = {}
field_descriptors = field_type.descriptor
for item in field_value:
# We search for a matching item in the list of field descriptors
# for this struct and ensure we can find a field with a matching
# label.
field_descriptor = next(
x for x in field_descriptors.Fields if x.Label.lower() ==
except StopIteration as exc:
raise ValidationError(
f'Did not find field "{item}" in {str(field_type)}') from None
return_field_value[field_descriptor.Label] = convert_to_data_model_type(
field_value[item], field_descriptor.Type)
return return_field_value
elif (type(field_value) is float):
return float32(field_value)
# list represents a data model list
elif (type(field_value) is list):
list_element_type = typing.get_args(field_type)[0]
# The field type passed in is the type of the list element and not list[T].
for idx, item in enumerate(field_value):
field_value[idx] = convert_to_data_model_type(item, list_element_type)
return field_value
# YAML conversion treats all numbers as ints. Convert to a uint type if the schema
# type indicates so.
elif (field_type == uint):
# Longer number are stored as strings. Need to make this conversion first.
value = int(field_value)
return field_type(value)
# YAML treats enums as ints. Convert to the typed enum class.
elif (issubclass(field_type, MatterIntEnum)):
return field_type.extend_enum_if_value_doesnt_exist(field_value)
# By default, just return the field_value casted to field_type.
return field_type(field_value)